Chapter 382 382. Acting really like

Yumi and the others are rivals with Konohana, Yusuke knows it, but how did Konohana get along with those two college students?

What Yusuke didn't know was that Kinohana met Shihiu and Kento because he was actually the reason. They were both victims of Crow Boss. They also met by accusing animal expert Misawa-kun of atrocities. It's a colleague, and now it's lively, the dry wood meets the fire, and the three of them hook up together.

Because of the crow attack last time, the careers of Zhijiu and Xianren were in trouble, so they had to start a new career, which is currently developing.

And Konohana is also famous in school because of the crow attack, and the classmates are laughing at it, which is unacceptable for Konohana who has a strong self-esteem.

Especially Xijiutiao Denghua, who seized the handle and kept jumping back and forth on the verge of death, the two even got into a fight because of this.

But facing the kendo master Nishi Kujo, Konoka must have been beaten all over the floor, and Konoka is even more embarrassed now.

Yumi and the others will have a conflict with Kinohana, but it is actually just a trivial matter.

The three of them were chatting on the road, and they happened to talk about Konoka's miserable appearance, and they burst out laughing.

Coincidentally, Konoka happened to be nearby with Zhijiu and Xianren, and heard what they said, and was immediately very angry, so she stepped forward to argue, and everyone quarreled like this.

As a result, the quarrel became more and more excited, and the two sides began to attack personally.

Yumi said loudly: "It's really a dog who can't change eating shit. Isn't the lesson from last time not enough?"

Both Zhijiu and Xianren were a little upset when they heard the word 'shit'. This was their scar, and it was undoubtedly adding salt to their wound.

"Be careful what you say!" Konoha said angrily, and she was also very disgusted when others talked about it.

"What's the matter? I touched a scar, haven't you guys eaten shit?" Yumi sarcastically sarcastically included all three of them.

For Zhijiu and Xianren, this is the biggest stain in their lives. Zhijiu thought that this matter had caused a lot of conflicts with others, and because of this, their careers would be ruined, so it is simply absurd for Yumi to mention this matter. It's whipping the corpse!

"Smelly bitch!" Zhijiu yelled at this moment, and his strong body immediately stood in front of the three of Yumi, and the ferocious appearance made the three of them a little nervous.

This guy looks like a thug!
"What are you doing? Do you want to hit someone?" Yumi asked nervously. The development of the matter was beyond their imagination. If they did it, they would suffer a lot.

The sage also walked over at this time, and the two blocked them.

"What are you doing?" Yumi shouted angrily, but her voice was trembling.

Obviously, they were scared.

"You are so arrogant!" Zhijiu pushed Yumi at this time, and Yumi was caught off guard by his action, and her body fell backwards, but fortunately Mu Xi and Sonoko supported her at this time.

"How dare you beat someone!" Mu Xi shouted angrily.

"I'm going to call the police." Yuanzi took out his mobile phone, but the mobile phone was immediately slapped away by a hand.

The phone spun in the air, fell to the ground, and the screen went black instantly.

"My phone!" Yuanzi shouted anxiously, looking at the two with a little fear in his eyes.

The sage was staring at them fiercely at this moment, he was the one who took a picture of Yuanzi's phone just now.

Muzhihua also came to her senses at this time, and said viciously: "Zhijiu, Xian'er, drag them to the alley and teach them a lesson!"

Why bother arguing with them, just beat them up.

Maybe we can catch some clues, Kinohana looked at the three of Yumi and showed a meaningful smile at this time, these three people are not bad looking.

For a moment, Yumi and the others were taken aback by Kinohana's eyes, they couldn't help but shuddered, took a step back, and the three of them leaned together, their expressions a little frightened.

The development of this matter was completely beyond their imagination!
Zhijiu and Xianren surrounded him with hideous faces.


The three of Yumi called loudly, and the pedestrians on the road stopped and looked at them curiously.


At this time, Mu Zhihua was holding the mobile phone, smiling sweetly and said to the passers-by around: "Sorry, this is our club activity, we are making a movie now, sorry to trouble you, these are just acting."

The passers-by looked at Konoha, and then looked at several other girls. They were all wearing the same school uniform. They should be students from the same school. They should be acting, so they ignored it and continued walking.

Kinohana bowed to everyone, then turned her head, the smile on her face disappeared, her eyes were very cold, and she nodded towards Shihiu and Kento, the two of them suddenly smiled grimly, under the terrified eyes of the three of Yumi , and grabbed them directly.


The movements of the two people stopped at this moment, with two palms grasping their arms, the force was so strong that they couldn't move.

The two turned their heads and saw a handsome young man in front of them.

Even if this young man turns into ashes, they will know him. This is the culprit who messed up everything for them!

"Is it fun to bully high school girls?"

A calm voice came, and suddenly a huge force came, pulling the two of them backwards. They were caught off guard and fell directly to the ground.

Yusuke's sudden appearance surprised several people, Yumi and the three were taken aback for a moment, and then showed expressions of gratitude.


The three said excitedly, Yusuke was their savior, if he didn't show up, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Kinohana was taken aback, who is this boy?

But she reacted quickly, showing an angry expression, and asked sharply: "What are you doing? We are shooting a movie, and your sudden intrusion has already hindered our shooting! Leave immediately!"

He didn't recognize Yusuke, regarded him as an ordinary passerby, and planned to fool him according to what he said just now.

Yusuke looked at her with a smile that wasn't a smile, this guy's acting is quite similar.

"Yusuke Misawa!" Shihiu and Kento roared angrily at this moment, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met.

Yusuke Misawa?

Only then did Kizhihua realize that it was him!
At this moment, he looked at Yusuke angrily.

It's all this guy's fault!My career is gone, and I have become the laughing stock of everyone, all because of this guy!
I have no enmity with him, why is this guy targeting me?

"Are you all right?" Yusuke turned his head to Yumi and the three and asked, the three of Yumi showed gratitude, and then their expressions changed, "Misawa-kun, be careful!"

At this moment, Zhijiu and Xianren had rushed over, with fierce faces, one on the left and one on the right, trying to pinch Yusuke.

They don't care about cyber violence at this time, they are going to teach him a good lesson now!
The next moment, a black shadow flashed past, and the two of them flew upside down like cannonballs, hitting the wall and making a loud noise.

Pedestrians passing by were startled, and Yumi suddenly became wise and said, "I'm sorry, we are making a movie, this is acting, and I'm bothering you."

Only then did the passers-by suddenly realize that it turned out to be a movie, but the acting really looks like it!
(End of this chapter)

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