Chapter 584 584. Bear Hunting
Akita Prefecture is rich in all kinds of wild animals, especially wild boars, which have been flooded in the past two years. With Japan's declining birthrate and urbanization, the rural population is getting smaller and smaller, and many lands have been abandoned. Animals have a chance.

In Japan, wild boars attack humans often occur, and some wild boars even broke into cities. The government dispatched a large number of people to catch wild boars. Therefore, hunting wild boars has become the most proposed activity, and hunting bears is similar.

Bear hunting is seasonal, usually in winter.

Under the introduction of the driver, Yusuke quickly learned about the situation in Akita County.

And when it comes to taxi drivers, it is a mysterious group. The best way to quickly understand a city is through the mouths of taxi drivers. They receive all kinds of people every day, and taxis run around the city. The news is more well-informed than many gossips, and their greatest pleasure in a day is gossip with customers. They are especially good at talking, and Yusuke also got a lot of useful information from him.

"Guest, you should have a team." The taxi driver was an elderly man, and said with a smile while driving.

"How do you know?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

"I have been driving for decades, and I receive countless hunters every year. Bear hunting is generally a team activity, and there are very few people acting alone. If you travel lightly, there must be a team to help you arrange it. I guess you guys The team should have seven or eight people”

Yusuke was a little surprised, and this guess was too accurate.

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy!
The car arrived at the destination quickly, and Yusuke also finished the conversation, and got out of the car after paying the money.

Yusuke looked around. This is a parking lot. There are many jeeps and commercial vehicles parked here. Many people are living in the mountains with shotguns. These people are all here to hunt. Winter is the best time for hunting every year. season.

Scanning around with his eyes, he quickly found Yuyi and the others, who were driving a van and sorting things there at the moment.

In fact, they are also very easy to find, all of them are girls, they are very conspicuous among the many hunters.

Kawanaru, the left hand, looked at the time at this moment, and asked Yui, "Has Yusuke come over?"

"Yusuke has already set off in the morning, so he should be here soon." Yui replied, "Everything is sorted out, and we can go straight up the mountain when he comes back."

"That's good." Kawanaru nodded, "It's better to go up the mountain earlier."

"But those people are so annoying." Yui frowned, and looked at the hunters around with displeasure.

Because the group of people are all girls, they are very conspicuous. From the time they stopped to rectify, someone came over to strike up a conversation from time to time.

Some people are a little curious. It is rare for girls to hunt. They have some doubts about their strength and suspect that they are here for show.

There are also some people sneering at Tottenham. There are always some boring people in this world who like to gain a sense of superiority from others, especially in the case of hunting, where the majority of men is the majority, this phenomenon is more obvious.

This made Yuyi and the others still upset, and it was Zuo Shouchuan who came forward to solve these troubles in the end.

"Don't worry, if they come again, I will teach them a lesson for you!" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua stood up at this moment, clenched his fists, with a confident expression on his face.

But unfortunately, her short stature is completely unconvincing.

Everyone immediately laughed, and Sanzhiyuan Zuohua was a little angry, "You guys don't believe me!"

"Believe it." Zuo Shouchuan smiled and touched her head, but the next moment Sanzhiyuan Zuohua patted her palm away.

"You guys treat me like a child again!"

Kawanaru Zuoshu and Sanchiin Soka met only in the morning, but unexpectedly, they got along very well. Both of them have carefree personalities, and they have a very high compatibility. They have learned to make fun of each other not long after they met.

The left-handed Kawanaru often uses Sanzhiin Soka's height as an issue, and Sanzhiin Soka also has countermeasures against this.

"Hmph! What's so great about A!" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua curled his lips in disdain.

Height is the fault of Sanchiin Soka, while figure is the flaw of left hand Kawana Ruru.

Both of them are very similar.

The two of them suddenly started fighting, and while they were having fun, they complained about their bodies, at this moment Cannian looked at Yuyi.

Youyi couldn't help but shuddered, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

The two of them were staring at her chest, this cow is too big!

Sensing the gaze of the two, Yui shrank her body, covered her chest, and shouted shyly, "Don't look at me with such eyes!"

Others were also attracted by their slapstick.

"Well, Yui, I've always wanted to ask you, what do you usually eat?" Kimura Satomi couldn't help asking.

Yuyi is not only beautiful, but also has a very good figure, which makes her very envious. What did she eat to grow so big!
Although I am average, for girls, the size of this part is an eternal topic.

Talking about this topic, the other girls were very interested, and even the Holy Son cast a curious look.

By the way, among the seven, Yui is the one with the best figure, Rie, Seiko, Kochiko, and Kimura Satomi are average, while Sanzhiin Soka and Zuo Kawanaru are Cannian.

As soon as there were more girls, the topic quickly became bolder. A few girls were chatting and laughing there, which was indeed very attractive.

The old hunter dismissed this, but the young hunter was a little moved. They had some ideas, but before they could act, they saw that someone had already taken the first step.

A man single-handedly went to strike up a conversation, which made them a little admired, this guy really has the power of action!

And the next development made them even more surprised. This boy actually chatted very passionately with those girls. This guy's skills in picking up girls are too good!
They are also a little excited, so can we!
Several young hunters tidied up their appearance and decided to try their luck.

Yusuke found Yui and the others, greeted everyone, and exchanged ideas.

"Yusuke, go change and get ready to go"

At this time, Shengzi came over with a coat. In order to prevent getting lost in the mountain and to improve recognition, everyone wore uniform fluorescent coats.

The Holy Son and the others had already finished dressing, and now it was time for Yusuke. Yusuke nodded, put on his clothes, arranged all the equipment, and made sure that everything was safe, and everyone was ready to go.

"Well, are you going to hunt bears?" Several boys walked over at this moment, looking at them with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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