Chapter 338.
There are a lot of people in the shopping mall. There are passers-by in a hurry, couples shopping together, and young mothers with their children out shopping. All kinds of people are very noisy.

These are potential customers, so various activities are often held in the mall.Band performances and live lucky draws are all popular activities.

Today, the shopping mall held a band performance.

This kind of activity is indifferent to passers-by. You can hear really good songs on your mobile phone, and these bands are some unknown bands. Although there are a few good songs occasionally, most of them are unknown. song.

Pedestrians occasionally take a look when they pass by, stop and listen when they are in the mood, and walk straight through if they are not in the mood.

The band's performances lasted from morning to night, and the audience who stopped to listen to the songs was very small.

However, this phenomenon was broken during this time period.

At this time, many people surrounded the band, and many of them were young girls. From time to time, there were bursts of screams from the crowd, which surprised the passers-by. Many people stopped in their tracks, very curious. .

It was still a performance by a band, who also wore exotic costumes and sang very ordinary songs. It wasn't good, but it wasn't bad either. You've seen this kind of performance a lot.

But this band is a little different from other bands, in front of their stage, there are 6 cats performing,

They walked in unison, twisted their waists, and turned their heads, as if they were dancing. The cute expressions caused a burst of exclamation from the girls on the scene. Many girls were taking pictures with their mobile phones, and the boyfriend who came with them had to stop Footsteps, let the girlfriend have enough fun, everyone saw helplessness in each other's eyes.

Fortunately, there was also a music performance at the scene. Although the singing was mediocre, it was finally able to pass the time.

Some people stopped and were attracted by the music.

Standing by the side, the three of Yusuke were relieved to see the crowd. Compared to the bleak performance of the previous band, their performance was much more lively.

Xiao Hei's mission was very successful, attracting the crowd, and whether they can convert these people into fans is their ability.

They also knew the long work, so they sang even harder at this time.

Now there is an audience, whether it is their audience or not, as long as there is one person who likes their songs, that is all money.

And they also noticed that many boys at the scene were listening to the song seriously, which is a good sign!

It's not that everyone doesn't like music, it's just that listening to music is a waste of time. Everyone is so busy, listening while walking is the kingly way, and it's too extravagant to stop and listen slowly.

But now there is no other way, the girlfriend refused to leave, so they had no choice but to stay at the scene.

The live music sounds good, so some people pay attention to this band and listen to their singing attentively.

Finally, the performance was over, Chang Zuo and the others bowed to the audience, and Xiao Hei also stood together, facing the audience, raised their right limbs, waved to the audience, and then caused a burst of screams from the girls, The sound of taking pictures kept ringing.

These kittens are so cute!
Yusuke is very satisfied, Xiao Hei and the others have left a deep impression on the audience, as long as the other party is interested in looking for this kind of cute cat, they will have a higher chance of seeing Yusuke's video and becoming a fan.

As long as they leave the stage, the next band will come on stage immediately. Now that the flow of people has not dispersed, they have to seize the opportunity. As long as their music can retain some of them, they will be considered a success.

Xiao Hei and the others also came back, Yui and Rie comforted them, and added some cat food to the kittens.

The huge flow of people at the scene, as well as the flashing lights, have a great impact on the animals.

For this reason, Xiao Hei and the others have trained a lot, and they performed very well today.

"Yusuke, thank you" Nagasaku came over and said sincerely.

This performance can be said to be very successful. Although many people were attracted by cats, some people became their audience, and the large number of audiences also brought them more passion. This is It was an experience that I hadn't experienced in the previous performances. At this time, Chang Zuo's friends were very excited, and Chang Zuo came here to express his thanks.

"It's nothing." Yusuke replied with a smile: "Everyone takes what they need. I hope you can stand on a bigger stage in the next performance."

"Bless you!"

The three of Yusuke left first. Changsaku wanted to hold a celebration banquet, but Xiao Hei and the others were very tired at this time. The flashing lights and screams had a great impact on the animals. Half an hour of performance, they consumed energy More than shooting videos, Yusuke had to take them back to rest.

Several people who worked long had no choice but to let it go.

The four of Eri also came over at this time, and Eri praised and said: "Yusuke, you did a great job!" At this time, the eyes looking at Yusuke were more admiring.

Sure enough, the man I fancy is omnipotent!
"It's all thanks to Xiao Hei and the others," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"We are going back to the studio next time, what are your plans?"

Eri originally wanted to celebrate with Yusuke and the others after the performance, but when he heard Yusuke say this, he immediately changed his tune.

"I want to play in your studio, is that okay?"

"Xiaohei can't play with you, they are very tired and need to rest"

"It's okay, isn't there still two squirrels?" Eri said indifferently.

"That's fine"

Under Yusuke's training, Siji and Wuji are not so afraid of people anymore.

"What about you?" Yusuke looked at Yui and the other three.

"Let me go too," Lixiang said, as Eri's dog-headed military adviser, she would definitely go with her.

"I'll go too, it's more fun with more people," Yui replied excitedly.

Seiko said, "I want to ask Rie some questions about dogs."

"No problem." Yusuke nodded, "Then let's come together."

A group of people headed towards the studio in a mighty manner.

The studio is divided into two floors. The third floor is the place where Yusuke and the others work, including the place where Xiao Hei and the others live. The fourth floor is the reception room and some sundries.

Yusuke arranged Xiao Hei and them, and everyone sat on the 4th floor.

Rie took out snacks and drinks, and a group of people sat and chatted.

"It's like when we were in the club," Yui said with emotion.

"The summer vacation is coming to an end, and school is about to start soon." Eri said with a smile, "We will have a party at school again then."

When the time comes, I will be able to be with Yusuke again. I don't need to see each other every few days like now. As long as we get along long enough, Eri has the confidence to win over Yusuke!
"By the way!" Yui asked at this time: "What about your studio then?"

(End of this chapter)

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