Chapter 442.
During the lunch break, several girls surrounded Yusuke.

"Mr. Sanze, can we measure your body data?"

The girls looked at Yusuke expectantly, holding tape measures.

Yusuke was a little surprised, "Didn't you go out to buy clothes?"

"Our budget is limited, it is the most cost-effective to make clothes by ourselves"

I feel that the female students in the class are really versatile!
Yusuke didn't object either, he stood there with his arms outstretched, and asked a few girls to measure with a measuring tape.

Seeing a few girls surrounding Yusuke, Sakata Osamu was a little envious.

"That's great, I want girls to make clothes for me too."

Gao Chengmu looked at him contemptuously, "Don't think about it, you will scare the guests away like this."

"Nonsense! I'm handsome too!"

"Let's not talk about where your confidence comes from. As you are now, do you think you will be able to return to the original state next week?"

There are still a lot of plasters on the two of them, and it will take a while to fully recover.

Because of this, the work assigned to them in the class is also very simple, after all, the two of them are still wounded.

"What a pity!" Sakata Osamu shook his head.

They participated in the school festival in this state, and they really couldn't have a good time. This is the first school festival in high school, what a pity!
Yusuke also came over at this time and asked, "What are you talking about?"

"You're talking about the school festival next week, Yusuke, are you okay?"

"Don't worry, it's just being a waiter, what's the difficulty!" Yusuke replied with a smile.

"But I always feel that things are not that simple," Sakata Osamu said, "Maybe you will have to sacrifice your beauty at that time."

"You think too much, do you think the class leader will make the event like this?"

Squad leader Uyama Shino does things according to the rules, and he is definitely not the kind of person with big brains.

The school festival is the most important day of the school year, and it is also a festival for students to work together.

Walking in the corridor of the school, Yusuke could feel that the atmosphere of the whole school has changed, and the students have become more enthusiastic!

Not only classes have programs, clubs also have their own programs, so...

"Our goal this time: to show the purpose of our club at the school festival!"

Standing on the podium, Eri slapped the blackboard vigorously, very excited.

This guy was very high when he came to the club!
"Then how to behave?" Yui asked at this time.

"The purpose of the club: to burn our youth and let our youth have no regrets, that is to say, to show the results of our hard work in front of everyone"

"That is to exhibit all our previous works." Yui suddenly realized, "Is our event going to be an exhibition?"

"This is too boring!" Eri waved his hand, "What we need is more intense, more intense expression!"

"Then what suggestion do you have?" Yusuke asked, seeing Eri's appearance as if he had a plan in mind.

"I have been thinking about this question for a day, and finally found the answer!"

With a confident expression on her face, Eri wrote three large characters on the blackboard: Tokusho Drama!

"White Rabbit Warrior's special drama?" Shengzi said excitedly at this moment, this really suits her appetite.

"Sorry, Seiko, this time it's not the White Rabbit Warrior." Eri shook her head.

The Holy Son was a little curious and asked, "What kind of play is that? Could it be a new series?"

"No, this is the most classic series in Japan!"

"Ultraman?" Yui asked curiously.

"No, Godzilla"

It turned out to be Godzilla!

Everyone was a little surprised, this is also a classic image!
"Godzilla, it's not bad." The Son nodded, "You can try it."

"I have no objection," Yui replied.

"Godzilla? This script seems a bit difficult to write." Lixiang frowned and said.

"It's okay, we're not scripting this time, we're improvising this time"


"That's right, the venue for our performance this time is in various places in the school. As long as there is a suitable place, we can perform, and at the same time we can invite the audience to join in the interaction"

"If that's the case, then I agree," Yusuke said.

"Okay, if all votes are passed, then it's decided. This time our school festival event will be King Kong vs. Godzilla!"

"Wait a minute, why is there King Kong?" Yui asked in surprise, "Isn't it Godzilla?"

"That's right, but don't you think a Godzilla is too monotonous? Life without an opponent is lonely!"

"Then you might as well add Ultraman," Yusuke complained, "Gather Ultraman, Godzilla, King Kong, and Kamen Rider together, and have a tokushou drama chaos."

Smash Bros.?

Everyone thought about it, and suddenly their eyes lit up.

"That's right, that's it. This proposal is great. Tokusho Drama Smash Bros., that's it!" Eri said excitedly, and everyone else was eager to try it!
Yusuke was taken aback, this was just a casual remark, is that okay?
But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be pretty good.

What everyone likes to watch most is the messy plots of Guan Gong vs. Qin Qiong.

"That's a good idea!" Lixiang said at this time: "Our funds are limited, and the props must be very simple, but if it is the plot of Smash Bros., it might make people's eyes shine!"

Everyone thought about it, and they all felt that what Li Xiang said made sense.

"Then let's choose your favorite character to play now!"

"I want to play Kamen Rider!" Yui raised her hand excitedly.

"I also play Kamen Rider," Rika said with a smile.

"I choose Kamen Rider too," Shengzi replied seriously.

There are too many Kamen Riders!
"Then I'll choose Godzilla," Yusuke said, "Someone must be the villain."

"In that case, then I'll be the villain too, I'll choose King Kong," Eri said with a smile.

"That's it, let's go now, let's go buy props"

Several people packed their things and rushed to the shopping street.

Tokusei drama is a major feature of Japan. Basically, everyone from children to the elderly likes tokusei drama.

Children who haven't watched Tokusho dramas don't have a real childhood!
Kamen Rider is one of the three special dramas of the University of Japan. There are many toys about Kamen Rider, and they are all very popular products.

The Kamen Rider uniforms that Yusuke and the others needed were easy to find, and there were so many types that it was difficult for them to choose.

King Kong's leather case is also easy to find, the only problem is Godzilla.

There are so few leather cases for Godzilla!
There are many toys, but there are too few leather cases. They went to several stores and finally found one, but it was too expensive!
"Forget it." Yusuke shook his head, it was already beyond their budget. "I'll change roles!"

Everyone nodded, there is no way if it exceeds the budget.

"Why don't you choose Ultraman?" Yui suggested, "It's also the three special photos."

It seems to be not bad, everyone is a little moved.

"Wait a minute, isn't it just me who is the villain?" Eri said with a shocked expression.

(End of this chapter)

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