Chapter 359. 359. The Last Ceremony
School will start in a few days, and Yusuke and others are sorting out the final work in the studio. Some simple tasks have been handed over to Xiaozhizi, and Xiaozhizi has been given a spare key. When they go to school, Xiaozhizi Tomoko can work here alone.

Xiao Zhizi was very moved, which was a great trust in her.

"Don't worry, with me here, the studio is definitely not in danger!" Xiao Zhizi patted his chest, looking like he was about to go through fire and water.

"There is no danger in the first place, you can work with peace of mind." Yusuke said with a smile.

The most important thing in the studio is Yusuke, and Yusuke is the core soul of the entire studio, so Yusuke is not afraid of what little Zhizi will do in private.

And after a while of observation, Xiaozhizi's character is still trustworthy.

"Jie, there is a festival tomorrow night, are you going?" Yuyi asked at this time.

The festival that Yuyi said was an event organized by the nearby commercial street. It was going to hold a big sale at the end of the summer vacation, and there would be a fireworks show that night.

The leaflets have been distributed in various communities, and Yongjie's family also received a leaflet, and his younger sister Aiyi is looking forward to it very much.

Rie also looked over at this time and said, "Our family has also received the flyer."

"Festival!" Xiaozhizi said with emotion, "I haven't participated in it for a long time since I came out of my hometown."


Rie is a little strange, festivals are the favorite promotional festivals of merchants, there are dozens of festivals, large and small, every year, how could she not participate in them.

"Because it's too lonely to be alone"

Xiao Zhizi often tells some very sad facts.

Seeing the little Zhizi who was alone, Rie's mother's love burst out in an instant.

"It's okay, I'll go with you when the time comes, anyway, my parents don't want to go, I'm alone too, let's join together as a companion"

"That's really great!" Xiao Zhizi regained his spirit in an instant, but soon became dejected again.

"But I don't have a yukata"

"It's okay, I also have bathrobes at home, come to my house when the time comes!"

"Rie, you are so kind!" Xiao Zhizi opened her arms and hugged Rie, rubbing her face constantly.

"Okay, don't be like this"

After Xiaozhizi got acquainted with Yui and the others, he often made some bold moves, and Yusuke and the others have long been familiar with it.

This festival is the last event of the summer, so everyone is looking forward to it.

What is rare is that this time the father will also participate in the ceremony.

"This is the last festival of the summer vacation, let's have a good time as a family," Kazuya said, and Miwa also nodded.

The happiest thing is Aiyi. My father is very busy, and there are not many opportunities to play together, but more with my mother, so this opportunity is very rare.

In the evening, the family finished their meal, changed their clothes and went out.

At the door of Miyajima's house, Yuyi's family happened to come out, and everyone said hello.

The relationship between the two families is very good, especially the relationship between the juniors is even closer, so everyone walks together.

Adults chatting with adults, Aiyi and Saya walked hand in hand, while Yusuke and Yui walked side by side.

Standing next to Yui, Yusuke could smell a faint fragrance.

Tonight, Yui is wearing a blue bathrobe, her long black hair is coiled on her head, revealing her slender neck, her pink and tender face, and her unique body lines are very attractive at this time.

Walking on the road, Yusuke sneaked a few glances from time to time.

Sensing the look in Yusuke's eyes, Yui felt a little happy in her heart, she was still very attractive.

However, Yusuke is too obvious!
The parents of both parties were walking behind, peeking once or twice doesn't matter, but this guy keeps peeking, it's embarrassing!

At this moment, Yuyi pouted and said, "When are you guys going to see it!"

Only then did Yusuke come back to his senses, and coughed in embarrassment.

"Sorry, it's too cute!"

"Then you can't be like this~"

That soft voice seemed to be coquettish.

This time, it hit Yusuke's cuteness even more.

My childhood sweetheart is so cute!

The parents of both sides looked at Yusuke and Yui, the relationship between the two was very good, it was a bit too good
The parents all smiled, and some things may have been a fait accompli.

When I came to the shopping street, it was very lively, the street was full of flags, and promotional posters were posted at the entrances of every store, everyone wanted to take advantage of this festival to make a fortune, and there were also many food stalls on the street , this is the most important existence of the festival.

At this time, Miwa said: "Yusuke, you and Yui can play together, you don't need to follow us."

Lingxiang also agreed with a smile: "It's better for young people to do activities with young people."

Looking at the smiling eyes of his parents, Yusuke was a little embarrassed, but still nodded, and left with a shy Yui

The two walked side by side, Yuyi lowered her head, her face was red, like a well-behaved little daughter-in-law.

The two did not speak, but the atmosphere was very good.

"Yuyi, do you want to eat octopus balls?"

Yusuke pointed to a small stall ahead and Yui nodded.

There were a lot of people at the stall, Yusuke went to line up first, and Yui waited on the seat not far away.

Yui sat on the chair, looked at Yusuke in the team, her face was flushed, she felt very good at this moment.

Yui suddenly reacted.

Isn't this just dating?
Have we gotten this far?

Yuyi was a little surprised, since when did we become such a relationship?
Are we already boyfriend and girlfriend?

No, Yusuke hasn't confessed his love to me yet.

So are we boyfriend and girlfriend?

A voice interrupted Yuyi's wild thoughts, Yuyi turned her head, and Rie and Xiaozhizi were walking from the front with a smile.

The two were wearing the same blue bathing suit, but the difference was that Xiao Zhizi wore this very ordinary dress, while Rie was very stunning, especially when the two of them stood together, the contrast was even more obvious.

As the school belle of Hechuan Middle School, Rie deserves her name!

The moment she saw the two of them, Yuyi suddenly felt a little annoyed, this came at such an inopportune time!

But he quickly threw away this thought, stood up, and waved his hand.

The three girls got together.

"Why are you alone?" Rie asked.

"I came out with Yusuke." Yui pointed to the small stall in front of him, Yusuke was still queuing

"Octopus balls, Rie, do you want to eat?" Xiao Zhizi asked at this time.

Xiaozhizi's speech directly interrupted Yuyi's fantasies. She thought that the two of them could have self-knowledge and leave alone, leaving the scene to them, but it seemed that Xiaozhizi didn't know the atmosphere at all.

Rie was still hesitating just now, but Xiao Zhizi said so, it feels strange to speak again at this time.

That's it.

Xiao Zhizi went to line up, only Yui and Rie were left at the scene, and they looked at each other.

For a moment, the atmosphere suddenly felt awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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