Chapter 720
Yusuke drove a motorcycle and followed Yukinoko's car all the time. When passing through an intersection, the red light happened to turn on, and Yusuke paused for a few minutes.

In just a few minutes, things are completely different.

When he came over, Yukino Shizuka's car was overturned.

Yusuke was startled, his hands and feet were cold, Yui and Rie were in the car!

At this time, the car has become a mass of scrap iron, and blood is spreading under the car.

Yusuke's whole body was icy cold, and there was a strong pain in his heart.

Frightened, he checked the car, and found that there was no one in the car, and all the blood on the ground came from the driver's seat, which was beyond recognition.

They are fine!

Only then did Yusuke's tense heart relax, and only then did he realize that he was already in a cold sweat at this time, and the shock was really terrifying.

But then Yusuke's eyes sharpened.

Obviously, this was aimed at Yukino Shizuka, and Yui and the others were nothing but a disaster.

Of course, for big shots, the life and death of civilians is not a pity at all.

Yusuke is very angry, traveling through the present, there is only one thing that can make him so angry.

At this moment, he felt that his whole body seemed to be burning, and he was about to swallow himself up in anger.

"Ding: Get the Soul of Slaughter!"

The sound of the system came, but Yusuke was not in the mood to pay attention.

Someone must bear the anger in my heart!

Holding a samurai sword, Yusuke looked at the crowd rushing towards him with cold eyes.

The killing intent spreads...

A few minutes later, a bunch of men were lying on the ground. At this time, none of them were breathing, and the street was stained red with blood.

Yusuke could feel that someone in the house not far away saw this scene, but Yusuke no longer cared.

Anger needs to be vented, hatred can only be washed away by blood.

"Ding: Get the soul of the strong!"

When the sound of the system came, Yusuke was not in the mood to pay attention, and rushed into the alley with a samurai sword.

In the alley, Yukino Shizuka and the five were fleeing for their lives. They could hear shouts in the distance, which were the pursuing enemies.

"Did you find them?"

"Don't let them escape"

The three of Yuyi were very nervous, this was the first time they encountered such a thing, and their minds were completely blank.

Yukino Shizuka and the two were very calm. They had been attacked many times before, and they were already mentally prepared for this.

"Xiaomei, how much fighting power do you have?"

Yukino Shizuka asked calmly, she can't mess around at this time.

"If it's three people, I'm sure I can solve them all, but if there are too many people, I can't handle much."

At this time, she looked at Yuyi and the other three, her meaning was obvious, should she abandon them?
The look in her eyes was so obvious that the three of Yuyi felt it, and their hands and feet were instantly cold.

To be abandoned in this case means death.

Yukino Shizuka is also hesitating, everyone is selfish in front of life and death.

"We can also help!" Xicheng Wu said at this time, "I am the president of the school's Kendo Club, and I am very confident in my own strength!"

She reacted immediately and immediately expressed her role, and Yui and Rie also woke up.

"The two of us have also learned self-defense, and we will never drag you down"

Yukino Shizuka hesitated for a moment and said, "Then let's run for our lives together."

She has a dark thought in her heart, if the time comes, they will be cannon fodder.

Soon, they encountered the first batch of enemies, two men with samurai swords.

Saga Xiaomei stepped forward to fight and took out a dagger on her body. This is a small knife hidden in her calf, which is a spare in case of emergency.

Quick fight!

Saga Xiaomei rushed forward immediately, the longer it was delayed, the worse it would be for her side.

The three of Yuyi were very nervous, the situation was too bad!

The opponent is a man holding two samurai swords, while here is a petite woman with only a small dagger as her weapon. Regardless of the number of people, weapons, and physical strength, this side is at a disadvantage. What I hope for is Saga Xiaomei's martial arts.

But how much can martial arts actually do?
At this time, they can only pray that Saga Xiaomei will be stronger.

Saga Xiaomei can serve as Yukino Shizuka's bodyguard, and her strength must be first-class.

Since she decided to make a quick decision, she was more determined than anyone else, and taking action was the ultimate move.

The other party may be a gangster, not a professional killer. He usually stabs people with a knife. Facing such a professional, he will kneel down after two or three blows.

The three of Yuyi covered their mouths to prevent themselves from screaming. This was the first time they saw the dead body.

Saga Komi picked up the samurai sword on the ground, she needs a new weapon.

In an emergency, Xicheng Dance was the first to react.

She took a deep breath, strengthened her courage, pulled out a samurai sword from the corpse's hand, and held the knife in her hand. Now she can only survive by desperately.

Yukino Shizuka also took a look at Xicheng Wugao at this time, this girl is so strong-minded, she immediately became interested in her, if she can survive, this is a talent.

Yui and Rie looked at Saijou nervously, and Saijou smiled and comforted: "It's okay, two seniors, I will protect you, I am the president of the Kendo Club, everyone recognizes that my strength But very strong!"

The two also knew the level of Xicheng Dance, but her guarantee did give them a great sense of peace of mind.

The few people didn't have time to be sad here, they continued to run for their lives, and there were more and more enemies.

Saga Xiaomei has solved three batches of enemies so far, and killed eight of them. The last batch was 4 people appearing together, which is very tricky.

In an emergency, Xicheng Wu plucked up his courage and fought hard with the opponent, buying some time for Saga Xiaomei, and then Saga Xiaomei killed the last enemy.

At this time, Saga Xiaomei was panting, and she looked at Xicheng Wu with more approval, "Thank you!"

Xicheng Wu was a little surprised, she didn't expect to be praised by the other party.

"They're over there!"

At this time, there was a cry, and there were 5 people in front of them, rushing towards this side.

"Run!" Saga Xiaomei yelled, the number was really too much, and they couldn't stop it.

The five people ran in another direction, and just when they reached the intersection, another group of people appeared on the other side, and they saw a few people screaming.

Everyone adjusted their direction again and went around in circles. Soon, more than a dozen people had gathered behind them.

Rie's lungs hurt so badly, it was the first time she worked so hard, she felt that she was going to be out of breath, and all the muscles in her body were moaning in pain.

Among the crowd, she has the weakest physical strength, and she has exhausted all her strength to escape until now, and gradually, she fell to the end.

Yui grabbed her hand
"Rie, run quickly!"

Falling at this time means death.

Li Hui gritted her teeth and followed closely. Xi Chengwu came to help, and the two of them pulled her forward, one left and one right.

Yukino Shizuka and the two in front suddenly stopped, and everyone was shocked.

They actually ran into a dead end!

Everyone turned their heads, there is a distance from the intersection, and on the other side is a group of murderous enemies.

There were more than a dozen people in the group, each with a samurai sword in his hand, with a ferocious expression on his face.

It's too late to escape, it's just that I will meet them when I return the same way.

Saga Xiaomei took a deep breath, "Stand back!"

Yukino Shizuka backed away immediately, she knew her position very well, just don't hold back at this time.

Yui and Rie also retreated, and when they saw Saijo Mai was about to step forward, they quickly grabbed her arm.

"Little dance!"

Xicheng Wu smiled wryly: "Senior sisters, if you don't work hard now, you will have to wait to die."

Wait to die!

The hearts of the two were beating so fast, they thought of a lot in a flash, are they going to die here today?

Mom, Dad, family, and Yusuke...

We haven't reconciled with Yusuke yet, we don't want to die with regrets!

Yusuke where are you!

Why didn't you show up when we needed you most!


"Yusuke!" X2
The two couldn't help crying out.

"I'm here" came a calm voice, and everyone was taken aback.

Everyone looked ahead in amazement, a young man walked out of the intersection ahead, he was holding a samurai sword covered in blood, the red blood stained half of his body, his eyes were very cold, just quietly Standing there, everyone seemed to feel the bloody storm.

"Yusuke!" X2

"Senior Sanze!"

Everyone was stunned, they didn't expect Yusuke to appear here.

And the bloodstains on his body...

Yukino Shizuka thought of a lot at once.

Yusuke looked at the men rushing towards him with cold eyes, the alley is not very big, only three people can go side by side, although there are more than a dozen people, only three people can attack at a time.

Yusuke raised the samurai sword in his hand, stepped on it, and his body rushed forward in an instant.

At this moment, all skills exploded.

His eyes opened wide, the samurai sword was swung across, the blood was scattered, and the system sound kept ringing in his head, but Yusuke no longer cared.

Every blow of his brought a bloody storm, and the enemies fell one by one. The faces of the people behind him were in disbelief, especially the three of You Yi, who were shocked!

Is this still the Yusuke they are familiar with?
The blood flew, and each blow took away a life, which was bloody like an executioner.

In less than 1 minute, all the men fell down.

Yusuke pierced the man's chest with a knife, and with a slash of the blade, blood flew, and a bloodstain drifted across the wall. At this time, there was no one breathing on the ground.

Among the many corpses, a tall figure stood there.

Everyone's hearts are trembling, the ancient swordsman, that's all.

Yusuke walked over, looked at the stunned Yui and Rie, his cold eyes disappeared, and stretched out his bloody hands, directly hugging them in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here"

The next moment, the two of them felt that this was the real Yusuke.

The tense mood relaxed, and the two of them hugged Yusuke and cried bitterly, and the crying woke everyone up.

"It's really amazing!" Saga Xiaomei praised, she would never learn such a fighting method like this. She already knew that Sanze's strength was very strong, but she didn't expect it to be so strong.

Saijou looked at Yusuke with eyes full of admiration, sure enough, this is the senior Misawa I know!
After comforting the two, Yui and the two finally regained their composure. At this moment, the two were holding Yusuke's arms tightly, one on the left and the other on the right.

Yusuke looked at Yukino Shizuka, "This favor is big enough!"

Yukino Shizuka nodded, "The previous one is canceled, and you will be my friend of Shizuka from now on."

Today's Sanze really impressed her, such a strong man deserves my respect.

"Well, what should we do now?" Xicheng Wu said at this moment, pointing at the corpses all over the floor.

It was only at this time that everyone realized that Yusuke had killed people, not just one, but a large number of people, just now the blood boiled, but now it is a legal society, killing so many people is definitely not something that can be fooled by a legitimate defense .

"Don't worry, leave it to me here" Yukino Shizuka said, for a big shot, the life and death of a commoner is not a pity at all, let alone her enemy, if she can't even handle this matter, how can she come out mix.

Everyone came out of the alley, and the mobile phone finally got a signal.

Saga Xiaomei immediately called someone to clean up the scene.

"Yusuke, you can't go home in this state, why don't you go to my house first" Yukino Shizuka said at this time.

At this time, Yusuke's whole body is covered with blood. If he goes home like this, he will be terrified.

"As for your girlfriends, I will ask someone to send them home," Yukino Shizuka continued.

"No!" Yui and Rie were holding Yusuke's arms tightly, one left and one right, "We want to be with Yusuke"

At this time, they had no other thoughts, they just wanted to be with Yusuke forever, never to be separated.

Yusuke nodded, "Let's go together then."

At this time, he looked at Xicheng Wu, "Xiao Wu, come here too."

Xicheng Wu was a little surprised, then blushed, could it be that...

"You are still scared when you go home now, why not be with everyone"

Only then did Xicheng Wu realize that it was so, so she nodded.

Yusuke said at this time, "I'll make a phone call first."

He wants to make a phone call to the master, although Yukino Shizuka can solve everything, but Yusuke doesn't want to get caught because of this matter.

Yukino Shizuka smiled and didn't care.

Yusuke took out his mobile phone to call the master, this is definitely the craziest thing Yusuke has ever done.

After Yusuke said everything, the phone fell silent, probably the first time he heard such a crazy thing.

"Master, if you find it difficult, forget it."

"That's not going to happen," Sasaki Toru's voice came, "I'll handle this matter myself, you wait for me there, I'll come pick you up now"

"it is good"

Hanging up the phone, she looked at Yukino Shizuka.

"Sorry, my master is here to pick me up"


Waiting here for less than 10 minutes, seven or eight vans drove over, and a large group of men in black ran down, holding various tools, and Saga Xiaomei was directing them to destroy all evidence.

And a car stopped in front of Yukino Shizuka at this time, she got in the car and looked at Yugo.

“Free to eat together”


Not long after the car left, another black car stopped.

It was Toru Sasaki's car.

(End of this chapter)

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