Chapter 714 714. The Blade Falls

In an instant, Yusuke's sense of crisis rose sharply. He felt the danger, which was the warrior's intuition.

Death is near.

Almost in the next instant, the Holy Son's eyes sharpened.

Yusuke's eyes were familiar.

It was the eyes of Sword Demon.

The next moment, the blade fell...

Calm retracted the scabbard.

The Son closed his eyes and took two deep breaths.

After a while, the voice of the Son came.

Her usual voice was nice, but now her voice was full of grievances.

"I know that you are related to many girls. Before, I thought that my charm could catch you and make you only pay attention to me, but now it seems that I am too self-righteous. I didn't expect your appetite to be so big. "

"Men are liars!"

Yusuke was silent, quietly accepting all this.

"You know? I really wanted to kill you with a sword just now, but why did I do it?"

Seiko looked at Yusuke with a little excitement in his eyes.

"Because I found out that I still like you, I can't do it"

The Son is really angry!
Seeing the intimate behavior of Yongsuke and Ji Xiong at the milk tea shop last night, she was about to explode.

In an instant, killing intent overflowed his heart.

Fortunately, she controlled herself, so she didn't kill her.

She was very upset, holding her breath in her heart, which made her very depressed.

The family also felt it, but she couldn't speak out about this situation.

The Holy Son was very aggrieved, and there was anger in his heart. Even if he swung his sword desperately, he couldn't vent his anger.

She was happy when Yusuke called, but soon became annoyed.

This guy actually messed around outside behind his back, why should I be happy!
She really wanted to hang up the phone, but she picked it up by accident. She didn't know what to say to the connected call.

Yusuke wanted to give an explanation, and she happened to need an explanation too, so they made an appointment to meet here today.

She has prepared a lot of things, and this knife is used to kill heartless people.

But when Yusuke's figure appeared, she found that she couldn't do anything. The series of actions just now were to strengthen her confidence. Even if the other party said shameless things in a serious tone, she was about to explode, but still Can't do it.

Love is really forbidden!
Shengzi sighed, not knowing what to do, she said she would give up but she didn't want to give up, did she agree?She was very annoyed again, this guy is too hardworking!
It was the first time she was so confused.

Seiko didn't give an answer, but Yusuke gave his own answer.

At this time, he took a step forward and hugged the Holy Son in his arms. This sudden action made the Holy Son out of reach.

She was a little angry and wanted to push him away, but she was a little shy and hesitated instead.

Finally, he stretched out his arms and hugged Yusuke.

She couldn't deny her heart that this man was her favorite man.

If this man dares to abandon me, I will kill him!

After embracing each other for a long time, the body of the Holy Son gradually softened.

Yusuke leaned down, and the two kissed quietly.

After a long time, the two of them returned to their seats, and the Holy Son's face was slightly flushed.

The Son's slight voice came, "It's only allowed this time, if it happens next time, I'll kill you"

Yusuke was a little surprised, he didn't expect that the first person to agree was Seiko.

At this time, she was very happy, hugged the Son, and kissed again.

The Holy Son didn't resist anymore, and the two kissed quietly, but soon the Holy Son's eyes widened instantly.


After a long time, the two separated, Shengzi's whole face turned red, and he lowered his head, as aggrieved as a little daughter-in-law.

This... this is so fast, I'm not ready yet!
Seeing Seiko like this, Yusuke was very impulsive in an instant, and that look made Seiko a little flustered.

The eyes are too naked!

But Yusuke is not a beast after all, so he quickly suppressed the impulse in his heart.

Then he said, "The weather is so nice, let's go out on a date"

The saint nodded obediently.

Yongsuke left the room and waited outside the door. Half an hour later, Seiko changed his clothes and came out.

The Son was wearing a white dress, and his long black hair was scattered over his shoulders like a ribbon.

With a pretty face and a faint smile, the Seiko at this moment is like a goddess, even Yusuke was stunned.

Immediately gave a thumbs up and praised: "It's beautiful!"

Shengzi smiled and nodded, she was very satisfied with the answer.

Seeing the two smiling and holding hands, Meiqin knew that the conflict between the two young lovers had been resolved.

Yusuke said hello, and under Toranojiro's surprised eyes, he took Seiko's hand and left.

Holding Seiko's little hand, the smile on Yusuke's face never stopped. Today is his best day.

The date between the two is very ordinary, shopping and eating, ordinary daily life, but for a girl, the most important thing about shopping is to be with the one she loves, Shengzi is very satisfied.

Shengzi is a little girl who is easy to please. Although she looks cold, if she can break through this barrier, she will be the most well-behaved girl.

And this time, in order to avoid being bumped into by acquaintances, Yusuke deliberately went to a farther place.

At this time, the two were rowing a boat in the park.

The sun is shining today, which is a good time for boating.

The boat drifted freely in the middle of the lake, and the two of them rested there quietly.

Yusuke lay on Seiko's lap, closed his eyes, and felt the nature quietly. Seiko also wore a straw hat on his head, which was bought on the road, which can block some sunlight. At this time, he was holding Yusuke With his head closed, he quietly felt the lake breeze.

The wind blew, the boat shook slightly, and waves of water rippled on the lake.

Both are comfortable at this moment.

The date with the son was very successful, and when the son was sent home for dinner, the son had already shown a smile.

Yusuke had a strong sense of accomplishment in his heart, this first step was successful, only Yui and Rie were left, and he had to find a time to confess to them.

But before finding the opportunity, Eri's call came.

"Yusuke, where's the date we promised!" Eri asked angrily on the phone.

Yusuke promised to have a date before, and Eri has been waiting, but waiting and waiting, there is no news at all.

Did Yusuke forget?

She was so angry that she couldn't help calling to question her.

If Yusuke forgets, Eri promises to kill him at his house the next day, throw him out of the bed, and slap him in the face.

And Yusuke said that he never forgot, but these two days are too busy to spare time.

"Then when are you free?" Eri asked angrily, and decided how to deal with him based on Yusuke's answer.


Yusuke also felt that the other party was angry, so he adjusted the order first, and got rid of Eri first.

(End of this chapter)

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