Chapter 417 417. Strange Cognition
"How did that vlogger get out?" Jessica asked at this time.

Everyone has this question, how did that travel blogger do it?Even Yusuke couldn't find an exit.

"Because she used the drone" Yusuke replied.

"Drone!" Everyone was a little surprised.

"She used a drone to take aerial photos in the sky, took pictures of the terrain of the entire maze, and then moved forward according to the map of the maze, so that she found the exit"

There is another way!

It was only then that everyone realized that it was so simple!

how do you know?Kimura Satomi had such a question, but after thinking about it, he didn't ask. This is his secret.

Yusuke knew it from the mouth of the crow.

The crows not only led Yusuke out of the maze, but also revealed a lot of news.

For example, that travel blogger got out of this maze with a drone.

For example, a while ago, many people were trapped here, and finally a lot of people came to rescue them.

This place used to be very quiet, but a while ago, a lot of humans suddenly came here.

But the crows are not afraid at all. They watch the strange behavior of human beings every day and discuss them from time to time.

The crows here are very gossip, they are different from the boss crow, and thanks to them, Yusuke got a lot of information from their mouths.

Yusuke led a group of people through the woods, and after walking a few hundred meters, a road appeared in front of them, and not far from the road was a bus stop.

Everyone was waiting for the bus at the station, and several girls were also chatting.

"Kimura, you are still in school!" Jessica said in surprise at this time.

Kimura nodded and said, "I'm going to college now, and I'm working part-time to earn living expenses at the same time."

Kimura Satomi's experience is somewhat similar to that of Xiaozhizi, who also came to a big city from a remote place to work hard.

But the difference is that she is still studying.

Now she has to work while going to school, not only to support herself, but also to earn annual tuition fees, which is very hard.

But her personality is very optimistic, and everyone can feel her confidence and optimism when communicating with her.

Yusuke's impression of her has also changed a lot. Although she is an ordinary girl, she is still working hard in her own way.

Everyone who lives with all his strength is worthy of respect!
"By the way, let's exchange mailboxes." Satomi Kimura said at this time, "When my salary for this month comes down, I will treat you to dinner as a thank you gift this time."

"It's okay to add an email address, but it's fine if you have a meal"

After knowing her situation, everyone will definitely not let her spend money.

But Satomi Kimura shook her head and said resolutely: "Although I don't have much money, I definitely want this gift."

Everyone couldn't shirk it, so they had to agree.

Several people took the bus back to the city, and said goodbye to Kimura Satomi at the station.

Yusuke and the others changed to the tram again, and by the time they got off, it was already night.

"Let's find a place to eat," Yusuke said, and everyone nodded.

Everyone sat down in a restaurant.

"I'm going to change clothes." Semi said at this time, she was going home, she had to change this clothes back first.

Yusuke and the others sat there ordering food. After a while, Semi came back, but her expression was a little flustered.

"What's wrong?" Evangeline asked.

"Someone approached me just now." Semi said nervously, "It's a middle-aged man."

Everyone was shocked for a moment!
"Are you okay?" Ewen Jielin asked nervously.

"It's okay, I rejected him"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Jessica asked, "How did he strike up a conversation with you?"

"He asked me if I wanted to be an idol"

Be an idol?Everyone has weird faces, this routine is too old-fashioned!

"That's that person!" Semi pointed in one direction and said, everyone looked in, and there was a middle-aged man standing there.

The middle-aged man Yusuke has some impressions, that guy is the entertainment manager who once harassed Yui, Kashiwamura Mamoruyuki!
This guy is no surprise!
This guy likes to find those handsome men and women the most, and trick them into becoming idols.

It's normal for this guy to focus on Semi. Although Semi has a cold personality, she is still a 90-point beauty.

Yusuke was also harassed by him once, but after warning him once, he never appeared again.

"That guy is here!" Semi said nervously.

"Why are you so scared?" Ewen Jielin asked strangely, "Didn't you already reject him?"

Semi's behavior is a bit abnormal!
"He just said that he has been following me for a long time, this guy must be a pervert!"

Everyone understands.

No wonder Semi is scared, this kind of speech is no different from a pervert!
No matter how strong Semi's kendo is, she's just an ordinary girl, and it's normal to be afraid.

The middle-aged man also spotted Semi at this time, and walked over with a smile.

The guy hasn't given up yet, and it's his style.

But when he came here and saw Yusuke, his expression froze.

Yusuke also looked at him calmly.

The atmosphere at the scene was tense.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again"

As expected of an old fritter, Kashiwamura Moriyuki smiled at this time, as if he and Yusuke were an old acquaintance.

"Mr. Kashiwamura, we meet again," Yusuke replied calmly.

"I've seen you on TV"

After Kashiwamura was warned by Yusuke last time, he didn't harass them again, but it doesn't mean he forgot about it.

By chance, he saw this boy on a variety show and was very surprised.

This guy has become a video blogger, and he also remembered the boy's name, Misawa Yusuke.

"Mr. Kashiwamura," Yusuke said calmly, "I'll just say it straight, don't harass my friends anymore."

Not too much threat, still calm tone, still familiar.

What a nasty fellow!
Kashiwamura Moriyuki frowned, hesitated for a moment, and said, "I understand."

He turned around and left, returning to his desk, and at his desk, a young man looked over curiously.

Baicun returned to the table and was talking to the young man. At this moment, the young man turned his head and his eyes were full of provocation.

"Yusuke, you are amazing!"

The three of Jessica looked at Yusuke with admiration in their eyes.

Sure enough, Yusuke is reliable!
"Thank you, Yusuke!" Semi's voice came, and Yusuke came back to his senses, and told him: "Next time you encounter this kind of situation, don't worry about so many people and just leave. If he dares to stalk him, You just do it directly."

"Okay, I see." Semi breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "It's the first time I've been praised so much by others, and I can't react, but I will pay attention next time."

"Why did he praise you?" Jessica asked strangely.

"He said I'm beautiful, but I'm not beautiful at all. This guy is lying, there must be a purpose!"

Everyone looked at each other and felt a little strange.

"Semi is so cute," Jessica said at this moment, "There's nothing wrong with that."

"This is not right!" Semi said seriously: "No one has praised me like this since I was a child. Everyone said: This child is very healthy. I understand it as soon as I hear it. I am just an ordinary child. As soon as this guy comes up You just praised me for being pretty, so I must have intentions!"

"Semi, what did you look like when you were a child?"

Yiwen Jielin is very curious about what she looked like when she was a child so that people would praise her like this: You look very healthy.

"I was ugly when I was a kid"

"Then you are now an ugly duckling turned into a white swan," Jessica said with a smile, "You are beautiful, I promise"

"I promise too!" Ewen Jielin also nodded seriously.

Yusuke also nodded with a smile, "I agree too!"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I understand my own situation," Semi said with relief.

What kind of strange perception does this guy have about his own appearance!
(End of this chapter)

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