Chapter 67 067. Once
"I'm not interested in the names of my opponents"

"You guys are still so arrogant"

Angry to the extreme, the girl named Mikawa calmed down instead.

Seeing the other person like that, Eri stroked her chin and thought for a while.

"I'm sorry, I really can't remember, your appearance is too ordinary"

In terms of picking, Eri can be said to be an expert.

"Are you trying to provoke me, tease me, and make me lose my sense of proportion? What a despicable method!"

"You think too much, I'm just talking ordinary words"

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see the real chapter!"

"I suddenly remembered, I seem to remember you guy"

Eri's eyes became cold at this moment.

"Aren't you already a senior in high school? Why do you still have the face to bully us school girls?"

It's not that there are no masters in the kendo club, and the last time it reached the top four in the country, but after being promoted to a higher level, the powerful seniors all quit the club to prepare for the university entrance exam.

Generally speaking, sports clubs are mainly first- and second-grade students, and there are very few third-grade students, unless they take the route of sports enrollment.

Mei Chuan challenged as a third grader, and it was true that the big beat the small.

The two looked at each other, and the air was about to spark.

The girl named Xi Jiutiao has become energetic at this time, there is gossip!

At this moment, he asked Sanben-senpai next to him, "Who is that person on the other side? He seems to have a grudge against Mikawa-senpai."

"Not only has a grudge against Mei Chuan, but also has a grudge against me!" Sanben's eyes became sharper, and he said, "The guy on the other side is called Enohana Eri. In the last high school competition, our Dongchuan High School and Hechuan Middle School In the contest for advanced places in the area, she defeated Mei Chuan, which made our advanced fail. At that time, she was only in the first grade, but her strength was stronger than that of the second grade, and she was a very strong player.

At that time, Hechuan Middle School had reached the top four in the country, but it was a pity that their players were not strong enough, and they finally stopped in the top four. After that, I never heard about her, but the failure of the advanced stage had a great impact. Many members cried, and Mei Chuan has been brooding over this."

"So that's the case!" Nishi Kujo nodded, and it turned out that there was such a relationship, "Then this time it's Mei Chuan-senpai's revenge!"

Thinking of this, Nishi Kujo immediately stood up and shouted loudly: "Senior Mikawa, kill her!"

This voice caught the attention of everyone present, members of the Kendo Club cast angry glances, and even Eri's attention was attracted.

Sanben next to her hurriedly pulled her down at this moment, and said in a low voice: "Are you looking for death? Don't even look where this is!"

"What are you afraid of? Aren't we here to kick the gym? Since you are here to kick the gym, you must be prepared to be beaten."

Xi Jiutiao said righteously.


Three could not refute.Sighing helplessly, he said, "What will you do if they gang up on you later?"

"What are you afraid of? As long as I run fast, I am very confident in my foot strength"

Xi Kutiao gave a thumbs up with a confident face, while San Ben stroked his forehead with a speechless expression.

This school girl is strong at best, but her personality is also very detached.

The three boys from Dongchuan High School nearby were also muttering softly at this moment.

"Do you know the girl above?"

"I don't know, she looks very pretty, much prettier than Mi Chuan"

"It's not good for us to talk about them behind their back like this."

"What are you afraid of! It's not like you don't know the quality of the girls in our school, it's hard to describe!"

"Who said Semi is cute!"

At this time, a young man with a hedgehog head said righteously, his eyes were bright, his figure was tall, strong and powerful, he looked like a spirited guy.

"Tch, who doesn't know your intentions, everyone in the community knows it"

"Who said I had intentions!"

The young man with the hedgehog head blushed at this moment, and he hesitated to refute.

"Look at your bear, be bold, Semi will be snatched away by others"

"That can't be done!"

"There's nothing wrong with this kind of thing. If you don't do it, other people will do it too."

"Then what should I do?"

The hedgehog-headed boy panicked all of a sudden.

"At first glance, you are a rookie. Come on, let the senior teach you how to do it." A boy with a rough figure said with a smile.

"Senior, do you have a girlfriend?" A boy next to him asked.

The senior's expression turned cold instantly: "None of your business!"

"It turned out to be a boring one"

"You bastard! Is this the attitude towards seniors?"

"I do have a girlfriend," said the handsome boy.

"What if you have a girlfriend?"

"My girlfriend is very cute, but she has seven or eight girlfriends, none of whom have a boyfriend, what do you think?"

"Brother, I was wrong, take me with you!"

The senior knelt down instantly.

The black thread on the face of San Ben who was sitting next to him yelled at the three of them: "Be serious!"

"What are you afraid of? We are sure to win!"

"It's hard to say about the girls' group, but we've never been afraid of anyone in the boys' group!"

"I'm not bragging, there is no one here who can fight!"

Sanben stroked his forehead, what the hell is the boy thinking!
Eri and Mikawa on the field finished their harsh words, and now they started to fight. The discussion below also disappeared at this time, and they began to watch the battle between the two.

This time, the attacks of the two were very fierce. One was adding new hatred to old hatred, and the other was trying to turn the tide. They both tried their best, and the fighting scene was very intense.

This time Eri showed all her abilities, her hands and feet are very flexible, her movements are fast, every swing of her sword is very powerful, and her body has a super reaction, although she has not touched it for a year Kendo, but this year was not in vain. She has participated in various clubs, including various sports clubs. In terms of physical fitness alone, she is not weaker than the people in the Kendo club. The most important thing is She is extremely talented.

The fight with Yusuke and the competition with Takayama Shoko, the instincts in her body have begun to wake up, and with the warm-up just now, Eri has gradually returned to her original peak state.

And Mei Chuan, who was fighting her, was deeply impressed, she could feel that the opponent was improving all the time.

Every fencing, every dodge, is sharper than the last.

Is this guy a monster?
Mei Chuan was in a hurry, the shadow that had been defeated, suddenly recalled at this moment, her heart skipped a beat, her movements couldn't help being a little slow, Eri felt it immediately, her body was faster than her brain, and immediately activated Violent attack.

Soon, Mei Chuan gradually lost the wind, her fencing was not as powerful as before, her dodging steps also began to slow down, and her panting sound became more rapid

The shadow in my heart suddenly became clear for some reason. The shame and memories of the past were suddenly rushed out.

I still remember that day, she was very excited, the group of them shouldered everyone's hopes, she was full of confidence, and the future was bright.

However, that confidence was shattered by a bamboo sword.

A young girl stood in the high light, looking down at her.

The bamboo sword in his hand was raised high, and he slashed down violently!

The red flag is raised!

"The red side wins!"

(End of this chapter)

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