Chapter 372 372. Declaring War
At this time, outside the broadcasting room of the school, a group of students were surrounding there with anxious faces. They were the students of the broadcasting agency.

The radio room was broken into by a man named Yusuke Misawa, and they're locked out now while they're messing around inside.

"Is there a spare key here?"

"Stop that guy quickly, don't let him go on like this"

"This is a big trouble"

A group of people talked at once, but they couldn't come up with any good solution. The broadcasting room was locked from the inside, and if the inside was not opened, the people outside could only stare blankly.

The whole school is listening to the radio, which is really rare.

Many people still have some impressions of Yusuke's name, recalled it, and finally remembered, wasn't this the speech at the opening ceremony yesterday, as a representative of outstanding students?Why did such a big thing happen on the second day?
Damn, this is a slap in the face!
The students were very excited, they smelled gossip.

At this moment, Yusuke's broadcast was still going on.

"Before today, I didn't know the current president of the student union, Kaneki Taiji. I knew him because a friend of mine was a member of the student union and wanted to quit the student union, but he was stopped by the other party. The other party also used his power to threaten my friend. , this surprised me, I didn't expect the members of the student union to be such a thing."

At this time, in the classroom of the student council, the members of the student council were all looking at the president of the student council, Taiji Kaneki, who was sitting above. Following Yusuke's revelation, their faces were ugly.

Kaneki Taiji's face was livid, and the pencil in his hand was directly broken by him.

This guy dared to play him like this!
Although Yusuke didn't say it clearly, everyone understood what he meant, which meant that he was abusing his power.

How could this guy behave like this!

Yui and Rie looked at each other, and immediately rushed to the broadcasting room, they had to rush to support Yusuke.

On the other side, Sakata and Takashiro also acted. They felt something was wrong since Yusuke started broadcasting, and they were rushing towards the broadcasting room.

Yusuke's speech is still going on, all the students are listening, at this moment all club activities have stopped, at this moment everyone is concerned about this matter.

"Taji Kaneki, he joined the student council in the first grade, and became the president of the student council in the second grade. He is also good at both civil and martial arts. He won the first place in the national karate competition for two consecutive years. It's amazing. It's a beautiful resume. "

Everyone heard it strangely, why did they suddenly praise each other?Didn't you still call him trash just now?
"I have always believed that the student union is a place elected by the students to safeguard the interests of the students, rather than being a tool for some people to seek personal gain"

"President Kaneki, you have such great authority!"

Everyone could hear Yusuke's sarcastic voice clearly.

Kaneki Taiji's face was livid, he had asked the student council members to stop him, and he couldn't be allowed to talk nonsense anymore.

"I have always believed that the problems between students should be handled by the students, and the conflicts between us should be resolved by our own methods."

Yusuke's voice came, speaking word by word.

"Taji Kaneki, I'll wait for you at the karate club"

The broadcast ends here.

The students looked at each other, and there was an uproar immediately, and all the classrooms erupted into lively voices.

This is a declaration of war!

This is a declaration of war on the student union!

It's so exciting!

Countless students were moved by the news and headed towards the karate club. They wanted to watch this match. This was a scene that only existed in anime, and it was so passionate.

And the most innocent is the karate club, they are completely lying.

"President, what should we do?" the members below asked.

The president has some headaches. Chairman Kaneki is their powerful foreign aid. It can be said that both sides are on the same front. From a standpoint, the Karate Club must support him.

But this is a declaration of war!
And in front of the whole school, he didn't dare to act recklessly, otherwise the reputation of the karate club would be ruined.

The president thought for a while and said: "Let the students go to visit, we will not participate in the competition."

The members all nodded their heads. They didn't want to participate in the fight between gods and mortals.

Yusuke opened the door of the radio room, and the students outside the radio room all looked at him with indescribable expressions.

At first they were very angry, but after Yusuke's declaration of war, they were all shocked, and their expressions at this time were very strange.

However, many male students still admire Yusuke.

Singled out 1v1, this is a man's romance!

The president of the broadcasting agency wanted to reprimand him, but in the end he said: "Mr. Sanze, you better tell us in advance what you want to broadcast next time."

"Sorry to trouble you," Yusuke said apologetically.

The broadcasting room would definitely not agree to his behavior, so he had to cut it first and play later, which would definitely cause them a lot of trouble.

Seeing Jie's sincere attitude of admitting his mistakes, the students of the broadcasting agency felt a little better.

Islanders all worship the strong, and Yusuke at this time has the feeling of a lonely hero.

A person who dares to challenge the student union without fear of power is a kind of samurai spirit!
Moreover, Yusuke's sincere attitude and his unique charm made everyone want to cheer for Yusuke.

"Yusuke" X2
Yui and Rie appeared at this moment, looking at him worriedly.

Yusuke smiled and asked, "Why are you here?"

Looking at Yusuke with a calm face, Yui and Rie breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of the big stone in their hearts.

"Why are you so impulsive?" Yuyi said angrily at this moment.

"Sorry, it's all because of me." Rie blamed herself.

The surrounding students suddenly realized that this was the student who was persecuted by the student union.

Seeing Rie, many students remembered at this moment, isn't this the school belle of their school?

School belle, student council president, and persecution, these words are connected together, and in an instant, everyone came up with all kinds of dirty plots.

There is definitely something inside this!
"You don't have to worry, this is a once and for all solution, just trust me"

Looking at Yusuke with a serious face, the anxiety of the two disappeared immediately, and they nodded.

"Yusuke" Sakata and Takashiro also appeared at this time.

"You are too mean, you don't even call us for this kind of thing," Sakata said with a smile.

"It's just a small matter," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"You always say it's a small matter, but never a big one," Gao Cheng complained from the side.

Even though they said so, the two still firmly stood behind Yusuke and faced difficulties together.

As more and more students gathered around, Yusuke said, "Let's go to the karate club"

Several people nodded and followed Yusuke. Many students followed behind them with excited faces.

This is great excitement.


That was Eri's voice.

Yusuke and the others stopped, and the four members of the club appeared from another direction, and the one walking in the front was Eri, who was very excited at this moment.

"We are here to help you"

(End of this chapter)

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