Chapter 407. 407. The Hunt Begins

Yusuke and the others' new hunting methods opened Hideo Sato's eyes. The combination of hunting and video is a new industrial chain, and this industrial chain is very suitable for them.

As traditional hunters, their skills can only be hunting, and there is no other way to monetize them, but if they can also shoot videos, it will be a new income.

It really suits them!
It will not affect their hunting, and they can earn more income. Just use their mobile phones to record their usual hunting activities, and then organize them and upload them to the Internet. This is a double-winner.

Especially after hearing about Yusuke's income, Hideo Sato was even more moved.

Seeing Hideo Sato's expression, Yusuke understood, and said with a smile: "Mr. Sato, things are not that simple. For example, hunting is just a very simple thing in the eyes of outsiders, but is hunting really simple?"

These words immediately made Sato react.

Hunting is not an easy task. Similarly, shooting videos is not an easy task. I was wrong!

In the eyes of outsiders, hunting only needs to hold a shotgun and shoot at the prey, but in the eyes of professional hunters, hunting is a profound skill. Finding prey, waiting for prey, and catching them are all kinds of skills.

Obviously, in his opinion, it is just a matter of taking a mobile phone to shoot, but it is completely different for professionals.

I am impatient!

Sato took a deep breath, calmed down, and said to Yusuke, "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"No problem"

Yusuke smiled, Sato's attitude towards him changed very quickly from the indifference at the beginning to the enthusiasm now.

But Yusuke doesn't care, this world is like this, only the strong will be respected by others.

"Well, Misawa-kun, if I have time, can I ask you for advice?" Hideo Sato said expectantly.

"When we are free, let's communicate again, but for now, let's complete this mission first."

"That's right, so what should I do?"

"Mr. Sato, just act as you usually do when hunting, don't mind the camera"

Hideo Sato nodded, and quickly entered the state. He is the most professional in hunting.

The group moved on.

"Stop!" Hideo Sato raised his hand at this moment, everyone stopped and looked around nervously.

"There are wild boars ahead," Sato said at this time. Everyone stared ahead, but they could only see a bunch of grass and leaves, but nothing.

Yusuke stared at the grass in front of him for a while, with his amazing eyesight, he finally found some black fur in the grass, which was moving slowly.

Yusuke was a little surprised, this guy's eyesight is too amazing, or in other words, it should be because his perception is too strong!
Sato looked around, then pointed to a big tree and said, "Let's go there"

Those were a few big trees, and there was a wide area under the trees. The grass here was less and the vision was clearer. It was the best place to ambush.

"You lie in ambush on the tree, I will lure the wild boar over"

Hunting is the most advantageous from top to bottom.

Everyone nodded, Zuo Chuan urged: "Mr. Sato, you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, I have experience"

Sato put the shotgun on his back, took out a bag from his backpack, and groped in the direction of the wild boar.

"Let's climb the tree!" Yusuke said, the group divided into two groups, the four people from the studio climbed a big tree, Zuo Techuan and Seiko climbed another big tree.

Zuo Shouchuan chose a position on the tree, set up the shotgun, and Sheng Zi leaned against the tree, stabilized his body, and put on a bow and arrow, ready to attack at any time.

The three of Yui found a good angle on the branch and started shooting. Yusuke also took out the bow and arrow and put it on the string.

The hunt this time is for the three of Satogawa and the others, but if things don't go well, Yusuke will also make a move.

After a while, Sato ran back, he was very fast, ran to the tree, poured a bunch of fruits on the ground, and then climbed up the tree.

"They're coming!" Sato said.

After a while, there was a commotion in the bushes, and a strong stench came.

It was the stench of wild boars, and it was accompanied by a pig's cry.

The shaking of the trees became louder and louder, and the cry of the pigs got closer and closer.

Soon, several black figures emerged from the grass, sniffed the ground with their noses, and then ran towards one direction.

In the direction they were heading, several red fruits were placed on the ground.

They scrambled to come over and scrambled into a group, and the cry of wild boars sounded from time to time.

But the amount of fruit was not much, and they couldn't feed these wild boars at all. They smelled it on the ground, and then ran towards this side.

There are a total of 6 wild boars, which is half the number of wild boars in the information.

Sato raised his hand, and everyone understood.

Zuo Shouchuan had already opened the bumper of the shotgun, aimed at the wild boar on the ground, and Shengzi had fully drawn the bowstring, ready to fire at any time.

On the other side, the three of Youyi were nervously filming. The oppressive force of a group of wild boars was still very strong, especially the momentum of the attack, which made the three of them a little scared.

It was the first time for Xiaozhizi to encounter such a situation, and his body was trembling at this time.

At this moment, Rie took out a chocolate from her pocket and handed it to her.

"Eat some chocolate, you can relieve your tension," Rie said softly.

Xiao Zhizi nodded, opened the chocolate and stuffed it into his mouth, then took a deep breath.

With so many people around, no problem!
With the intake of sugar, Xiao Zhizi's mood was not as tense as before, and now he calmed down a little, not as scared as before.

"Don't worry, Xiaozhizi" Yusuke's voice came from behind at this time, the voice was calm and steady.

"With me here, no one can hurt a single hair of yours!"

Xiao Zhizi suddenly became less nervous, the boss is really domineering!
The wild boars had already come over, scrambling to be the first to eat the fruits on the ground.

This is the time!
Hideo Sato shot first, as if it was a signal, Zuo Chuan also shot, and the bow and arrow of the Son of God shot out.

The next moment, three screams sounded.

The three wild boars howled, and then their huge bodies fell to the ground, which startled the wild boars nearby.

In an instant, the other wild boars screamed, and then rushed towards the big tree of Zuo Shouchuan and the others.

The three of Zuo Shuchuan were very calm, and the attacks in their hands kept coming.

There were two more gunshots and the sound of bamboo arrows piercing the air. The remaining three wild boars had already been hit before they could make an impact. Three marks were drawn, and the body almost hit the big tree.

(End of this chapter)

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