The painting style of this island country is too middle school

Chapter 718 Chapter 718. This Is Not the San Ze Senior I Know

Chapter 718 Chapter 718. This is not the senior Sanze I know

Yusuke was in the studio, Yui and Rie didn't come over, many things couldn't be done, so Yusuke had to carry it all by himself.

Fortunately, he is full of energy, and one person can do three people's work, and Mio helped some leaks, and the studio can still operate normally.

However, Yui and Rie didn't come over for a week in a row, and there was no news. Everyone in the studio was a little worried.

Xiao Zhizi couldn't help asking: "Boss, what happened to Yui and Rie?"

She tried to contact the two of them, but they only sent her two words, "It's okay", and they didn't reply no matter how many messages they asked, which made her very worried.

Yusuke shook his head, "It's nothing, you can do your own work."

Xiaozhizi looked at Yusuke's face, and couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Boss, did you two quarrel?"

The unspoken rule of the studio is not to discuss the relationship between the three, but Boss is her benefactor, Xiaozhizi can't sit idly by, and Yui and Rie are also very close to her, she doesn't want to see the three of them happen The Cold War will form a scene of passers-by in the future.

Hearing Xiao Zhizi's concerned tone, Yusuke's heart warmed up. He shook his head, thought for a while, and said, "This is some private matter between me and them, and it won't involve the studio. Don't worry."

"Boss, that's not what I meant, I'm not worried about work..."

Xiaozhizi was a little anxious, but Yusuke waved his hand and stopped him from speaking.

"I know what you mean, trust your boss, I will definitely get it done!"

Seeing Yusuke's serious eyes, Xiao Zhizi nodded firmly.

The boss is omnipotent!
Yusuke looked at the others. Although everyone was working, they were listening. They were very concerned about the affairs here.

Sure enough, the studio will still be affected. They are the most important part of the work, and without them, morale will be greatly damaged.

Yusuke stood up at this moment, clapped his hands, and everyone looked over.

"You don't need to pay too much attention to us, we just have some small conflicts"

Everyone looked at each other, the boss made the topic clear, and they didn't hide it anymore. At this time, they all expressed their concern.

"Boss, I think you should apologize to them," Satomi Kimura said. Among the quarreling couples, one of them must bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Boss, I think it's better for you to coax them." Sanzhihua Zuohua said, all girls want to be coaxed.

Everyone made suggestions one after another, hoping that they could restore their previous relationship.

Although Boss didn't say why they quarreled, everyone in the studio had a guess.

The relationship between the three of them is very complicated, and the boss has not made a choice for a long time. They were still betting on who the boss would choose, but looking at the current situation, the boss wants to kill two birds with one stone, but Yui and Rie disagree. Hence the contradiction.

This is so scumbag!
But no matter how scumbags are, it's the three of them's business.

Character and ability are not linked. Yusuke is very capable, principled, and mature in thinking. The only bad thing is that this guy is too hardworking.

But under his powerful aura, and the island people's idea of ​​obeying the strong, they are not surprised that the boss has such a choice.

The strong must have some privileges.

Which successful person is not surrounded by a bunch of mandarin ducks.

It's just that the boss is too impatient, and wants to eat both of them now, so can't he wait a little longer!
And everyone also has their own little thoughts. Seeing that the studio is about to get on the right track, at this time there is a scandal with the leadership, which hurts everyone's interests. They also hope that it can be resolved as soon as possible.

Yusuke also listened to everyone's opinions, but after listening to it, he found that something was not quite right, why did everyone believe that he was going to eat the two of them.

There is something wrong with your thinking!

Well, it's actually not a problem, Yusuke really wants to eat them and others, it's your limited thinking!

At this time, the mobile phone on his body rang, and Yusuke looked at it, and it was Xi Chengwu calling.

This semester, Yusuke only went to the kendo club once, and that was when Saijo Mai became the president of the kendo club.

Calling at this time, did something happen to the Kendo Club?
Without thinking too much, I picked up the phone.

"Senior Sanze, where are you?" Xi Chengwu asked softly on the phone, the voices around her were a little messy.

Yusuke was a little strange, and replied: "I'm in the studio"

"Senior Sanze, come here quickly!"

Xicheng Dance told them about their situation.

They were entangled by three bastards. In the shopping mall at this time, although the three bastards were scared away just now, Xicheng Dance can guarantee that these guys will not give up so easily, and they will be entangled again when they go out.

At this moment, she had an idea, why not leave this matter to senior Sanze, and let senior Sanze be a hero to save the beauty.

As long as senior Sanze appears at an emergency and saves them, he will definitely regain a lot of impression points, and then he will strike while the iron is hot, maybe the previous misunderstanding can be solved.

Yusuke was a little moved immediately, the routine of the hero saving the beauty is very old-fashioned, but the old-fashioned also means that it is practical, and the effect is very strong.

After asking about the address, Yusuke said that he would rush over immediately, greeted everyone in the studio, and left first.

And in the shopping mall, Xi Chengwu also walked out of the bathroom at this time. She just made an excuse to go to the bathroom, but in fact she called Yusuke in the bathroom.

Yui and Rie were already waiting outside, Saijo Mai adjusted her mentality, and continued shopping with them with a smile.

Half an hour later, Yusuke sent a message that he was already nearby.

Time to go!

Xicheng Wu said at this time: "Two senior sisters, there is nothing to visit here, let's change places."

Yui and Rie didn't refuse either, they just wandered around.

The three of them left the shopping mall and went to the next place, while Xicheng Dance was secretly watching the surroundings.

"Xiao Wu, what are you looking for?" Li Hui asked curiously, Xi Cheng Wu looked a little strange, as if she was looking for something.

"See if those three bastards are still there"

As soon as Xicheng Wu's words fell, the three bastards appeared at the intersection ahead, looking at them with a smile.

The faces of the three froze suddenly.

These bastards really have perseverance!

Wouldn't it be nice to have the willpower to do something else?Why do you have to be an asshole!
The three bastards came prepared this time, before Yuyi and the others could react, the three of them had already surrounded them.

The place where the incident happened was on a remote road, and there were not many pedestrians on the road, so they dared to be blatant.

Yui and Rie glanced at each other, and Yui whispered, "Rie, I'm going to do it later."

Rie nodded.In this situation, there is no way to escape, so I can only choose to do it.

Xicheng Wu blocked the front of the two of them, feeling very nervous, why Sanze senior hasn't appeared yet!Now is the time for heroes to save the beauty!

"Beauty, we meet again." The blond young man said with a smile, staring straight at Rie. It was Rie who scared them away just now, and she was deeply impressed by her.

Originally they should have given up, but unfortunately the quality this time is too high, and they are all little rich women, they want to try it, and if it doesn't work, they can still prescribe medicine!

Just take some medicine, take some photos, and have as much as you want.

The faces of the three were very flat, without any reaction, while the young men smiled and didn't care.

Being shameless is the first requirement for picking up girls. If they didn't have such a thick skin, how would they dare to mess around until now.

"Get lost, or we'll call the police," Xi Chengwu yelled sharply.

"Call the police?"

The three men looked at each other and laughed out loud.

"Little beauty, don't be stupid, we are just chatting up"

"Even if you call the police, we won't be afraid if the police come!" Another young man said loudly, trying to scare them with a vicious look.

And the last young man secretly took out the medicine, ready to do it.

"It's ugly!"

A cold voice came, and the people present were taken aback, then turned their heads, and there was a woman with short hair standing there.

She was wearing a black suit and had calm eyes.

Who is this person?

Xicheng Dance was stunned.

Misawa-senpai, where have you been?
The sharp eyes of the woman in the suit made the three men feel a little stinging.

The three looked at each other, gave up Yuyi and the others, and surrounded the woman.

"Does this sister want to play with us?"

"Don't worry, line up and come one by one"

"We'll teach you a lot"

The three men said with hippie smiles.

"The guy with the brain of a sperm can't even strike up a conversation, and he just mates if he talks or shuts his mouth"

The woman's cold voice came, although the voice was not loud, everyone could hear it clearly.

This woman is so fierce!

It was the first time for the three men to encounter this kind of thing, and they were all stunned, but soon their faces became playful.

"Then this sister..."

Before he could finish speaking, a fist had already hit him.

It was so powerful that it directly smashed the young man's face to pieces.

All three of Yuyi could see that the man's nasal bone was completely shattered under this punch, and the huge force caused the man to fly upside down, lying on the ground and screaming.

The other two were taken aback for a moment, then came to their senses and rushed over.

"Be careful..." Xicheng Wu couldn't help reminding.

But as soon as the words were spoken, the two men also flew out: they hit the wall, hung for two seconds before slipping down.

Xicheng Dance couldn't even close her mouth.

This is great!

Also, senior Sanze, your hero who saved the beauty was snatched away by others!

The woman in the suit took out a walkie-talkie from her body and pressed it, and then seven or eight strong men in black suddenly appeared from the intersection and arrested the three men who were lying on the ground screaming.

The sudden appearance of a strong man in black caused the three of them to scream.

Is this an extreme organization?
They actually got into trouble with the Jidao organization!

"Leave us alone"

"We were wrong"

The three men immediately counseled and begged for mercy without hesitation, but it didn't work. The three of you could see that the three men were tied up with ropes, their mouths were taped, and they were put on several black vans , and soon disappeared at the intersection.

Everyone was dumbfounded, this...

They seem to have witnessed a crime scene!

At this time, a black car drove over and stopped on the side of the road, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted to it.

The woman in a suit stepped forward and opened the car door, looking very respectful.

A beautiful woman got out of the car.

It was a very beautiful woman with very sharp eyes, and she had an unspeakable temperament, aloof, looking down on everyone like a god.

Rie immediately recognized who the woman was.

That was the president of KKD Group, Yukino Shizuka.

How did she appear here?
"Sanze's girlfriend, are you all right?"

The cold voice came, and everyone came back to their senses.

Sanze's girlfriend?

That means she is Yusuke's friend?
Looking at the young and beautiful woman, Yui was very angry, Yusuke actually knew so many beautiful girls without telling her, this is against heaven!

Xicheng Wu was a little surprised, she didn't expect Senior Sanze to know so many people.

All of a sudden, Senior Sanze became even more mysterious.

"Thank you, Yukino-san." It was Rie who said, and she knew him.

Yui was a little surprised, Rie smiled, and said in a low voice: "I will explain to you later."

Yui nodded.

"It's nothing." Yukino Shizuka waved her hand, "I count this favor on Misawa's head."

This answer made the two of them a little overwhelmed. They wanted to refute, but they didn't know how to refute.

Seeing their tangled expressions, Yukino Shizuka smiled.

It seems that Sanze is about to capsize!

She happened to pass by here just now, and Xiaomei reported that she found Sanze's two girlfriends being entangled at the intersection, and she happened to come over to have some fun when she was free, so Xiaomei came out to rescue the two.

That's right, it's just two people, Xicheng Dance is by the way.

I met Yusuke dating different girls several times in a row. Yukino Shizuka is very interested in Yusuke's love life. She wants to see what the real version of Hijai is like on campus, so she asks each of Yusuke's girlfriends Also did some research.

Yui and Rie are the main palace, and Saijou next to her is just a little girl.

Things seem to be getting more and more interesting, need to heat up.

"Where are you going? I'll give you a ride," Yukino Shizuka said.

"No need." The three of them quickly waved their hands. The other party's posture was obviously not of the same class as them, so how could they mix together.

"I have information about Misawa." Yukino Shizuka said at this time, "About his girlfriends, do you want to hear about it?"

Yui and Rie hesitated for a moment.

They found that Yusuke was hiding a lot of things, and Yusuke would only selectively say a part. They still have a lot of unknown things, if they can get some information from here...

Xicheng Wu was a little nervous, as if she was involved in something terrible.

Finally, both Yui and Rie agreed.

The three got into the car together.

This is an extended version of the car, and there are 6 people sitting in the back seat. Yui and the three girls are sitting on one side, and on the opposite side are Yukino Shizuka and Saga Komi who just made a move.

"Let me introduce myself first." Yukino Shizuka said at this time, "I am Yukino Shizuka, President of KKD Group"


Yui and Saijo Mai were taken aback by the woman's identity, but Rie knew it already, so she wasn't very surprised.

"I'm Rie Komiya, Yusuke's girlfriend"

Rie said at this time, and Yui and the two finally realized it.

"I'm Yui Miyajima, Yusuke's girlfriend"


Saijou suddenly looked at Yui and Rie in horror.

two girlfriends?
She heard it right!
But when I saw the serious eyes of the two people, my heart was full of shock. At this moment, I was dumbfounded. No wonder the two of them were angry. It turned out that Senior Sanze had such an idea. It was really...

Xicheng Dance didn't know how to express it.

Xicheng Mai didn't introduce herself, but Yukino Shizuka didn't care, she was just an addition.

At this time, he said, "How far have you progressed?"

"What's the next step?" Yui asked.

"Sanze should confess to you guys."

The two froze for a moment, why do you know!
The reaction of the two was too obvious. Yukino Shizuka turned her head and connected all the information together. It seems that Sanze is going to reveal this matter.

I don't know how many he has managed now, but looking at their current appearance...

"Did you quarrel?"

Although it was an interrogative sentence, she used a positive tone.

The eyes of the two of them looking at Yukino Shizuka changed instantly. Could it be that this is an unknown enemy?

This look was so obvious that Yukino Shizuka couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The laughter made the two of them a little embarrassed, but then they became a little annoyed.

What does it mean?
Do you look down on us!

"Don't get me wrong." Yukino Shizuka stopped laughing, looked at the two with a smile, "I'm not interested in Sansawa"

"No, it should be said that I am interested in him."

The first half of the sentence made both of them relax, and the second half of the sentence made the two of them nervous again. At this time, they looked at each other very unkindly.

This guy is really playing tricks on us!
I feel that the fire is about the same, and if I continue to play, the boat will capsize, so there is no point to play.

Yukino Shizuka put away her smile at this time, and said: "I mean interested, I asked Sanze to do things for me, but he refused, he chose to start a business from scratch, and the two of you are his partners, right?"

The two nodded.

"Miss Yukino, what's the information you just said?" Yui asked first at this time, and she couldn't let the other party lead her by the nose anymore. The other party's words seemed to have magical powers, and they could arouse their emotions unconsciously. mood.

"All the girlfriends of Sanze, I know the relevant information, are you interested in knowing more?"

Yuyi and the two looked at her strangely, the other seemed a little gloating?
"Don't look at me like that," Yukino Shizuka said calmly, "I got to know Sanze once, and I don't want to see him go astray. It's purely my kindness. How about it? Do you accept my kindness?" ?”

The two were contemplating, while Xicheng Wu next to her was already stunned. What's going on?
Suddenly it was revealed that senior Sanze had two girlfriends, and from their tone, it seemed that there were more than two girlfriends. When did senior Sanze become such a scumbag?
She suddenly realized that the tall figure in her mind seemed to be about to collapse.

This is not the senior Sanze I know!

(End of this chapter)

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