The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 380. 380. Backstab from Xicheng Dance

Chapter 380. 380. Backstab from Xicheng Dance
On the first day of school, Yusuke spoke on stage as an outstanding student representative. At that time, his handsome appearance surprised all the female students. They were very curious that such a handsome boy was unknown in the school!

Yusuke was too low-key in the first half of the year, and there was too little news about him.

But for those who knew him, Yusuke's situation was well known, including Xicheng Mai.

Yusuke's strength makes Xi Chengwu worship all over, she is Yusuke's most loyal fan girl.

In the face of everyone's curious discussion, Xicheng Mai showed off Yusuke's record fiercely, but once started, he couldn't stop, a lot of gossip news broke out, and then the information spread like this.

Yusuke smiled and said, "It's not a big problem."

Regarding his information, even if the students knew it, it would be nothing.

"and also……"

Xi Chengwu said in embarrassment, not daring to look at Yusuke, Yusuke's heart suddenly thumped.

"Morning rumors..." Xi'an Chengwu whispered.

Yusuke suddenly understood that the traitor is you!

This is a backstab from Xicheng Dance!

"I didn't do it on purpose!" Xicheng Wu said anxiously: "I just want to explain to everyone why you guys compete, but I don't know why it suddenly became such a rumor."

"Is it really?"

Yusuke looked at Xicheng Wu with both eyes, Xicheng Wu said in a low voice: "Actually, I added some of my imagination."

Well, girls' imaginations are very troublesome things.

Looking at Saijo Mai with an apologetic face, Yusuke sighed, the rumors are already like this, what else can he do?Moreover, Xicheng Dance was also present to support yesterday, and Xiangzi was also interceding beside him, so it is not easy to turn his face and deny people at this time.

Xicheng Mai looked at Yusuke nervously, waiting for Yusuke's sentence.

Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "This is not an example."

Only then did Xicheng Dance heave a sigh of relief, her heart settled.

"Sorry, Senior Sanze, I won't dare next time," Xi Chengwu said sincerely.

Xicheng Dance's personality, Yusuke, is still trustworthy. After getting along for a while, everyone knows that she didn't do it on purpose, and some small mistakes can be understood.

"By the way, Senior Sanze, I'll give you these coupons, as my apology." Xi Chengwu handed over a bunch of coupons at this moment.

Yusuke held the coupon in his hand and asked, "What are these?"

"This is a coupon from my home. If you have a coupon, you can give me a massage for free."

Yusuke smiled and said: "Okay, I have received your apology" and put away the coupon.

Yusuke has experienced Xicheng Dance's massage skills, which are very powerful, and her father's skills are stronger, and Yongsuke plans to give coupons to family members. Mom and Dad have worked so hard, so they can enjoy it.

After leaving the kendo club, Yusuke came to the club.

Several people in Eri are in the club, practicing for next week's movie.

Yusuke greeted him and was seated soon.

"Yusuke, this is the storyboard I drew, can you take a look at it?"

Lixiang handed over a notebook, which was the storyboard of the script.

Yusuke has been shooting videos for so long, and he is already very proficient in controlling the camera. Lixiang wants to ask his opinion, after all, Yusuke is the real master in shooting.

After watching the storyboard, Yusuke discussed some details with Lixiang.

A group of people are doing club activities in the classroom.

Eri is very satisfied, this is the club life she wants!

Working together, creating new things together, and doing activities together, this is the real youth!

Moreover, it is only with the most important person that such a youth is meaningful!
Yusuke raised his head at this moment, and found that Eri was looking at him blankly, and asked curiously: "Eri, what's wrong with you?"

Yusuke's voice brought Eri back to her senses, and she shook her head, "It's nothing, I just think this kind of youth is really great!"

Yusuke has a strange look on his face, what is going on with this guy!

At this time, the mobile phone on his body rang, and Yusuke looked at it, and it was Yuji Yamamoto who called.

Yusuke said hello, and walked out of the classroom with his mobile phone in hand. Seeing this scene, Eri immediately muttered to Lixiang.

"Mr. Yamamoto, what's the matter?" Yusuke answered the phone and asked with a smile.

"Yusuke, you have to help me this time!" Yuji Yamamoto said anxiously on the phone.

"What happened?"

"There is a very important matter, which is related to my life, you must help me!"

"Then you have to tell me about the specific situation."

"This is how it works"

Yuji Yamamoto repeated his girlfriend's request.

"Please, Yusuke, this is the request of my life"

Yusuke thought for a while, and replied: "This is fine, no problem."

It wouldn't do him any harm to be interviewed by Suzuki Ran.

"Thank you so much! When are you free?"

"This Sunday?" Yusuke thought about his plans for this week, only this Sunday is free.

"Okay then, I'll tell Xiaolan, I'll pick you up then"

Yuji Yamamoto hung up the phone and went to ask his girlfriend for credit.

Yusuke put away his phone and returned to the club classroom.

Seeing Yusuke came back, Eri gave Lixiang a wink at this moment: act according to the plan, Lixiang immediately understood.

"Yusuke, here are some props to be used, I hope you can help make them." Lixiang pushed a form over.

Not only does Yusuke play the leading role, but he is also responsible for the production of props. After all, the club has a limited number of people, and everyone has to wear several hats.

"let me see"

Yusuke picked up the form and looked at it, then nodded after a while.

"No problem, these are small props"

"Then can I trouble you to buy it with Eri now?" Lixiang suggested.

"No problem." Yusuke nodded.

Eri showed a happy expression for a moment, Rika glanced at her, and Eri nodded to express her understanding.

The two packed up, left the school directly, and headed towards the shopping street.

"This is the second time we've acted together," Eri said with a smile.

When they first joined the regiment, the two acted together once, but not anymore.

Yusuke nodded and said, "But you gave me a bad first impression"

"Do you remember about that incident?" Eri was shocked.

She regretted that incident very much until now, what was in her head at that time, that she would do such a thing!

"Please, please forget about that," Eri clasped her hands together and said.

Yusuke smiled, "This is your black history, I will remember it forever"

"Please, don't do this!"

"Well, well, I will forget" Yusuke replied with a smile, "But time is such a strange thing, it can change a lot of things"

The past six months are neither long nor short, but they are enough to change many people.

Eri also nodded, she never thought that she would fall in love with this man beside her.

Although she has always regretted that previous action, but in her heart, she is also a little lucky, because of that incident she was able to know Yusuke.

"Let's go!" Yusuke said at this moment, and Eri came back to her senses, and followed with a smile.

The future is what matters!
(End of this chapter)

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