The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 352. 352. The Meaning of Living Hard

Chapter 352. 352. The Meaning of Living Hard

"There are so many cats!" Yui said in surprise.

When the number reaches a certain scale, it will give people a very shocking effect.

When Yusuke and Yusuke appeared, the cats could see it.

Yuyi was taken aback for a moment, the vertical pupils of cats looked very majestic, not to mention there were so many cats on the scene, so many eyes staring at the same time, it was very scary.

Yui hadn't felt this kind of aura yet, subconsciously approached Yusuke's side.

Sensing Yui's change, Yusuke smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm here"

Yusuke's smile gave Yui a great sense of peace of mind, and he immediately relaxed a lot.

Yusuke took Yuyi into the group of cats, and a scene that surprised Yuyi appeared.

As Yusuke walked in, the cats all stepped back neatly to make way for a passage, lowering their heads as if they were welcoming the king.

At the end of the road, a kitten with flowery arms stood in front of the two of them.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, you're here)"

"Meow (Xiaohei told us in the morning, we will help with this matter, other cats are on the way)"

Yusuke nodded, "Then I'll trouble you."

At this time, he said to Xiao Huang next to him: "Xiao Huang, you and Xiao Hua should maintain order."

There are dozens of cats on site, the situation is messy and needs to be managed.

Xiao Huang nodded, and took Hajime and the others out.

Xiao Huang used to be one of the bosses among the stray cats. Many kittens knew him. With the intervention of him and Xiao Hua, the order at the scene quickly stabilized.

Yusuke and Yui are now setting up the scene.

Yusuke drew a large circle on the spot, and then layered layers to form a pattern like a Roman field, and then drew dozens of lines, which were divided into small grids.

The kittens entered the arena one by one, standing on the small grid one by one in order, and lined up in a circle.

The number of cats on the scene kept increasing, one circle after another, densely packed, and as far as the eye could see, there were at least hundreds of cats gathered.

Xiao Hei also appeared at this time, together with Xiao Bai, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hua, the seven partners gathered together again.

Xiao Hei said: "Meow Meow (time is a bit rushed, we can only find so many)"

Yusuke nodded and said, "That's enough."

At this time, the bosses of the stray cats stood in front of Yusuke, and Xiao Hei stood on the other side.

Yusuke said: "I need your help today, please communicate with them, please follow my orders later, don't worry, they are all simple orders, and I will pay when the matter is over."

Xiaohua and the others nodded, Yusuke was very trustworthy when they cooperated last time, and they are also very relieved.

A dozen or so kittens separated, mixed into the cat group, and communicated with other kittens. With their intervention, the kittens quickly understood, and after a few minutes, the scene became quiet.

Yui was a little surprised, no matter how many times he watched it, Yusuke's ability is so incredible!

"Yuyi, get ready to shoot"

Yui nodded, found the angle, set up the tools, and was ready to shoot.

Yusuke straightened his face at this moment.

The next moment, a powerful momentum erupted from Yusuke.

The soul of Secondary School, inspire!
In an instant, all the cats on the scene looked at Yusuke. They felt a strange magnetic field, which made them stand upright, and they lost all thoughts at this moment.

Yusuke's eyes swept over, and all the cats subconsciously stood up straight.

Yusuke made a gesture, Yui nodded, and the filming began.

"Kittens, nod and say hello"

All the cats nodded in unison.

These more than 100 cats gathered together, doing the same movements, and in the same rhythm, this scene looks very shocking.

Yui, who was filming, immediately knew that this video will definitely be a success.

"raise left hand"

All cats raised their left paws.


All the cats waved their left paws.

"raise your right hand"

All the cats raised their right paws at the same time and stood up like a human.

"stand at attention!"

All the cats closed their paws and stood on the ground.

"The cat on the first circle obeys the command and turns left"

The first circle of cats started to move, one after another, all adjusted their directions.

"Move forward"

The cats started to move around, one after another, connected back and forth in the drawn coil, like a circle rotating.

"The cat on the second circle obeys the command to turn right"

The cats in the second circle also moved, one after another, but in the opposite direction to the cats in the first circle.

"Move forward"

Also within the drawn circle, the cat in the second circle also moved around.

The first circle and the second circle are like two rings in opposite directions, running in parallel.

Next, draw a gourd in the same way, the third circle, the fourth circle, the fifth circle, and the sixth circle. The direction of rotation of each circle is opposite.

All the cats moved neatly and in unison without any confusion, and the scene was very neat and clean.

There are so many cats, Yusuke can only give them simple orders, so even so, the shooting effect is excellent.

After a while, Yusuke made a gesture, and Yui stopped shooting, and said excitedly: "Yusuke, the shooting was a success."

Yusuke nodded, and said to the kittens, "Thank you, today's work is over."

Yusuke released the soul of Chuer, and without that strange magnetic field, the formation of the kittens immediately dispersed.

"Yuyi, you go back to the studio first, I have to deal with the situation at the scene"

Yuyi nodded, and went back to the studio after packing up her things. She had to edit this video and upload it quickly.

Yusuke asked the kittens to wait here, bought dried fish from the pet store and fed them, packed up his hands, and took care of everything before going back to the studio.

The broadcast of the program brought a lot of attention to Yusuke, and the number of views of the video also increased rapidly. They worked hard for a few days, and finally the situation stabilized, and everyone relaxed.

"Let's celebrate." Yusuke said, "Everyone has worked hard these days."

Although it was hard work, it was worth it, and the results were very good.

Both Yui and Rie nodded. Although they were very busy, they were both in good spirits.

Xiao Zhizi is also very busy these days, and he can finally breathe a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"What do you want to eat?" Yusuke asked.

"I don't have any request for this, what about you?" Rie said, Yui thought for a while and replied, "I can't think of it either."

In the end, all three looked at Xiaozhizi.

"Little Zhizi, what do you want to eat?"

Xiaozhizi was a little surprised, she didn't expect that she also had the right to choose.

"Can I choose?"

"It's okay, just say it" Yusuke said with a smile: "You are also our partner, let's celebrate such a happy event together"

Xiao Zhizi thought for a while, and said a little bit coyly: "I want to eat eel rice"

"Eel rice?"

"Yeah." Xiao Zhizi nodded seriously.

"I watched TV when I was a child, and there were often scenes of unagi rice on TV. I always wanted to eat it once"

Yusuke nodded, "Then let's eat eel rice."

Japanese eel rice is also an authentic delicacy, and the price ranges from a few hundred yuan to tens of thousands of yen.

Yusuke found a Japanese grocery store with a good reputation and no weird rules. Although the price is expensive, it is absolutely authentic.

Xiaozhizi was very happy, and finally had the eel rice he had dreamed of. The three of them looked at Xiaozhizi's smile and were very happy.

Perhaps this is what it means to live hard.

(End of this chapter)

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