Chapter 678. 678. Yukino is making trouble
Before Yusuke walked to the table, he heard Ji Xiong's chatting voice, and deduced a general idea from the moment's words.

This woman doesn't deal with Ji Xiong!

But I don't know why, the two can still sit together, chatting non-stop in words, it's so lively when you come and go.

Yusuke felt a little bit emotional, quarreling is indeed a woman's nature, if it was a man, they would have already started fighting at this time, why would they be fighting like this.

As for the smiling man next to him, Yusuke had a bad impression of him. Although his attitude seemed gentle, his aggressive gaze when he occasionally looked at Ji Xiong showed that this guy was not a good bird. classify him as an enemy.

"Ji Xiong, who are they?"

Yusuke's attitude was very calm, neither surprised nor anxious.

Ji Xiong happily walked over, took Yusuke's arm, and smiled proudly: "Let me introduce to you, this is my boyfriend, Misawa Yusuke"

That proud look seemed to have acquired a supreme treasure.

Nohara Rika was surprised, Yusuke's face value is too high, that powerful charm, gentle smile, shining in the sun, when she saw him for the first time, her heart trembled, this man is really so handsome!

Kaneda Hunter frowned slightly, he felt a hint of threat.

This guy is so handsome!

Ask yourself, I am handsome, but this man is still a little more handsome than him.

After looking at the other party's attire, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The other party was wearing ordinary clothes, which didn't look like high-end goods. He had nothing on his body, no watch or ring. He was an ordinary person, but he was a little handsomer. I still had an advantage!

"Yusuke, they are my friends" Ji Xiong introduced with a smile.

"This one is Nohara Rika, and this one is her boyfriend Kaneda Karito"

"Hello," Yusuke greeted with a smile.

Nohara Rika finally came to her senses and nodded slightly, no matter how handsome she is, it's not her boyfriend.

On the contrary, Kaneda Kuroto was much more enthusiastic. At this moment, he stood up, stretched out his hand, and inadvertently revealed his Rolex.

"Hi, my name is Kaneda Karito"

This Rolex is so big and eye-catching, everyone was attracted.

Kaneda Karito is very proud, you see, this is my strength!
Yusuke's face is calm, and it's not real gold, it's useless, if you carry a piece of gold, I might give you a high look.

At this time, I also stretched out my hand, "Hi, I'm Yusuke Misawa"

The two hands were clasped together.

Everyone smiled and sat in their seats.

Kaneda Kurto is very proud, this time he will definitely win!

Yusuke was very calm, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Nohara Rika said at this time: "Ji Xiong just kept saying how handsome her boyfriend is, we thought she was joking."

At this time, he looked at Yusuke with a smile, "I didn't expect what she said was true. I don't know where you are, Misawa-kun?"

In terms of appearance, the boyfriend lost a little, but it doesn't matter, the most important thing for a man is his career and achievements. To put it simply, a man must have money!
Look at his appearance, ordinary clothes, without any accessories, plus his age, at most he is a college student, how can he have any money at this age, handsome is useless, and he can't be eaten.

Yusuke smiled, and instantly understood the other party's thoughts. The greatest pleasure in the world is nothing more than pretending to be aggressive, and there are many kinds of pretending. People, everyone likes this method very much, because it is simple and practical!
Nohara Rika's question was a fatal one, everyone looked over with different expressions.

Nohara Rika and Kaneda Karito looked like they were joking, they didn't believe each other's abilities.

And Ji Xiong has a calm face, her Yusuke will not lose to anyone!
"I'm studying now" Yusuke replied calmly, "I'm also working part-time at the same time"

"Part-time job." Nohara Rika smiled even more, she was indeed an ordinary person, and Ji Xiong didn't have a good eye.

Unexpectedly, Ji Xiong is a member of the Appearance Association, and only likes handsome men, but what's the use of being handsome?

Looking at Yusuke's face, well, well, in fact, being handsome is also useful, and she is actually quite happy to let her keep him so handsome.

Wait a moment!Could it be that he was taken care of by Ji Xiong?

Ji Xiong is a manga artist, I heard that the manga artist's manuscript fee is very high, that is to say...

She suddenly discovered the truth!
It turned out to be a duck!
The admiration for Yusuke just now turned into contempt in an instant, and it turned out that he was a little boy who ate soft food.

Nohara Rika's performance was too obvious, she changed her face almost instantly, Ji Xiong suddenly became angry, this guy actually looked down on my boyfriend!
"What's wrong? Can't my boyfriend be self-reliant?"

Ji Xiong gritted his teeth and said, his eyes fixed on Nohara Rika.

Nohara Rika suddenly showed a smug smile, she guessed it right, and said with a smile: "It's better for a man to be ambitious, like my boyfriend, who now works in KKD Group and is already a manager."

The Kaneda hunter next to him smiled slightly, as if he had the winning ticket in his hands, and he was extremely confident.

KKD Group?

Yusuke had a strange look on his face.

Seeing this, Nohara Rika became more confident, she must have been shocked!

The KKD Group is a well-known large group in China. Being able to become a manager at Kaneda Karito's age shows that he is very capable on the one hand, and on the other hand shows that his family background is very good.

No matter what kind of company wants to be a high-level person, it must have a strong network, and the network is determined by its family status. The better the family situation, the more contacts they control, and the higher their starting point.

Good birth, this is life!

This is also the reason for Kaneda Karito's self-confidence, he stood at the highest point from the very beginning!

With Nohara Rika's compliments, everyone soon learned about Kaneda Kuroto's situation.

A graduate of Dongdae University, he joined the KKD Group as soon as he graduated, and then made his way to the top. He became a manager in two years, and his boss valued him very much.

According to Nohara Rika, becoming a director in the future is not a dream.

Nohara Rika is very happy, the more outstanding her boyfriend is, it also shows her own value, only such an outstanding boyfriend is worthy of her.

Kaneda Karito is very proud, isn't that what life pursues!

Ji Xiong is very calm about the showy performance of the two, and she has great confidence in Yusuke.

Yusuke will not lose to anyone!

"By the way, Hunter, does your company need to find a part-time job? Can you help find one for Sanze-kun?"

Nohara Rika said with a smile, as if thinking about Yusuke, while Kaneda Karito shook his head in distress.

"I'm sorry, but we can't do this. Our company is a large company, and all of them are full-time employees. The threshold is very high, and there is no need for part-time jobs."

Ji Xiong frowned, and the two started rubbing their noses and cheeks!
Yusuke was also ready to refute at this time.

The other party's appearance is very ugly, which makes him very disgusted. He is not a saint. Since someone wants to step on him, he must be prepared to be stepped back by him.

Ji Xiong is not happy, and Yusuke is not happy either.

"San Ze-kun"

At this time, a cold female voice came, breaking the atmosphere of the scene.

The proud Nohara Rika is a little upset, who is it!She is happy!
Turning his head, he saw a woman with short hair in front of him, with a handsome face and a cold expression.

Who is this?
"Miss Saga!" X2
Two voices came, one was Yusuke and the other was Kaneda Karito.

The expressions of the two are different, Yusuke is a little surprised, while Kaneda Karito is a little surprised.

"Miss Saga, why are you here?" Kaneda Karito asked in surprise.

As the manager of the KKD Group, he must recognize all the high-level people.

Saga Xiaomei is the assistant to the president of the company. Although she is an assistant, she has great powers and responsibilities. Her will represents the will of the president. I didn't expect to meet him here, which really surprised him.

If you can build a good relationship with her, it will be very important to your future!
At this time, the smiling face is like a flower, and I am estimating how to build a relationship with the other party in my heart.

However, Saga Komi didn't even look at Kaneda Karuto's enthusiasm. Although she knew him and all the managers in the company, she didn't care, and she still carried orders with her.

At this time, he looked at Yusuke and asked, "Miss wants to come over and say hello to you."

Yusuke was a little surprised, at this moment he looked in Yukino Shizuka's direction, Yukino Shizuka also looked this way, smiled and waved.

What is this guy thinking?

The interaction between the two was also seen by others.

Kaneda Hunter's eyes almost fell off, what's going on?This scene is not right!
He suspected that he heard it wrong, Yukino Shizuka is the president of the group, with a high position and authority, how could he know him?And came here to say hello?

This is not right!

Didn't you say that you are an ordinary person?Still working part-time, what's going on?
But Ji Xiong was a little surprised, but also a little angry.

Where did this guy know girls again!
And she's still a young lady, is this guy going to rebel!
Yusuke was very surprised, why did Yukino Shizuka suddenly make this request?Could it be...

Yusuke thought of a possibility.

Yukino Shizuka was full and bored and came over to make trouble.

Yusuke guessed right, Yukino Shizuka did it on purpose.

She just came over for dinner today, but she didn't expect to find Yusuke here, and Yusuke is still dating a new girlfriend, which is interesting!
I wanted to find an opportunity to come and get to know each other, there was no reason, it was purely boring, but I didn't expect that something interesting happened to Yusuke.

This is so good!

Unfortunately, the distance was too far, and she couldn't hear the sound, so she asked Saga to come over and listen.

Saga Xiaomei was sitting next to them just now, because his back was facing, Yusuke didn't notice it.

While eavesdropping, Saga Xiaomei quickly reported the situation to the eldest lady in a low voice.

Yukino Shizuka was a little surprised, this scene is exactly the same as the plot of a third-rate novel!

Now I'm interested.

Sure enough, reality is often more bloody than TV dramas!

After listening to the conversation just now, she felt that the opportunity had come, so she let Saga Xiaomei appear.

Saga Komi's voice disrupted everyone's rhythm, and the appearance of Yukino Shizuka made everyone unable to react.

"Misawa-kun, do you mind if I sit down?" Yukino Shizuka said with a smile, and Yusuke nodded with a smile.

Kaneda Karito's face was full of excitement, he was really the president of Yukino!
He didn't expect to meet him here, he was at a loss for what to do, and his usually confident attitude panicked at this moment. For him, President Yukino is a big man, an existence beyond his reach.

What's more, the big man can remove him from his duties at any time.

When Yukino Shizuka first took office, the company immediately had a bloodbath, and she killed a lot of veterans, not to mention dismissing the entire department last year, which shocked the company.

No one has ever done this, but...

Yukino Shizuka did just that.

Yukino Shizuka is so domineering!
At this time, Yusuke also stopped belittling Yusuke, and the person who President Yukino would come up to say hello in person is definitely not an ordinary person.

The four sat at a long table, each sitting on either side.

At this time Yukino Shizuka came over and sat directly in the middle, and Saga Xiaomei stood behind her, looking like a bodyguard.

In an instant, the boss's domineering aura was revealed!

Ji Xiong and Nohara Rika looked over, this woman looks so strong!
"Yusuke, who is this?" Ji Xiong asked with a smile, looking at Yusuke with twinkling eyes.

Yusuke instantly felt a murderous aura.

What's wrong with Ji Xiong?
Yukino Shizuka smiled at this time, and said in an extremely calm tone: "It's Yukino Shizuka, the president of KKD Group"


Both Ji Xiong and Nohara Rika cried out in surprise.

Facing the gaffe of the two, Yukino Shizuka remained calm.

Nohara Rika has many questions, is this the president of a big company?Why do you look so young?Is it fake?

But when I saw the serious and serious expression of my boyfriend, I felt a lump in my heart, it was true!

She suddenly had a lot of questions.

The other party is the president. He has a high position and authority. How could he know Yusuke Misawa?
To put it bluntly, the two sides are of different classes, and the gap is very large, which is really unbelievable!
Kaneda Karito reacted at this moment, stood up respectfully, and bowed to Yukino Shizuka.

"President Yukino, hello, I am Kaneda Karito from the planning department"

Yukino Shizuka glanced at him calmly, nodded, without too many words, and her attitude was extremely arrogant.

But Kaneda Karito is used to it. President Yukino Yukino has this attitude in the company, and everyone knows it.

Yukino Shizuka glanced at Ji Xiong at this time, then at Yusuke, and said with a smile: "Misawa, this is your girlfriend, don't introduce me."

Yusuke smiled and introduced the two parties.

Ji Xiong was surprised, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and greeted him.

Yukino Shizuka responded with a smile: "Your boyfriend is very good, I always wanted him to help me, but it's a pity that your boyfriend didn't agree."

This sentence made everyone present stunned, and they all looked at Yusuke.

Yusuke just smiled calmly, without too many words.

He already understood Yukino Shizuka's intentions, but he didn't expect that the other party came to assist.

But considering Yukinono's character, what this guy is best at is taking advantage of the situation. After a while, he must take this matter as a favor, but Yusuke has to accept this favor. This guy is really amazing!

Ji Xiong was very curious about this matter, and Yukino Shizuka repeated it with a smile.

"Sanze is very capable, I admire him very much, I want him to be an assistant next to me, and help me in the company in the future, but Sanze said he has his own arrangements, and he has great ambitions"

"How ambitious is it?" Nohara Rika couldn't help asking at this moment.

This scene really made her feel a little magical.

The president of a group admires an ordinary boy so much that no TV drama with such a plot dares to act like this!
She had some doubts about whether the other party was a fake, but her boyfriend's serious look showed that the other party's identity must be real.

This shocked her. Isn't the other party just an ordinary person? He usually works part-time, so where did he come from with such great ability? Could it be that this guy is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

Yukino Shizuka looked at Nohara Rika, and calmly replied: "Sanze's company will definitely not be smaller than KKD Group"

"His company?" Nohara Rika was a little surprised, "Isn't he working part-time?"

Yukino Shizuka burst out laughing as if hearing a funny joke.

The sound was so loud that everyone in the restaurant looked over, and the waiters in the restaurant also paid attention to it, but after finding out it was Yukino Shizuka, they pretended nothing happened.

The most important thing for the waiters in the restaurant is to recognize people. Yukino Shizuka comes here to eat, and every time the manager serves in person, it is obvious that the other party is a big shot, and big shots have privileges!

Yukino Shizuka's laughter was hearty, but it had different meanings in everyone's ears.

Nohara Rika seemed to be being satirized, she was very angry and wanted to refute, but her hand was held by her boyfriend.

Kaneda Hunter shook his head lightly, regardless of his status, the other party was not something they could deal with.

Those who know the times are Junjie!

Nohara Rika was very depressed, but she had no choice but to accept this reality.

After a while, Yukino Shizuka stopped laughing.

"Sorry, that joke was too funny"

This sentence touched Nohara Rika again, and she wanted to get angry, but her palm was tightly held.

Kaneda Karuto stopped her, but the other party was President Yukino, if you act recklessly, I will lose my job!
Girlfriends are important, but work is even more important!
Yukino Shizuka noticed the small movements of the two of them and didn't care.

At this time, he looked at Yusuke and asked, "Sanze, don't you like playing this kind of game, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?"

Yusuke shook his head, "I'm just being humble"

"But too much modesty becomes hypocrisy. It is a good thing to be young and promising. If you have strength, you must show your muscles!"

Yukino Shizuka looked around at the crowd at this time, and her momentum became extremely high.

"The strong don't need to hide, and they don't need to care about other people's eyes"

"Sanze, you are a strong person I agree with. Not just any cat or dog can humiliate you. This is not only insulting you, but also insulting me!"

(End of this chapter)

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