Chapter 366 366. Recipe
Yusuke and Seiko were walking on the road, Seiko recited the lines softly, her lines were not very good, sometimes she forgot the lines after memorizing them, and had to read the script again.

This is the first time that Shengzi has challenged so many lines, so he is very serious.

But be serious, the effect is the same, just chanting lines, without any emotion at all.

Yusuke also practiced together.

But this kind of youth drama is not his strong point, and he is just reciting lines without any emotion.

The two of them are in the same boat.

When the two arrived at the station, Yusuke smiled and said, "Then let's part here."

The Son shook his head, "I'll go to the studio with you"

Yusuke was a little surprised, and Seiko continued: "I will stay with Nai for a week to hunt wild boars."

"Are there a lot of wild boars recently?" Yusuke was curious.

Shengzi nodded, "Autumn is coming, wild boars are coming out to look for food, wild boars are flooding these days, and the bonuses of wild boars have also increased a lot"

Shengzi and Naliu once signed an agreement with the studio. The studio will film their hunting process, and then upload it to Youtube.

Shengzi followed Yusuke to the studio, and he had to make relevant preparations first.

The two were walking on the road, and when they passed a bookstore, Yusuke stopped.

"Holy Son, let's go to the bookstore first."

The skills in the morning need a cookbook, so just pass by the bookstore and buy one.

Shengzi nodded, and the two walked into the bookstore.

Yongsuke was rummaging through the cooking area. There were many books about recipes. Yongsuke was dazzled by reading them. At this moment, Shengzi asked curiously: "Yongsuke, why are you buying recipes?"

"I want to try cooking" Yusuke replied with a smile, picked up a book, read it, and put it back.

"Then what kind of food do you like?"

“Chinese Cuisine”

"Chinese cuisine..." Shengzi thought for a while, "Then let me help you choose."

The two were picking and choosing from the bookshelf, and finally Yusuke picked out a complete collection of home-cooked dishes.

"Just this one"

Anyway, Yusuke didn't think about relying on this to eat, and he usually cooks a home-cooked meal to comfort himself.

The Holy Son looked at it and picked up a copy.

"Then I'll buy this one too, as it happens that I like Chinese cuisine recently," Shengzi said calmly.

After buying the books, the two rushed to the studio, Yui and Rie hadn't come yet, and Xiao Zhizi was working.

"Little Tomoko, is there any problem today?" Yusuke asked, and Tomoko nodded, "No problem."

Although she was alone, there were animals to accompany her. When she was tired, she could take a rest or play with the animals. The animals also recognized Xiaozhizi and began to get close to Xiaozhizi.

And the basic knowledge of the work process is known to all, and there is no problem. The small intellectual is very satisfied with this kind of work.

After confirming that Xiao Zhizi is fine, Yusuke is relieved.

Xiaozhizi continued to work, Yusuke went to play games with the animals to comfort them, Seiko sat on a chair, silently reciting lines, everyone was busy with their own affairs.

After a while, Yui and Rie also came over.

"Holy Son, you are here"

The two greeted each other, and the Son nodded.

"How was the first day of school?" Yusuke put down the four seasons and five seasons in his hand, and asked with a smile.

"It's about the same," the two said, haha.

Today's situation was okay, I haven't seen each other for a summer vacation, the classmates are still those classmates, and the relationship between them hasn't changed much, but all this changed after Yusuke came to speak on stage, and Yusuke's high profile suddenly attracted the attention of all the female students .

And the students in the class did not know where they got the information, knowing that Yui was Yusuke's childhood sweetheart, and immediately attracted many gossips from girls. There is no relationship between the two of them, and no one believes it.

Facing the gossiping eyes of her classmates, Youyi managed to evade it, and at this time, she didn’t know who exposed it. She saw them on a TV show together during the summer vacation, which made the girls in the class even more uproarious. , Even Rie was involved in the whirlpool.

Two women and one man, three-legged love, the fire of gossip among the girls is burning.

Fortunately, Yui and Rie have enough ability to deal with it.

The struggle between girls, in terms of scheming, can make people dumbfounded, especially outstanding people are more likely to be jealous and targeted by others.

Yui and Rie have attracted everyone's attention because of their outstanding appearance since they were young, but it has also aroused the jealousy of many people. The two have seen many intrigues. If they were not capable, they would have been bullied to death.

Faced with this kind of situation, the two had a tacit understanding, cooperated with each other, and finally made things round and suppressed the bad rumors.

After such a troublesome thing happened on the first day, the two of them were quite tired.But they didn't complain to Yusuke, because complaining can't solve the problem, it will only add trouble to others.

With everyone present, Yusuke began to arrange the plan.

"The first is the beauty hunter. Shengzi and Nai will have a hunting operation next week. The specific preparations will be taken care of by Xiaozhizi. Xiaozhizi, if you don't understand anything, you can ask Shengzi."

Xiaozhizi nodded, and Shengzi raised his hand at this time.

"Holy Son, is there a problem?"

"This is the first time for me to cooperate with Xiao Zhizi, it may take some time, and then I may come here every day"

"No problem, Holy Son, you are also a staff member here."

"That's good." A smile appeared on the Son's face.

"Holy Son, please give me your advice in the next few days." Xiao Zhizi said respectfully, and the Holy Son responded with a smile, feeling very happy.

"The next step is Yihe Lihui. We may not have enough time because of going to school. Everyone has to get used to it and adjust the time by themselves, but I want to remind you that we must not forget to study. Learning is the key to learning. Most importantly." Both of them nodded.

"Ok, let's get to work then"

It was not until the evening that everyone stopped and prepared to go home.

"Boss, I'll leave later," Xiao Zhizi said at this time.

"Little Zhizi, you don't need to work overtime."

"It's not overtime." Xiao Zhizi shook his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "I just want to borrow the computer here. There is no computer where I live."

"No problem," Yusuke said, "You can use it as you like, and remember to lock the door at night."

"Thank you, boss"

Yusuke and the others left first, just in time to meet Ryoko Sakura who came out of the clinic.

The two sides greeted each other with a smile. Ryoko Sakura looked at their uniforms and said with emotion: "When I see you, I think of the days when I was studying. It's good to be young!"

(End of this chapter)

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