The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 698 698. Coming to the TV Station Again

Chapter 698 698. Coming to the TV Station Again

The internet celebrity economy is an emerging economy that has changed the traditional media model.

However, the Internet celebrity model also has certain limitations. Internet celebrities are only suitable for the Internet, not offline. The offline world will always be the world of media tycoons.

Yusuke is an internet celebrity, but if he comes offline, not many people know him.

The wealth of Internet celebrities comes from the Internet, but it is only limited to the Internet, and has no influence on the offline.

Moreover, the influence on the Internet also has certain limitations, only among young people.

In this world, it is always the middle-aged and elderly people who control assets, and they are the real big money owners.

Coupled with the special national conditions of the island country, the Internet will never be able to fight against the big consortia.

Of course, this is a macro aspect. For Yusuke, this is not something he should consider. He is just looking for more development directions.

Yusuke came to the TV station, this is the second time he came here, he is no stranger, but this time he was the only one who came here.

He greeted the staff at the front desk and explained his purpose of coming, and the staff arranged for him to wait beside him.

The TV station is the place where artists come and go the most. You can see all kinds of stars and idols here. Unfortunately, Yusuke has no interest in it.

But Yusuke is not interested, others are interested in him.

"Hello." A girl came up to say hello, and looked at Yusuke with a smile.

Yusuke came back to his senses, and looked at the girl in front of him strangely.

A pretty girl with about seven points in appearance. Although she is beautiful, she is not too stunning.

"Excuse me, are you here for the interview too? You look so handsome, which firm do you work for?" the girl asked excitedly.

"You're wrong." Yusuke replied calmly, "I'm here to find someone."

"Oh" the girl suddenly realized, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, you are so handsome, I thought you were the idol of some firm."

"Nothing" Yusuke replied calmly.

"If you don't mind, can you let me sit here?"


This is where guests are received, anyone can sit here.

"Honestly, this is my first interview, I'm very nervous." The girl took a deep breath, calmed down, looked at Yusuke, and smiled, "Sorry, did I bother you?"

"It's okay," Yusuke replied calmly.

I don't know if it's because the girl couldn't understand Yusuke's face, or she was intentionally chatting about herself beside Yusuke.

Yusuke soon knew that this girl was an actress in a stage play, and she came this time to see if she could find opportunities in the TV industry.

And she came to the interview for a TV show.

That's right, it's a dragon set.

Yusuke thought she was here to interview some hero and heroine, but he didn't expect that she was here to interview a character. Does a character interview need to be so formal!
As for why she approached Yusuke, the reason is very simple. This is the visitor reception desk, which means that he is not a staff member here, and only Yusuke is alone. This also shows that he is not a member of any firm. There is no coffee position, and an agent is needed, but there is no one here, which shows that he is purely a visitor.

"Then why do you want to talk to me, an outsider?" Yusuke couldn't help asking.

"Because you and I don't know each other, you can whisper something to relieve the pressure." The girl stood up at this moment, "Thank you, I feel more relaxed after hearing so many complaints from me. Goodbye."

The girl smiled and waved her hand, and left quickly.

This is really a strange girl.

Finally, Yuichi Nakamoto appeared.

"Sorry, Sanze, I kept you waiting for a long time. I happened to be in a meeting, so I couldn't come over immediately."

"It doesn't matter." Yusuke replied with a smile, "Career-oriented, understandable."

Originally, with Yuichi Nakamura's status, he didn't need him to receive Yusuke in person, he just sent an assistant over, but Yusuke's master, Toruto Sasaki, deserved to be taken seriously by him.

Under the hospitality of Yuichi Nakamoto, Yusuke quickly entered the TV station.

"Misawa, have you read the proposal?" Yuichi Nakamura asked, and Yusuke nodded.

"Then which options do you think you are good at?"

There are more than a dozen extreme challenges in the planning book, which can be selected by Yusuke, and the program will be targeted for shooting.

"All" Yusuke replied calmly.

Yu Nakamoto froze for a moment, looked at the serious Yusuke, and then smiled.

Sure enough, his intuition was correct, this time the program is definitely worth watching!
"Sanze, you are so confident, then we will shoot all the projects"

This is the best way to deal with it. When the time comes to pick out interesting fragments and combine them together, this is the best way.

Since they chose to shoot all of them, they had to hurry up, after all, they only had two days.

Today, we will shoot the indoor part first, and Yusuke also got his own script.

All variety shows have scripts and lines. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you forget the lines as a guest. If there is a mistake, the host will help guide you.

The filming process went very smoothly. As a video blogger, Yusuke is no stranger to filming, and he was very cooperative with the requirements of the host.

The first performance item is to split bricks.

Splitting Bricks is a classic program, the most intuitive expression of force, it seems that there is no formality without splitting bricks.

Of course, what Yusuke wants to chop is not an ordinary brick.

Ten piles of bricks were placed in front of him, adding up continuously from one to ten, and by the time the tenth pile of bricks was already sixty to seventy centimeters high.

This last pile of piles is just a gimmick, and people don't expect much from it, as long as they can break five bricks, it will be a big deal.

The host first indicated the hardness of the pile head. This pile head can smash walnuts. This is a real solid brick, not the kind of performance brick.

"Misawa-kun, please start your performance." The host smiled and left, giving the main seat to Yusuke, and the camera zoomed in.

Looking at Yusuke's appearance, the photographer silently gave a thumbs up. This young man's camera sense is really strong, and there is no dead angle under the camera.

In front of the camera, Yusuke has a very serious expression, standing on both legs and raising his palms.

The next moment, like a sword, it was slashed down fiercely, and the brick broke in response.

"Awesome!" The host first praised, and Lian Shi walked over, picked up the brick, and gestured the disconnected surface in front of the camera.

"As you can see, the cross-section is very neat, as if cut by a sword. This shows that Sanze-kun's skill is profound. His hands are just like real swords. This has been achieved without a sword in his hand. sword!"

(End of this chapter)

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