Chapter 356. Chapter 356
The two sides agreed to a battle.

Eri and the little boy picked out the stones and stood at the same starting point, while Yusuke and the elementary school students stood on one side to act as referees.

"Who's coming first?" Eri asked.

The little boy pressed his hat and said with a stern face, "I'll come first!"

No matter what his strength is, his pose must be handsome. This guy has already understood the essence of middle school.

The little boy stood there with big strides, raised his hands, and then made another dazzling hand gesture.

Yusuke is a little curious, this guy's fingers change so fast, don't they have hand cramps?

But seeing the little boy's proud look because of other people's eyes, Yusuke knew that this guy must be practicing in private.

After some sealing, the little boy shouted loudly: "Water escape, the technique of the Great Waterfall!"

Then his body turned 720 degrees, one more turn than the 360 ​​degrees just now. After the turn, the stone in his hand was thrown out at the same time, and he leaped quickly on the water.

This time the stone flew farther, and finally jumped more than 20 meters.

"It's appeared, Higashino's trick!"

"This is the legendary gyro acceleration!"

The little boys next to him looked adoring.

The corner of Yusuke's mouth twitched, fuck your sister's gyro acceleration!

At this moment, the little boy shook his body, but soon he stood still, and said with a pale face, "How is it? This is my strongest stunt. This move exhausted all the chakras in my body. Are you afraid? "

I think you are dizzy!
"The little trick of carving insects, how dare you make an axe!"

Eri showed a disdainful smile, "Let me show you the level of high school students!"

Eri stood in a good posture at this time, and then her body spun, and the stone in her hand flew out instantly, almost parallel to the water surface, and jumped on the water surface at an astonishing speed. After covering a distance of more than ten meters, he quickly approached 20 meters, 30 meters, and finally stopped. This broke the record of the little boy just now.

The elementary school students looked shocked, while the little boy's hat fell off, his legs were weak and he knelt on the ground, looking like a defeated dog.

"Impossible, the strongest Dongye actually lost!"

"How did that happen?"

The elementary school students looked as if the sky was falling, panicked.

"Damn it, if I can use the fairy art, I will definitely win!" The little boy cried unwillingly.

"Immortal technique?" The primary school students were shocked immediately, "Is there a stronger technique?"

The little boy replied with a serious face: "That is a technique that only my brother can use. The technique of immortals is powerful!"

"Awesome!" The elementary school students immediately thought about it.

This conversation really hurts my head.

"Don't run away, I'll call my brother over here." The little boy pointed at Eri with one hand and shouted loudly.

"Go, let's fetch the rescuers!" Eri laughed loudly with her arms akimbo.

The little boy gritted his teeth and left with a face of humiliation, and the other elementary school students followed suit.

"It really makes me feel good!" Eri said happily.

It's really cool to abuse vegetables!

"Aren't you going to fight here again?" Yusuke complained.

"How is it possible!" Eri shook her head: "Who cares about him, he will find someone if he wants to find someone, and I didn't say that I would wait for him here."

Yusuke thought for a while, and Eri seemed to say so.

Sure enough, it's still fun to bully children!

They had had enough fun, and they were about to leave, but they didn't expect that the little boy who had just left came back immediately, followed by a few teenagers, who seemed to be junior high school students.

After beating the primary school students, now it's time to beat the junior high school students!

"My elder brother is already here, you are dead this time!" The little boy crossed his arms, with a haughty look on his face.

Eri curled her lips, "Who was the one crying just now?"

Being ridiculed by Eri, the little boy almost exploded with rage, he gritted his teeth and looked at Eri, and finally he could only ask the middle school student standing beside him for help.

"Brother, it's them!"

Those were a few middle school students, wearing glasses.It looks gentle, but as soon as he opens his mouth, the breath of the middle school comes to his face.

"My stupid brother, you are a disgrace to the Higashino family!"

A junior high school student standing in front bowed his head at 45 degrees and pushed his glasses with an inscrutable look.

This skillful movement...

It can only be said that they are brothers!
The little boy seemed to have been hit, and wanted to quibble at this moment: "I am..."

"It's useless to talk too much!" The middle school student stretched out his palm to stop him from speaking.

"Go back and reflect on it, then leave it to me"


The little boy nodded dejectedly, and stood behind him, while the other primary school students were also frightened by the arrogance of the middle school students, so they dared not speak out at this moment.

"You're the one who got rid of my younger brother? Although he's not very strong, he is a member of the Higashino family. The Higashino family cannot be humiliated. Stand up!"

The junior high school student pushed his glasses and said coldly, "Let's fight it out!"

Eri stood up directly, crossed her hips, raised her eyebrows, and said sharply: "If you have anything to do, just let the horse come over!"

Seeing Eri's appearance, the junior high school student stopped moving. ,
In the next second, the aura on his body changed, and the arrogant look just now disappeared. At this moment, he was a little hesitant, and he didn't dare to look at Eri, and occasionally took a sneak peek, then lowered his head.

The most surprising thing is that this guy blushed!
Yui and the others were startled, this guy would blush when talking to girls!
Not only him, but even the junior high school students who came with him were hesitant at this time, and they didn't have the domineering aura just now.

In an instant, the atmosphere at the scene became very weird.

The elementary school students didn't notice this change, and the little boy in the hat was still shouting, "Brother, get rid of them quickly!"

"To shut up!"

The middle school student yelled sharply, but when he saw the look in Eri's eyes, he immediately faltered.

He punched his younger brother hard, but he was obedient to outsiders.

Yusuke is sure, this group of guys definitely have no relationship with the opposite sex!

Boys in elementary school are relatively late-maturing, and they only start to have masculine consciousness in middle school. Boys in this period are relatively shy, especially when facing beautiful and mature girls. At this time, they are like little sheep. What to do.

This group of junior high school students is like this. They don't understand, and they dare not communicate with girls. Even just eye contact will make them associate with each other.

Eri's expression was a little weird, she didn't expect things to turn out like this.

At this time, the middle school student was discussing with his younger brother.

"How could it be a girl? You didn't tell me clearly!"

The middle school student sneaked a glance at Eri, and the deer jumped wildly in his heart.

Eri's appearance is also very high among the crowd, and it is the first time he faces such a beauty, which makes him very nervous!
"Girls are no different! Brother, hurry up and get rid of her!" The little boy shouted, he didn't understand the minds of these junior high school students.

"Shut up! Go away!"

Facing his brother's despotic power, the little boy had no choice but to leave the stage.

And the junior high school student has a headache at this time, what should I do?

(End of this chapter)

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