Chapter 317 317. Changing Roles

Or, don't come tomorrow?
Yusuke thought about it, but quickly rejected it. He had already made an agreement with Jessica and the others, and Yusuke didn't want to break the contract.

But what if we meet Eri and the others tomorrow?At that time, all my secrets will be exposed!
Although there are a lot of people in the exhibition, tens of thousands of people, but Yusuke dare not gamble on this chance.

After returning home, Yusuke was still thinking about this question.

"Yusuke, go ask Aiyi to come back for dinner" Mom said in the kitchen.

Aiyi ran to the neighbor Miyajima's house to play today, Yusuke responded and came to Miyajima's house, Aiyi and Saya were watching cartoons.

"Wait a minute, brother, the cartoon is almost over, it will be ready in a few minutes" Aiyi begged, Yusuke nodded, and sat down to watch the cartoon together, the popular animation "Demon Slayer: Blade" is playing now .

Looking at a character inside, Yusuke suddenly had an idea.

Just change the role tomorrow so that they don't see their true colors!
Yusuke thought about it carefully and found that the feasibility was very high, but the only problem was Jessica.

For this comic exhibition, Jessica specially made the glittering gold clothes, and Yusuke didn't want to make her sad.

Sure enough, after telling Jessica about this, Jessica's tone was a little low. After all, this was her hard work, and Yusuke felt a little guilty, so he promised Jessica to make it up to her next time.

"If you have any request next time, I will definitely promise you"

"Is what you said true?"

"I won't lie"

"That's great!" Jessica regained her spirits.

After finishing Jessica, Yusuke notified the others. For this manga exhibition, they specially set up a group.

"There are three days in the comic show, and I play the same character for three days, I always feel a little boring"

Everyone thought about it for a while, and felt that it made some sense.

"But we don't have so many costumes!" Evangeline said at this time.

"We arrange according to personal conditions, you can change back to your own roles."

Yusuke's words made Jessica and Evangeline's eyes light up. They have many outfits.

"Then what role are you going to change?" Yamamoto Yuuji asked.

"Kaihei Inosuke of "Demon Slayer: Blade""

It is easiest to play Zuohei Inosuke, a wild boar hood, a pair of pants, and two long knives, and that's it.

And these props are very simple, and Yusuke can quickly assemble them with the existing materials.

The most important thing is that the wild boar hood blocks the real face, so it is not afraid that acquaintances will recognize it.

Everyone thought about it and thought it was good. "Demon Slayer: Blade" is also a popular animation.

"In that case, let me change the role too," Yuji Yamamoto said.

"Mr. Yamamoto, what are you going to play?"

"Tomorrow you will know"

Everyone discussed it, and Jessica and Evangeline also decided to change their roles, while Semi did not change. The reason is very simple, she only has this set of costumes.

After chatting with everyone for a while, Yusuke went offline and started preparing props.

When I made props for everyone before, there were still some materials left, which was just enough.

The wild boar hood and two long knives were finished quickly, and the trousers were changed just a few times. Looking at the new clothes, Yusuke nodded in satisfaction, so there would be no problem.

On the second day, before dawn, Yusuke was ready to go out.

Xiao Hei also woke up at this time and walked over.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, are you going out?)"


"Meow meow (can I go out with you today?)" Xiao Hei asked with some expectation.

Yusuke thought for a while, and there should be no problem, so he nodded, "Then you go out with me."

Wearing a mask, he set off towards the station, where he joined Jessica and the others.

"Fallen Angel, why did you bring a cat here?" Jessica looked at Xiao Hei curiously.

Xiao Hei's figure is very elegant. At this time, the three girls showed loving eyes, and they stretched out their hands to hug Xiao Hei, but Xiao Hei's movements were flexible, and the three of them couldn't catch him no matter what.

"This is my pet, come here today"

Yusuke touched Xiao Hei's head and said a few words to Xiao Hei. At this time, Xiao Hei raised his cat's paw and greeted everyone.

Little stars appeared in the eyes of the three of them instantly. This kitten is so cute and spiritual!

With Yusuke's greeting, the three of Jessica and Xiao Hei quickly became one.

"Xiao Hei will be our partner from now on!" Jessica said excitedly while holding Xiao Hei.

"I agreed!"

"I agree too!"

All three girls agreed.

"Okay, it's unanimously approved, so it's decided!"

I said, don't you need to ask the person concerned and my reaction?
Forget it, Yusuke doesn't bother to bother, just have fun.

Several people rushed to the venue and met Yuji Yamamoto.

Today's Yuji Yamamoto has a new look.

Everyone was a little surprised by the new image of Yuji Yamamoto.

"Why don't you play Kakarot?" Ewen Jielin asked, the biggest feature of Dragon Ball is Kakarot, Yamcha really has no impression.

"I think it's good for you to be Klin too." Jessica said seriously, "You have a shiny bald head."

"But Krillin doesn't have a nose," Semi said.

"Then cut off the nose!" Jessica replied seriously.

"Hey! The more you talk, the more terrifying you are!"

Yuuji Yamamoto shook his head with a smile, and said, "Yamucha is very good, but Yamcha is a meme."

The saddest Dragon Ball fighter, Yamcha's death in the street, this is a popular meme!

Unexpectedly, Yuji Yamamoto would think of this direction, and everyone couldn't help giving a thumbs up. This idea is really powerful!
"Then Jessica and Evangeline, what roles are you playing?" Yuji Yamamoto asked.

Except for Semi, both Jessica and Evangeline decided to take on new roles.

"I am a dark magician, in a fallen form!"

"I am the Holy Maiden of Light, in battle form!"

The two answered seriously, and Yuji Yamamoto looked confused, what kind of role is this?Why haven't I heard of it.

But Yuji Yamamoto didn't bother with this matter, as long as he had fun.

A group of people lined up, waited for a long time, finally entered the venue, and everyone went to change clothes.

Yusuke still came to the men's room, the place was still lively, the scene was similar to yesterday, and the same beautiful girls came out laughing and joking.

At this time, a beautiful girl stopped in her tracks, turned her head, looked at Yusuke, and asked in a soft and cute voice, "Have we met before?"

This is the guy who bumped into Yusuke yesterday, but today Yusuke didn't pretend to be golden, and his image was a bit different, so he didn't recognize it.

Yusuke shook his head, ignored the few people and walked into the toilet. He didn't have much interest in dealing with these people.

Are girls not fragrant or sweet?

Why should I care about you guys with thick feet!

"That guy is so arrogant!" the girl's partners said dissatisfied.

You must know that no matter where they go, they are the focus of everyone's attention. They have not tried this kind of treatment, which makes them very angry.

A few girls muttered, ready to show him some color.

They are the ones who can control the wind and rain on the Internet. When they have suffered such grievances, what is so great about a stinky man? Why don't they have to obediently bow down under their pomegranate skirts.

As for whether doing so would break the law or go too far, this was beyond their consideration.

For them, being beautiful means being able to do whatever they want!
After a while, more than a dozen otaku ran over and shouted righteously: "Who shot our Lin Jiang!"

The loud voice made the surrounding people a little curious, and many people stopped in their tracks.

"He's inside," said the soft and cute girl. At this moment, he had a sad face, as if he had been greatly wronged.

"Lin sauce, what did he do to you just now?"


"Lin Jiang, don't be afraid, we are here, just say it"

"He just touched me"

The girl was so wronged that she was about to cry, and the girl next to her was comforting him softly.

The nerds around were about to explode, their faces were flushed with anger, and they dared to attack the goddess in their hearts!This is not to live!

Everyone looked at each other, there were more than a dozen people present, so don't be afraid, let's go together.


"I can't find anyone!" The girl was a little surprised. They watched the man walk in and kept staring at the door. How could they not find anyone!

More than a dozen nerds were embarrassed. They asked in the men's room, but they didn't find the target that Lin Jiang had discovered. This made them very upset, and the opportunity to show off was gone!

"This guy must have run away!" The otaku said righteously: "Don't worry, Lin Jiang, with us, we will definitely protect you next time."

"Yes, I will protect you next time."

The girl nodded movedly, and curled her lips in disdain.

Next time, next time it's over!

Everyone didn't notice that a man wearing a wild boar hood was looking at this side among the crowd of onlookers.

(End of this chapter)

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