Chapter 667 667. Go home

This was a very novel experience, and everyone was very moved, which completely refreshed their outlook on life.

In the eyes of everyone, Yusuke's existence has become mysterious.

Yui was a little nervous at this moment, she had a feeling that Yusuke would leave her at any moment, so she quietly grabbed the corner of Yusuke's clothes.

Yusuke turned around and was very surprised to see Yuyi's aggrieved face. At this time, he asked with concern: "Yuyi, what's wrong with you?"

"Suddenly I feel that Yusuke, you will leave me." Yuyi's expression was a little heartbroken and wronged.

"No!" Yusuke shook his head, and said seriously, "I will always be here, and I won't leave."

Seeing Yusuke's serious expression, Yui was moved and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mizuren's voice.


Mizuren Mizui walked over at this time.

Yuyi was very angry. The atmosphere was good just now, and everything was messed up by you. At this time, the eyes looking at her are full of hostility.

But Mizuren Mizui didn't care, looking at Yusuke with awe in his eyes.

She handed over two sticks of ginseng and said respectfully, "Yusuke, this is yours."

"No, this is yours" Yusuke refused, "This is your bear's paw, this is yours"

The water lotus in the courtyard smiled at this time and said: "Why don't you do this, here are two ginseng branches, one for you and one for me"

Yusuke still wanted to refuse, but Mizuren Mizui continued: "Didn't you just agree that there will be a reward, and this is the reward."

Yusuke hesitated for a moment, nodded, and then accepted it. Seeing this, Mizuren Mizui smiled very happily.

Yusuke put away the ginseng, greeted him, and everyone went back.

Mizuren Mitsui asked at this time: "Yusuke-kun, where are you going next?"

"We're going back," Yusuke replied, "We're traveling, and we're going home today."

Qianjing Shuilian was stunned for a moment, feeling a little bit lost, she just met, and now it's time to say goodbye again, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Yuyi and the other three were very happy, they were finally able to get rid of this vixen!
Mizuren Mizui thought for a while and said, "It happens that I'm fine, why don't I go with you?"

This sentence shocked everyone!

Stop rubbing your nose and eyes, you bastard!

"Are you kidding?" Mizuren Mizui said with a smile, looking at everyone with a smile in her eyes, especially Yuyi's surprised look just now, which made her even happier.

For a moment, Yusuke wondered if she did it on purpose, and deliberately used this topic to provoke Yuyi and the others.

Everyone returned to the car, Yusuke asked at this time: "Miss Qianjing, how do you go back?"

Qianjing Shuilian appeared so suddenly that no one knew how she got here, nor did she have other means of transportation.

Qianjing Shuilian explained at this time: She booked a car when she came in the morning, and she also made an appointment to pick her up in the afternoon.

Mizuren Mizui said at this time: "But I'm a little tired now, I want to go back and rest"

Looking forward to looking at Yusuke at this time, "I wonder if you, Yusuke, can give me a ride?"

Youyi and the others immediately realized that this guy was overreaching, asking one after another!
Yusuke hesitated, and he also felt that Mizuren was getting more and more troublesome, but it was difficult for her to refuse this request.

A girl is alone outside, especially in the wilderness, if something unexpected happens, everyone will feel a little uneasy, and they just drop her back to the city, and when they arrive in the city, everyone breaks up and gets to know each other. Not even agreeing to the request, which is a bit unkind.

After all, his heart softened, Yusuke nodded in agreement, Mizuren Mizui smiled happily, and followed everyone to the minibus.

But she also knows that she is popular with everyone, and she is very quiet when sitting in the car.

The driver didn't say much about it, and sent everyone back to the city. After paying the fare, Yusuke thanked the driver uncle, and the driver went back.

Mizuren Qianjing stood up and said, "Thank you for giving me a ride, I should go back too, Yusuke-kun, you are welcome to visit our village, and I will treat you well then."

The audience/was a little surprised that this guy would be so happy, and thought he would stick to them all the time.

Mizuren Mizui smiled, she didn't know what to do, if she did too much to arouse Yuusuke's disgust, the loss would not be worth the loss, just show her sense of presence appropriately.

And she also got good information during this trip. Yusuke-kun has three girlfriends, and her most important task now is to settle these three.

This has to be planned slowly!
Yusuke must be mine!
Qianjing Shuilian left gracefully, and Heishuiquan and the others also came to say goodbye. Although we have only known each other for three days, too many things happened in these three days, and we seem to have known each other for a long time.

Everyone greeted each other, made an appointment to play together after the Chinese New Year, and waved goodbye to each other.

Now only the people in the studio are left.

Everyone went back to the hotel to tidy up their things, finished the check-out procedures, gathered downstairs, and drove to the airport.

After flying for several hours and leaving the airport, it was already evening. Everyone took the airport bus and returned to the city. When they arrived at the station, everyone took off their luggage and said goodbye to each other with a smile.

Yusuke said at this time: "Everyone has worked hard these two days!"

"Where will it be hard to play!" Xiao Zhizi responded with a smile.

"We have also seen a lot of things this time," said Kimura Satomi with a smile.

"Thank you boss for the invitation, we all had a great time," Sanzhiyuan Zuohua also responded with a smile.

Everyone was in high spirits, and although tired, it was a perfect end-of-year trip.

Everyone said goodbye one by one and went home.

Yusuke and Yui were walking on the way home together. It was already dark and there was some snow on the road at this time. The two pushed the suitcase and walked slowly towards home.

"Yusuke!" Yui stopped and looked at Yusuke seriously.

Yusuke also stopped and looked at him.

"What's the matter with that girl!" Yuyi asked angrily.

She's upset and she needs an explanation.

On the way, she didn't ask for various reasons, but now that the two of them got along, she wanted a clear answer.

Yusuke then told the process of getting to know Mitsui Suiren from the beginning to the end, including the visit to Mitsui's house as a guest.

"Is it because of this that she fell in love with you at first sight?" Yuyi was incredulous.

"It seems so"

"Why do you always flirt with flowers and grass!" Yuyi was not very happy.

Yusuke touched his nose, "It's probably not my fault."

"Could it be that you did the right thing!" Yuyi glared at him, gnashing her teeth, if she answered wrongly, she would pounce on him and bite him.

Yusuke had no choice but to raise his hands in surrender, "It was my fault!"

At this time, his face became serious, "I have no feelings for her at all, and I will never like her. You are the number one in my heart."

Yui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the first half of the sentence, but his face turned red instantly when he heard the second half of the sentence, seeing Yusuke's serious expression, he was a little at a loss at this moment.

Why did this guy confess all of a sudden? I'm not ready yet!

At this moment, his eyes fluttered, not knowing what to do.

At this time, a hand was already holding him, and Yusuke's voice rang in his ears.

"Let's go, let's go home together"


Youyi nodded lightly, holding hands, and walked on the road together.

After walking for a while, Yui said, "I'm tired, you carry me on your back"

Yusuke froze for a moment and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Why!" Yuyi pouted, "Are you not happy?"

"No, I'd love to." Yusuke smiled, then squatted down, "Come on."

Yui happily lay on his back.

The girl's lithe body was hung on her back, and the tip of her nose could smell the girl's unique fragrance.

"good smell"

"You guy keeps saying stuff like that"

Yui's face was very red, her hands couldn't help but hugged Yusuke's neck tightly, and buried her head on his back.

Her face was red, and she hadn't felt this way for a long time.

"I remember the last time I carried you like this, it was just the beginning of school, you left your textbook in the classroom, we sneaked over the wall to get it, and then you were fainted by Xiao Hei, I came back carrying you" Yusuke smiled He said, "It's the end of the year now, time flies so fast."

Yuyi nodded lightly, and she also remembered that it was after that time that the relationship between the two had a breakthrough development. Perhaps, since then, she has fallen in love with Yusuke.

"Then Yusuke, can you keep your back on me?" Yui said softly, her face was very red, her eyes were a little blurred, as if she was expecting an answer.

Yusuke responded seriously: "I will always carry you forward."


Yui hugged Yusuke's neck tightly.

At this moment she is very happy.

Finally arrived at the door of the house.

"We're home," Yusuke said, "Come down."

"No! I want to stay longer"

Yui hugged Yusuke tightly with both hands, and buried her face in his back.

This is Yusuke's taste...

"Okay." Yusuke smiled and leaned against the side of the road.

After a while, a little bit of white floated down from the sky.


Yui, who was buried on Yusuke's back, came back to her senses and looked at the sky, where there was already light snowflakes.

"It's so beautiful!" Yui smiled.


The two stood there quietly.

After a long time, Yuyi Yusuke got off his back.

"Then I'm going back." Youyi said with a smile, stood at the door and waved, and opened the door with joy,
"I am back!"

After a while, Xiao Ye's happy cry came from inside the house.

Yusuke smiled and returned to his home.

As soon as she entered the house, Aiyi immediately ran in and gave herself a big hug. Yusuke smiled and hugged her.

"Brother, I received your gift! There are so many delicious things!" Aiyi said excitedly with his eyes shining.

Yusuke bought a lot of specialty snacks before, and delivered them directly, arriving at home one step ahead of him.

They were unpacking the express delivery just now, and the boxes of snacks made Aiyi very excited. My brother really understands her so well!
Yusuke smiled, "Don't eat too much, be careful of tooth decay"

"No way!" Aiyi replied seriously: "I brush my teeth every night, you see"

She showed off her shiny teeth.

"Look, the teeth are very healthy!"

Yongsuke touched her head with a smile, walked into the house with his sister in his arms, and greeted his parents.

Back home, the whole person was relaxed. My parents asked about the travel situation, and Yusuke briefly recounted it.

"By the way, and this." Yusuke took out the backpack at this time, and took out a sealed bag from the backpack.

Seeing Yusuke's careful look, the family members are looking forward to it, and the younger sister is very happy. The older brother must have brought something special!

It turned out to be two black things with dirt.

what is this?

"It's a good thing" Yusuke said with a smile, and handed one of them to Mom and Dad.

The two looked at it carefully and were very surprised.

This is ginseng!And it's fresh ginseng just dug up!
Judging by its shape and size, it must have been at least a hundred years old.

At this time, Yusuke explained: "These are two wild ginsengs I got by accident during my travels. Dad, you put away the big one, and this one is slightly smaller. I want to give it to the master."

Yusuke gestured to the other ginseng in his hand.

These two ginseng Yusuke have already made arrangements, one for father and one for master.

The parents were very surprised and couldn't put it down when they saw the ginseng.

Ginseng is a precious thing, and it has been like this since ancient times, especially such a huge wild ginseng, which is even more expensive.

The two seem to be holding treasures, and they can't put it down.

The two parents were discussing whether to seal it and keep it or to use it to make wine. This is a question worth studying.

The mother is as cautious as holding a treasure. She will not publicize her son's achievements this time. As the saying goes, wealth should not be revealed, especially for precious things like ginseng.

Yusuke greeted his parents and went back to his room with another branch of ginseng.

In the corridor, Xiao Hei ran over, greeted Yusuke, and rubbed Yusuke's trousers intimately.

"Xiao Hei, how are you doing?"

"Meow meow (don't worry, everyone is happy)" Xiao Hei yelled and replied.

Yongsuke and the others went on a trip, and the animals in the studio were not taken care of. Yongsuke originally wanted to hand over the animals to Dr. Sakura for help.

But the cats all said they wanted to go outside and play, and they would take care of themselves.

Thinking that they were all stray cats before, Yusuke agreed.

Only two squirrels, Four Seasons and Five Seasons, are deposited in Dr. Sakura's clinic, and they are going to be picked up in the next two days.

Xiao Hei was very excited and kept talking.

Yusuke looked at Xiao Hei and thought for a moment, Xiao Hei's voice was also a female voice, but it was completely different from that of the golden fox.

Xiao Hei's voice was full of vigor, and that golden-haired fox's voice was full of charm. Listening to it almost made my ears itchy. It was a very special voice.

It is said that when a cat lives to a certain age, it will become a monster named "Nukomata", which has 9 tails like a nine-tailed fox.

I don't know if there is such a monster among cats.

Yusuke shook his head, thinking wildly again.

Carrying luggage, Xiao Hei was picked up, and returned to his room, where he could finally rest.

On the second day, the sun shone through the window.

Yusuke got up from the bed, stretched himself, and returned to his room, feeling very relaxed.

Xiao Hei in the room also woke up, and came over to say hello to Yusuke.

Yusuke touched its head with a smile, got up, brushed his teeth, changed his clothes, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

After breakfast, he said hello to his family and went out with the wild ginseng. He still had to visit his master.

At this time, the door of Miyajima's house also opened, and Yui came out in pajamas, a little surprised to see the courage to go out.

"Yusuke, it's so early!"

Yusuke greeted with a smile, "Yuyi, you just woke up?"

Yuyi was still wearing pajamas, a pair of plush shoes under her feet, and an ear-shaped headband on her head, which was very playful and cute.

"I'm out to get milk"

Yuyi smiled and gestured to the milk bottle in her hand.

Hearing the word milk, Yusuke subconsciously looked at her chest.

Drinking milk at such a big age!

Sensing Yusuke's eyes, Yui's face blushed immediately, and his fist flew directly over.

Yusuke took a step back immediately.

"If you look at me again, I'll beat you up!"

"Sorry, it's too attractive, I can't stand it"

"go to hell!"

Yui wanted to run out and beat someone, but Yusuke quickly said: "Pay attention to your image, you are still wearing pajamas, be careful to get away."

Hearing that Yuyi was about to disappear, he stopped, and glared at him, "You bastard, I want you to look good later!"

"Okay, I was wrong" Yusuke raised his hand in surrender.

Seeing Yusuke begging for mercy, Yui gave up. The girl's mood came and went quickly, and she asked, "Where are you going?"

Yusuke smiled and motioned for the bag in his hand.

"Go to visit the master today"

Seeing what Yusuke was holding, Yui suddenly understood, "Is it that wild ginseng?"

Yusuke nodded.

Sasaki Kotoru is very caring and caring for Yusuke, and Yusuke also respects Sasaki Torutoru very much. The relationship between the two is as good as that of father and son. When they get precious things, of course they have to be filial.

Yui nodded, "Then be careful on the road."

Saying goodbye to Yui, stepping on the thick snow, Yusuke came to Sasaki's house, still the huge wooden door.

He rang the doorbell, and after a while, the door opened, and out came Seiko in a kimono.

Seiko usually wears kimonos when she is at home, which is very similar to her mother.

Seeing Yusuke was a little surprised at this time, but his expression soon cooled down.

Yusuke was a little strange, but still greeted with a smile: "Son, good morning"

"Good morning." The Son's voice was very cold.

Yusuke was very curious, why Seiko suddenly changed like this.

"What are you doing here?" the Holy Son asked calmly.

This is wrong!
Yusuke felt a lump in his heart

Could it be that I made Shengzi angry? After thinking about it, I immediately understood that it was about Qianjing Shuilian, and I owe Shengzi an explanation. No wonder she was angry.

"I'll come and see you," Yusuke said seriously at this moment.

Shengzi's calm face turned slightly red at this time, "glib"

His tone was not as indifferent as before.

At this moment, Yusuke said seriously: "I'm telling the truth, I never lie!"


Although it was only in one tone, Yusuke could feel that Seiko was still a little happy. At this time, he took the opportunity to explain the process of getting to know Mizuren and Mizuren. The explanation was exactly the same, and at the end he also promised: I have absolutely no interest in Qianjing Shuilian, and I will definitely not like her.

The Holy Son's face finally recovered, but soon became full of fighting spirit.

Shengzi still remembered the way the other party spoke. She hadn't met anyone who dared to confront her head-on for a long time. At this time, the fighting spirit was high!
Let some people see how powerful they are!
Yusuke didn't know what conflict happened between the two, but he made it clear that he would stand on the side of the Son, which made the Son very pleased.

But Seiko responded: This is a duel between her and Mizuren Mitsui, so Yusuke should not intervene.


Yusuke was a little strange, did Mizuren Mitsui challenge Seiko head-on?
Forget it, with the power of the Holy Son, Mizuki Mizuren is no match for her no matter how much she jumps up and down.

Following the Son into the house, he greeted his master and his wife, and they also asked about the trip.

Yusuke briefly talked about what happened during the journey, and then presented the gift he brought.

That's wild ginseng.

Sasaki Toru was a little surprised, and Yusuke told the story of the golden fox.

The master was silent after listening. If he hadn't trusted Yusuke's character, and the son happened to have experienced this incident, he would never have believed it.

This incident is full of absurdity before and after.

After pondering for a while, he said to Yusuke, "You're going to rot in this matter."

Yusuke nodded, except for the person concerned, family members, and teacher, everyone has issued a gag order.

Xiaozhizi and the others said that they would never spread the word.

In fact, even if it gets out, everyone will think that they are telling a story. This is really a fantasy. Except for those who experienced it at that time, no one believes this kind of thing at all.

It's just that sometimes if you talk too much, there will be some unexpected troubles, so avoid them if you can.

After presenting gifts and exchanging a few pleasantries, the next step is the training of kendo.

After a whole day of training, Sasaki Tororu was very satisfied with Yusuke's progress.

In the evening, Yusuke was about to go home, and Seiko escorted him to the door.

Son of "Yongsuke" looked at Yusuke at this moment, "It's almost Chinese New Year"

"Yes." Yusuke nodded with a smile.

The Holy Son hesitated to speak, he seemed to have something to say, but felt a little embarrassed.

Yusuke smiled and said, "I will come over on the first day of the new year, it's your birthday"

Shengzi froze for a moment, then nodded happily the next moment. She was afraid that Yusuke would not know about this matter, and she was still thinking about how to speak, but she did not expect that Yusuke already knew.

"I keep it in my heart," Yusuke replied seriously.

"I only invite Yusuke and my family members to celebrate together," Shengzi looked serious at this time.

This is treating him as his own family!
Yusuke nodded, "I'll definitely come when the time comes."

The Holy Son suddenly smiled, and the two waved goodbye.

On the way, Yusuke was thinking that he had to pick out an expensive gift in these two days, and the first choice was of course gold!

Back home, my mother came over at this time, and said happily: "Yusuke, this year your uncle's family will come here to celebrate the New Year together."

Uncle's house?
That means cousin Ryusuke is coming!

(End of this chapter)

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