Chapter 690 690. Hunting in Progress

two wild boars...

Yusuke thought for a while, and called Yabo over.

Crow Boss saw Yusuke's movements, knew that he had found the target, and flew down happily.

"I found the target. There are two wild boars there. You and my brothers entangled one, and I will take care of the other."

Crow boss nodded, "Wow (wrapped on us)"

He flapped his wings and flew into the sky, greeted his younger brothers, and then waited for Yusuke's signal.

Yusuke picked up the bow and arrow, adjusted the distance between the two sides, and kept approaching. When he reached a place of more than 20 meters, he stopped, found a position without obstacles, took the bow, and aimed.

Skills: hit every shot!

The crows above wait.

Then there was a howling sound, it was the cry of a wild boar.

The bushes were shaking violently, that was the signal!

The crow boss flew down from the sky with all the younger brothers.

At this time, two wild boars ran out from the bushes, and a bow and arrow was stuck in one of the wild boar's eyes. The severe pain made it crazy, and it kept shaking its head.

And its companion was taken aback, with panic on his face at this time.

The next moment, it heard the cry of a crow.

Countless crows flew down from the sky, and their target was the uninjured wild boar.

The wild boar received countless attacks in an instant, and the crow's sharp mouth kept poking wounds on it. Although the wounds were not serious, the attack density was high. Wave after wave, the wild boar went crazy and kept throwing He moved his body, trying to shake these crows away.

But the crows will leave with one blow, and they will never fight. Their style of play is very rogue. They hit you and leave. After the attack on the left, they will attack on the right. Some crows attack directly at the butt, which makes the wild boar overwhelmed .

Soon, the wild boar sensed something was wrong, and instinctively sensed the danger. The next moment, he turned his head and ran away.

But this time it's not like before, this time it's a planned battle.

The crow boss chased them all the way. This wild boar was also very smart. Knowing that he couldn't get rid of the crow, he crashed into the dense bushes next to him and let the branches cover his body, preventing the crows from attacking.

This is also the way these wild boars deal with crows. As long as they drill into the bushes, the branches and leaves block their bodies, and hide their bodies underneath, these crows have nothing to do.

The next step is time-consuming, but the wild boars are not afraid at all, anyway, they can lie on the ground and sleep directly.

But this time the crows have help.

Their task is to entangle each other, don't let it get away, wait a while and then clean it up slowly.

On the other side, the wild boar that was shot in the eye kept screaming, the severe pain made it go crazy, and until now it has not noticed the existence of Yusuke.

This is a great opportunity!

Take a bow, shoot an arrow.

This time the bow and arrow hit its abdomen, making it howl, and finally reacted, turned its head, and rushed directly towards Yusuke, aggressively.

But it stopped there, a bow and arrow shot through its other eye, directly through its head.

There was not even a scream, and the wild boar hung up directly. The advancing body rushed forward according to the practice, slid on the ground, and stopped.

The body was slowly flattened, and blood flowed from the mouth.


Solved one, and one more.

Yusuke moved forward quickly, and soon came to the hiding place of another wild boar.

The wild boar hiding in the bushes suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and twisted its head uneasily. Just as it turned around, a bow and arrow shot in, directly into its eyes.

One hit kill.

Yusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect it to be so smooth, because of the angle, he never expected to be able to defeat the enemy with one move, but who told this wild boar just turned its head, the angle was just right, and it went straight through its brain
Killed two.

The crows shouted happily, these guys usually come to harass them, and today they can finally take revenge!
Yusuke dragged the two wild boars out, threw them on the side of the road, adjusted his state, and continued hunting.

On the other side, Shengzi and the others were also advancing. They had already hunted a prey, but today's filming was not very smooth because of Zuo Fangmei.

Zuo Fangmeixu was very excited. This was her first time participating in outdoor hunting, and she was very excited and nervous.

This time, she is only in charge of doing chores, and getting familiar with the atmosphere by the way.

As she moved forward, her excitement gradually cooled down. The road was calm, and she didn't find a single prey, and the exciting hunting didn't happen.

Enthusiasm began to fade, and I suddenly felt a little bored, even a little bitter.

What they were advancing was a dense forest. Few people stepped into it, which also meant that the road here was difficult to walk.

After walking forward for a while, Zuofang Meixu was already sweating profusely. She looked at the three people walking in front, and was a little surprised. The three people's physical strength must be too good!

Needless to say, Seiko Sasaki and Kawana Ruzuo are professional hunters, so it is not surprising that they have such physical strength.

Surprisingly, Yui Miyajima, a delicate and beautiful girl, did not complain of distress or tiredness while walking forward. This is really surprising.

The people in this studio are so strong!

"It can't be done, I have to take a break" Zuo Fang Meixu said at this moment, holding on to the tree next to her with one hand, she really couldn't move anymore.

The three people walking in front also came back to their senses at this time, Kawana Ruru left hand looked at her appearance, and looked around.

"Then let's go over there and rest for a while."

Under her leadership, several people came to an open space. There happened to be a withered tree on the ground, which fell to the ground, leaving only the bare branches. This is a good place to rest.

Everyone sat here to rest.

Zuo Fang Meixu took out the water, took a few sips, and then she was able to catch her breath.

"It should be the first time you have participated in this kind of event," the left-handed Kawana Tsuru who was sitting next to him asked with a smile.

Zuofang Meixu nodded, and said with some distress: "I thought there was a big road to walk, but I didn't expect that the road was to be opened by myself, and it was so difficult to walk. Documentaries are all deceptive."

"It can't be said to be a lie." Zuo Kawana replied with a smile, "Just like before, we keep moving forward, and there is no scenery on the road. There is no need to show these to the audience. What the audience wants to see is only the exciting part."

Zuofang Meixu thought for a while, and felt that it made sense.

"By the way, I heard that you are a student of Waseda University?" Zuo Kawanaru asked curiously.

Zuo Fang Meixu was a little embarrassed. At the beginning, she was very proud of her identity, but it was only later that she realized that something was wrong!
It's embarrassing that the status of a high-achieving student can't mix with ordinary people in the studio.

This identity made her feel a little ashamed.

The starting point is high, but if the achievement does not have a certain height, it will be a pressure instead.

After understanding Mio Zuofang's expression, Kawana Ruzuo said with a smile: "Don't mind these, Xiao Zhizi and the others are not this kind of people."

"I know" Zuo Fang Meio replied.

After getting along with them for a while, she also found that the atmosphere in the studio is very good. There is no intrigue here, and the mind is relatively clean. Unlike other jobs, a little trouble can cause everyone's discussion and gossip.

It's really comfortable to work here, there is nothing dissatisfied.

"Although they are high school students now, their achievements in the future will definitely be limitless." Left hand Kawana Tsuru said with a smile, "I have confidence in Yusuke."

Zuofa Mio nodded, and she agreed with this statement. Not only Zuo Kawanaru has confidence in Yusuke, but the entire studio has confidence in Yusuke. As far as the ability he has shown, he will definitely be a character in the future.

Under his leadership, the studio will become better and stronger, and in time, they will become a big company, and by then all of them will become veterans, and by then all the efforts here will be made. It all paid off.

All companies grow from small to large, and they have to grow step by step. At the stage of discerning heroes, the hero is still very weak, and he has to help him. Thinking about it this way, Zuo Fangmei is not so awkward anymore.

Everyone rested for a while and continued to move forward, while Zuo Fang Meixu also regained her strength and regained her fighting spirit.

At this time, the left-handed Kawanaru who was walking in front raised his hand, and everyone stopped.

"I found something!" came the voice of Kawanaru from the left hand. At this time, he picked up the shotgun, and the holy son next to him took out a bow and arrow, and his eyes became sharper.

Zuo Fangmei was a little excited and nervous, and finally the prey appeared.

With his left hand, Kawanaru looked around, walked forward carefully, picked up a tree branch, and rummaged through a lump of black things on the ground.

There was a bad smell.

On the left side behind, Mio couldn't help holding her breath, it was the smell of shit.

"This is the feces of wild boars. It depends on the freshness. The wild boars have left here not long ago, so be careful," said Kawanaru, the left hand, standing up.

"Do you want to set a trap?" asked the Son next to him.

Left-handed Kawana Ruru thought for a while, then nodded, "Then set a trap."

The two simply made a few floating board devices, as long as the prey ran into it, it would be caught by the rope.

After setting the trap, everyone continued to move forward, but this time they were more cautious, as there were wild boars ahead.

The wild boar is one of the three most ferocious animals. Facing the attack of the wild boar, even experienced hunters have to be careful.

The left-handed Kawanaru stopped at this moment.

"Up the tree," she whispered.

Everyone immediately realized that they had found their prey and climbed the tree nervously.

But unexpectedly, Zuofang Meixu couldn't climb trees.

Everyone was stunned.

Zuo Fang Meixu was a little embarrassed, feeling so useless.

"It's okay, I'll pull you up"

The left-handed Kawanaru first climbed to the top of the tree, and then dropped a rope, allowing the left-handed Mio to pull the rope and slowly climb up, and she responded from above.

After a lot of effort, Zuofang Meixu finally climbed onto the branch.

Zuofang Mio and Yuyi stayed on the tree, Seiko and Zuo Kawana went down, put some bait on the ground in front of them, and then quickly ran away, climbing up two trees one by one.

Kawanaru took out the shotgun in his left hand and aimed down. Seiko was also holding a bow and arrow, and had already aimed at it. Yui took a mobile phone and recorded the scene.

The atmosphere at the scene was very quiet, and Zuo Fangmei was very nervous.

After a while, the bushes in front were shaking, and a black figure loomed in the grass.

Everyone was silent, watching the front.

Soon, a black head stuck out, it was the head of a wild boar.

It carefully looked around, sniffing the ground.

It smelled several smells, one of which was very sweet, it was the smell of honey, and it almost drooled.

However, there were a few strange smells mixed in, which made it a little hesitant.

In the end, the greedy nature prevailed, and it decided to act.

At this time, a cry came, breaking the silence of the scene.

The cry came so suddenly that the wild boar in front was startled, turned its head, and immediately ran back into the grass. The speed was so fast that Kawanaru and Seiko on the left were caught off guard.

At this time, everyone looked at the source of the sound, Yuyi's tree.

Yui immediately stopped filming, and looked behind, Mio, who was sitting on another branch with her left hand, was dancing with her hands and feet, her face full of horror.

"A snake fell into my clothes"

Zuo Fang Meixu was so frightened to death that she burst into tears.

This startled Yui.

The left-handed Kawanaru and Seiko also rushed over, and they were shocked when they found out about Zuofang Mio's situation, so unlucky!

But Kawanaru, the left hand, immediately reacted.

Impossible, the snake is still hibernating at this time, it can't be a snake, it should be something else.

Everyone was in a hurry, and hurriedly took off the clothes on Zuofang Meixu, and then a rattan appeared.

It turned out to be a cane!

Accidentally fell into Zuofang Meixu's clothes just now, which frightened her a lot.

Zuo Fang Meixu was a little embarrassed, she didn't expect to be frightened into such a state by a rattan.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry." Zuo Fangmei Xu felt particularly ashamed at this moment.

"It's okay," left-handed Kawana Ruru replied with a smile, "It's good that people are okay."

"There will always be mistakes the first time. When I was hunting for the first time, I was so scared that I couldn't even fire the gun. It wasn't the old hunter next to me who helped me. I guess I won't be a hunter now."

Everyone said a few words of comfort. Everyone didn't care about the situation just now. When everyone made mistakes, some tolerance was needed at this time.

"Let's take a break first," Kawanaru Zuo said at this time, and the current situation of Mio Zuofang was not suitable for moving forward, so everyone nodded.

After resting for a while, everyone chatted together, unconsciously, Zuofang Meixu also recovered.

At this moment, the grass shook, Seiko immediately picked up the bow and arrow, Kawanaru picked up the shotgun with his left hand, Yui was also ready to escape, Zuofang Mio also reacted this time, and followed closely together.

"it's me!"

Yusuke's voice came, and the figure came out from the grass.

Seeing Yusuke, everyone relaxed their guard. At this time, they also noticed that Yusuke was the only one with a bow and arrow in his hand.

"Why are you the only one?" Left Handed Kawanaru asked at this time.

"Little Zhizi and the others are fine, let me see what's going on with you, how is it going?"

Left-handed Kawanaru replied with a smile: "I found the prey just now, but it ran away accidentally."

"Is it a wild boar?" Yusuke said with a smile, "I saw it just now, so I killed it."

Everyone was a little surprised, they didn't expect to be solved by Yusuke.

Yusuke just came here, and came to see them by the way, knowing that there is no problem here, he was relieved.

As for Zuofang Mio's question, Yusuke smiled and said a few words of comfort, it will take a while to get used to it.

After saying hello, Yusuke left alone again.

Zuofang Mio looked at the figure of Yusuke leaving, and asked with some concern: "Is it okay for the boss to be alone?"

"Don't worry, Yusuke's words are absolutely fine."

Everyone is very confident, since this is the case, Zuo Fangmei is not worried anymore.

Yongsuke continued to carry out the task on the side of the boss, and heard from the boss that there were about six or seven wild boars in this batch, and Yusuke had already solved 4 wild boars from just now, leaving only two or three wild boars.

Yusuke continued to search in the woods, and the crow bosses also mobilized the younger brothers to help search. Although he has the skill "pig's smell", the forest is too big, and it is not that simple to find wild boars. There are several clues They were all broken, and Yusuke needed to go back along the road and search again. After this wave, a lot of time was wasted.

At noon, Yusuke ate some simple dry food, rested for a while, and continued to act, trying to kill all the wild boars within the day.

At this time, there was a cry, it was the pager on his body.

Everyone is equipped with a pager, and when the pager rings, it means that something has happened.

Yusuke immediately got serious and picked up the pager.

It was Rie's voice, a little anxious.

"Yusuke, something is wrong here"

"I'll go there right away," Yusuke responded calmly, stood up, greeted, and the crow boss flew down from the sky.

"My companion has something to do, I have to go back now, Boss Crow, let your subordinates go and take a look first."

Crow boss nodded, "Wow (then I'll go first)"

Yusuke helped them, and now that Yusuke is in trouble, they want to reciprocate.

The crow boss yelled, and all the crow brothers flapped their wings and flew in one direction, and Yusuke also moved quickly.

On the other side, Seiko and Kawanaru, the left hand, also received the news.

"Let's go there now," Seiko said seriously at this time, and Kawanaru nodded in his left hand. They just hunted a few pheasants, but now they can't be taken out in this situation, so they let them go back to nature.

Everyone tidied up, looked at the GPS location, and headed in the direction of Rie and the others.

On Xiaozhizi's side, Rie and the others gathered together, Sanzhiin Soka stood in the front, behind was Kimura Satomi who was soaking wet, Rie and Xiaozhizi were helping her wipe her body so that she would not lose her body up.

On the opposite side of them, there were a few young people with hippie smiles, one of them was holding a mobile phone in his hand, yelling loudly, and that mobile phone was the mobile phone Xiao Zhizi used for shooting.

Sanzhiyuan Zuohua's eyes were very sharp, he estimated the distance between the two sides, and prepared to make a move immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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