Chapter 669
"Well, man, you're out of pocket money for the month"

Long Jie's face froze for a moment, but he still said bravely, "I don't want it!"

"Okay, then you won't have it next month either"

Ryusuke's hands trembled a little, and his lips trembled. At this moment, he was hesitating whether to persevere or compromise, and Meihe looked at this scene with some amusement.

Yusuke patted him on the shoulder at this time, "Okay, you can go to the side to rest first."

Finally there was a step to go down, Long Jie ran back to the room immediately.

But at this moment, his face was full of heartache, so he lost his pocket money for two months, and the days to come were a bit sad.

Seeing Ryusuke disappearing, Nami, who had been smiling all the time, retracted her smile and sighed.

"I don't know when this child, Ryusuke, will grow up?"

The rebellious period suddenly came, which made her uncomfortable. The former good child has now learned to talk back.

"Ryusuke is still young." Meihe comforted, "You don't need to ask so much, Yusuke was like this before, you see he is not a new man now."

Yusuke was a little speechless, "Mom, what you said is too much!"

"Do you want me to expose your past scandals?"

The mother's eyes are full of excitement, revealing her son's black material is the mother's greatest pleasure.

Yusuke shook his head helplessly, "Just forgive me."

Everyone laughed immediately.

Yusuke wanted to help, but his mother refused.

When a man works hard outside, he should take a good rest after coming back, and let the mothers handle the family affairs.

Yusuke said hello and went back to the room.

In the room, Ryusuke was fiddling with his phone boredly, when he saw Yusuke coming back, he ran over excitedly.

Yusuke waved his hand, "Sit down, let's continue the topic just now"

At this time, I have some guesses in my heart, why Asuka would despise him.

Ryusuke took a deep breath, calmed down, and said, "Asuka said I'm immature, I'm just pretending to be an adult"

Speaking of this, Ryusuke was somewhat unconvinced.

"I've been working hard according to my plan, but why can't Asuka see it?"

Yusuke nodded, "I think I understand roughly, I have a question, did you really follow your plan?"

Long Jie nodded seriously.

"So what have you achieved now?"

Ryusuke said confidently: "I am now taller than before, and my grades have also improved."

"How much taller and improved?" Yusuke continued to ask.

Ryusuke froze for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "My height should be about the same as Asuka's now. In terms of grades, I was in the middle grades, but now I am ranked third in the class."

"Is there anything else besides these?"

"I also signed up for the judo club. As a man, he should protect his own woman."

Speaking of this, Ryusuke has a confident face, and is very satisfied with his achievements.

Yusuke nodded, "Then I understand."

Ryusuke is very confident, he is waiting for Yusuke's compliment.

"But isn't that what you're supposed to do?"

Ryusuke was a little strange, "But I have worked hard and I have achieved results"

"It will take a few years for your dream to come true. Let me put it bluntly. If you can't become a doctor, the plan can't be completed. All your so-called efforts will be in vain. Although it is cruel, the fact is that everything is true. Win or lose by the result"

This sentence was very ruthless, and Long Jie was very uncomfortable hearing it, but it was undeniable that this sentence was correct.

"The second one, you said that you have grown taller, this is not something worthy of praise"

Long Jie opened his mouth and thought for a while, it seems that this is really the case.

Does it mean that he won't grow taller if he doesn't work hard?

There is no such reason!
"As for you joining the judo club and strengthening your body, this is an improvement, but the learning of martial arts is never a one-time achievement, it takes time to hone, and the achievements you have achieved depend on how much effort you have made now. You are in the process of trying to grow up, and what kind of performance you will have in the future depends on how hard you work now."

"Although you have worked hard and planned well, your results have not yet arrived. What you are showing now is only the result of your hard work."

Yusuke looked at Ryusuke seriously, "All your actions now are to imitate the image of an adult you think,

This is not a sign of maturity. A mature adult is able to take on various responsibilities, solve problems, and bring a sense of security to his family, but you are not yet at this level."

Long Jie was silent, but his expression was still somewhat unconvinced.

Seeing his appearance, Yusuke roughly understood what he was thinking.

I have worked very hard, why do you deny my efforts, you should praise me.

I'm doing the right thing, I'm on the right path!
His age happens to be a rebellious period, a little arrogant and arrogant, but he can't find the right way, he can only show his existence by denying adults, and talking back to his mother is also the same mentality.

He likes to show off his strength in front of girls, wagging his tail desperately like a peacock in heat, but all his methods are as ridiculous as a child in the eyes of girls.

Such an attitude can easily arouse the resentment of others, especially for Asuka, maybe a second-year Ryusuke is better than the current Ryusuke. Ryusuke is a little nervous.

To put it simply, he made a mistake.

Yusuke had a headache, it was the first time he faced a boy of this age.

But after all, he is his cousin, so he can't ignore it. After thinking for a while, he said, "Well, let me ask you a few questions and see how you answer them, and then I will explain."

Long Jie came back to his senses, thought for a while, and nodded.

"Have you called Asuka to report that you are safe since you set off from home?"

Long Jie froze for a moment, he had really forgotten this question, and was a little embarrassed at this moment.

"I was busy just now, I'll talk to her later."

The answer is obvious.

"That second question"

Long Jie became serious at this moment, thinking about what mistakes he still had.

"What has Asuka been up to lately?"

"Well, she's been busy with the locomotive recently"

"Really?" Yusuke looked at her seriously, and Ryusuke suddenly panicked.

To be honest, he has been obsessed with his own affairs for half a year, and has not cared much about Asuka. In his opinion, Asuka should still be obsessed with her interest.

Yusuke said at this time: "Asuka is already a junior this year, and will be a senior next year. She is about to start an internship, and she is a law student. Do you know what this means?"

Long Jie shook his head, this is his blind spot.

"Asuka is not busy with her interests now, but looking for a law firm for practice, and finding a job is a troublesome thing, and it is also the most tiring thing. She is under some pressure now, have you asked her these circumstances"

Long Jie opened his mouth, he really didn't think of this.

It was only then that he remembered that every time the two of them talked, Asuka said very little, and she didn't talk much about her own affairs.

At this time, I woke up with a start, and I was negligent.

"One last question" Yusuke looked at Ryusuke.

"What gift are you going to give Asuka this time?"

"What gift?" Long Jie was a little surprised, "A New Year's gift?"

At this time, he waved his hand, "Asuka is so big, there is no need for a New Year's gift."

Yusuke sighed, "You don't understand at all"

Ryusuke was confused.

"When you come out to play, don't you need to bring a gift to your girlfriend? It doesn't matter whether the gift is expensive or not, but the heart is the most important thing"

Long Jie was sweating profusely, do you still need to be like this?
He never thought of such a thing!

Yusuke patted him on the shoulder, "Study hard."

Now Ryusuke finally heard that he had entered, and looked at Yusuke with a look of pleading for help.

"Brother Yusuke, what should I do now?"

"I can teach you, but how much you can understand is all up to you"

Ryusuke nodded seriously, he must study hard!
"First of all, you should report your safety to Asuka first."

Long Jie nodded.

"Then let's talk about something"

"Yes, and then we'll talk about the internship." Long Jie suddenly realized.

"No!" Yusuke shook his head, "It's too inappropriate to discuss these issues with her at your age."

"Then what are we going to discuss?" Long Jie was a little puzzled.

"A new topic, this topic must be time-sensitive and regional, it must be today, and then a topic that happened here.

At the same time, it has to be a field that she doesn't understand, but she must be interested in this field.

The most important thing is that you have to take the initiative in this field”

Ryusuke thought for a while, this is so complicated, and asked directly: "Brother Yusuke, please explain what it is directly."

Yusuke smiled, "Think about it yourself, use your brain more, I can only teach you once, and how to deal with it is up to you, now I can give you some advice, but in the future it will not be possible for everything Stay by your side, think for yourself, any answer is fine, and then I will give you some pointers."

Long Jie thought about it for a while, and felt that it made some sense. After all, chasing girls still has to be practiced by oneself.

At this time, he thought hard.

After thinking for half an hour, he couldn't think of anything to talk about.

All he thinks about is "the weather is good today", "the scenery on the road is beautiful", "are you tired today? Have you had dinner?" These daily conversations are too ordinary and boring.

Only then did he realize that the knowledge he controlled was very limited, and he didn't know how to bring it up when he wanted to find a topic, so he felt a little lost.

In the past six months, he thought he had worked very hard, but when it came to practice, he realized that his self-righteous achievements were actually nothing at all.

Yusuke nodded secretly. It seems that the beating is almost done. It is useless for a child of his age to tell him more truths. He may have been very excited at the time, but he forgot it in a blink of an eye. It is better to let him have the exact experience. once.

It is more useful to practice once than to say the truth 1000 times.

Yusuke said at this time: "You have to pay attention to the time."

Ryusuke was a little strange at this moment, "What time?"

"You can't call too late. If it's too late and the other party falls asleep, it's not communication. It's harassment. If it's too late, the other party won't be in the mood to chat with you."

Only then did Ryusuke realize that, yes, he can't just think about himself, Asuka also needs to rest.

At this time, he finally surrendered and asked, "Brother Yusuke, do you have any good suggestions?"

"You can talk to him about pets"

"About pets?" Long Jie was very surprised.

"Didn't you find out today? I have a lot of pets at home"

Long Jie nodded, "And then?"

Yusuke glanced at him, and that gaze made him a little embarrassed, and couldn't help saying, "I just don't understand!"

Yusuke explained: "Look at Aiyi and they will understand that girls are no different from children. It is very rare to see so many beautiful and well-behaved pets. They had a great time just now. Just imagine, Asuka knows you Suddenly there are a lot of cute pets around her, do you think she will be very interested?"

Long Jie thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up, this is a very good topic!
And these pets are all in front of you, this is the best material!

Immediately excited, "Thank you Brother Yusuke, I understand."

"Seeing that you are my younger brother, I will give you another discount"

Ryusuke looked over, looking forward to it.

At this moment, Yusuke walked out of the door and saw Xiao Huang in the corridor, he greeted him, and Xiao Huang ran over.

"Xiao Huang, please call everyone over, I need your help with something"

Xiao Huang nodded, and after a while, all the cats came over and stood in a row in front of Yusuke, waiting for inspection.

Ryusuke was very surprised, these cats are too cute!
At this moment, he remembered the proposal just now, this topic is really good, such a well-behaved kitten Asuka must be very interested.

"Kittens, please cooperate with Ryusuke and do some actions later, half an hour will be enough."

The kittens all nodded, this is very simple.

Yusuke said to Ryusuke: "Okay, you can talk to Asuka, but I suggest you use email"

"Why?" Long Jie was about to make a phone call, but stopped when he heard this.

"Because it takes some time to receive messages and type, which can give you more reaction time, and face-to-face calls, I'm afraid you'll hang up after a few words"

Long Jie blushed a bit, he had been in this situation before, and everything was right.

Damn, it turns out that Brother Yusuke is the real master!
After brewing some emotions in my heart, I sent a text message to Asuka. In the expectant eyes, Asuka quickly responded, and immediately jumped up happily.

"Asuka replied to me!"

"It's normal!" Yusuke nodded, and he didn't say a word, because he was afraid that if the other party didn't reply, then you would really be finished.

With Yusuke's reminder, Ryusuke finally regained some feeling.

Although the communication was not very smooth at the beginning, and some of his recent coquettish operations made the relationship between the two very strange, but at this time he calmed down and the two sides were able to communicate smoothly.

As the topic of pets was brought up, Asuka also became interested, and the two chatted more and more. Ryusuke took some photos of the kittens and sent them to Asuka.

"These kittens are so cute!" Asuka was turned into cute by these kittens, which made Ryusuke very excited, and took a lot of photos with the cooperation of the kittens.

During the communication, Ryusuke showed a knowing smile from time to time, and he discovered for the first time that words alone can make people so happy.

Yusuke knocked on the floor at this time, Ryusuke came back to his senses, he was having a good chat.

Yusuke said, "It's almost time, it's time to end the call."

Ryusuke was a little surprised, "We are chatting happily, let's continue chatting for a while."

"But you also need to check the time."

Before they knew it, they had chatted until 11 o'clock in the evening.

"It's not too late now," Long Jie said indifferently.

"But you can't digest all the enthusiasm at once. Chasing a girl is a long-term process. It is more important to let the other party have imagination."

This sounds so reasonable!

Although Ryusuke was a little bit reluctant, he also agreed, and after chatting with Asuka for a few minutes, the conversation ended, and the kittens also completed the task, greeted each other and dispersed.

After hanging up the phone, Ryusuke always felt a little unfulfilled, Yusuke said at this time: "Adjust your mentality, a man can't let his emotions control him."

Long Jie nodded, this time he finally listened.

Long Jie was a little tired after a day's hard work today, and the two of them prepared to rest after taking a bath.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Yusuke's phone.

Yusuke looked at it and picked it up with a smile.

"Yuyi, why don't you go to bed so late?"

It is already past 12 o'clock in the middle of the night.

"I still want to ask you, why haven't you rested so late?" Youyi's smiling voice came, "Hurry up and throw the phone over here."

Yusuke understood immediately, and hung up the phone with a smile.

Ryusuke looked at him curiously, only to see Yusuke took out a telephone cord from the box, and then opened the window.

Long Jie was very strange, it was already midnight, why did he open the window?

At this time, I looked around quietly, and the window of the house next door was also opened.

Yusuke threw the phone cord over, Ryusuke was very strange, still playing this kind of game at such an age?
Yusuke also saw Ryusuke's expression, smiled and ignored it, then picked up the phone.

"Did you hear that?"

"I heard it, I heard it" the girl's voice came from the phone.

Long also looked at the opposite side quietly. In the opposite room, a beautiful girl was wearing pajamas, standing by the window and looking at this side with a smile.

"Who is that person?" Yuyi's voice came, and she happened to see Ryusuke's head poking out stealthily.

"That's my cousin" Yusuke said with a smile, "Today my uncle and his family are visiting"

"I said, your house is so lively today, it turns out that there are visitors."

Yui also saw Ryusuke's appearance, smiled and waved, Ryusuke also responded with a smile, and then quickly shrank his head, looking at Yusuke with eyes full of admiration.

Brother Yusuke also has a childhood sweetheart, and this childhood sweetheart is so beautiful!

Yui originally wanted to have a private conversation with Yusuke, but since there were outsiders, he just chatted briefly.

"Go to bed early, don't be too tired" Yuyi reminded.

Yusuke smiled and nodded, "You too."

The two waved their hands, Yusuke pulled the rope back, and soon, the light in the opposite room went out.

Yusuke tidied up his things and said, "It's time for us to rest too."

"That's great, Yusuke-san!"

Long Jie couldn't help admiring, sure enough, the big brother is worthy of being the big brother!
Yusuke smiled, "Go to bed early, I'll take you out to play tomorrow"

Long Jie nodded, turned off the lights and rested.

But in a new environment, Ryusuke couldn't adapt very well, turned and turned, and fell asleep in the middle of the night.

On the second morning, Ryusuke was woken up by a sound, opened his eyes, and saw a black crow in front of him.


Ryusuke was startled suddenly, and fell off the bed suddenly.

The crow was also taken aback by his behavior and flapped its wings and flew away.

Ryusuke was stunned, why would there be a crow in Yusuke's room?

At this time, I didn't change my clothes, and ran downstairs directly.

Yongsuke is feeding the kittens downstairs, Aiyi and Jianghui are chasing the four seasons and five seasons, the two children are having a lot of fun.

"Brother Yusuke!" Long Ye shouted anxiously.

Yusuke looked at him strangely, poured down all the cat food in his hand, and walked over, "What's the matter?"

"There are crows in your room" Ryusuke said nervously.

"I see." Yusuke nodded calmly.

This reaction is wrong!

How so calm.

Ryusuke always felt that there was some disobedience.

Yusuke said at this time: "Hurry up and brush your teeth and wash your face, and I will take you out to play later."

Only then did Long Jie react and nodded.

That's it for the crow, don't worry about it.

After a while, after a few people tidied up, Yongsuke took Ryusuke, Jianghui, and Aiyi, and the group of four went out together. It was rare for them to come here, so we had to take them to have a good time.

When going out, Yuyi and Saya also came out of the house.

"Brother Yusuke!" Saya called at this time, and Yui also saw Yusuke and walked over with a smile.

Ryusuke also saw the other party, isn't this the beautiful girl from last night!

Everyone greeted each other.

"Yuyi, where are you going?" Yusuke asked.

"I'll take Xiao Ye to buy something." Yuyi replied with a smile, "What about you?"

"Take them around for a walk"

Everyone had something to do, so they said hello and left.

The youngest brother, Jianghui, asked at this time: "Brother Yusuke, is that your girlfriend?"

Yusuke nodded with a smile.

Jianghui was very surprised, "Brother Yongjie, you are so amazing, you have such a beautiful girlfriend!"

Ryusuke also agrees with this point, Brother Yusuke has a good vision, but his Asuka will not lose to anyone.

Yusuke took them to the nearby scenic spots, and went to the shopping street to buy snacks. Everyone was very satisfied after the trip.

Jianghui was very happy, he came out just to eat, eat and play, he had all these two points, and this trip was satisfying.

And Ryusuke was also very satisfied. He saw a piece of jewelry that was very suitable for Asuka, so he bought it.

At this time, thinking of Asuka's happy face when she received the gift, the corners of her mouth could not help but smile.

"Yusuke!" X2
The voices of two girls came.

Everyone stopped, turned around, and saw two beautiful girls in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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