Chapter 587. 587. Farewell
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, this process is really dangerous enough!
Survival after the catastrophe, everyone's heart was filled with excitement. Just now, the adrenal hormones had been stimulated. At this moment, they relaxed, and the whole person was very relaxed, and everyone smiled.

No wonder hunting is so popular, the sense of accomplishment of defeating huge beasts is unmatched by other things!

"Is this guy dead?"

"Should be dead"

Everyone was whispering, Kawanaru stepped forward carefully, checked carefully, and said with a smile: "This guy is dead."

Only then did everyone gather around and looked at the wild bear excitedly.

The three of Youyi photographed the black bear from different angles, so that everyone can have a more intuitive understanding.

"What should I do with this guy?" After the filming, Xiao Zhizi asked at this moment, this guy is very heavy, even though he is only 1 meters tall, he weighs at least a few hundred catties, and he would have to drag it out of the forest. is a troublesome thing.

"No need, let's dissect it on the spot." Zuo Shouchuan took out a dagger, looked at everyone, and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

Everyone looked at it and shook their heads. It is no problem to shoot animals, but it is too difficult to dissect animals by hand, and even the Son of God is a little timid.

Left-handed Kawanaru smiled, but didn't care, and walked forward by himself, and Yusuke also walked up.

Yuyi and the others silently backed away for a certain distance, the dissection scene was too bloody, and they were afraid to spit it out later.

After a while, Yusuke greeted everyone to come back. The black bear’s body had long since disappeared. There were only a few pieces of flesh and blood on the ground. Next to it were 4 bear claws and a black bear skin. The internal organs and bear’s head were all gone.

"Okay, let's pack things up"

It turned into a piece of meat, and everyone didn't feel so disgusted. They packed the bear meat and each person held a bag. At this time, they were very happy.

"Okay, it's time for us to go back," Kawanaru said at this time.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua looked at the time and asked curiously: "It's only past two o'clock, shall we not continue?"

"No, it will take time to go back, and the sunshine in winter is relatively short, and it will get dark soon. There is not much time left, so there is no need."

Now that the professional hunters have said so, everyone will go home

It is easy to go down the mountain and difficult to go up the mountain. Everyone returned the same way, and the speed was much faster.

But on the way, they ran into the three men they had struck up a conversation with, and one of them was carrying the body of a deer on his shoulders. Their harvest was also good, and they killed a wild deer.

The three talked and laughed, and they were a little surprised to see Yusuke, and then showed a smug smile, and the man carrying the fawn's corpse proudly showed off his prey, everything was said without saying a word.

Faced with the silent ridicule of the three, Kimura Satomi and the others directly took out the prey in their hands, each holding a bear's paw, Xiao Zhizi even opened the black bear's skin and shook it in front of them After a while, I deliberately showed off.

The two sides also hit the prey, but the prey is also divided into levels. There is no doubt that the difficulty of hunting bears is even greater.

The faces of the three of them were ugly, and they left dejectedly, which made everyone feel elated, and even their steps became much lighter.

The group returned to the parking lot. By this time, many people had already returned, showing off their achievements in the parking lot.

Winter is the hunting season. Everyone who comes here to hunt is very confident in himself. If he catches a prey and doesn't show it off, he is really sorry for himself!
The appearance of Yusuke and the others also attracted the attention of many people, because there are too many girls in their team.

"Yusuke, I have a good idea" Yui said at this moment, "Show them the prey we caught and show them."

They were ridiculed by many people in the morning, but they were still angry. Of course they wanted to show off when they hit a black bear this time.

They walked along the way and found that the prey here were basically wild boars, a few of them hit wild deer, and only two of them hunted black bears, which made them even more confident.

Sure enough, when they displayed the wild bear they had shot, they did receive a lot of shocked looks.

Although a bear head was missing, the bear claws and black bear skin were still there, which indicated that they had hunted a huge black bear.

These girls are amazing!

Many people put away their contemptuous gazes.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, everyone's mood is very refreshing, and it's nothing more than elation.

I showed off fiercely and satisfied everyone's mood. At this time, I can go home, but there is a new problem. There are 8 people in their group, and the car left by Kawana on the left can only accommodate 7 people. This is troublesome.

"Let's squeeze together," Rie said, this is a relatively remote place, it's hard to get a car, and that's all for now.

The driver is still left-handed Kawanaru, Yusuke is sitting in the co-pilot seat, and the other 6 girls are crowded behind.

"I hope I don't run into a traffic policeman," Left Hand Kawanaru said with a smile, "otherwise my record will be in trouble."

As a policeman knowing the law and breaking the law, this is a serious crime!
Fortunately, they were lucky enough to pass without hindrance along the way.

When we arrived at the station, everyone said goodbye here.

After a hard day, everyone is a little tired.

"Let's call it a day, let's go back and rest early," Yusuke said with a smile.

"Wait a minute, boss!" Kimura Satomi stopped Yusuke at this moment, and everyone else stopped in their tracks.

"How should I deal with this?" Kimura Satomi and Sanzhiyuan Souka held the bags in their hands, with a confused look on their faces.

Everyone got some bear meat, but they didn't know what to do with the bear meat!
"Boss, I don't know how to deal with it either." Xiao Zhizi said at this time, it was the same problem, and everyone looked at Yusuke.

"What?" Yusuke couldn't think of a solution for a while, and everyone didn't think about this problem when they went hunting!
At this moment, Yusuke looked at Shengzi and asked, "Shengzi, do you know how to deal with it?"

The Holy Son hesitated for a while and said, "I can try it"

"Then how about Shengzi try the method and then teach everyone?" Yusuke suggested.

Everyone thought about it and nodded, which is not bad.

"Why don't I give all the bear meat to Seiko?" Satomi Kimura said at this time, "I live in the dormitory of the school, so it's not convenient."

The same is true for Sanzhiyuan.

"Then I'll trouble Seiko as well." The left-handed Kawanaru handed the one in his hands to Seiko, and Xiaozhizi followed suit.

The Holy Son accepted them all, only Yui and Rie were left.

Yui and Rie thought for a while and said, "We want to try it."

"Then it's decided," Yusuke said with a smile, "Let's say goodbye here."

(End of this chapter)

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