Chapter 682 682. New semester

Speaking of sports, the first thing Yusuke thinks of is baseball and Koshien.

But after thinking about it, I crossed out this option again.

Baseball is a team sport. Even if he has excellent physical fitness, he cannot represent the entire team by himself. If he wants to play baseball, he has to find more than a dozen partners.

According to his understanding, the baseball club of the school is very bad. Since the incident of Xinzhu Santai last time, the baseball club has basically been paralyzed. It is not easy to sort out this mess, and it is not so easy to find suitable teammates. Yes, otherwise, the school's baseball club would have dominated the game long ago, so where would it be his turn to take advantage of it?

The idea is unrealistic.

That can only start with the second option, the cultural aspect.

Speaking of culture, Yusuke's first thought was to copy songs.

Unfortunately, he was born with tone deafness. Singing is also his weakness. This aspect is also impossible. As for musical instruments, save yourself, he has no talent in this area at all. Unless the system sends out a skill, it will be more reliable. .

You can't copy songs, you can only copy novels.

But Yusuke found that there was no Japanese literature in his mind at all, which was embarrassing.

After thinking about it, the next best thing is to write light novels.

In Japan, writing light novels is also a popular industry, but this status is far from that of an orthodox great writer.

But don't worry about it, let's try and see first.

It happened that he still remembered some familiar light novels, such as "The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya".

Yusuke was very sure that this light novel would never exist in this world, so he wrote the title right away.

This is a milestone in light novels, and this alone should be able to gain some fame.

However, he only remembered the general content of the light novel, and he forgot all the details, so he needed to add it.

In terms of literature, he thinks he is average. Fortunately, he still has two friends.

Yuji Yamamoto, he is a real light novelist, and he can give advice on this aspect.

And Lixiang, she is a genius editor.

Thinking of doing it, I immediately wrote down the story in my mind first, and then slowly added the details.

The night was getting darker, but the light in Yusuke's room was still on.

The date with the Holy Son is over, and there is not much time left for the vacation, and school will start in two days. There are still many things, so I can only deal with them quickly.

First of all, it is about the studio. In the past two days, I have been shooting desperately, working overtime, and preparing a lot of inventory for emergencies.

The second is the commendation from the police station. The certificate came on the second day. The police station notified the family first, and the parents were very happy. This is the third time.

My mother was very happy. Under her publicity, the neighbors in the neighborhood basically knew about it. For a while, Yusuke became a good boy in other people's mouths again. He received a lot of greetings when he went out, and his celebrity index rose rapidly.

The school also came, and the head teacher Mishima Noya was very happy.

Although Misawa Yusuke is very good at making troubles, he has won many honors. Few students can do what he does, and won the award for bravery three times in a row. Even in the history of the school, few people have reached this level. an achievement.

And I heard that someone from the TV station is coming to interview. Such a good classmate is really rare, so we need to promote it vigorously.

So these two days were very fulfilling for Yusuke.

The time has finally come to the day when school starts.

It's been a long time since school started. Yusuke and his sister got up early today, and they left the house with plenty of energy.

After waiting at Miyajima's house for a while, Saya and Yui came out.

"Brother Yusuke, good morning!" Xiao Ye smiled and waved.

"Morning," Yusuke responded with a smile.

At this time, I looked at Xiao Ye's height, and suddenly felt a little dazed. It turned out that Xiao Ye had already grown so tall.

I looked at the younger sister next to me, and the younger sister has also grown a lot taller.

The little girl was growing fast, and Yusuke was busy these days, so he didn't look at her too much when we met, so he found out at this time.It turns out that the younger sisters have grown so tall.

At this moment, he smiled and said, "Xiao Ye, you have grown so tall."

Xiao Ye proudly crossed her waist, very proud!
"It's a pity, it's still so naive" Yuyi said from behind.

Xiao Ye suddenly became unhappy, and shouted angrily: "Sister, you are jealous of me!"

"What are you jealous of?" Yui asked strangely.

"Because you are older than us!"

For a moment, Yui's smile froze, and her eyes instantly became fierce.

You are courting death!

A woman must never say that she is old to her face, even if she is a teenage girl.

Seeing that her sister was angry, Xiao Ye immediately ran away.

"I'm grown up, I'm not afraid of you!"

Then he made a face.

Although he said so, Xiao Ye moved very quickly, and he had already run very far.

Aiyi smiled, greeted her brothers and sisters, and chased after her.

Yuyi was so angry that her chest heaved non-stop, and her sister was getting more and more irritating!
Yusuke smiled and said a few words of comfort, "Don't be so angry, Xiao Ye was just joking, how can you grow old when you are so beautiful?"

After Yusuke coaxed a few words in succession, Yui finally showed a smile and felt a little better.

Yusuke said at this time: "Let's hurry up, we're going to be late"

Yui nodded, and the two walked together.

On the first day of school, the station was very lively, full of office workers and students.

"There are so many people!" Yui was a little surprised, she hadn't seen this scene for a long time, at this moment she patted Yusuke on the shoulder, "It's up to you later"

"Don't worry," Yusuke replied with a smile.

When the tram arrived, the crowd rushed forward, one wave after another, Yui was pushed away in the crowd, at this moment she was a little anxious, if she got separated from Yusuke, it would be troublesome.

At this time, an arm stretched out and tightly grasped her little hand.

The next moment, Yui threw herself into a warm embrace.

She looked up, seeing Yusuke's smiling face.

"Why are you so careless? If someone pushes you away, I don't know where to pick you up." Yusuke said with a smile.

Yuyi smiled, with a happy expression on her face, "Then you have to hurry up."

Yusuke put his arms around Yui's shoulders, put her half in his arms, and squeezed onto the tram.

The behavior of the two is very intimate, but they don't care about these anymore with the relationship between the two.

There were a lot of people in the carriage, and the two were very close, Yusuke could smell the faint fragrance from Yui's body, and was about to make fun of a few words, when he wrapped his arms around his waist.

Yusuke was a little surprised, lowered his head, Yuyi was in his arms, and her hands were holding him.

Seeing Yusuke's surprised expression, Yui was a little proud, but also a little shy.

"What are you looking at? I'm afraid you will get lost, can't I hold you?"

This arrogant look is quite cute.

Yusuke smiled, "Then you have to hold on tighter, don't let me run away"

"So much talk!"

Even so, Yui still leaned her head on Yusuke's chest with a faint smile on her face.

It feels good!

There are many people in the carriage, and the scene of the two embracing each other is not obvious.

At the next stop, a group of commuters got off at this time, and the carriage was quite empty, and Yui also felt embarrassed at this moment, so she let go of her hand and kept a distance from Yusuke.

Yusuke smiled, "Don't continue?"

Yuyi rolled his eyes at him, "I'm not as shameless as you."

"Then why don't I take the initiative?"

Yusuke made a gesture and stretched out his hands, wanting to embrace the other party, Yui was startled, and quickly pushed him, a little shy and a little scared.

"Don't act like this, it's embarrassing to be seen by others"

After all, the girl's skin is a little thin. There were so many people and everyone didn't notice it. The sneaky behavior made her feel a little irritated, but now that there are fewer people, she feels shy.

Yusuke smiled, stopped his behavior, and the joke ended here.

If you overplay it, you'll be in trouble.

When the tram arrived, the two got off and walked towards the school.

We met Rie on the way, and everyone greeted with a smile.

"It's been a long time since we went to school together," Rie said with a smile.

"Yeah, it feels like it's been a long time," Yui also responded with a smile.

Two girls, one on the left and one on the right, sandwiched Yusuke in front.

This scene is very similar to last year, the only difference is that the order of the three has changed.

The long-lost daily life.

When we arrived at the school, we said goodbye at the entrance and went back to our classes.

There were also quite a few students in the classroom. When they heard the door opening, they could see it and found that it was Yusuke. They didn't care and continued their chat.

During a winter vacation, Yusuke's influence from last year disappeared, everyone didn't care, and neither did Yusuke.

Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu have also come over, and the three greeted each other.

"Yusuke, how was your winter vacation?" Sakata Ji asked with a smile, his smile was very happy.

"Not bad," Yusuke replied, "Looking at you smiling so happily, have you made progress with your girlfriend?"

Sakata nodded with a smile.

He was very happy and wanted to share his happiness, so he told what happened during the New Year.

This year he went back to his hometown for the New Year. Although he was in the countryside, he was very happy.

Because his girlfriend Mihara Matsuka was waiting for him.

In the second half of last year, Osamu Sakata would occasionally go back to his hometown to meet his girlfriend, but each time he was in a hurry, and the time between the two of them was not very long, and they usually chatted more through online video.

But now during the Chinese New Year, I can finally relax and have fun once again.

There have been many changes in half a year, Sakata Osamu has become mature, and Mihara Matsuka has also become beautiful.

The two had a lot to say and wished they could be together [-]/[-].

This holiday time is the happiest time for Sakata Osamu.

Seeing Sakata Haru's smile, both Yusuke and Takashiro were happy for him.

"Songhua's grades are very good. There is no problem in being admitted to our school. The next problem is the school."

Having said that, Sakata Osamu looked at Yusuke expectantly.

Yusuke nodded, "Don't worry, as long as her grades are up to par, I'll help you with the school."

Ritsuko had agreed before and reserved a place in the school, so it's not difficult to solve this problem.

Sometimes, some things, some people can get it done with just one word.

Osamu Sakata breathed a sigh of relief, he believed in Yusuke, but it was about his girlfriend and his future, so he had to ask again and again.

This winter vacation, a lot of things happened to everyone.

Sakata returned to his hometown, and Takashiro Mu also followed his father to Hokkaido.

"Hokkaido!" Sakata Osamu was very surprised.

"That's right." Gao Chengmu looked a little emotional.

Yusuke and the two were a little puzzled. It seemed that a lot of things had happened to him. At this time, they wanted to ask, but the class bell rang, so they had to give up.

I'll ask again during my lunch break.

The head teacher Mishima Noya came in at this moment and said hello to everyone.

"In the new semester, everyone has to study hard"

The head teacher said with a smile: "Before that, I would like to announce a good news to everyone. Yusuke Misawa from our class caught a criminal two days ago and was awarded by the police station. The behavior of Sansawa deserves our praise." "

Everyone was stunned and turned their heads to look at Yusuke Misawa.

It seemed like they had heard this sentence for the third time.

And Takashiro Mu and Sakata Osamu both opened their mouths wide, with incredible expressions on their faces.

Yusuke, what happened to you this holiday!
The act of bravery has brought a lot of influence to Yusuke. As soon as the new semester started, he immediately became the target of everyone's attention.

During the class break, Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu came over and asked Yusuke what happened, and Yusuke told what happened two days ago.

"These people are really hateful!" Sakata said angrily.

This kind of behavior is a great harm to girls, and there are not a few people who collapsed because of this. It can be said that Yusuke's action has changed the lives of many people.

Yusuke deserves the award for his bravery!
Sakata Osamu and Takashiro Mu both sternly condemned this, and Yusuke was a little surprised by that posture.

It seems that the form of sneak shooting has touched the bottom line of the public.

"Actually, I envy you Yusuke." Gao Chengmu said at this time, "You have a clear goal and can move forward step by step."

Gao Chengmu looked a little confused, "But I don't even know what I should do."

"Did you receive any stimulation?" Sakata Osamu asked strangely at this moment.

Gao Chengmu has never seen Gao Chengmu like this before. Could it be that he was stimulated by something?

Gao Chengmu shook his head, pondered for a while, and said, "During the Chinese New Year this year, I followed my father to Hokkaido, where I met my old friends. Everyone has changed a lot."

Both Yusuke and Sakata Osamu were quietly listening to Takashiro Mu's narration.

During the Chinese New Year, Gao Chengmu went to Hokkaido with his father. Because of his father, Gao Chengmu often transferred schools. He also studied in Hokkaido and had friends there.

Going back to Hokkaido this time, Gao Chengmu was very happy. He hadn’t seen his former friends for a long time, and he missed them very much. Everyone also found a chance to come out to meet and talked about many things.

But after not seeing each other for so long, everyone has become a little strange.

At this time, Gao Chengmu also discovered that everyone had changed a lot, and everyone began to plan for the future.

In the past, everyone was discussing where to go to play, but now everyone is discussing where to work in the future and what industry they plan to do. Everyone has detailed plans for the future.

This made Gao Chengmu uncomfortable, and suddenly he felt that there was a big gap with his peers.

Of course, he also understood where these gaps came from.

The little friends are all from remote rural areas, and their development can be seen at a glance. They are already high school students at this time, and they have to plan for their future.

Many people come out to work as soon as they graduate from high school, which is normal.

Of course, Gao Chengmu respects everyone's choice, but he is a little emotional.

Time flies!

Everyone has their own life,
At this time, Gao Chengmu was a little confused about his future, and his friends had already made detailed plans, but now he was doing this every day, day by day, without any arrangements, which made him a little flustered.

He couldn't find where the way was.

When it came to this topic, Sakata Osamu was also silent.

His situation is similar to that of Gao Chengmu.

During the Chinese New Year, Mihara Matsuka also asked about his plans for the future. At that time, he was indulging in the sweetness of love and didn't think about it. In retrospect, he didn't have any detailed plans for the future.

This is the most confused time for teenagers, they don't know what to do in the future.

Compared with them, Yusuke has his own arrangements, he advances step by step, and wins in all aspects of studies, career, and love.

Comparing him, the two felt the gap.

Although everyone was good friends in school and didn't care about these things, but in society, these gaps suddenly opened up the distance between the two parties.

Sometimes, things happen without realizing it.

It was only then that the two of them came to their senses belatedly.

"I'm going to work." Gao Chengmu said at this time, "I'm going to work while seeing what I can do in the future."

Sakata Osamu thought for a moment, "I'll go with you too"

Recently, his expenses are a bit high, and falling in love also requires capital.

Yusuke said at this time: "Part-time jobs are fine, but I hope you don't get too involved, part-time jobs are just a means"

"Don't worry, we all know." Gao Chengmu said with a smile, "We will go to college in the future, so we won't put the cart before the horse."

They are students, studying is their job, and working part-time is just an experience.

The three smiled. Although they were confused, they were also trying to make efforts.

It was finally time to leave school. Several people said hello and went to the club.

Yusuke also came to the club room.

The first day of the new semester, I have to come and report.

Opening the door of the classroom, everyone else was here, and when they saw Yusuke, they all smiled and said hello.

"Yusuke, I heard about it." Yui ran over happily at this moment.

"We all know about your brave deeds, amazing!" Yui praised with a thumbs up.

Yongsuke won the award for bravery, and the school also publicized it. Basically, all the students in the school knew that there was such a cruel classmate in the school who won the award for bravery three times in a row. This is a ruthless person!

Yusuke smiled, "Small things, nothing to worry about"

"My impression of you is back again." Yui said with a smile, the smile was very ambiguous.

Yusuke immediately understood that Yui knew some of his hobbies during the holidays, and his image collapsed badly, but now his image has finally recovered a bit.

It seems that it is good to act bravely, all my previous shortcomings have been covered up.

Sure enough, my previous thoughts were not wrong!
"What are you talking about?"

Eri came over at this time, and the two who were smiling happily raised their eyebrows.

Something is wrong with you two!
(End of this chapter)

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