Chapter 662 662. Yusuke is too powerful
The world is so ingenious, the one who robbed Sanzhiyuan Zuohua and the others today was Kanda Kazumizu's uncle.

Kanda Kazumizu's uncle released several people yesterday and asked his subordinates to go to the bank to withdraw money, but unexpectedly, the younger brother ran into the police patrolling the roadside just after withdrawing the money from the bank.

The little brother got nervous and ran away, but the patrolling policeman saw that something was wrong and immediately chased after him.

The little brother was terrified, so he ran away, and finally escaped back, but he left the money. As the boss, he was so angry that if he hadn't watched this little brother go through life and death with him for so long, he might have been killed on the spot .

Without the money, they couldn't run away. A group of people sneaked back, holding the mentality of "maybe they can get it back", and returned to the original place, only to find that the place was surrounded by the police. The police were questioning the surrounding residents, which scared them so much that they had to come back again.

Now there are only 200 million on hand, but they have 6 people, this amount of money is not enough.

Everyone was frowning, they were already wanted, and they had to run away as soon as possible, the streets would be filled with their big heads within two days, and they would not be able to leave if they wanted to.

Several people discussed for a while and came up with a way to get money from some young people.

The selected targets are set on those young women. On the one hand, the young people are inexperienced, and they will obediently catch them after a few threats. On the other hand, the force value of women is not strong. If they dare to resist, they will also be suppressed Can live.

They looked on the road, looking for the target.

There are many pedestrians on the road. A large ice sculpture exhibition is being held these days. There are many tourists, and the tourists must have a lot of cash. This is a good opportunity.

They finally set their targets on two girls who came out of the convenience store, one tall and one short, it should be the elder sister who brought the younger sister out, such candidates are the best!

A younger brother stepped forward and snatched their small bag.

Little brother will succeed soon!

Girls are slow to react, and the little brother has already run away before they reacted.

The middle-aged man who watched this scene from a distance smiled, the plan was a success!

But what they didn't expect was that the two girls went after them directly, which surprised them a little.

What was even more unexpected was that the two girls had companions, and one of the male companions also chased after them.

Just in case, the middle-aged people outflanked them from another road, and there were only three people on the other side. With the strength of this side, they would definitely be able to handle them, and there might be some unexpected gains.

The little brother was caught by them. The other party took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police. The middle-aged man hurried over to stop them, but they couldn't let them call the police.

What followed was a bunch of posturing intimidation.

Sure enough, a young man is a young man, with no experience, and after being frightened by them, he obediently handed him over.

Looking at the three young teenagers, they had a bolder idea, even if they couldn't rob, then blackmail them!
Yishui's uncle looked at them contemptuously, everything was under his control, he just took a puff of smoke, and the next moment, the other three rushed over.

The three of them shot at the same time, appearing in front of them almost instantly.

These three young men dared to do it!
All I saw was a tall and slender girl who raised her arm at this moment, and with a violent elbow hit a younger brother's chest fiercely.

The little boy's face turned blue in an instant, and he lay straight on the ground.

This blow was extremely vicious, it hit his chest directly, the little brother lost his fighting strength instantly, this move directly killed half of his life.

Another short girl was also extremely ruthless, she kicked suddenly, and this kick directly landed on the crotch of one of her subordinates.

This kick was so violent that everyone seemed to hear the sound of an egg breaking.

And the subordinate who was hit instantly burst blue veins, his eyes protruded, his mouth opened wide, his legs were clamped, his whole body bowed down, and an unconscious cry came out of his mouth.

It was excruciatingly painful!
At this time, the boy stepped forward fiercely, punched out the fist in his hand, and the sound of piercing through the air came.

This punch was like a cannonball, directly hitting a middle-aged man's face, and the next moment his face was distorted.

There was the sound of bones exploding.

The middle-aged man flew back, and a few teeth flew out of his mouth.

The middle-aged man hit the ground hard, his face was bloody and he passed out.

In just a few seconds, the other party instantly laid down the three of them, and it became a 3v3 situation in an instant.

"Fuck them!"

Yishui's uncle roared loudly, and the remaining two men came to their senses and slashed at them with the dagger in their hands, with fierce expressions on their faces.

These people are not little white rabbits, these people are tigers!
The three of Yusuke did not show any weakness, and when they meet in a narrow road, the brave wins. Now there is no turning back, and they can only fight to the end!

All three of them broke out with all their strength without hesitation, and the opponent was holding a dagger. This was not the time to be joking. Fortunately, they all had a high level of awareness.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua learned the art of controlling the enemy since she was a child, and her moves are deadly. Although she has never experienced life and death, she has a good mentality and can maintain a normal performance.

Heishuiquan is also very good. She can stand out from many martial artists and become a million-level video blogger, relying on her own hard power. She is truly powerful and intelligent.Although a little nervous, but the strike is also extremely ruthless.

Not to mention Yusuke, his punch just now directly smashed the opponent's cheekbone, even if cured, he would be disabled, but Yusuke didn't care, even if he was killed at this time, it doesn't matter!
Yusuke has already met their boss at this time, Kanda Kazumizu's uncle.

Yishui's uncle reacted faster than anyone else. When the first middle-aged man was laid down, he had already come to his senses. He let out a strange cry to remind his companions, and at the same time stabbed Yusuke directly with the dagger in his hand. come over.

Others use chopping, but he uses thorns!

The speed is faster than chopping, and it is also more insidious.

The angle of his shot was very tricky, the dagger was about to stab Yusuke's rib.

If this knife stabs, it will directly stab the opponent's lungs, and may even stab the heart, killing him with one knife, which is extremely dangerous.

But before the knife touched Yusuke's body, his arm was already grabbed by Yusuke.

The middle-aged man struck with his other hand, and Yusuke also punched him.

Fist to fist collision.

There was a sound of bone cracking, and the severe pain made the middle-aged man look hideous.

The next moment, he spat out the cigarette butt from his mouth.

Yusuke wanted to take advantage of the victory to fight back, but at this time he was caught off guard by his attack and took a step back.

At this step distance, the middle-aged man has already raised his left leg and kicked towards Yusuke.

This guy is really experienced, and all of them are gangsters!
If a normal person touches this trick, he will either be pulled away by him and regain his strength, or he will pursue the victory and take the lead. No matter which situation it is, it will be very beneficial to the middle-aged person.

But Yusuke won't give him a chance.

Yusuke exerted force with his arm, and the middle-aged man felt that his arm was being pulled by a huge force. This force was so strong that his whole body flew up. All his attack methods were here. Disintegrated under a force.

The next moment, he found that the ground turned around.

No, he was thrown back!
His body hit the ground violently, and the violent impact made his internal organs tumbling.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, his face grim.

This guy is really tough enough, after receiving this blow, he didn't even cry out!

Yusuke expressed his admiration for him, and at the same time stepped up his efforts. Such a person is definitely a dangerous element, and he must not be held back!
Yusuke stepped down fiercely, and the target was the palm of his hand holding the dagger.

The severe pain finally made him unbearable, and the middle-aged man screamed.

Yusuke moved away, the palm of his hand was already bloody and twisted into shape.

This hand is useless!

With the accumulation of various injuries, the middle-aged man has no fighting power at this time, lying on the ground and howling.

Yusuke looked at the others, and they had already settled their opponents.

The middle-aged man in front of Sanzhiyuan Zuohua knelt on the ground, screaming in pain, snot and tears came out, his face was contorted, and his hands were drooping weakly.

Heishuiquan came over at this moment and asked, "What did you do to him?"

"I broke his hands," Sanzhiyuan Zuohua replied calmly.

Heishuiquan was a little surprised. He looked at her hands at this moment. Her small hands didn't look very big. Where did this strange brute force come from?
"Where are you?" Sanzhiyuan Zuohua asked, "I beat him up."

Heishuiquan's opponent was beaten to the ground by her, and had already fainted on the ground.

Yusuke walked over at this moment and asked, "Are you all okay?"

Both shook their heads, looked at Yusuke's record, and it was also settled.

This road is really remote, and they called so miserable that no one found it.

At this moment, Yusuke took out his mobile phone, "Call the police!"

Both nodded.

"Don't call the police!" The voice of the middle-aged man came, and the three of Yusuke turned their heads.

The middle-aged man clutched one palm and struggled to get up from the ground.

Everyone was a little surprised. After being beaten like this, this guy still has the perseverance to get up, and he can withstand the pain. This guy's heart is so ruthless!

"We admit it, give me a face, let's forget about it, I promise I won't trouble you in the future!" The middle-aged man looked at Yusuke and said.

Yusuke looked at him calmly, "I've already given you face just now, but if you don't eat a toast and take fine wine, then don't blame us."

The middle-aged man stared at Yusuke and said viciously, "Aren't you afraid to settle accounts with you after I come out?"

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua and Heishuiquan were a little surprised, this guy is so ruthless!They have already been beaten like this, yet they dare to threaten them!

"It makes sense!" Yusuke nodded, and then rushed over instantly under the surprised gaze of the middle-aged man, kicking his thigh directly with one foot.

The severe pain caused the middle-aged man to scream. His thigh was bent backwards, and this kick directly broke his thigh.

"In order to prevent you from retaliating against me, I will cripple you first."

Yusuke stretched out his foot and stomped on the wound.

The severe pain caused the eyes of the middle-aged man to protrude, and he finally couldn't bear it in the next moment, and passed out.

Yusuke's cruelty shocked everyone, Sanzhiyuan Souka and Heishuiquan really got to know Yusuke.

This is a real synagogue!

After a while, several police cars came over, and the police officers from yesterday were still handling the case. Seeing Yusuke and the others were a little surprised, Yusuke stepped forward and explained the situation.

The policemen were shocked, these young people are so fierce!

The police comforted Yusuke and the others, assuring that this matter would not cause them any trouble.

When the police checked the identities of the middle-aged people, they were surprised to find that these middle-aged people were all wanted fugitives. They were even more shocked. This wanted criminal was actually put down by three young men?

This world is really magical!

But at the same time, he was also very happy. The case was solved, and the credit was obtained. At this time, his attitude towards Yusuke and the others became even better.

"These guys you caught are all wanted criminals, they are really amazing!" The police handling the case looked at them with admiration.

Yusuke and the others were also a little surprised. They didn't expect that a highway robbery would involve a wanted criminal. This is too incredible.

Because things are a bit complicated, Yusuke and the others have to go with them to the police station to make a statement.

And Youyi and his group also appeared. They waited for a long time without any news, and finally couldn't bear to come over to check the situation. They found a bunch of policemen here, so they hurriedly wanted to come over, but were stopped by the policemen.

Yui called out loudly at this time: "Yusuke!"

Yusuke also saw them at this time, greeted the police and came over.

"Yusuke, are you alright?"

Yui and the others looked at Yusuke worriedly. Although Yusuke's clothes were still in order and no change could be seen, they were still very worried.

This matter must have caused a lot of trouble, otherwise there would not be so many policemen, so they must have gotten into some trouble, right?
Yusuke smiled and explained the situation. He thought it was just an ordinary robbery, but he didn't expect so many inside stories to be involved. Everyone was a little dumbfounded. Their trip this time was really too dreamy.

"Go back to the hotel first," Yusuke said, "I'll follow them to the police station."

"No, we'll wait for you outside." Rie said at this time, and the others nodded in agreement. At this time, they were asked to go back to the hotel obediently and wait for news, but they couldn't calm down.

Yusuke thought for a while, nodded, and then said to Seiko, "Son, they are counting on you."

The Holy Son nodded seriously, "Wrap it on me."

These few are wanted criminals, and I don't know if there are any other companions left behind. At this time, I dare not take it lightly. Yusuke ruined their affairs, and it will be troublesome if they seek revenge.

After saying hello to everyone, Yusuke and the three left with the police.

The police warmly entertained them and recorded their statements. At the same time, they said that these six people are wanted criminals. Yusuke and the others have made a contribution. The police station will hold an award ceremony for them. They will be notified in advance when the time comes. Please come here. This is an excellent publicity for the social atmosphere.

The three of Yusuke smiled and agreed. This is a good thing and they will never refuse.

A good reputation is very useful for doing facts in the society. Take the last two brave acts as an example. Yusuke has done so many things in school. The school chose to turn a blind eye. Excellent, on the one hand, it also has these two credits in it.

A good reputation is of great help to both career and life.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua and Heishuiquan were all happy, but they didn't expect that there was an unexpected joy.

Yusuke hadn't forgotten his previous worries, and asked the police if there were any other fish that slipped through the net.

The police also understood Yusuke and the others' concerns, and responded: Everyone has been arrested and brought to justice, please rest assured that they will not be retaliated against!

Yusuke heaved a sigh of relief, and after a friendly exchange between the police and the people, the police sent them out.

The three of them had just walked out of the police station, when Yuyi and the others appeared, surrounded by a group of people, asking nervously.

Yusuke explained the matter again, as well as the award ceremony, which can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

"Sorry, the tour in the afternoon was wasted," Yusuke said apologetically at this time.

"It's okay." Everyone shook their heads.

"Anyway, it's just those ice cubes, there's nothing to look at," Xiao Zhizi said with a smile, everyone laughed, and the atmosphere became less serious.

At this moment, Yusuke looked at Heishuiquan and asked, "How about having dinner with us tonight?"

After today's life-and-death test, everyone's relationship has become a lot closer, and they have all become formal friends.

Heishuiquan nodded with a smile, and a group of people chatted and laughed and set off.

At this time, there was a crow's cry.

"Whoah (Yusuke Misawa)"

Yusuke stopped, raised his head, and a few crows in the sky were flying towards this side, screaming as they flew.

"Whoah (Yusuke Misawa)"

How many crows are looking for me?
Seeing Yusuke's behavior, the others also looked over curiously.

A few crows flapped their wings and flew down, stood on the top of the car in front, and looked at Yusuke and his party.

A crow at the front shouted at this time: "Wow (Yusuke Misawa, I found you)"

"Wow (our boss invited you to watch the battle)"

Yusuke remembered, this is the younger brother of the crow boss.

"Ask me to watch the battle? What does this mean?" Yusuke asked curiously, and everyone else looked over.

"Wow (the boss said that he found the previous enemy, and now he will have a duel with it, so if he wants to invite you, he will watch the battle)"

This is strange!
Crows vs Eagles!

Thinking about it feels a little fresh.

In terms of size, the Steller's sea eagle is definitely dominant, and the eagle is definitely the most fierce bird.

As the king of the crows, the boss of the crow is also extremely powerful in combat, and he has added weapons to him, so he can confront him head-on, which is not much worse than him.

It's going to be a fight between dragons and tigers.

Yusuke is very interested!

Heishuiquan asked at this time: "Yongsuke, what are you talking about with this crow?"

She is very curious about Yusuke's ability, playing with him, there are different surprises every day.

Yusuke then told about the crow boss, everyone was very surprised, did not expect such a thing.

Everyone is also very interested!
"Yusuke, can we follow the past?" Heishuiquan asked expectantly, the crow fighting the eagle, this scene feels a little exciting!
"Yes, boss, take us there." Xiaozhizi was also very curious, and Kimura Satomi and Sanzhiyuan Souka were also very fresh.

The girls are looking forward to it very much. The ice sculpture exhibition can be seen at any time, but such a scene is rare!

Yusuke thought for a while, then looked at Little Crow, and asked, "Can my friend go with me?"

Brother Crow didn't expect Yusuke to ask such a question, and he didn't know how to solve it for a while.

"I'm your boss's friend, and they are also my friends, that is, your boss's friends, so it should be fine," Yusuke continued.

Brother Crow couldn't understand the logic at all, he only knew the last sentence: They are all friends of the boss!
Then nodded, "Wow (that's okay, come with me)"

Everyone set off excitedly, but Yusuke also had one thing to tell them: absolutely no video recording!
If these videos are released, it will bring huge trouble to the crow boss.

Everyone nodded. The Internet is like this. Once a new thing is discovered, the whole world will know it immediately, and there may be some troubles at that time.

A group of people excitedly followed Yusuke, from the city to the suburbs, and slowly approached the woods where the crow was.

"Be careful, everyone, don't disturb them," Yusuke reminded at this time.

This group of crows is not very friendly. Last time, the group of crows deliberately made things difficult for him.

Everyone nodded, and as they moved forward, everyone slowly discovered that there were more crows on the road, and the crows on the branches began to show their heads, standing on the branches one by one, looking down at them.

That's hundreds of pairs of eyes!
Everyone is a little frightened, the pressure is huge!

At this time, looking at Yusuke who was walking in front, he had a calm expression on his face, as if he had entered a land without people.

As expected of an animal expert, amazing!
Yusuke stopped, "Just stay here, don't go any further"

If they are moving forward, the crows can't bear it anymore. Although Yusuke's deterrence can also be suppressed, they are just watching a duel, so there is no need to make such trouble.

At this moment, a large black cloud flew towards us in front of us.

Everyone took a closer look, it was a large group of crows, there were hundreds or thousands of crows, this number was really too many!
It was the first time for them to see so many crows, and they were all shocked and dumbfounded.

The crows covered the sky, like a black tornado. Wherever they went, all the animals avoided them. It was very scary when the number reached a certain limit.

Yusuke stood at the forefront, facing the huge wind.

The wind blew up his hair, and his eyes were very sharp.

At this moment, on the white snow, black trees, and the black sky in the distance, the handsome young man stands on the ground like a hero!
Yusuke stretched out his arm, and a huge crow flapped its wings and flew down, standing on his arm, surrounded by countless crows, as if around the emperor.

There are countless black storms behind him, Yusuke at this moment is extremely powerful!

The hearts of the girls were beating so fast, this shocking picture made their minds go blank.

"So handsome!" Xiao Zhizi's eyes were full of admiration, "This is really amazing!"

Sanzhiyuan Souka and Kimura Satomi also looked adoring. At this moment, the strength of the boss was truly reflected in their hearts.

And Heishuiquan was more impacted, they are all fighters who pursue strength, but Yusuke's strength at this moment is beyond her touch, it is like a mountain!

Kuroda Minami felt that her cognition had been refreshed, is this boy a monster!
Seiko's expression is full of excitement, looking at Yusuke's expression is full of infinite admiration, he is indeed a man I admire!
Yui and Rie were also full of excitement, their hearts were beating so fast, and they only had Yusuke in their eyes.

Yusuke is amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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