Chapter 330 330. Who else

"Sister Ritsuko, are you free?"

Ritsuko had just finished taking a shower when she received a call from Eri, which was a bit strange.

"I'm free, what's wrong?"

"Well, I want to ask you some personal questions, can you keep it a secret for me?"

"Okay, let's talk"

Eri couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, so she had to ask her best cousin Ritsuko.

Eri explained her situation, and then waited expectantly for Ritsuko's answer.

Ritsuko fell silent after listening, she can say with certainty that this guy is in love.

That's a really bad question!

Ritsuko thought about it for a while, there was nothing special about the communication between Yusuke and Eri, and the two didn't get tired of being together during the summer vacation, why did Eri suddenly fall in love?
Could it be something that happened when we went to sleep together before, but she kept staring at the two of them during the sleepover, and nothing special happened?Is there something weird missing?

Well, now that we don't have to worry about the reason, how to solve this problem is the most troublesome.

What was Yusuke's reaction?
According to her understanding, there are quite a few confidante around Yusuke, especially Miyajima-san and Komiya-san, she can tell the thoughts of those two at a glance, the relationship between these three people is not cleared up and is still chaotic, There is absolutely no good result for Eri to get entangled in it.

Although Yusuke is really good, Ritsuko also thought about this question, but after observing for a while, Ritsuko found that Yusuke was not the best choice, because Yusuke had too many confidante, or in other words, his love luck was too strong!
As far as she knows, Miyajima-san and Komiya-san have the most ambiguous attitudes, and Seiko Sasaki seems to be a bit interested, and there is also a college student, Norio Sakurai, who is eyeing her.

In this way, there are already several girls. If Eri is included, then it will be an extremely tragic Shura field. Just thinking about the picture makes my head hurt!

Not getting an answer from Ritsuko for a long time, Eri was a little surprised and asked, "Sister Ritsuko, are you still there?"

"I'm here" Ritsuko came back to her senses.

Ritsuko decides to cut the mess quickly and let Eri dispel this idea, not to mention whether Yusuke is suitable or not, the family conditions alone do not allow it.

Children of capitalists like them are born with more rights than others, but they also have to pay corresponding obligations. It is their mission to serve the family.

Unless one's achievements are so great that one can control one's own life, most of the journey of one's life must follow the journey arranged by the family.

Eri just made an appointment with her family. Three years of high school life allowed her to move freely, but when she arrived at university, she had to return to the family to serve the family. After that, she would even intervene in her marriage, and the family would arrange for Eri. People of the same status get married on a blind date, even if they are in free love, they have to be of the same family.

Yusuke has great potential, and he may not be able to make a career in the future. In this way, he and Eri are quite suitable.

However, the precondition for this beautiful ideal is that Yusuke also likes Eri. According to her observation, Yusuke doesn't seem to have such thoughts.

Speaking of which, Eri is unrequited love, and Ritsuko has a headache, this problem is too difficult to deal with!
"Sister Ritsuko! Sister Ritsuko!"

Not getting a response from Ritsuko, Eri got a little anxious and called hastily, but Ritsuko came back to her senses.

I was just thinking about it again!

Ritsuko sighed, why do I, a single young woman, still care about their relationship? I don't even have a boyfriend!

"Eri, you really like Yusuke!"

As soon as he came up, he magnified his move, and Eri was shocked.

Eri was stunned holding the phone at this moment, and subconsciously wanted to refute, but she couldn't get out of her mouth.

There is a strange feeling in my heart.

Am I in love?
In an instant, a sweet thought welled up from his heart, and Yusuke's figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

It turns out that I am in love!
Eri's face flushed red, this is an unprecedented experience!
But Ritsuko's next words splashed cold water on her head.

"You better give up!"


Eri couldn't help but asked loudly, she was very angry, did you ever speak like that?Destroy other people's marriage in the first time!
Although you are my cousin, you can't go too far!

"Because Yusuke doesn't like you!"

Eri's heart was cold and cold, and in just a moment, she experienced the process from first love to broken love.

Hearing the silence on the other side of the phone, Ritsuko wondered if she was overly provocative. Although this cousin has always been very active, she is still a young girl after all. Is it possible that she is too provocative?
But good medicine is bitter, and the best thing is to cut it off!

"I do not believe!"

Eri's voice came, and before Ritsuko could explain, she had already hung up the phone.

Hearing the beeping sound on the phone, Ritsuko was very calm, got dressed, and prepared to go to Ezhihua's house.

After Eri hung up the phone, she immediately wanted to call Yusuke to express her feelings.

But just picked up the phone, and immediately put it down again, Eri took a deep breath.

I was too anxious, I was out of control, such a sudden confession would scare Yusuke!

Analyze the situation yourself first.

The first point, I have a good impression of courage, this is confirmed!
The second point, does Yusuke have a crush on me?

Eri recalled the events during this period. It can be said that Yusuke left a very bad impression when we first met. Yusuke was very bad at his senses. Fortunately, after the contact later, after everyone got to know each other, his image became better. There has been a change.

However, recalling all the things, Eri found that Yusuke just regarded herself as an ordinary good friend, and didn't care about herself at all. Maybe he cared more about Seiko's affairs, which made her very discouraged.

Eri regretted it immediately, she knew that when she met for the first time, she would have left a good impression on Yusuke.

These are all mistakes made in youth!
But it is useless to regret, Eri took out the paper at this time and began to write her own battle plan.

First determine the target, Yusuke Misawa.

As for the opponent, Eri did not hesitate to write the names of Yui Miyajima and Rie Komiya.

No wonder the senses towards them have always been mediocre, it turns out that everyone is a rival in love!

The next opponent, Shengzi, also lined up.

Although Seiko looks dull, it is surprising that Yusuke takes good care of Seiko. I also heard it at Sasaki's house today. Yusuke is a disciple of Seiko's father, and the two are brothers and sisters of the same school. This is a plus point item

Next is Norio Sakurai.

This college student I met in a dorm room was very bold and aggressive, and he confessed his love to Yusuke after only a week of knowing him, although he couldn't tell how Yusuke felt about her?But the first woman who confesses his love always has an advantage, she somewhat has a place in Yusuke's heart.

Who's next?

(End of this chapter)

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