Chapter 734 734. Things Are Exposed

Seeing that Yusuke didn't move, Zuo Chuan gritted his teeth and said in a gentle tone: "This is delicious, you can eat it."

It may be the first time Zuo Chuan spoke in such a gentle tone, his expression was a little stiff, and he felt very awkward.

Are they playing a punishment game?
Seeing Yusuke's smiling face, Zuo Shouchuan was suddenly a little angry. She was instigated by her best friend just now, and she was a little nervous when things came to an end, but...

This is my first time, you guys are so shameless!

At this time, I was very angry. Before Yusuke could react, the chopsticks in his hand were directly stuffed into Yusuke's mouth, which shocked Yusuke.

Yusuke quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, and said wordlessly, "Do you want to murder?"

"Who told you to watch my joke!" Zuo Shouchuan said through gritted teeth.

Yusuke smiled, "Are you guys playing a punishment game?"

This answer made Zuo Shouchuan even more angry.

"What's wrong? Are you upset when I feed you!"

Yusuke was a little puzzled, the girl's mind was going too fast, but he also knew that Zuo Techuan was angry now.

"Okay ok, I was wrong, I apologize" Yusuke raised his hands in surrender.

"There's no sincerity at all!" Zuo Shouchuan said angrily.

God, what the hell is wrong with you!
Yusuke was very speechless, and Sannomiya and the others also found it very funny when they saw this scene.

Zuo Shouchuan's behavior was instigated by them, but he didn't expect Zuo Shouchuan to be so clumsy that he couldn't even do such a small thing well.

But when they saw that the two were arguing, they were also a little worried. Everyone was just joking, and they didn't want to make things big. At this time, they persuaded Yusuke: "Misawa, Naru fed you just now, and now it's your turn." feed her"

Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zuo Chuan, Zuo Chuan's face was a little red, but he didn't refuse.

Yusuke can be sure that this is definitely a joke between their girlfriends.

After thinking about it, he picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of food, and placed it by Zuo Shouchuan's mouth.

"Come on, Naru, I'll feed you"

Zuo Shouchuan was a little happy, but when he saw the playful eyes of his best friends, he immediately felt a little ashamed.

"Don't eat!"

Zuo Shouchuan turned his head, looking angry.

This scene gave Yusuke an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen it somewhere.

After pondering for a while, he immediately reacted.

Girlfriends also have the same expression when they are arguing. Could it be that...

Zuo Shouchuan didn't look at him at this time, but after two or three seconds, he couldn't help but secretly looked at himself, and when he found that his eyes met with his, he immediately averted his eyes, as if he was guilty of a thief, but after two or three seconds, he looked away again. He couldn't help but turned his head and secretly inquired about himself.

This little girl look...

Yusuke is sure.

Play big now!

Yusuke has a headache, I'm just pretending to be a boyfriend!
Seeing Yusuke who was in deep thought, Zuo Techuan was a little annoyed, this guy is like a pig's head, wouldn't he try to persuade him a little more!

Looking at the chopsticks in the air, he turned his head and ate it into his mouth without hesitation.

"Okay, I forgive you." Zuo Techuan had a happy smile on his face, this smile made Yusuke's eyebrows twitch, and he felt a little regretful.

But regret is useless, now I can only make up for it as much as possible.

Next, you should pay attention to your own behavior, not to go too far, Zuo Shouchuan may just be too involved in the drama, she will understand after an explanation.

Zuo Techuan suddenly felt that Yusuke's attitude had become silent, a little strange, and approached him at this time.

The scent of the woman wafted into his nostrils, Yusuke came back to his senses, and Zuo Techuan was already leaning against his ear, and asked in a low voice: "Yusuke, are you okay?"

Yusuke shook his head, "It's okay."

After hesitating for two seconds, I thought it was better to explain the matter, otherwise Zuo Shouchuan would be too involved in the play, and it would be embarrassing for everyone to meet.

Just as he was about to speak, Sangong suddenly said, "Sanze, they have left the castle."

Yusuke came back to his senses at this time, and Takujo and a man left from the crowd.

This group of guys chose to make a move. After all, the banquet was coming to an end, and there would be no chance if they didn't make a move.

Let's talk about Zuo Shouchuan later, let's solve the immediate trouble first.

Yusuke stood up, "I'll take a look"

The girls all nodded, Zuo Chuan said worriedly: "Yusuke, you have to be careful."

"rest assured"

It wasn't long before the two of them walked out that Yusuke followed, but unexpectedly, Kono also came up and met Yusuke.

"Mr. Misawa, I have already greeted the manager of the hotel, and arranged for people to go out first."

Yusuke took a look, and sure enough, her two subordinates were no longer present, which was arranged in advance.

"Mr. Misawa, look over there"

Yusuke turned his head, and Takujo's friends were looking at this side, just like Yusuke and the others were paying attention to Takujo, Takujo was also paying attention to this side, after all, doing this kind of thing must be foolproof.

If Yusuke followed out now, they might cancel the operation, but if it was Kono, it would be fine.

They didn't know that Kono had teamed up with Zuo Thouchuan, and Kono's actions were not what they expected.

It was a pleasant surprise to cooperate with Kono.

"It's not suitable to go out now, Mr. Sanze, let's go for a walk, just to dispel the suspicion of others," Kono said at this time.

This is a shrewd woman!

Yusuke knew what she was thinking right away.

Yusuke is Zuo Chuan's boyfriend, Zuo Chuan and Kono are at odds, and now Kono is walking with Zuo Chuan's boyfriend, this can be said to be a wonderful tearing battle, and it also transfers their relationship from another aspect thinking.

And this is also Kono's method. Through this kind of behavior, let everyone present know that Zuo Chuan's boyfriend has a problem, and give Zuo Chuan's eye drops. Maybe the two of them will quarrel because of this, and then he will have a chance.

Killing two birds with one stone, this female sea queen is amazing!

The most important thing is Yangmou. If this guy puts his mind on his career, he might be a strong woman.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate any woman.

The only loophole, he didn't know it was a fake boyfriend.

"Mr. Sanze, there is nothing wrong now, let's take a walk together, my friend will take care of it" Kono asked with a smile at this time.

Yusuke thought for a while, nodded, and followed her out of the room.

Takuo's friends in the city also saw this scene, and they also knew what kind of guy Kono was, so they were indeed distracted.

In the corridor, Yusuke and Kono were chatting.

"Mr. Sanze, what industry are you in?" Kono asked with a smile.

"I have a studio and work on web videos"

"Internet video? Me too." Kono was a little surprised.

Yusuke was a little surprised, and asked, "I don't know what Miss Kono is doing?"

"What I'm doing here is the work of an Internet anchor, and I've also signed a few anchors. It's not bad for a little trouble. How about you, Mr. Sanze?"

"My side is a video broadcaster who makes YouTube videos"

"We are all in the same business, so contact us when you have time, maybe we can link up with you," Kono said with a smile.

Yusuke responded casually.

"How about this, Mr. Misawa, let's add an email address" Kono asked at this moment taking out his mobile phone.

"That's not good," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Why?" Kono was a little distressed, and then suddenly realized, "Could it be because of Zuo Chuan, but Mr. Misawa is Mr. Misawa, Zuo Chuan is Zuo Chuan, and she is your girlfriend, but Mr. Misawa and I are not the same. It’s clear, we are ordinary good friends, it’s normal for good friends to add an email address.”

"I guess you'll be disappointed," Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Why?" Kono hesitated, "Could it be that Mr. Sanze has a big secret?"

Yusuke nodded seriously, "This secret is big and scary."

"Then Mr. Sanze, am I honored to share this secret with you?"

Having said that, she looked at Yusuke with playful eyes, "I am very sincere."

"A secret that can be shared is not a secret." Yusuke smiled and shook his head.

"It's true," Kono responded with a smile, feeling a little angry in his heart. This guy has some diesel fuel, but it doesn't matter. I have plenty of time, so I will wear it slowly.

At this moment, Kono's cell phone rang, and he took it out to have a look, then smiled at Yusuke, "My friend has already done it."

Yusuke immediately became serious.

Serious men are the most handsome, and this law also applies to Yusuke.

Kono is very excited, this is really handsome!

She made up her mind that she must grab this man!

When Yusuke and Kono came here, the two women had already obtained the evidence, and the drinks that were drugged were also in their hands.

The process was surprisingly smooth.

Yongsuke watched the video, and it was very clear. This can be used as physical evidence, and if it is a witness, the waiter can also produce evidence.

"Miss Kono, what are you going to do now?"

The manager of the hotel also came over. This incident happened in the hotel, and it had a certain impact on their reputation. At this time, their expressions were very serious.

Under normal circumstances, they would choose to call the police, but the person who administered the drug was Ms. Kono's classmate. If Ms. Kono needed it, he could sell him to save face.

Kono looked at Yusuke at this time, "Mr. Misawa, what do you say?"

"Call the police!" Yusuke said seriously.

"Mr. Sanze, the connection between us..."

Kono looked at Yusuke with a smile at this time, and Yusuke immediately understood her thoughts.

This is an equivalent exchange!
The evidence is in the hands of the other party, and the hotel manager is also her acquaintance. The physical witnesses are all on her side, and the initiative is entirely on the other party. She is here to negotiate the price.

"Miss Kono, what do you need?" Yusuke asked seriously.

"You don't need to be so serious," Kono said with a smile, "I just want Mr. Sanze to be my friend. Who told you that Mr. Sanze rejected me just now? I'm very mean."

Speaking of this, she looked at Yusuke with playful eyes, "I really want to know Mr. Misawa's secret."

Yusuke hesitated for a while, and said seriously: "I will be friends with Ms. Misawa."

"That's great." Kono smiled, and then became serious, "Then choose to call the police."

The manager went to call the police, while Yusuke and Kono went back, and the party was still going on lively.

Yusuke greeted Kono, then returned to Zuo Thouchuan, and Zuo Thouchuan and others surrounded him, asking with concern: "Yusuke, how are things going?"

Yusuke told the story again, and everyone was very surprised. They didn't expect Kono to solve it in the end.

This guy will be so kind?
They were skeptical and turned to Yusuke.

"Sanze, you must have reached an agreement with her, right?"

Yusuke thought for a second, then nodded.

Everyone was a little surprised, what kind of price did this actually cost?
Facing everyone's curious eyes, Yusuke said at this time: "I will tell Naru, but the most important thing now is not to let them escape."

Everyone came back to their senses and nodded.

That's right, don't let them get away!

Taku and the others in the city were a little puzzled, they had already given the medicine, but why didn't the waiter bring the drinks?

Cheng Nei suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. It may be that he has done too many bad things. He is very sensitive to this aspect.

After hesitating for two seconds, he said to his friend, "I'll go and see the situation."

His friend also knew what it meant, and stood up, "I'll go with you"

The two stood up and walked out towards the exit.

But at this moment, two figures stood in front of them, Zuo Techuan and Yusuke.

"You can't leave!" Zuo Shouchuan said with a cold face.

"Why?" Jouchi Taku's face turned cold at this moment, "You're too much in control."

"Just because I'm a policeman," Zuo Shouchuan said with a serious face at this time.

Yusuke's original plan was for him to keep an eye on the two, and if the two wanted to escape, he would catch them back.

But Zuo Shouchuan disagreed. She said that she must bring the other party to justice with her own hands. She still remembers the incident at the university, which was a thorn in her heart. The scum was caught.

And in terms of identity, Zuo Shouchuan is a policeman, so there is absolutely no problem with her coming forward.

Yusuke agreed after thinking for a while, and the two acted together.

When Takuo and the two in the city heard what Zuo Shouchuan said, they immediately reacted.

Things are exposed!
Although they don't know how they were exposed, the two rushed out immediately.

Get out of here first!

"Get out of the way!" The two shouted loudly, the voice was so loud that everyone was shocked, and the sound of the banquet stopped completely, and everyone could see it.

The two were rushing towards Zuo Shouchuan, as if they were about to knock Zuo Shouchuan into the air.

But the next moment, the two flew back upside down, and the huge figure hit the table, causing the banquet to be a mess. The chaotic scene immediately caused the women to scream.

(End of this chapter)

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