Chapter 736 736. Cheerleading

Seeing Yusuke walking towards her, Yui was very nervous.

What should this guy want to do?
Wait a minute, what should I do, should I refuse?

While hesitating, Yusuke was already standing in front of her.

Yui's heart was beating so fast, her palms were sweating, her eyes were wandering, she didn't dare to look at Yusuke.

The next moment Yusuke rushed over, Yui was taken aback, this moment is finally coming...

But unexpectedly, Yusuke just hugged her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Go to bed early," Yusuke said with a smile.

Only then did Yuyi come back to her senses, her face flushed slightly, she nodded, what was she thinking about!
Yusuke climbed out of the window at this time, Yui was a little nervous.

"Yusuke, how are you going down? This is the second floor."

"Don't worry, it won't trouble me"

Yusuke waved his hand, jumped directly from the 2nd floor, and landed firmly on the ground, Yui's nervous mood relaxed.

Yusuke waved, and Yui also waved, watching Yusuke walk into the house with a beautiful mood.

Back home, I greeted my family, went back to my room, lay on the bed, and rested for a while, then Xiao Hei came over, Yusuke touched its head with a smile, Xiao Hei showed a comfortable look .

Time to sleep.

At this time the phone rang, Yusuke looked at it, a little surprised, it was a message from Kono, this guy is too impatient!
"Mr. Misawa, are you asleep?" Kono sent a smiling face.

Yusuke thought for a while, picked up his phone and replied, "You haven't slept yet, how about you?"

"I can't sleep either, Mr. Sanze, do you want to come out for a drink together? It's just a simple drink." Speaking of this, he added a serious expression, which feels a bit like there is no silver 300 taels here.

Yusuke was not in the mood to flirt with her here, and replied directly: "Don't you want to know my secret? Now I can share it with you."

"Mr. Sanze can finally speak, I am looking forward to it"

"Actually, I am a student. All my previous self-introductions are true. The only difference is my age. I am still a student now."

"Student? It doesn't matter, age doesn't matter"

"And I have many girlfriends"

"A lot of girlfriends?"

Kono sent a question mark, "Mr. Misawa, are you kidding me?"

"I have 6 girlfriends and this is my biggest secret and I'm sharing it with you"

"Mr. Misawa, you really know how to joke."

"I never joke"

The other party was silent for a while, and the message came again.

"If you want to get rid of me, please come up with a better excuse, I won't believe that"

"I misunderstood you. I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You went back on what you promised, you despicable villain!"

Yusuke didn't care, and replied with a few words, "Believe it or not."

Then just hang up.

After thinking about it, he sent a message to Zuo Shouchuan.

Zuo Techuan has already returned home, too many things happened tonight, Yusuke's incident also made her very confused, his figure kept appearing in her mind.

Zuo Shouchuan shook his head, decided not to think about it, took out a bottle of beer from the refrigerator, opened it and took a few sips.

With the cold beer in my mouth, all my troubles disappeared immediately.

At this time, the phone rang, and when she saw the message, it was from Yusuke. Unknowingly, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She didn't know what Yongsuke wanted from her, but the smile on her face disappeared soon.

Yusuke made it clear to Zuo Techuan about his girlfriends. In order to avoid misunderstandings, it is better to make it public.

Zuo Chuan was shocked.

"Are you kidding me?"

"I'm serious"

"How could they agree?"

Zuo Techuan didn't believe it at all, Yui and Rie were both very good girls, let alone Seiko.

She has been in contact with Shengzi the longest, and knows that this is a very well-educated eldest lady who has received the most traditional education and is the most ideal wife and mother. How can such a person share a boyfriend with other people?This is absolutely impossible!

"Could it be that you use force?"

Zuo Shouchuan's eyes became serious, even if you are underage, this is still a crime!
"I'm not that kind of person!" Yusuke replied speechlessly, "And do you think they will agree with me after using such a method?"

This also made sense, Zuo Shouchuan was a little hesitant, could it be that what he said was true?

For a moment, her mood was very confused, the amount of information was too much!

"Zuo Shouchuan, we are all good friends, so I told you this secret, but I hope you don't look at them with strange eyes, this is all because of me, if you have any complaints Just come towards me, and I will bear everything.”

"I hope we're still good friends"

Zuo Shuchuan immediately reacted, gritted his teeth, the last sentence is the most important thing, this guy is beating around the bush and rejecting himself, this bastard!
She originally had some good feelings for Yusuke, but she hadn't risen to this level, but now she was also annoyed by this sentence.

Replied a few words: "I despise you!"

Turned off the phone and decided not to talk to him.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and the more depressed I became.

But after a while, the anger slowly disappeared, and finally sighed that he was rejected.

I feel very depressed!

Need to find something to vent, Zuo Shouchuan decided to have a good drink tonight!
A new day came, Yusuke got up, brushed his teeth, washed his face, tidied up his things, and got ready to go to school. At this time, he looked at his phone, and there were a lot of unread messages in the phone, all of which belonged to Kono.

This guy kept sending messages last night, and Yusuke's phone was muted last night, so he didn't hear anything.

Yusuke looked at the content, and was very angry and complained at first, but his tone gradually softened later, and later he even said that everyone should come out to meet and discuss clearly.

Yusuke thought it was a little funny, we were just ordinary good friends, how did it sound like you were talking about boyfriend and girlfriend arguing and wanting to break up.

Yusuke ignored such information, packed his things and went out.

Ordinary school, ordinary school, or ordinary classmates, the only difference is that this guy Yoshida Huixing is here again.

During the lunch break, this guy came straight to the door.

Yusuke was a little distressed, the baseball club had been completely handed over to him, and he had also made an agreement with him, why did this guy come to the door again.

Seeing Yusuke's expression, Yoshida Huixing quickly explained: "Don't get me wrong, Sansawa-senpai, I didn't mean to force you, but I need to ask you for some things."

Yusuke was a little surprised, you are already the president of the baseball club, why do you still need to ask me for instructions?

"It's like this," Yoshida Huixing explained at this time.

The reintegration of the baseball club began. As the new president of the baseball club, Yoshida Huixing, everything is developing in a good way, but there are also some things that make him feel difficult.

For example, it would be a good thing for someone to apply to join the baseball club today, but the problem lies in their identities. They are former members of the baseball club, and they are all seniors.

Yoshida Huixing was a little troubled. He didn't know whether to accept it. After all, everyone knew the grievances and grievances between the former baseball club and Senior Misawa. I wonder if these seniors are here to make trouble.

After all, all the members of the baseball club are freshmen, and all the resources have been taken away by them. As a former member of the baseball club, he will definitely feel dissatisfied with this, which makes Yoshida Huixing a little worried.

The atmosphere in the society is very good now, if some dubious people are recruited in, I'm afraid it will spoil the whole atmosphere.

However, if he refused them, he was afraid that they were causing trouble, and the baseball club was indeed understaffed. No matter what, these people had a little foundation. Several considerations made Yoshida Huixing hesitate.

"Let them go!" Yusuke said calmly, this answer surprised Yoshida Huixing.

The former baseball club has been completely rotten to the core. This group of people are all rotten people, useless. Yusuke has already seen their true colors. They are just jealous of the current baseball club. There is absolutely no good intention in choosing to join the baseball club at this time. , so drive them away.

"If they have any dissatisfaction, tell them to come to me anyway," Yusuke said.

Yoshida Huixing nodded, "Then I'll trouble you, Misawa-senpai."

With senior Sanze coming forward, many things can be easily settled.

A reputation as a bully is still useful!
Yoshida Teruhoshi left, and Sakata Ji and the two surrounded him at this moment, and asked curiously: "Yusuke, why are you responsible for the baseball club?"

"Just a little annoyance"

"Well, Yusuke, be careful not to be used by others." Gao Chengmu reminded at this time, as the guarantor of the baseball club, Yusuke has to bear a lot of responsibility.

Yusuke nodded, "Don't worry, I have a sense of proportion, and Yoshida is not such a person"

"Yusuke, do you like him?" Sakata asked curiously.

"This person is not bad, maybe our school can enter Koshien this year." Yusuke replied with a smile.

"Koshien!" Sakata Harushi said with a smile, "If you can really enter Koshien, it will definitely be a sensation in the whole school, and it will really be famous in the whole school."

Hechuan Middle School is a famous school, but it is a bit embarrassing in terms of sports. From the beginning of the school to the present, it has never won the right to play in Jiashien. This is the school's biggest regret.

The school attaches great importance to this and pours a lot of resources into the baseball club, but it is a pity that the previous baseball club was too bad, and all these resources have become private use.

The school has put a lot of effort into this aspect. Even if the baseball club was ruined by Yusuke, I still hope that the baseball club can cheer up.

If the new baseball club can enter Koshien, it will be great, and it will definitely bring glory to the school.

When discussing baseball, Sakata and Osamu discussed the baseball game with great interest.

The two are baseball fans!

Yusuke is very emotional, baseball is indeed Japan's national sport.

It was finally time to leave school, and everyone said hello and left.

Today is the day to get together with everyone from the Secondary School Game Troupe.

After waiting at the school gate for a while, Jessica came out. Surprisingly, she came out talking and laughing with a few girls.

Yusuke was a little relieved that Jessica finally made friends.

Jessica also saw Yusuke at this time, ran over happily, and gave Yusuke a big hug, which surprised her friends.

"Okay, Jessica." Yusuke said at this time, "Don't have this kind of behavior in school. If the teacher finds out, it will be troublesome."

After all, he is still a student, so it is enough to sneak around in private. If he is so aboveboard, what does this do to the discipline of the school?

"Okay, I know"

Jessica also knew how to measure, and said hello to her friends, who would not be light bulbs, smiled and waved and left.

"Let's go." Yusuke smiled and took Jessica's little hand. Jessica showed a smile. This is her dream high school life.

The two came to a family restaurant, which was the place where they had agreed to meet.

Semi and Ewen Jielin are already waiting here.

"Here!" Evangeline raised her hands high, Yusuke and Jessica walked over, everyone said hello, this was the first time they met after the new semester.

Looking at Ewen Jielin in her high school uniform, Yusuke felt a little emotional, time flies so fast.

The four sat there chatting, sharing the fun of the new semester.

Ewen Jielin is very happy. She made a lot of new friends after entering high school, and she is very happy every day. She is happy to share these happiness with her friends.

The same is true for Jessica. Both of them are talking about their own interesting things, and they are also happy for each other. This is purely happy for friends.

Yiwen Jielin said at this time: "I have decided to join the clothing club in the school."

"Is it a clothing club? It's not bad either."

Influenced by her mother, Yiwen Jielin is more inspired in terms of fashion clothing, and joining a clothing agency is also very suitable for her.

"What about Jessica?" Evangeline asked, Jessica thought for a while, "I don't know yet."

"Then what are you interested in?"

"I want to be with Yusuke." Speaking of this, Jessica hugged Yusuke's arm and showed a sweet smile.

"Then you and Yusuke are in the same club."

"But Yusuke and his club are not recruiting anymore," Jessica replied with some regret.

"Yusuke, what club are you?" Everyone looked over
"I now work part-time in two clubs. One is a club of interests and does not accept outsiders. The other is a baseball club, which is not suitable for Jessica. I think Jessica should choose something she likes. Jessica, are you not Do you like shooting? You can join the photography club."

"No!" Jessica shook her head, "I went to the school's photography club, it's not fun at all."

Jessica did go to the school's photography club, but the photography club was all men. They welcomed Jessica very much, but Jessica didn't like it at all. I get it, these people want to be models themselves, she doesn't want to do such a thing.

"How about cheerleading?" Semi suggested at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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