Chapter 375. 375. The Nature of Things
It wasn't until Kaneki Taiji was hit flying and hit the floor that the president of the karate club reacted and hurriedly shouted: "Go and see the president!"

Only then did the commune members react, and immediately surrounded them, all of them feeling uneasy. They were all sent flying more than ten meters away, and their lives were probably in danger.

And the president immediately stood in front of Yusuke, preventing him from continuing to act.

Standing opposite Yusuke at this time, the president can experience the tremendous pressure.

This guy is horrible!

He swallowed subconsciously, a smile appeared on his face.

"Misawa-san, please end here"

Yusuke glanced at him, and the faint look in his eyes instantly made the president turn pale with fright, as if he was stared at by some kind of giant beast.

"It's not over yet"

"This one……"

The president wanted to dissuade him, but he was still a little scared, and even he was a little terrified by that terrifying strength.

"President, the situation of the president is not good!" The exclaimed voices of the members came from behind.

As soon as the members helped Jin Mu up, they heard Jin Mu suddenly scream and spit out a mouthful of blood. Everyone was startled, and their hands trembled subconsciously. At this time, Jin Mu let out a terrifying cry scream.

The pain of the sound made everyone present feel a little hairy.

At this time, Jin Mu's face was pale, the corners of his mouth were covered with blood, and his hands were hanging weakly on both sides.

The president's arm was broken!
The members of the club exclaimed for a while, and the students who watched Yun Yun were a little stunned.

Things are serious!
The president of the Karate Club suddenly lost his mind, the Karate Club is in big trouble now!
Eri and the others were also a little surprised, Yusuke's attack was too ruthless!
If it's just Hai Bian's beating, the nature is not very serious, but if the hand is interrupted, the nature is different. This is already a deliberate injury!

When Yusuke stepped forward, the president came to his senses and quickly tried to stop him, but Yusuke just glanced at him, and his movements stopped.

Yusuke's meaning is obvious: Don't move, it's none of your business!

The president sighed, he had tried his best.

Seeing Yusuke approaching, the members of the karate club looked shocked and immediately backed away. A blank circle was formed around the two of them in an instant, and everyone was looking at them.

Everyone was a little nervous, it must have turned into a bloody incident now, who is going to stop him!

But everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to step forward.

Just kidding, don't die yet!

Yusuke stood there, while Kaneki who was sitting below was trembling all over. He seemed to be stared at by something at this moment. A strong sense of fear lingered in his heart. At this time, his whole body was stiff and he didn't even dare to move his head. Lifting it up, the pupils of the eyes were trembling non-stop.

Why is this happening?

Obviously he is the current president of the student union, and obviously he is still sitting in the classroom giving orders, the students below respect him very much, he is the most outstanding person in the school, why did he become like this?
Why is he sitting here now, being ridiculed by everyone?
And all of this was caused by the person in front of him!but,
Jin Mu couldn't bear any complaints in his heart, his heart was trembling, it was facing ferocious beasts like tigers, and he didn't even have the thought of resisting.

"Apologize, and stop here" Yusuke's calm voice came, Kaneki nodded desperately as if he was being pardoned, and said tremblingly: "I'm sorry!"

"This is the end of this matter. If you are unhappy and want revenge, I will continue at any time."

Jie stared at Jin Mu and said, Jin Mu shook his head desperately, he absolutely didn't want to face such a person again,
Yusuke nodded, and in an instant, the ferocious aura on his body disappeared, and he returned to his usual appearance.

But everyone present has seen his strength, no one will treat him as an ordinary person, this guy is definitely a devil in sheep's clothing!
At this moment, the students were in a commotion.

The teacher is here!

Everyone is a little flustered, now it's troublesome!

Kaneki breathed a sigh of relief, subconsciously calculated this matter, and wanted to use his status to make a fuss, but when he saw Yusuke's half-smiling gaze, his heart trembled, and the thought that had just arisen disappeared instantly up.

How could this guy be so calm?

Could it be that.……

"Yusuke, what should we do?"

Youyi and the others also came over at this time and asked worriedly.

Beating up the president like this is not a simple matter of fighting.

Eri took out her phone again, ready to ask her sister for help.

At this time, Shengzi stepped forward, squatted down under the surprised eyes of others, then stretched out his hands, quickly grabbed Jinmu's arms, and pulled them violently.

The Holy Son's movements were extremely fast, and before everyone could react, they heard a scream.

At this moment, Jin Mu covered his arms and screamed, but the next moment he looked at his hands, they recovered?
The Son stood up and said, "He's just dislocated"

Everyone suddenly realized that it wasn't a severed hand, so the nature was not very serious.

And the president of the karate club looked at Shengzi in surprise. This girl's movements are too fast, and her technique is very skilled. She looks like a martial arts practitioner. Who is this girl?How have you never heard of it?

Seeing her standing beside Misawa Yusuke, the president's expression was a little strange.

Is this Yusuke Misawa's friend also a monster?
At this moment the crowd parted, and several teachers came in, Ritsuko among them.

Ritsuko finally couldn't drag it any longer, and the school had to intervene.

Ritsuko looked at the scene, Yusuke was standing there unharmed, while Kaneki was sitting on the ground, there was a pool of blood on the ground, and there was some blood on the corner of his mouth.

Ritsuko felt a lump in her heart, while the other teachers turned pale with fright, and hurriedly helped Kaneki to the infirmary.

Yusuke was taken away by Ritsuko, everyone looked at him worriedly, Yusuke said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, I'll go back soon"

Then a knife hit him on the head.

"You can still laugh!" Ritsuko shouted angrily.

"Okay I'm sorry"

Seeing Ritsuko's actions, Eri and the others were relieved. It seems that the nature is not very serious, otherwise Ritsuko would not be talking and laughing.

The teachers dispersed the students, and the students left after watching the excitement.

Ritsuko left with Yusuke.

Walking in the corridor, Ritsuko asked in a deep voice: "Yusuke, answer me, how hard did you hit? It's vomiting blood!"

"I have a sense of proportion!"

"Your duty is to beat them up and vomit blood!" Ritsuko complained.

"It's hard for me to protect you now"

"Ritsuko, we are just ordinary club activities"

"Come on, will your teachers believe what you say?"

Ritsuko sighed, and continued: "Unless both of you have confessed like this, insisting that it's just an ordinary club activity and treating it as an ordinary accident, then the nature is not very serious, but will Taji Kaneki agree? "

(End of this chapter)

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