Chapter 394 394. Why Are You Here?

Semi's younger brother and younger sister, Haruma and Meko, were looking at the store and were discussing at this time.

"My sister's friends are really rare," Yazi said with emotion. My sister's personality is too withdrawn. I thought she had no friends, but I didn't expect that someone would come to see her when she got sick.

"But those two foreigners are really beautiful," Haruma said, "like dolls."

"It's really rare to see such a beautiful foreigner, but there's something wrong with foreigners, they age faster"

"Aren't you jealous?" Chun Ma said with a smile.

"Who is jealous!" Yazi shouted angrily, "Then what about you, maybe you are infatuated with them? The rotten toad wants to eat swan meat!"

"What did you say!" Chunma became angry immediately, and stood up, "What about you? When you looked at that man just now, your saliva was almost drooling."

"You are talking nonsense!"

The two gritted their teeth and stared at each other, this was the daily life of the Katori family.

"Excuse me, is Katorisemi there?" A girl's voice came, and the two turned their heads.

There were two men and a woman standing at the door, and the one who asked the question was a cute girl, who was looking at the two with a smile on her face, and they immediately returned to their original state.

At this time, Yazi said: "This is Katori's family, you are..."

"We are Semi's friends. We heard that Semi had a cold and came to see her," the girl said with a smile.

Appearing here are Nishikujo Toka, Kitagawa Hideki, and Sahara Moriyuki, who also came to visit Semi.

Yazi and Chunma were a little surprised. When did my sister have so many friends, one wave came here just now, and another wave came now.

"Then please come in." Yazi said with a smile at this moment: "A friend of my sister came over just now, you go up together, Chunma, I'm asking you to look after the shop here."

Chunma nodded, they were still very united in front of outsiders.

Yazi walked in with the three of them, talking.

"Two foreign girls and a brother came to visit my sister just now, and they are now in my sister's room"

Kitagawa Hideki who followed behind was a little surprised.

"Zuo Yuan, are there any foreigners in our school?"

"No, we are an ordinary school, but I'm curious, how did Semi know foreigners? It's hard to imagine with her English level."

"Indeed it is"

"You two idiots!"

Xikutiao Denghua looked helpless.

This is someone else's home, can you be more polite!

"Nishi Kujo, why are you scolding us?" Kitagawa Hideki asked strangely.

Xikutiao Denghua didn't want to talk to them, there was no way to communicate with idiots.

Yazi who was walking in front also heard it, but just smiled and said nothing.

Yazi took the three of them to the second floor.

"This is my sister's room," Yazi said with a smile.

Nishi Kujo could hear slight chatter coming from the room, and one of the voices sounded familiar.

Yazi knocked on the door, and the voice inside immediately disappeared.

"Sister, a friend came to see you." Yazi pushed open the door directly.

In an instant, several people inside and outside the room met.

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

"Yusuke Misawa! Why are you here!"

At this moment, Xijiutiao Denghua pointed at the other party with one hand and screamed loudly.

Hideki Kitagawa and Moriyuki Sahara behind them also looked shocked!

Why is Misawa Yusuke here!

The three of them were so surprised that they even forgot about the two girls next to Yusuke.

Yusuke frowned, this guy is so rude, since he met her till now, this girl has never been polite.

The sudden outburst of the Xikutiao lantern made everyone startled, and they all looked at the two of them at this moment.

Yusuke sat there calmly, not surprised by honor or disgrace, but Nishi Kujo still kept pointing at people, which was very indecent.

Nishi Kujo reacted immediately, retracted her movements, and smiled a little embarrassedly. Her behavior was not much better than that of Beichuan and the others just now.

The atmosphere at the scene was suddenly very heavy.

Yazi looked at all this curiously, why do these two people seem to have enmity.

"Well, Deng Hua, come in and talk."

As a party involved, Semi had no choice but to interrupt the embarrassing atmosphere at the scene.

The three of Nishikujo came in at this time, and sat on both sides of the three of them with Yusuke, and Semi's bed was in the middle.

"Yazi, please close the door, it's a bit windy"

Yazi nodded, exited the room, closed the door, and put her ears on the door the next moment.

The development of things seems to be getting more and more interesting, more and more gossip!

The atmosphere in the room was a bit heavy, and Semi, who was in the middle, was sweating all over. If possible, she didn't want this kind of scene to happen.

The friends from the Secondary School and the friends from the school unexpectedly met together, this is undoubtedly sparks hitting the earth!
Semi panicked a lot at this time!
If only I could pretend to be sick and act like I didn't know.

No, I'm sick right now, that's even better, then I don't know.

Semi suddenly fell into an ostrich state.

Yusuke sat on Semi's right hand side, Jessica and Evangeline sat next to him.

Toka Nishikujo sat on Semi's left, and Kitagawa and Zuohara sat next to her.

three on three

But the eyes of the three people on Nishi Kujo's side were all on Yusuke, as if they wanted to eat people.

Considering their previous grievances with Yusuke, it's normal to have such a reaction.

"How did you guys know Semi? You must have caught Semi's handle, right?" Nishi Kujou said with full of gunpowder.

"Why, do you still need your consent for Semi to meet friends?" Yusuke sneered.

"Why do you call Semi so close!" Bei Chuan broke out suddenly, stood up, with an angry expression on his face.

He has been secretly in love with Semi for a long time, but he didn't expect that the enemy would take the lead.

Yusuke looked at this guy a little strangely, his words were so sour, could this guy be secretly in love with Semi?

Seeing how this guy was going to fight him desperately, the more Yusuke thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

It was like this.

"What are you trying to do to Yusuke!"

Surprisingly, it was Jessica who came out at this time, and she looked angry at this time.

Jessica's sudden appearance made Kitagawa Hideki overwhelmed, and it took a while to remember, isn't this the beautiful foreign girl I met in McDonald's just now!

Sure enough, this guy is a scumbag!
"Here, don't quarrel." Semi had no choice but to show up, and if she didn't show up, they would probably fight.

At this time, he was struggling to sit up, but Xi Jiutiao had quick eyes and quick hands, and pushed her back into the quilt.

"If you catch a cold, lie down in bed and rest, don't move around"

"But you..."

"Okay, we won't fight, don't worry"

After all, they are good friends, and Xikujo Toka immediately understood Semi's thoughts.

After hearing Semi's words, Hideki Kitagawa sat down resentfully, Yusuke took Jessica's hand and made her sit down too.

Don't worry, I'm here"

When Yusuke's calm voice came, Jessica immediately calmed down and nodded.

After reassuring Semi, Nishi Kujo Toka took a deep breath at this moment, and regained her composure, looking at Yusuke.

"Let's talk"

(End of this chapter)

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