Chapter 401 401. Message
Yusuke stretched out his arm, and Yabo stood on his arm.

The size of the crow boss seems to be bigger than before, the feathers are more abundant, and the hair is darker. This size is very conspicuous among the crows.

Crow boss is getting more and more domineering!
"Boss Crow, I need your help with something." Yusuke cut to the chase, and told about Xiao Hei's matter.

Crow boss nodded.

"Wow (Is Xiao Hei that black cat?)"

"Whoah (no problem, you get a picture of it)"

Yusuke put the photo he had prepared on the ground.

Crow boss flapped his wings and flew into the sky, yelling loudly.

The next moment, all the crows raised their heads, waved their wings and flew up, countless crows flew into the sky.

After receiving the relevant information, the crows immediately scattered and flew around.

The crow boss flapped his wings.

"Wow wow (wait for my good news at the studio)"

Its figure also disappeared into the sky.

Crow Boss is the last trump card.

If you can't even find Crow Boss, then there is really nothing you can do.

Yusuke was thinking while walking, when a voice called him

Yusuke stopped, and Kawana Ruto, with his left hand, was riding a bicycle and came from the front, smiling and waving.

Yusuke also smiled and waved in response.

"Why didn't you respond when I called you just now?" Left-handed Kawanaru said a little unhappy.

"Thinking about something"

"What's on your mind?" Zuo Shuchuan looked at Yusuke, and said in surprise, "Could it be that you got dumped?"

Yusuke shook his head, not in the mood to joke with her at this time.

Seeing Yusuke's expression, Zuo Techuan also stopped joking.

"What happened, can you tell me?"

Yusuke thought for a while, then told about Xiao Hei.

"I'm sorry, I can't help you with this." The left-handed Kawanaru said helplessly, "This kind of thing can't be filed."

Yusuke nodded, "I understand."

No matter how important Xiao Hei is to Yusuke and the others, it is still just a pet in the end, and even the police will not care about such things if a pet is lost.

But Zuo Techuan can also understand Yusuke's mood, Zuo Chuan knows the nature of Yusuke's work, Xiao Hei is an important part of the studio, if Xiao Hei is missing, it will have a great impact on Yusuke's career.

If it were her, she would be in a hurry.

"Don't worry so much, maybe the kitten is out to play," Zuo Shouchuan comforted, "The cats in my hometown are also like this. Sometimes they go out for four or five days before returning home. Don't worry, cats recognize their homes. Don't you worry? too early"

"Maybe," Yusuke replied with a smile.

The two chatted for a while, then waved goodbye, and Zuo Shouchuan continued to patrol.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket rang, and it was Rie calling.

"Yusuke, I checked all the stray animals at the stray animal shelter, and I also asked the relevant staff, but I didn't find Xiao Hei," Rie said worriedly on the phone.

Yusuke knew it well, and comforted him: "Then you guys go back to the studio now, I'll be back later"

"okay, I get it"

At the stray animal shelter, seeing Rie hang up the phone, Yui asked eagerly at this moment: "What did Yusuke say?"

"He told us to go back to the studio first, now we can only rely on Yusuke"

Yui nodded, this was the only way right now.

Yusuke has arrived at the holy land of cats at this time.

Here, many cats were resting, heard the sound, raised their heads, saw that it was Yusuke, and went back to sleep. The cats were very familiar with Yusuke, and they all believed that Yusuke was a partner.

Yusuke only found Xiaohua here, and asked about the progress.

"Meow meow meow meow (a lot of cats were mobilized to search last night, but it was too late after all, many cats were sleeping, and more cats will join the search today)"

"Meow meow (don't worry, if Xiao Hei dies, we will avenge him)"

Xiaohua said seriously.

I don't know if that counts as consolation.

"Then please, please inform Xiao Huang if there is any news, Xiao Huang will contact me."

Xiao Hua nodded.

After leaving the sanctuary of cats, Yusuke returned to the studio.

Yui and the other three were waiting anxiously. When they saw Yusuke coming back, they looked forward to it, but Yusuke shook his head, and everyone sighed helplessly.

Now we can only wait for the result.

Two hours later, Xiao Huang ran in through the window, and everyone immediately surrounded him.

"Meow meow (Yusuke, I found something!)"

Xiao Huang shouted: "Meow meow meow meow (one of our partners saw Xiao Hei being taken away by a human with a net yesterday afternoon),

"Do you know where they went?"

"Meow meow (our partner was also afraid of being caught, so he didn't catch up)"

This is the only information.

But news is better than no news, so Yusuke told everyone about it.

"Could it be that they sell animals? But I haven't heard of one that sells stray cats?" Xiao Zhizi looked strange, and Yui and Rie also looked puzzled.

This is not a domesticated animal. Domesticated animals can quickly recognize their masters after being trained by humans, but stray animals are different. They are wild and difficult to tame, and it takes too much time to domesticate them.

"Unless he has special hobbies and enjoys killing animals," Xiao Zhizi said to himself at this time, which immediately shocked Yui and Rie.

But if you think about it seriously, the probability of this is really high. If you use a tool like a net, who would care so much except the people in the stray animal shelter.

The three of them suddenly became tense, and it would not be a good end if they fell into the hands of such a person.

At this moment, there was a cry of crows from the balcony.

Boss Crow is here!
"Wow (we found Xiao Hei!)"

Sure enough, the crow boss is awesome!

Under the leadership of Crow Boss, the four of Yongsuke came to an apartment.

This apartment is eight stories high and looks very old.

The crow boss shouted at this time: "Wow wow (Xiao Hei is in a room on the 4th floor, my men saw it, it was locked in a cage)"

Yusuke nodded, it was finally good news.

Everyone was discussing how to rescue Xiao Hei.

"Let's go to him directly," Youyi said, "There is our nameplate on Xiao Hei, this is his identity card, he has to give it to him"

"But what if the other party cut off the nameplate? And what if he doesn't admit it?" Xiao Zhizi said, having been beaten by the society for more than a year, she has a better understanding of the society.

"Then let's call the police." Li Hui said, "As long as Xiao Hei recognizes us, everything will be cleared up."

"But what if he doesn't open the door?" Yusuke said.

This is the most rogue way, but also the most useful.

This matter is at most a civil dispute. As long as you pretend that there is no one at home, the police can't break into the house.

Youyi and the others were taken aback, it seemed that this matter was really tricky.

Yusuke thought for a while, looked at Boss Crow, and asked, "Boss Crow, can you help me?"

Crow boss nodded, "Wow (no problem, just say it)"

Yusuke said to Yui: "Yuyi, can you take out your phone?"

Yui took out his mobile phone, Yusuke made a video call between the two parties, and then handed his mobile phone to Crow Boss.

"Boss Crow, you fly up and point the camera at the house"

Crow boss grabbed his phone, flapped his wings and flew into the sky.

And Yusuke and the others were watching the screen of the mobile phone together.

(End of this chapter)

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