Chapter 414 414. Plant Maze
"This is the most interesting place here," Jessica said. "The travel blogger's video has an introduction, and this place in the whole park is the most complete and interesting."

"Then let's go." Yiwen Jielin and Semei said excitedly, ready to run in.

"Wait a minute!" Yusuke called the two of them at this time.

The two stopped and looked at Yusuke curiously.

"Jessica, did that travel blogger say how big this plant maze is?"

Jessica recalled, "That didn't say that, it just said that this maze is huge"

The tree stalks in this maze are more than two meters high, and the view is completely blocked. If it is a small maze, it is okay, but if it is a large maze, it is very troublesome to get lost in it.

"Where is the exit of this maze?"

"The exit of the labyrinth is on the other side. From there, you can walk to the road in a short time. If you go further, there will be a station, and you can go back from there."

Yusuke nodded and said, "In that case, let's act together later, let's go home after visiting this maze."

"Good!" X3
All three nodded.

At this time, there was a cry of crows, and several people raised their heads, and several crows flew over the sky and flew towards the plant maze.

"Strange, why are there crows?" Semi asked strangely.

"It's deserted, and it's normal to have wild animals," Jessica replied.

Everyone ignored it.

This is a very huge plant labyrinth. The huge tree stalks can still see the glory of the time. It was the craziest era in Japan, and only in that era would there be such a building.

The maze is very large, and everyone went around in circles, and several times they walked into a dead end and had to go back the same way.

Being in this huge plant, everyone feels a little bit in the kingdom of giants.

At this time, everyone was standing at a fork in the road.

"Which way to go next? I'll take the left," Jessica said.

"Come on, you also chose the left just now, but you went wrong twice, I chose the right." Yiwen Jielin had a different opinion.

"It's not the same for you, you also went wrong several times just now," Jessica retorted.

"I think every road should be tried," Semi said at this time.

"That's what you suggested just now!" X2
Jessica and Evangeline said in unison, "As a result, we wasted more time."

Semi was a little embarrassed, and explained: "Isn't the maze like this? You have to try every road."

"Then how do we go now?"

"Let's vote"

"Okay, I choose the left"

"I choose the right"

The two looked at Yusuke and Semi at this moment, "How about you?"

Semi said seriously: "I choose the right!"

"Why?" Jessica asked in surprise.

"Because I am the Knight of Light, I want to guard by the Holy Maiden of Light!" Semi said with determination on her face.

At this moment, Yiwen Jielin proudly raised her head, with her hips akimbo, full of air.

"That's two to two, how to choose next?" Jessica said regretfully.

"Who said, Yusuke hasn't been chosen yet!" Evan Jielin looked at Yusuke at this moment and asked, "What about your decision?"

"I choose the left"

Anyway, the probability is the same, of course it will not make Jessica sad.

Jessica also proudly raised her head at this time, with her hips akimbo, with an air of air.

"Okay." Yusuke clapped his hands, and everyone looked over.

"Since there is no result, let's decide by guessing punches. Whoever wins will follow his own idea."

"Good" X2
Both Jessica and Evangeline agreed.

The result of the guessing game is the right.

Jessica knelt on the ground in an instant, looking like a defeated dog.

"How did this happen? I lost to the lackey of the God of Light"

Yiwen Jielin proudly put her hips on her hips and laughed loudly.

"Justice must prevail, and light will always triumph over darkness!"

Semi was also standing behind her with her hips crossed as well, and the two laughed loudly.

Jessica became even more frustrated, and looked at Yusuke for help.

"What should I do? Fallen Angel, I'm about to suffocate"


Yiwen Jielin and Semei laughed even more proudly.

"The power of the God of Light is too powerful, fallen angel, my magic power is almost exhausted, save me quickly." Jessica looked dying at this moment.

"Look at my holy song!"

The two laughed loudly.

What a holy song!
Jessica clutched her throat, her face full of pain, as if she was about to lose her life at any moment.

Yusuke sighed helplessly, then stretched out his hand and said seriously: "You won't die"

"Impossible!" Ewen Jielin retorted loudly, "Even if you are a fallen angel, you are no match for the power of our God of Light!
Not to mention that your main soul weapon is not with you, and your strength cannot be displayed at all."

"No, I got a new power." Yusuke showed a wicked smile, which instantly shocked Evangeline and Semi.

"How is it possible!" X2
"Let you all experience the strength of the Black Dragon Flame Envoy!"

Yusuke waved his finger, a spark flashed in the air, and the next moment, a small flame appeared on his finger.

"Too strong!" X2
Yiwen Jielin and Semei yelled, "How can there be such a strong power, where did you get this power!"

"Call my name, the flames of darkness will burn the earth, be angry! Roar! Red lotus karma!"

The flame on the finger was thrown out lightly, it was a small matchstick.

Yiwen Jielin and Semi stepped back immediately, the small match fell to the ground and was about to go out.

"Look at my holy water attack!"

At this time, Yi Wenjielin took out the water gun on her body and shot it at the small match on the ground, and the flame went out instantly.

Yiwen Jielin laughed loudly, "What kind of dark dragon flame envoy can't withstand the attack of my holy water!"

"No, you are careless!"

At this time, Yusuke took out the color contact lenses from his pocket, put them on his eyes, and placed his two fingers flat in front of his eyes in a V shape.

"Owner of the Demon King's True Eye, feel my magic power!"

Yusuke opened his eyes, and the golden eyes seemed to be shining brightly.

"I can feel it!" Jessica regained her strength in an instant, "I can feel it, this powerful magical power! I am the owner of the Demon King's True Eye!"

Jessica stood up and read aloud:
"With my blood as a sacrifice, open the golden pupils to judge your sins"

"Burst! Reality! Crush! Spirit! Vanishment This world! (Exile this world!)"

Jessica covered her left eye with one hand, and the right eye was already covered with a golden mask, and the small light bulb between her fingers was shining brightly.

"The devil's real eyes!"

"We are the Lords of the Night!" X2
"Damn it, it was transformed by them!"

Yiwen Jielin gritted her teeth and said, "Bright Knight, let's get together soon!"

"But" Semi said nervously, "My main soul weapon is not here!"

"What!" Ewen Jielin looked terrified.


Jessica laughed triumphantly, with her hips crossed and her head raised, just like Evangeline.

"Next it's our turn!"

(End of this chapter)

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