Chapter 440 440. Xiao Ye's Challenge

Making emoticons is not difficult at all. There are a lot of corresponding software on the Internet, and the materials are even simpler. Select interesting emoticons from the videos you have taken before, add some text, and you are done.

Everyone took a look and found that the effect was particularly good.

The emoticon pack has a head!

With a new direction, everyone is full of motivation at once.

He worked until six in the afternoon, when Yusuke said: "I'll take Aiyi and Xiaoye home first.

Everyone else nodded and continued working.

Yusuke didn't mention not to work overtime at this time. What Rie said yesterday was correct. When it's time to fight, you should fight hard. Now that you have a new direction, you should work harder!
Yusuke went back first with the two children.

On the way, Xiaoye asked strangely: "Sister, won't you go back with us?"

"They're still working"

"What about you, Brother Yusuke?"

"Wait a minute I want to go back"

"It's really hard for adults." Xiao Ye said with emotion, "I don't want to be such an adult."

Yusuke smiled, "Then what kind of person do you want to be?"

"Eat, drink, and play every day"

"Isn't this a useless person!" Aiyi next to him complained.

"But I think this kind of life is very good!"

"Then where does your money come from? How do you live such a life without money?"

"That's true." Xiao Ye thought for a while, and said seriously: "I have decided that I will make a lot of money in the future, and then I will live such a waste life!"

"That's called enjoying life, not waste life," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Really? Then make money and enjoy life!"

The three of them talked and laughed while walking, but Xiao Ye suddenly couldn't move anymore.

Yusuke turned his head strangely, and found that Saya was staring at the opposite poster.

It was a dessert advertisement with a colorful ice cream boat on it, and a text description next to it: The strongest in history!The most shocking ice cream boat impact!New Arrivals!Limited to 999!

"That looks delicious!" Saya swallowed and spit, and looked at Yusuke expectantly, her eyes shining brightly, "I don't know what it tastes like, I really want to taste it!"

Your expression is so easy to understand!
Yusuke looked at the time and said, "If you eat now, you won't be able to eat later."

"It's okay, the three of us can eat together, I just need to taste a little bit."

Yusuke smiled, this lie is really clumsy!
Looking at Aiyi and Xiaoye who are looking forward to it, think about it.

Today's emoji is also inspired by them, and it's okay to comfort them, so I nodded.

“Can only eat a little bit”

"Don't worry, we'll just eat a little bit"

Xiao Ye gestured with her thumb and index finger, and there was a small gap between the fingers.

"Just eat a little bit of this!"

Yusuke smiled and led the two into the restaurant.

In the expectant eyes of the two, a huge ice cream boat arrived on the table.

"We're moving!" X2
The two little girls took the plates, each dug a large spoonful and ate, with joy on their faces.

Yusuke also tasted a little bit, and it tasted really good.

"Aiyi, Xiaoye, don't eat so much, just eat a little."

The portion of this ice cream boat is very sufficient. After eating this pile, I probably won't be able to eat dinner.

"Don't worry, I can eat them all!"

Xiaoye replied while eating.

"Didn't you say you only eat a little bit?"

"Yeah, I'm not full yet, so I just ate a little bit"

Yusuke shook his head speechlessly, "You will be beaten by your mother when you go home later"

"Don't worry, Dad will protect me!" Xiao Ye said proudly, "Plus my sister hasn't come home yet, so I'm safe."

as long as you are happy.

Yusuke looked out of the window at this time, just in time to see Seiko walking by the side of the road.

Seiko also noticed a line of sight, turned his head, and met Yusuke's line of sight.

Both of them smiled and waved their hands, Seiko came in from outside the shop, and asked with surprise, "Yongsuke, why are you here?"

"Take the two of them to eat something here, how about you?"

"I just finished training bow and arrow, now I want to go home"

"Let's have something to eat together"

"Well, I happen to be a little hungry too."

"Hello sister" X2
Aiyi and Xiaoye greeted each other.

I just met a few days ago, Xiaoye is very impressed with this beautiful sister.


Shengzi replied with a smile, her smile was so sweet that both Aiyi and Miss were stunned.

This sister's temperament is too elegant!
Yusuke took a plate, filled it with ice cream, and handed it to Seiko.

"Thank you"

The Holy Son tasted it, and a happy expression appeared on his face.

Sure enough, sweets are every girl's favorite, even Shengzi is no exception.

"Yusuke, have you been busy recently?" Seiko asked at this time.

Every Saturday, Yusuke has to go to Sasaki's house for training, but yesterday Yusuke did not come, which disappointed Seiko who had been looking forward to it.

“Been busy lately”

Recently, there are more and more things in the studio, and the time is limited, so you have to be willing.

And the master Hu Che also expressed his understanding of this matter, but the Son of God had some regrets, obviously it was the time he was most looking forward to,
"How about changing the training time to night? On Saturday night, don't you have time at night?" Shengzi suggested, looking expectant.

Yusuke thought about it and nodded, "This is fine, but is it convenient for the master?"

"No problem." The Son smiled, "I will tell Dad."

"That troubles the Holy Son"

"The studio is so busy, Yusuke, don't you plan to recruit more people to help?" Shengzi asked at this time.

"I have this idea, but I can't find a suitable candidate"

Yusuke smiled wryly.

The most important thing in the studio is the ability to communicate with animals, which is the most important core, and other work is carried out on this basis.

But the problem is that only you can do this job.

Yusuke has already noticed that if the studio wants to continue to develop, it has to re-adjust its direction.

The time to get off the field in person is over, now it's time to turn behind the scenes and start developing new talent.

Unfortunately, finding new talent is not that easy.

Faced with Yusuke's distress, Seiko has no good way.

After they finished eating, they said goodbye to each other.

Aiyi and Xiaoye both looked satisfied.

"For the sake of elder brother Yusuke's invitation to eat ice cream, I won't tell my sister about it," Xiao Ye said at this time.

Only then did Yusuke come back to his senses, and asked strangely, "What did you tell your sister?"

"The thing about you dating Sister Shengzi?"

"Is this a date?" Yusuke smiled.

"Of course forget it, you still give her ice cream to eat with your own hands."

"Then I'll give you ice cream too."

"So I won't report on you"

Well, your logic is invincible!
"But I can only help you this time." Xiao Ye said seriously, "The next time I get caught by my sister, I won't care about you."

"I feel like you have misunderstood something." Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

Aiyi and Xiaoye glanced at each other, suddenly realized.

"You two are so innocent!"

The two said in unison, Yusuke couldn't help but knocked their heads.

"Don't act like a kid!"

Finally sent the two of them home, said hello to the family, and Yusuke went back to the studio.

And Saya's challenge is finally here!
She was too full just now, what should she do if she can't eat at night?
Dad, you should take the blame!
(End of this chapter)

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