Chapter 671 671. A new month begins
Seeing her sister's eyes on Yusuke, Eri was instantly upset.

At this time, he stood in front of Yusuke and said, "Don't worry about it, sister!"

"That's impossible!" Zhihua replied seriously, "You are the daughter of Jiang Zhihua's family, my sister, and I am responsible for your safety!"

Eri raised her eyebrows, her sister is getting more and more excessive, she will definitely resist this time, this is her date, and it must not be ruined by others!
The two sisters stared at each other.

After a while, Zhihua shifted his gaze to Yusuke, with a smile on his face.

Eri noticed it, and asked nervously, "Sister, what do you want to do!"

The older sister's smile was very calm, but Eri was a little creepy.

"I just want to chat with your friend, how about it, can't you?"

"Of course not!" Eri directly refused.

"But you shouldn't answer this question." Zhihua looked at Yusuke at this moment, "What do you think?"

Yusuke in the back is a little weird, he seems to have seen this scene somewhere.

Hit the mandarin ducks?

Throwing away the random thoughts in his mind, facing the provocation of Eri's sister, Yusuke of course chose to stand up, he is not in the habit of standing behind women.

Eri watched Yusuke's actions, and said anxiously at this moment: "Yusuke, this is none of your business, this is our two sisters' business."

Yusuke responded seriously: "Your business is my business"

Eri was taken aback for a moment, her face turned reddish, but these words were quite sweet.

"This love talk is pretty slippery," Jiang Zhihua said with a smile, her voice didn't fluctuate at all, it was dry, but a bit ironic.

Eri became upset in an instant, you have to take care of our whispering, you have to take care of it too much!

The two sisters stared again, looking like they were about to quarrel again.

At this time, a car horn sounded, breaking the atmosphere of the scene.

A black car drove over and stopped beside them. The window was rolled down. Inside was a middle-aged woman with a serious expression on her face.

That was Eri's mother, Enohana Ayae.

The two sisters shut up immediately when they saw their mother appearing.

"You two go home immediately"

Enoka Linge's eyes were calm and her tone was calm, but there was a force that could not be refuted.

Enoka Chika nodded, Eri was a little bit unconvinced and didn't dare to make a mistake, then turned around and whispered to Yusuke: "That's my mother, I have to go home now, sorry , Yusuke"

Yusuke smiled and comforted, "It's okay, let's go on a date next time."

Eri nodded happily, but her mother was behind, so she didn't dare to mess around, said a few whispers, said goodbye and left.

The two sisters walked in the same direction, got into the same car, and left soon.

And those strong men in black also dispersed, and the scene returned to calm, but...

Enoka Linge's car was still parked where it was.

Yusuke pondered for two seconds, then stepped forward.Respectfully greeted: "Hello, Auntie!"

Eri's mother nodded calmly, and looked at Yusuke with her eyes, as if she wanted him to see clearly.

Facing such eyes, Yusuke had a calm smile on his face, and his heart was calm.

"Good appearance, strong ability, no wonder Eri is attracted to you, I admit, you are really outstanding at your age" Eri's mother suddenly praised.

Yusuke smiled, "Auntie is over the top!"

“Just a little too much effort”

Yusuke smiled, not embarrassed, with a calm face.

“Very thick-skinned”

Yusuke still kept smiling, without any discomfort.

Eri's mother looked at him quietly. She was a little confused by this boy, and many young people could do this without being surprised by praise.

But in the face of humiliation, and seeing his true face face to face, there is still no change, his face is calm, this is not an ordinary person.

There are only two possibilities, or he is heartless, but he can make a career out of nothing, definitely not such a person.

Either he is extremely confident in himself, he firmly believes in the path he walks, and he doesn't care about the eyes of outsiders.

Obviously, the young man in front of him is the latter type, and he has a strong heart!
At this time, he couldn't help but have a higher evaluation of him.

Yusuke said at this time, "Auntie, I know your evaluation, I will work hard"

Enoka Ayae looked at Yusuke and smiled for a while.

"Your words are interesting. I thought you would boast and promise to make Eri happy in the future."

Yusuke smiled and asked, "Then do you believe me?"

Both of them smiled, they are all smart people, anyone can say big things, but who can guarantee what will happen in the future?

No matter how beautiful the sea is, how great the promises are, if they are not realized, they will all be castles in the air.

Enoka Linge really looked at Yusuke at this time, if the other party was full of lies and promised all kinds of promises, it would be unreliable at all.

And if the other party chooses to be arrogant and self-respecting, facing her humiliation and gritted teeth and angry retorts, it will make her look down on it. The person who can really do things is to give the other party a fatal blow at a fatal moment, not to compete for verbal arguments.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, you have to be able to do it!

But the other party chose to stick to the path of self. No matter how the wind and rain outside, he will bear everything and work hard to move forward. Combined with the information he has collected, this Yusuke Misawa is quite capable.

The daughter really got it right this time.

But Jiang Zhihua's family needs a strong man, and he has not yet qualified for a strong man.

Enoka Linge said at this time: "Keep working hard."

She only said half a sentence, and the rest depends on his performance.

Yusuke smiled: "I accept your good words!"

Eri's mother left, Yusuke finally breathed a sigh of relief watching the car leave.

It's no wonder he wasn't nervous. He was really guilty of cheating on someone's daughter and being caught on the spot.

But Yusuke has experienced many scenes, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Just keep a normal mind, don't flatter too much, it will only lower your own value, and don't be too cynical, it will just cause trouble for yourself.

No matter what, stick to your heart.

Yusuke is confident that sooner or later he will be able to sit on an equal footing with them, and even be able to look down on them.

Too many things happened today, Yongsuke returned home, greeted his parents, dealt with it and went to bed early.

Ryusuke still had a lot of questions, but seeing that Yusuke was so tired, he didn't bother him.

On the other side, Enoka's family, Eri, Chika, and Ayae's mother and daughter were sitting in a room.

Eri looked at her sister angrily, Zhihua looked calm, and the mother next to her was very calm, making tea.

"The tea is ready, let's try my mother's craft." Mom put two cups of tea in front of them with a smile.

The two sisters nodded, picked up the teacup, and took a sip.

"Mom, your craftsmanship has improved," Zhihua praised with a smile.

Eri frowned, "No, the tea leaves are too strong!"

"At this time, you should praise it," Zhihua said at this time.

"I'm not as flattering as you are." Eri shouted angrily, "We're a family, we don't need so much hypocrisy!"

"Okay," my mother said at this time, "The two sisters don't need to be like this, just talk about it. We have different ideas, which is understandable, but we must not quarrel."

Zhihua nodded, "Mom is right."

Eri hesitated for a moment, then nodded, but still said unconvinced: "It's my sister who provoked me!"

My mother smiled and said: "I have always been this kind of craft. Although I have learned it for a long time, and the master also pointed out some of my shortcomings, I always think that this kind of taste is the best."

Both Eri and Zhihua were quietly guessing what their mother was thinking.

Mom looked at Zhihua at this moment, "Didn't you promise before that you would not interfere in your sister's relationship?"

"I didn't interfere in her relationship," Zhihua replied seriously at this time, "Eri didn't complete the arranged things, I just brought her back, and the things I arranged must be done, there is absolutely no objection she"

Eri raised her eyebrows, feeling a little aggrieved, she's already targeted so clearly, and she's still talking nonsense with her eyes open!

Mom looked at Eri at this moment, "Do you think your sister's arrangement is fair?"

"It's not fair!" Eri retorted angrily, "So many things are thrown at me all of a sudden, I can't handle it at all!"

Lihua said at this time: "Although there are many things, I have also arranged a reasonable time for you. As long as you follow the schedule, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it."

"I'm not a robot, how can I be so accurate?"

Eri looked at her sister at this moment, and said seriously: "You just want to control me!"

The atmosphere suddenly became serious again.

"How's the tea?" Mom asked now.

The two were stunned for a moment, and Zhihua said at this time: "Very good, mom's craftsmanship is great!"

Eri hesitated for a while, then said, "I still think the tea leaves are too much"

Mom smiled, "You two sisters have exactly the same temperament, and you are both very stubborn people. It is not easy to convince you, so let Mom directly draw the conclusion this time."

Both sisters looked over, Eri was a little nervous, while Zhihua was very calm.

"This time it's Zhihua's fault!"

Zhi'er is more like mother, mother knows Zhihua's character very well, and her desire to control is very strong. Although she has promised before, she will still unknowingly or intentionally reach out her hand to try to control her sister's life.

But as she said, the three of them, the mother and daughter, are all very stubborn and not easy to be persuaded.

She can only beat and beat, don't let this sister bully too much.

Eri was overjoyed immediately, her mother was indeed on her side.

Zhihua frowned, but quickly regained his composure.

"I see, I will be more careful in the future." Zhihua nodded and said.

This made Eri very happy, as expected only her mother could cure her.

"Continue to drink tea." Mom said with a smile, and the grievances and grievances subsided in this way.

But this also reminded Eri that she had to get Yusuke done as soon as possible.

Or, if I could speak with weight at home like my sister...  

For a moment, ambition bloomed in her eyes.

The time finally came to the 31st, which is New Year's Eve, the last day of the year.

Everyone is very busy today, every household is the same, mothers have prepared a lot of New Year dishes, which are very rich.

Yusuke also helped and showed his hand, which amazed the uncle's family.

"Brother Yusuke, how long will it take me to learn to your level?"

Ryusuke asked excitedly at this time, Yusuke's craftsmanship is really admirable, this delicious food even surprised him, he had an idea at this time, if he also learned this kind of cooking, then Asuka would never be able to escape His palm is gone.

As the saying goes, to grab a man is to grab his stomach, and this principle can also be applied to women.

Facing Ryusuke's expectant eyes, Yusuke shook his head.

"I advise you to study hard."

It takes a lot of effort to learn the skills of cooking, but Ryusuke's goal is to become a doctor, and it also takes a lot of time to learn. Choose one of the two, and Ryusuke can only stick to his ideals. Long Jie felt a little regretful.

During the Chinese New Year, the most important thing is to be together as a family.

It is a traditional program in Japan. It has been a tradition for many years to watch the red and white singing contest while eating soba noodles on New Year's Eve.

The Red and White Singing Contest has been popular in Japan for a long time, which shows that it has a certain strength, and Yusuke also thinks this program is quite good.

One of the most important activities on New Year's Eve is going to the shrine to pray for blessings.

The adults are not interested in this, they have already passed the season of joining in the fun, although the two children really want to go, but the time is too late, they can't stand it until the early morning, so they go to bed early, and finally only Yusuke is left and Ryusuke.

The two packed up and set off.

"Wait a minute!" Yusuke stood at the door of Miyajima's house, and said with a smile, "There are others going together."

Long Jie nodded.

After a while, the door of Miyajima's house opened, and Yui came out.

"Long waiting, let's go"

A group of three set off.

At this moment, Ryusuke suddenly realized that he shouldn't have come, he was acting as a light bulb!
It's fine if you don't go back, don't disturb Brother Yusuke's love affair.

Ryusuke was thinking about something, when he heard Yusuke saying hello to someone, he came back to his senses, only to see a girl walking towards this side in front of him.

Under the light, the girl's smiling face is like a flower, like honey, which makes people sweet to the bottom of my heart.

Ryusuke had no choice but to praise, this beauty is outrageous!

Moreover, judging by the attitude of the other party and Brother Yusuke, is this an acquaintance of Brother Yusuke?

Ryusuke was a little dumbfounded, Brother Yusuke knows a lot of girls!
Yusuke introduced to Rie, Rie greeted with a smile, Ryusuke also smiled and nodded in response, and then...

Trying to reduce his sense of existence, he found that he really shouldn't come!
The two girls kept chatting and laughing with Brother Yongjie, ignoring themselves. Seeing the three of them walking together, Ryusuke always felt a little weird, and the relationship was too good!
As they moved forward, there were more and more pedestrians on the road.

Mostly young people, everyone is very excited, New Year's Eve is the most important day of the year.Also the last carnival.

When everyone came to the shrine, there was already a sea of ​​people, and they all waited nervously outside.

The atmosphere at the scene was very lively, the worship line had already formed a long line, and there were a large number of temporary witches helping to maintain order, and even the police were dispatched.

Yusuke also saw an acquaintance, left-handed Kawanaru, who was standing guard there in a police uniform.

"Officer Zuo Chuan!" Yusuke stepped forward to say hello, Zuo Chuan Naru turned his head, and suddenly his face was pleasantly surprised.

"It's you!"

Yui and Rie also came forward to say hello, and everyone exchanged a few words.

Ryusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect that Yusuke even knew the police.

"I've worked hard tonight, Zuo Techuan," Yusuke said with a smile, and it was really hard work to be on duty on New Year's Eve.

"Serving the people is my purpose," Zuo Shouchuan replied with a smile.

It's been a long time since I heard this mantra.

We chatted for a while, but it was our responsibility after all, so we couldn't talk too much, so we made an appointment to have a reunion after the Chinese New Year.

"I happen to have a big vacation after the Chinese New Year, let's play together then" Zuo Shouchuan said with a smile.

"Then I'll treat you to a big meal then." Yusuke also responded with a smile.

"You seem to have said this big meal several times."

Everyone laughed, waved their hands and said goodbye.

A group of four went to line up. They stood at the end of the line. After a while, another long line formed behind them.

"There are so many people!" Yusuke sighed.

"The most important festival of the year, I wish you a good fortune in the new year." Yui replied with a smile, then looked at Yusuke, "Yusuke, what wish do you have?"

Of course we have to pray for good intentions in the new year, and everyone is a little curious about Yusuke's wishes.

Yusuke thought for a while, "Get rich!"

"Cheesy!" X2
Yui and Rie said in unison.

Yusuke smiled and asked, "What about you?"

"In good health" Rie replied.

"Academic progress" Yuyi replied,
"Aren't you the same"

"It's different, we are not as vulgar as you!"

"Who said that getting rich is the most practical desire!" Yusuke said with a smile, "Money is used every day in life, and money is a good thing."

"You are the one with the most fallacies!" Yuyi said with a smile, "Every time you have a theory"

"And every time you say the same as the truth." Rie also echoed beside him, "Sometimes I admire your eloquence."

"That's not eloquence, that's thick-skinned" Youyi joked with a smile.

The three of them were chatting and laughing, and Ryusuke who was next to him suddenly felt that he should not be standing here, but should be at home.

What's the matter with this heart-stopping feeling!
Asuka, I suddenly miss you so much!
The clock rang, everyone stopped chatting, and the atmosphere suddenly became serious.

The bells sounded one after another, echoing in the night sky. One hundred and eight bells will be rung on New Year's Eve to get rid of evil and look forward to the future.

A new year has come.

"Happy New Year!" Yusuke said with a smile.

"Happy New Year!" Everyone also congratulated each other.

The atmosphere became lively, and the team began to move forward.

The worship has begun!

Although the line was long, everyone was very orderly and moving fast.

After waiting for about half an hour, it was finally Yusuke's turn.

Everyone took out 10 yuan coins each, threw them on the almsgiving box, clapped their hands, prayed silently, and made their wishes.

"Let's go" Yusuke said at this time, Yui and Rie nodded, one left and one right, followed closely beside him.

Ryusuke, who was walking behind, had already recalled it, and his eyes were filled with admiration.

That's amazing, Brother Yusuke turns out to be the real master!

"Let's go eat red bean soup" Yui said at this time.

There is free red bean soup in the shrine, and basically everyone who comes to worship will eat a little, which represents a good intention.

There are a lot of seats here, where a few witches are distributing desserts, and everyone is holding a small bowl, sitting there to eat, and put the small bowl on the trash can next to it after eating.

Everyone got the sugar water, found a seat and sat down.

The hot soup enters the mouth, and the whole body is warmed up a lot.

"Boys, Happy New Year." The left-handed Kawanaru appeared at this time, also holding a small bowl of sweet soup.

"Happy New Year" everyone responded with a smile.

"Zuo Techuan, are you off work?" Yusuke asked with a smile.

"No, rest"

Left-handed Kawanaru sat on the chair next to him, drinking sweet soup and rubbing his feet.

"It hurts to the feet"

"Don't you have physical training?" Yusuke said with a smile.

"Please, this has nothing to do with physical training, okay?" left-handed Kawanaru complained, "I'm not so tired even when I go on patrol."

Indeed, standing still is a test of willpower, even harder than running around.

Everyone sat and rested for a while, finished drinking the sweet soup in their hands, and said goodbye to each other.

After walking out of the shrine, the atmosphere became much colder.

"Rie, let me take you home first," Yusuke said at this time.

It is already past 1:[-] in the morning. Although the shrine is very lively, the road is still very quiet except for the shrine. It is very dangerous for a girl to go home alone at this time.

Rie nodded without refusing.

Yusuke looked at Ryusuke at this time, and Ryusuke immediately understood.

"Brother Yusuke, I'm going back first."

He doesn't want to be a light bulb anymore, so you can do whatever you want.

"Are you all right?"

"Don't underestimate me" Long Jie said with a smile, waved his hand and ran home, there were only three people left on the scene.

"Let's go" Yusuke said with a smile, both of them nodded, one on the left and one on the right, walking beside him.

Nothing happened on the way, after seeing Rie off, and then Yui, by the time Yusuke returned home, it was already past 2 o'clock in the middle of the night, and the family had already gone to bed.

Yusuke lightened his steps and quietly returned to the room.

However, Ryusuke in the room hadn't slept yet. He was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone. When he saw Yusuke coming back, he immediately greeted him excitedly, "Brother Yusuke, you're back!"

Yusuke smiled and asked, "Why are you so excited?"

"I'm talking about news with Asuka," Ryusuke replied excitedly, "Asuka said that she recently learned a dish, and she will make it for me when I go back."

When he said this, he had a happy smile on his face.

Seeing Ryusuke's smirk, Yusuke suddenly had a premonition that Ryusuke might be eaten to death by Asuka in the future.

Forget it, leave them alone.

When everything is done, the busy year is finally over.

Close your eyes, in front of you is a familiar turntable.

A new year, a new month begins.

(End of this chapter)

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