Chapter 368
"Love letter, Yusuke, you are very nice." Yui said quietly, but she didn't notice it, her tone was full of jealousy.

"Sure enough, yesterday's speech is still effective. You see, you have received so many love letters today." Li Hui said quietly, feeling very entangled.

"Okay, don't be jealous anymore," Yusuke responded casually.

For a moment, both of them blushed.

"Who...who is jealous!"

"Okay, I'm jealous!"

"Humph!" X2
Both of them curled their lips in displeasure, but they were still a little worried, Yuyi asked at this moment: "What are you going to do with so many love letters?"

"Take them up and burn them"

"Don't you take a look? These are their thoughts."

"Forget it, I won't reply to them after reading it, it's easiest to burn it directly"

Only then did Yuyi heave a sigh of relief, but she still said indifferently, "You're quite ruthless."

"Yeah, that's how ruthless"

Yusuke's answer made Yui and Rie very happy.

Yusuke changed his shoes, stuffed all the love letters back into the shoe cabinet, closed the door, and dealt with them after school, and the three of them went back to their classrooms.

Before he reached the classroom, a figure chased him up from behind.

"San Ze, please wait a moment!"

Yusuke stopped and turned around curiously.

It was a young girl, Yusuke had a little impression, she seemed to be a classmate, recalled it, and finally remembered.

"Misawa-san, please date me."

A love letter appeared in front of Yusuke, the girl blushed slightly, looking at Yusuke expectantly.

It was Nana Okawada who confessed to Yusuke last semester and was rejected. I didn't expect this guy to confess his love again. This is too persevering!

"I'm sorry, Okawada-san"

Yusuke still refused, I am vague about your appearance, how could I accept it?

"Misawa-san, please think about it, I am very sincere"

Surprisingly, this time, Okawada Nana was very thick-skinned and blocked Yusuke's way.

Yusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect that he would be blocked by people because of this kind of thing.

"I'm sorry, Okawada-san, I'm not familiar with you, it's impossible between us"

"Emotions can be cultivated slowly, and I am very familiar with you, you just need to be familiar with me"

Yusuke has a headache, why did this guy suddenly become so thick-skinned!

Yusuke didn't want to be so harsh at first, but since the other party is so thick-skinned, he can only be sorry.

"I don't like you, and I won't like you in the future, that's all"

Okawada Nana froze on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Yusuke left with a blank expression, and he was relieved until he entered the classroom.

It's terrible, this woman is really unreasonable.

Sure enough, boys are away from home, so remember to protect yourself.

"Yusuke, what's wrong?"

Takashiro Mu and Sakata Osamu looked at Yusuke curiously.

"Nothing." Yusuke shook his head.

After a while, Okawada Nana also walked in, but she kept looking at Yusuke as she walked, her eyes full of sorrow.

That look made Yusuke a little nervous, as if he was about to enter into a sickly state.

"Why is Dahetian looking at you like that?" Gao Chengmu asked strangely.

"It goes without saying." Osamu Sakata showed a meaningful smile, "It must be Yusuke's fault."

"How did it become my fault?" Yusuke shook his head helplessly, "There is nothing you can do about being handsome!"

"Damn!" The two gave a thumbs up.

Okawada Nana returned to her seat, lying on the table listlessly.

The deskmate asked at this time: "Failed?"

Okawada Nana didn't answer, the reaction was obvious.

Nana Okawada is going to confess her love for the first time, and her deskmate also knows about it.Regarding Okawada Nana's love affair, the tablemate is actually not optimistic. The two parties have no intersection at all, and there is no foundation, so there will be no success.

But we still need to be encouraged in action, maybe there will be miracles.

But the miracle didn't happen.

I thought Okawada Nana would give up, but I didn't expect that Okawada Nana would confess his love again at the beginning of the second semester. This was completely beyond her imagination. Isn't it just a little more handsome, so it's necessary?
"You don't understand!" Okawada Nana said with a sigh, her deskmate looked confused.

Is this the world of face-seeing?
Yusuke didn't care about the matter between the two girls, he tidied up his things and got ready for class.

After a morning of study, it was finally lunch break.

"Yusuke, Mu, let's go eat." Sakata Osamu stood up and said, Yusuke finished packing his books and nodded.

"I miss the school cafeteria a little bit," Sakata Osamu sighed, Takashiro murmured: "You will get tired of eating a few more times."

"makes sense"

The three were ready to go.

"Is Misawa Yusuke here?"

A voice came suddenly, attracting everyone's attention.

A man was standing at the door of the classroom, his eyes scanning the classroom.

Sakata Osamu asked curiously: "Yusuke, someone you know?"

Yusuke shook his head, "I don't know"

After speaking, he stood up, and the man looked over.

"I'll ask him what's the matter, please wait for me," Yusuke said, and both of them nodded.

Walking to the door of the classroom, seeing this man, Yusuke asked strangely: "Are you looking for me?"

"You are Yusuke Misawa?"

The man was wearing glasses, looking up and down Yusuke, Yusuke frowned, this guy's eyes are very uncomfortable.

"You really can't judge by appearance, you are the one who deceived Xiaogong!"

"You must have found the wrong person," Yusuke said calmly.

"It's you, Yusuke Misawa, who deceived Komiya!"

"Student, you have to be responsible for what you say!" Yusuke's eyes turned cold for a moment, and the cold gaze made the man jump, why did this guy suddenly seem like a different person.

For friends, Yusuke treats each other with sincerity, but for enemies, Yusuke has always dealt with them in the cruelest way.

This guy talked to himself as soon as he came up, and he looked arrogant, so Yusuke naturally wouldn't give him any good looks.

"If it's okay, go away, don't get in the way here"

"You bastard!" The man suddenly became angry.

"You are talking to seniors! Are you polite! Who taught you!"

The man's sudden roar attracted the attention of everyone in the classroom, and Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Maki walked over immediately.

"Yusuke, what's wrong?"

The two stared at the man unkindly. If the other party came to find fault, it was really a miscalculation.

Other students in the classroom are also watching, and this situation does not seem quite right.

"This guy is crazy," Yusuke replied calmly, his disdainful tone made the man's veins jump.

The man clenched his fists, looking like he was about to explode.And Takashiro Mu and Sakata Osamu are also on guard at this time, if they do something about it, they have to strike first.

Yusuke is very calm, if this guy dares to do something, Yusuke will teach him how to behave.

(End of this chapter)

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