Chapter 410 410. Study Hard
A group of people searched around the nest, but this time they did not find a wild boar again.

Animals have their own territory, and they are creatures like wild boars. Other animals will shy away when they smell the stench on their bodies. With the nest as the center, their territory is within a kilometer radius, so I can't find it here. Wild boar, that is to say basically gone.

Unexpectedly, they didn't find it, so everyone dragged the killed wild boars out of the woods, put them together, and then notified President Mizuki.

President Mizuki came over and was very happy to see the wild boars who were killed.

"As expected of a professional hunter, it's really amazing!"

Everyone finally smiled, and the task was finally completed!
The rest of the work was handed over to the people from the Agricultural Association. Xiao Zhizi asked curiously, "Are they going to kill these wild boars?"

"No." Li Hui explained in a low voice: "These wild boars will be recycled by the Ministry of the Environment, and generally they will not be eaten."

"Why? What a pity!"

"Because these are wild animals, there are many parasites and bacteria on them, so they are not suitable for eating"

"So that's how it is." Xiao Zhizi nodded, "When I watched the movie, those hunters slaughtered them directly, and then burned them to eat. I thought it was real."

"It's just for filming, real wild animals have a lot of bacteria"

After receiving the corresponding rewards, everyone is ready to go home.

"Mr. Sato, let's give you a ride," Zuo Techuan said with a smile.

Sato came here by car, and now he has to take a car to go back.

"Then I will trouble you!" Sato nodded with a smile, and the group set off together.

"Mr. Sato, where are you going next, are you going back to your hometown?" Zuo Shouchuan asked curiously.

Sato shook his head, "I have other tasks, I have to go to Akita Prefecture tomorrow"

"Akita County, I remember that there seems to be bear hunting there." Zuo Shouchuan said, "Are you going to hunt bears?"

"Yes" Sato said with a smile: "This is my old profession"

"Amazing!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Mr. Sato, your life is like this, do you want to go hunting all over the world?" Yui asked curiously.

Sato nodded, "I can't help it, I only know how to hunt, and I will run wherever I need it."

"By the way, Sanze, about that video..."

Yusuke smiled, "I will sort out some information and send it to you when the time comes, just ask me if you don't understand anything."

Sato nodded gratefully, "Thank you so much!"

If, as the young man said, shooting videos could earn him an extra income, he wouldn't have to work so hard now. He would run around the country and spend more time with his family.

We chatted a lot in the car, and learned that Hideo Sato has a son and a daughter who are studying.

Sato said with a smile: "My daughter is almost as old as you, and she has been very interested in hunting since she was a child. She is the best shooter in our village, but it is a pity that our tradition: girls are not allowed to hunt. Yes, but after seeing you, I think I should change my mind."

"What kind of tradition is this? Girls are not weaker than boys!" Youyi said angrily, and the girls were a little bit aggrieved.

"That's right!" Sato nodded, "This kind of shabby custom should be swept into the dust, and we must keep pace with the times. Please come to my hometown when you have time, and you will definitely become good friends." friend's"

"If there is a chance, I will definitely disturb you in the past"

After sending Sato to the station, everyone waved goodbye.

"I didn't expect Mr. Sato to look serious, but unexpectedly he is a good person!" Yui said with a smile.

"He's just an ordinary father!" Yusuke replied with a smile.

When Sato talked about his children, everyone could see the pride in his eyes, he was just an ordinary middle-aged man!
Zuo Techuan drove everyone home one by one, and finally it was Yusuke and Yui.

"Zuo Techuan, go back and rest early," Yusuke said with a smile.

"It's the same with you, it's more fun to follow you"

Zuo Techuan drove home, and Yusuke and Yui also returned home.

Little sister Aiyi ran over at this moment.

"Brother, you are back!"

But before he got close to Yusuke, he stopped immediately and took a few steps back, holding his nose.

"Brother, you stink!"

When Yusuke caught the wild boar, he got mud all over his body. Although he cleaned up some of it, there was still some smell.

Yusuke smiled, and put the bag in his hand on the ground. It was a gift from President Mizuki, a specialty of the Agricultural Association.

"This is a present for this time, eat slowly, I'm going to take a shower first"

"Thank you brother!"

Aiyi grabbed the gift and ran back to the living room, this is her most important purpose!
It has become a rule for my brother to bring back delicious food every time he goes out on business.

Aiyi was looking forward to this very much, and Xiao Ye was also looking forward to it, and opened it immediately after receiving the gift.

The gift is a pastry made of rice, with a very delicate appearance.

Xiao Ye's eyes sparkled, she immediately picked one up and put it in her mouth, her eyes lit up immediately.

"It's delicious! Sister"

Seeing Saya gobbling it up, Yuyi said angrily: "Eat slowly, no one will grab it from you"

Xiao Ye nodded, but the movements of his hands did not stop.

Yuyi greeted her family members, then went back to the room and lay down on the bed to rest.

At this time, I remembered the problem of the afternoon, Yusuke made such fast progress, if she didn't catch up, she would really be left behind.

It's been a little slack for a while!

I think back to the beginning, when there were only her and Yusuke, before they established a job, the gap between them was not that big at that time, but after the summer vacation, why did the gap between the two suddenly become so big?

No, I have to work hard too!

Yui sat up.

But in which direction?
Yui thought his head hurt so much that he couldn't think of it, and then he thought of Rie, and immediately took out his mobile phone to call Rie.

Rie was sorting things in the room, and was a little surprised when she received a call from Yui.

"Yuyi, what's wrong?"

Yui then expressed her doubts, and Rie felt the same way.

"I've also felt this way recently, Yusuke has improved so fast!"

"Then what should we do?"

"Study hard!"

"That's it?" Yui was a little surprised, "Shouldn't we learn more skills?"

"I think growth is a gradual process. We are not geniuses. We can only work hard in our own way, study hard, go to a good university, and do our best. This is the most important thing!"

In an instant, Yui suddenly understood.

Yes, the most important thing in this period is to study hard!
Now is just the time to lay the foundation. Now that the foundation is laid, there will be better development in the future!
(End of this chapter)

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