Chapter 389 389. Winning

These cats are already very high, lying on the ground staggeringly, some are lying on the ground in a large font and sleeping soundly, some are rolling on the ground, doing strange movements, and some are twisted into a ball, Stacked one on top of the other.

When Yusuke and the others approached, these stray cats didn't feel at all.

Youyi and the others were a little nervous at the beginning. After all, it took some courage to step over so many cats. If they burst out all at once, the cats would crush people to death, but they also relaxed after seeing this scene.

Catnip is really powerful!
Several people took bags and started recycling catnip, making sure nothing was left behind.

"Yusuke, I've got it done here"

"I got it done here"

"I can handle the boss too"

"Okay, then let's go back to the tree, Boss Crow, please inform Xiaobai and them"

Crow boss nodded, flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

Yusuke and the others returned to the tree, put all the catnip into the box, sealed it well, made sure that no breath leaked out, and then waited quietly on the tree.

After a while, there was a commotion in the woods, and three black shadows ran out of the woods. They were one, two, and three. The three kittens climbed up the tree in twos and stood in front of Yusuke.

"Meow (Xiao Hei and the others have already rushed over)"

Yusuke nodded, "I've already got it done, you guys will win this war!"

The three kittens took a look at the scene, all the cats were stumbling around, each of them had no fighting power, and they looked like they were being slaughtered.

The three kittens immediately cheered.

It's still my king Yongsuke who is so good, he can handle the opponent alone!

After a while, there was a dense cat meowing in the woods. It was a large group of cats, and there were 7 kittens walking in the front. Xiaohuang, the flower-armed cat Xiaohua, the gray-patterned American shorthair cat Lanlan, the yellow-striped raccoon cat Madoka, and the black-and-white cat puppet, they are the leaders of the team.

Needless to say about the war between animals, Xiao Hei immediately killed them as soon as they entered the field.

The numbers of the two sides are about the same, but one side has no fighting power at all, while the other side is full of fighting spirit.

Countless kittens ran out of the woods, like a tide, instantly drowning the group of cats lying on the ground.

Suddenly, a miserable meow sounded.

This is a completely unilateral massacre!

The pain made the kittens react, and only then did they realize that they were surrounded.

Faced with this situation, the stray cats were completely stunned, unable to react at all, and subconsciously wanted to run away.

First of all, the outermost cats started to run away, and other cats were also moved after hearing the news, and then all aspects collapsed.

Countless stray cats ran into the woods and fled in all directions. Xiao Hei and the others were chasing after them, chasing and killing them all the way.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the sound of cat meowing gradually disappeared, leaving only cat fur all over the place, and a messy mess of destruction.

"Is it over?" Xiao Zhizi asked, it was the first time she saw a cat war, and the dense numbers made her scalp tingle.

"I don't know, wait a little longer." Yusuke replied, and several people nodded.

After a while, several figures ran out from the woods, they were three kittens, they moved quickly, and quickly ran up the tree, cheering in front of Yusuke.

"Meow meow (win, we win!)"

The three kittens jumped up and down happily.

"Win!" Yusuke said with a smile, and the three of Yuyi breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, the scene just now was a bit thrilling, and now they are finally relieved, with smiles on their faces.

"Where are Xiao Hei and them?" Yusuke asked the three kittens.

"Meow meow meow meow (little blacks are chasing and killing the enemy, we must scare them, so they won't dare to attack us next time)"

Hajime then looked up at the moon.

"Meow (should be back soon)"

After a while, the seven kittens came back together, looking very high-spirited.

"Congratulations on winning," Yusuke said with a smile, and the kittens all nodded.

Xiaobai shouted: "Meow meow meow meow (it's all Yusuke's help, we will remember your favor, all our partners will help if we need anything in the future)"

The other kittens all nodded, they had fully agreed with Yusuke.

"These cats are so beautiful!" Xiao Zhizi whispered to Rie and the two, "I wonder if we can absorb them into the company?"

Xiaobai and the others are comparable to Xiaohei in terms of coat color and appearance. If they can join the big family, it will be a great help.

Both Yui and Rie were a little moved, but after thinking about it, they shook their heads.

"This aspect is decided by Yusuke. Yusuke must have the same vision, but he didn't invite him. He should have his own ideas."

Xiaozhizi just gave up.

Xiaobai and the others also thanked Yalao Dao, and Yalao nodded, flapping his wings and flying into the sky.

"Wow (what a bloodbath, hahaha!)"

"Whoah (let's go!)"

The next moment, countless black shadows flew out from the forest, and crows flew into the sky, densely packed, hundreds of crows covered the sky and the earth, even blocking the moonlight.

Black feathers fell, and a huge black shadow covered the ground.

At this moment, darkness eroded everything.

Rie and Xiaozhizi were shocked, it was the first time they saw such a scene, this scene was so shocking that they couldn't even speak at this moment.

After a long time, Xiao Zhizi said to himself, "Does the boss know magic?"

This scene is really exactly like magic!
All the kittens looked at all this in shock, what a powerful force it is!

And this power is all in the hands of Yusuke, and now they worship Yusuke even more!
Xiaobai and the others are going back, and Yusuke and the others are preparing to go back too.

"By the way, where is Xiaohui?" Yusuke asked.

Xiao Hui came out with Xiao Hei and the others, but up to now no figure of Xiao Hui has been seen, where did Xiao Hui go?

At this moment, Xiao Hui's figure ran out from the woods.

"Meow meow (you guys wait for me)"

"Where did you go?"

"Meow meow meow meow (when I arrived here just now, they all ran away, so I chased after them, but I couldn't catch them, so I had to come back)"

Yusuke was speechless, Xiao Hui couldn't keep up with the state at all!

It is estimated that without Xiao Hei's care, Xiao Hui would have starved to death long ago.

"Okay, it's over, let's go back too."

"Then what about the scene?" Xiao Zhizi looked at the scene and asked.

The cat fur all over the scene, as well as the feathers of the crows, combined with the messy terrain that was destroyed, looked very bad.

"Don't worry about it, there are very few people here, as long as it takes a few days, all these traces will be gone"

The three Xiaozhizi thought for a while and nodded.

Time is the best magician.

"It's so late, why don't you stay at my house tonight" Yuyi said at this time.

There were no trams at this time, so it was fine for Yui to be accompanied by Yusuke, but it was not safe for the two girls to walk at night, so Yui proposed to stay at her house for one night.

"Will that be too disturbing?" Xiao Zhizi asked nervously.

"It's okay, Xiaozhizi, let's have a chat tonight." Yuyi said with a smile.

Rie and Xiaozhizi nodded, and the four of them went home together, and then separated at the door of Miyajima's house.

Xiao Zhizi watched Yusuke walk into the next room, and said in surprise: "So the boss and Yui are childhood sweethearts!"

"Yeah, don't you know?"

"do not know"

Xiao Zhizi shook her head, Yusuke never explained their relationship to her, she thought they were just ordinary good friends, but now it seems that the situation is a bit different.

(End of this chapter)

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