Chapter 617 617. I'm very angry
Yusuke suddenly remembered that during today's match, the referee regarded him and Seiko as a couple, and Xiaoye might have misunderstood it, so she explained the incident in detail.

Only then did Yuyi breathe a sigh of relief, what was going on!Let me just say, Xiao Ye is always surprised.

Youyi was determined, and the two chatted for a while before ending the call.

You Yi turned her head, and saw Xiao Ye standing at the door, with half of her head exposed, looking at herself carefully.

Seeing that her sister found herself, Xiao Ye also came out at this time, and said proudly: "How is it? Sister, I didn't lie to you!"

Yuyi was surprised and said, "You actually overheard me!"

Xiao Ye curled her lips, "Whoever eavesdropped on you, who told you to keep the door open, I heard you talking when I walked by!"

"Come here, let my sister love you well"

"No! You guys are going to beat me up again, I don't want it!"

"Hey, Dad, Dad, come and save me!"

Xiao Ye wanted to escape, but Yu Yi grabbed her back.

"You are getting worse and worse, and you even learned to eavesdrop on others!"

"I was wrong, sister, forgive me!" Xiao Ye immediately surrendered, "I'll tell you a secret, please let me go."

Xiao Ye looked serious, "This secret is very important, you will regret it if you don't listen!"

"You fooled me like this last time."

"No, it's absolutely true this time! I guarantee you, sister, you haven't heard of it!" Xiao Ye patted her chest and said righteously.

Yui thought for a while, then nodded, "Then tell me."

At this moment, Xiaoye no longer hesitated, and whispered in Yuyi's ear: "As long as you act like a baby with Brother Yusuke, you will have cake."

Yuyi was confused, what do you mean?

Xiaoye then explained in detail what happened in the afternoon.

"My sisters acted like a baby to my brother, and Brother Yongsuke agreed, and then Aiyi and I also acted like a baby to Brother Yongsuke, and Brother Yongsuke also agreed, so if you act like a baby to Brother Yongsuke, you will have cake."

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Ye felt a murderous aura.

Turning his head, Yui's expression became very calm.

However, Xiao Ye felt that her current sister was even more terrifying.

If you act like a baby, you will have cake, ha ha!
Ha ha! ! !

"I see, Xiao Ye, you go back"

Xiao Ye still wanted to say something, but when she saw her sister's expression, she immediately shut up, and her intuition told her that it was the best policy to go at this time.

Xiaoye left and closed the door, Yuyi was so angry that his teeth itch.

Yusuke this guy!
Youyi immediately picked up the phone, wanting to ask Yong Media, but stopped as soon as she took out the phone.

No, I can't be so active, every time I take the initiative, this time I have to let Yusuke take the initiative!
I just ignore him and see what he does!
Ignore him for a month!

Well, it's still half a month...

Well, it's still a week...

Well, just a week, Yui decided.

After a while, Yui regretted it again, what if this guy didn't notice that I was angry?

It's okay to say it in the past, but recently Yusuke is too busy, except for going to school together in the morning, the number of times we meet during the day is much less than before.

If he didn't realize it at that time, wouldn't he be angry for nothing!

No, let him know I'm mad.

Yuyi thought of Xiao Ye at this moment, so let Xiao Ye pass on a message.

Thinking of this, she immediately went downstairs to find Xiao Ye, who was playing with a new toy.

"Xiao Ye, who bought you the toy?" Yuyi asked casually.

"It's Elder Sister Eri!"

Yui raised her eyebrows, a little strange, why is it Eri?
Today Xiaoye and Aiyi are together...

Yuyi immediately understood that she was playing Aiyi's idea, and Xiaoye was just passing by.

This guy actually wanted to build a good relationship with Yusuke's family while she was away!

This guy is still so annoying!
However, compared to Shengzi, this guy's threat is very low.

Let's talk about this matter when I have free time, first settle the matter of my anger, and call Xiao Ye over.

"Xiaoye, tell Aiyi, tell Aiyi to tell his brother, I'm very angry"

Xiao Ye was a little strange, "Why didn't you just say it, sister?"

"Because this kind of thing can't be said directly"

Xiaoye didn't understand it very well, but since it was her sister's request, she complied.

Aiyi was very surprised when she heard Saya's words, and then ran to Yusuke's room.

After hearing what his sister said, Yusuke didn't know what expression to use to express it.

Aiyi was very curious, and asked, "Did brother make sister Yuyi angry?"

Yusuke came back to his senses and responded, "It's okay, brother will take care of it."

"Do you need help?" Aiyi asked seriously.

"If you can, let Xiao Ye ask me why her sister is angry."

Don't guess what girls think!Now someone is sending you a message, of course Yusuke has to figure out the reason of the matter.

Aiyi nodded, and then passed the words back, Xiaoye ran to Yuyi's room, and repeated Yusuke's words.

Ask me why I am angry?
Now Yui is even more angry!

He replied: "Think for yourself!"

Think for yourself?
Hearing this answer, Yusuke immediately understood that Yui was really angry this time.

After thinking about it, I decided to talk to Xiao Ye directly.

Yusuke has a feeling that the problem should be Saya.

After asking a lot, especially when I heard Xiao Ye's sentence: If you act like a baby, you can eat cakes. With the black line on Yusuke's face, I finally understood the problem.

Yui is jealous!
Well, the current solution has to make Yui happy.

Yusuke thought for a while, and decided to start with the real thing.

At this time, he went downstairs and came to the kitchen.

Sitting in the living room, the parents felt a little strange when they saw Yusuke enter the kitchen.

Mom walked in and asked, "Yusuke, are you hungry?"

"No, I want to make some dessert, mom, do you want to eat?"

"Dessert, okay" Mom smiled and exited the kitchen, giving the place to Yusuke.

Yusuke took a look at the materials in the kitchen. Thanks to his mother, all the materials in the house are complete.

Just make a cake!

Yui was angry in the room, Yusuke didn't take her matter to heart at all, he knew she was angry, so he didn't come to coax him.

At this time, the more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and the whole person was very irritable.

At this moment there was a knock on the door, and mother's voice came: "Yuyi!"

Yuyi opened the door, and her mother stood outside the door with a smile.

"Yusuke is here to find you!"

Yuyi was overjoyed, this guy finally got the hang of it!

When she saw her mother's smiling face, Yuyi blushed and muttered softly: "I came to look for someone in the middle of the night, really, don't they need to rest?"

While talking, he put on a coat and hurried downstairs, behind his mother's smiling eyes.

Daughter, daughter...

(End of this chapter)

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