Chapter 705 705. Valentine's Day

When Yusuke returned home, it was past 12 o'clock.

I wanted to go back home quietly, but I didn't expect that the lights in the house were still on, and my parents were still waiting for him to come back.

"Yusuke, you've worked hard!" Mom said with a smile.

Yusuke's heart warmed up, "I'm back!"

Eating the supper made by his mother at the dinner table, Yusuke told some interesting things about the day, satisfying his mother's curiosity, and then went back to the room.

Yusuke looked at the business card in his hand, a little speechless.

It is said that the Japanese are very obsessed with baseball, and he saw it tonight.

When he finally exploded the audience, everyone's eyes changed when they saw him, and Yusuke could feel that it was a respectful look.

It's really strange, he performed so hard today, everyone looked at him with admiration, but now there is more respect, is there a mistake!Just because I'm good at baseball?

And not only that, the coach recommended himself with enthusiasm, and he could give himself free training, as long as he could enter Jiaziyuan.

And the owner of the gym also enthusiastically stated that he can sponsor all the training equipment, as long as Yusuke wears their clothes to play.

The enthusiasm of the two made Yusuke a little ashamed, saying that he would consider it, so he shied away.

However, the two were still uneasy and stuffed their business cards over.

Yusuke thought for a while, then put away these business cards, he might be able to use them someday, at this moment, he checked the time, it was already past 1 o'clock in the middle of the night.

February 2 Valentine's Day has passed.

Yusuke was in a weird mood, he escaped this catastrophe, but he always felt a little regretful.

Valentine's Day is supposed to be with girlfriends and I'm at work, which...

Next year, let’s compensate everyone next year.

Then there was a sound from the window.

Yusuke opened the curtains, the light in the opposite room was on, the window was open, Yui was wearing pajamas, looking at this side with a smile.

Seeing his appearance, he smiled and waved his hand, then clenched his hand into a fist and put it to his mouth as a gesture.

Yusuke immediately understood, smiled, walked under the table, took out the paper tube phone from the drawer, and threw the other microphone over.

"Yusuke, you're back." Yui's voice came from inside the paper cup.

Yusuke smiled, "I'm back."

"Are you tired today?"

"Almost, are you still asleep?"

"Waiting for you"

Hearing Yui's answer, Yusuke's heart felt warm.

"It's Valentine's Day today, do you have anything to say?" Yusuke asked with a smile, in a very happy mood.

"Look here"

Yui on the opposite side was holding a small box in his hand.

"I was going to give it to you, but you're not here today..." Yuyi's voice was a little lost.

Valentine's Day, February 2th, is a very important festival for girls.

It's a pity that Yusuke is very busy today. Although men should focus on their careers, it's a pity for girls.

Yui felt very disappointed.

"It's not too late"


Yui raised her head and found Yusuke got out of the window, standing on the eaves, feeling a little nervous.

"What are you going to do?"

Yusuke put his finger to his mouth, "Keep your voice down, don't wake everyone up"

Under Yui's surprised gaze, Yusuke jumped over from there.

Yui's whole heart is about to jump out, this is really too risky!

She kept her mouth shut tightly, it would be bad if Yusuke made a mistake because of her voice.

Although the two families are neighbors, there is still some distance between the two houses, about three or four meters away.

But this distance is close to Yusuke.

With force under his feet, his whole body jumped up instantly like a spring.

In the night sky, his figure jumped high and overlapped with the white moon in the sky.

The next moment, Yusuke's figure appeared in front of the window.

Then he smiled and waved his hand, "I'm coming."

Yui's tense mood finally relaxed, looked at the smiling Yusuke, and said angrily, "Don't do this next time, it's too dangerous."

Yusuke smiled, looking at her tenderly.

Being stared at by such eyes, Yui was a little shy, and her tone softened involuntarily.

"Where's my gift?" Yusuke smiled and held out his hand.

"Here you are" Yui put the gift in his hand.

"Can I take it apart?"


Yusuke opened the package, and inside was a piece of chocolate, he took a bite directly.

"Thank you, I love it"

very sweet!

Yui could not help but smile.

Even though she knew that Yusuke couldn't spend Valentine's Day with her, she still prepared chocolates for this and gave them to him when Yusuke came home.

However, Yusuke never came back. After 12 o'clock and after Valentine's Day, Yusuke still hasn't come home.

Yui has been waiting.

Time passed bit by bit, and finally, the light in the opposite room turned on.

came back!
Yui, who was dozing off, recovered instantly, opened the window, threw a ball of paper on the opponent's window, and summoned Yusuke in the usual way.

At this time, seeing Yusuke close in front of her eyes, Yui felt that today's waiting was worth it.

Today is not Valentine's Day, but it is better than Valentine's Day.

Looking at Yui who was close in front of him, that familiar smiling face, inexplicably, Yusuke felt an impulse in his heart.

The night is beautiful tonight.

Yuyi was suddenly a little nervous, and she suddenly had an intuition that something was about to happen.

Yusuke's eyes changed when he watched him, becoming more gentle, the love in those eyes seemed to overwhelm himself, and Yusuke's appearance was getting closer and closer.

Yuyi was very nervous, she had never encountered this kind of situation before, she had fantasized about it when reading love novels before, but when faced with this kind of situation, her brain was completely blank.

All she knew was that her heart was beating so fast now that she could hear her own heartbeat.

Before he knew it, Yusuke's hands had embraced Yui, and Yui was also leaning on his chest, and the two were very close.

Yuyi in front of her eyes had already blushed, and her eyes looked expectant.

Yui is so cute tonight.

Lowering their heads, their lips touched each other.

The feelings and memories of the past ten years are all in this moment.

For a long time, the two hugged each other tightly.

"I should go back"

"Hold me again"

When Yuyi's coquettish voice came, Yusuke smiled. After breaking through this boundary, Yuyi became more attached to himself.

This feeling is also good.

Yusuke went back.

Yui waved her hand with a smile, watched Yusuke return to her room, saw the light on the opposite side go out, and then returned to the bed, her fingers touched her lips involuntarily, the next moment, her face turned red.

This is the first kiss!

(End of this chapter)

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