Chapter 378 378. Impossible

Yuji Yamamoto showed interest at this moment.

"I didn't expect Yusuke to be so powerful, but now it's September, and the Yulong Banner was held in July, and it's been more than a month. Is it useful to interview now? The heat has passed."

"This is my personal intuition, this Yusuke Misawa is different from previous champions"

"What's the difference?"

"Yusuke Misawa broke into the Jade Dragon Banner in the form of a dark horse, and turned the kendo circle upside down. He will definitely surprise people in the future, or plan ahead. I want to get first-hand information."

"Okay, then let me ask you a question."

"You must help me, as long as you make an appointment for me, then I will..." At this point, Suzuki Mulan blushed.

Yuji Yamamoto understood in an instant, and made up his mind at this moment, even if he was kneeling on the ground, he still asked Yusuke to agree.

Then I can, hehehe....

After the three of Yusuke left the restaurant, they sent Rie home, and Rie had no longer looked depressed, and said goodbye to the two at the door of the house.

"Thank you, Yusuke" Rie said seriously.

Yusuke smiled and waved his hands: "There is no need for this between us."

For a moment, Rie felt a strong urge.


Seeing Yui standing beside her, the impulse quickly disappeared.

At this time, he waved his hand and said with a smile: "Then see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow"

It wasn't until the figures of the two disappeared at the intersection that Rie was relieved.

There is still a chance, keep going!
Yusuke and Yui also returned home, and the family had already had dinner.

After saying hello to his family, Yusuke went back to his room. He had to do his homework and arrange things in the studio, but he was very busy.

At this time the phone rang, Yusuke looked at it, it was Norio Sakurai calling.

Yusuke still kept in touch with Norio Sakurai, and Jixiong said several times that he would come to play with Yusuke, but they all canceled due to various reasons.

But that's fine, Yusuke still doesn't know how to face her.

"Yusuke, congratulations on your new semester." Ji Xiong said excitedly on the phone.

"It's not something to congratulate," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Enrolling in a new semester means that you are a little older, and I am a little older too." Ji Xiong deliberately emphasized his tone in the last sentence.

The guy had just chatted a few words, and immediately drove away.

"Then congratulations on entering the new semester"

"Thank you, I even took a special photo to commemorate, do you want to see it?"

"no need"

"Cut, duplicity man, I'll give you another chance, say it again"

"Then send it over"

"I see that you are thinking about farts, and you can get it so easily, so what?"

"Then tell me, what are the conditions?" Yusuke said with a smile.

"I owe it first, I remember"

"You are lying"

"It doesn't matter, you agreed anyway, I'll send the photo now"

At this time, Yusuke received a message, clicked on it, and it was Ji Xiong's selfie.

In one room, Sakurai Norio is wearing a white short skirt, a tight white vest on the upper body, bulging breasts, black cat ears on her head, and a black skirt behind the skirt Tail, beautiful facial features with light makeup, especially her watery eyes, the combination of sexy and pure, the whole person is so cute!

"Why Catwoman?"

"Do you not like it?"

Well, Yusuke loves it!

"Then how about changing to another character, what character do you like?" Sakurai Norio asked at this time.

Yusuke suddenly had some associations, he can still choose a role!awesome!

"How is it? Don't you think it's cool? Ha, you idiot, you've been fooled, how is it possible!" Ji Xiong laughed loudly on the phone, and Yusuke was a little embarrassed.

This guy is indeed an old driver,
The two chatted for a long time before hanging up the phone.

Sakurai Norio was in his studio at this time, looking at the darkened profile picture on his phone, and sighed.

Should this relationship continue?

Or it can't be regarded as a relationship, after all, it's just his unilateral confession, and Yusuke didn't answer.

Several times Ji Xiong wanted to give up, after all long-distance relationship has no good results.

But every time she picked up the phone, talked to him, and heard Yusuke's voice, her heart beat fast and her mood became very happy.

This made her very puzzled. We had only known each other for a week, so why did we have such a strong feeling?
Ji Xiong dropped the phone in his hand, and lay directly on the sofa in the studio, kicking his two little feet in the air.

What should we do?Won't this guy take the initiative!

She wanted to run to find Yusuke several times during the summer vacation, but every time, various things happened, as if something was blocking them.

From the last seaside to the present, the two have not seen each other for more than a month.

Damn it, long-distance relationships are so painful!

How to do this?

This is still my first love!

Norio Sakurai fell into a state of confusion.

Although Norio Momoi likes to be full of nasty jokes, she is surprisingly innocent and has never been in love. Yusuke is her first love!

After finishing the phone call with Norio Sakurai, Yusuke felt a little turbulent in his heart, but he quickly recovered and picked up his textbook to continue studying.

On the second day, Yusuke went to school as usual.

But what happened today was different. Walking on the school road, when many students saw Yusuke, they immediately ran away as if seeing a big devil. Wherever they went, the crowd automatically separated, forming a road leading directly to the school.

"Everyone seems to be afraid of you," Yui said in a low voice.

"I think it's not bad." Yusuke replied, "Everyone is afraid of me, so they won't pester me in the future. It's really great!"

Yuyi looked at him strangely, "What you said is true?"

"of course"

Basically all the students in the school know what happened yesterday. Everyone knows that there is a fierce guy in the first grade who challenged the student council president and vomited blood. But in the end, nothing happened. Everyone who is so handsome They are all avoided.

But it was too good for Yusuke.

Because the charisma value is too high, everyone’s favorability towards him is too high. Yusuke usually has many girls accosting him when he walks on the road, let alone in school, as long as he behaves approachable and smiles from time to time, It is estimated that the love letters he receives every day are enough to fill the shoe cabinet.

Yusuke had had enough of such a strong love affair, and now he was finally able to calm down.

The two entered the school, changed their shoes at the entrance, and Yui was standing behind Yusuke.

"What are you doing?" Yusuke asked curiously.

"See if your shoe cabinet is full of love letters again?"

"No one should be so bold anymore," Yusuke said with a smile.

Those classmates looked at Yusuke in the morning like a scourge, who would dare to confess their love at this time!
Yusuke opened the shoe cabinet...

(End of this chapter)

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