Chapter 817 is back

Xi Luo was waiting for her at the hospital gate.

It has been a long time since the last time we met, Lu Qingyou never expected to meet Xi Luo again in this way.

Thinking about what happened last time, Lu Qingyou still felt a little embarrassed.

She smiled and called out, "Mr. Xi."

Xi Luo still had that polite appearance: "You can call me Xi Luo directly, I am a friend of your brother, and my mother is a colleague of your mother, so there is no need to be so estranged."

She felt that what Xi Luo said was reasonable, and nodded: "Then you can call me Qingyou too."

Xi Luo smiled back, and then the two walked straight towards the ward without much conversation.

Lu Qinghan's situation is neither serious nor serious, and serious is serious.

There was a very long gash on his thigh. The bone was visible deep, but it didn't hurt the bone. There were still many wounds on his body, and the smell of alcohol couldn't be concealed.

Seeing Lu Qingyou coming, he was stunned, turned to look at Xi Luo, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Didn't you say it's okay, why are you still calling her?"

Xi Luo was not angry, but just smiled with a good temper.

When you are sick, it is better to have relatives and friends by your side. My family has been very busy recently. My parents just went out for a trip. There is also an elderly lady at home. She has to go home and take care of her in case something happens. People are here, otherwise, he will take care of Lu Qinghan directly here.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Lu Qingyou again: "I'm just so hurt, you all go back, I can do it alone."

Lu Qingyou glanced at him, and turned his gaze directly to Xi Luo: "Xi Luo, leave him alone, you should go first, I'll watch him here, and I'll treat you to dinner later when I have time."

"Okay." Xi Luo nodded to her, got up and went out.

These two people ignored Lu Qinghan from the beginning to the end.

Lu Qinghan closed his mouth out of humiliation.

After Xi Luo left, Lu Qingyou sat down on the edge of the bed with a straight face, interrogating him: "What's going on?"

Lu Qinghan tilted his head to look at her: "Why is your tone just like that of Brother Bai? It's so creepy."

Lu Qingyou's complexion froze slightly, but soon returned to normal.

"Then I'll notify my parents to come over?" Lu Qingyou threatened him with his mobile phone.

Lu Qinghan managed to ease the relationship with his family recently, so of course he didn't want to be scolded anymore, so he immediately begged for mercy: "Grandma, please, don't tell your parents."

"Then tell yourself what's going on."

"It's nothing, it's just that someone is causing trouble, and I'm going to try to persuade them..."

The matter was actually not that complicated. There were young people in the bar. Some people got drunk and quarreled and started fighting. As the boss, Lu Qinghan naturally couldn't stand by and watch. Those people didn't dare to do anything to him. He was accidentally injured.

Lu Qingyou wanted to say something to him, but seeing him lying on the bed wrapped in thick gauze, she felt distressed.

She sighed, and her tone was softer: "Do you want to eat or drink? I'll order you a takeaway."

Lu Qinghan said with a playful smile: "My sister still loves me, I'm really a little hungry."

Lu Qingyou ordered light takeaway for him, and spent the night in his ward. Lu Qinghan wanted her to go back, but she didn't.

After all, Lu Qinghan injured her leg and it was inconvenient for her to move, so it was better for her to stay.


In the end, the matter of Lu Qinghan was not hidden, and the family members knew about it.

Although Lu Qinghan had always been raised rough, he was still the Lu family's biological son after all. Naturally, Mother Lu felt sorry for him, so she took him back home and served him with delicious food and drink.

Lu Qingyou went to work during the day, and stayed at home with Lu Qinghan after get off work.

The days were as peaceful as water, and she never mentioned Bai Yunan again.

The careless Lu Qinghan vaguely felt that there seemed to be a big problem between her and Bai Yunan, and he deliberately avoided mentioning Bai Yunan in front of her.

During the period, Xi Luo also came to see him a few times at home, but the drunkard's intention was not to drink, his eyes were almost glued to Lu Qingyou's body.

In terms of family background and character, Xi Luo is worthy of Lu Qingyou, besides, he is very stable, and he is a person who knows everything. It can be seen that he really cares about Lu Qingyou.

For these reasons, the Lu family supported Xi Luo very much.

And Lu Qingyou still apologized to Xi Luo because of what happened last time.

After getting in touch with her, she felt that Xi Luo was a nice person, and she felt even more guilty in her heart. When she got along with Xi Luo, she inevitably became more enthusiastic.

His status is not bad, and his ability is also outstanding, so there is no reason for her to be left awkwardly at the blind date banquet for nothing.

On this day, Xi Luo came to see Lu Qinghan again.

Before leaving, Lu Qingyou sent him out, and when he reached the door, he asked her: "Qingyou, what do you want today?"

Lu Qingyou thought for a while, then shook her head: "No."

Xi Luo raised the corner of his mouth, and a smile spread in his eyes: "You didn't either."

Lu Qingyou was stunned for a moment, and came over knowingly: "It's better to hit the sun than to choose a date. Let me treat you to dinner."

Really smart girl.

Xi Luo smiled deeply and said, "Okay."

The two still went to the restaurant last time, but this time they didn't go to the box, but sat at the card table by the window in the hall.

It was a pleasant meal.

Halfway through, Xi Luo got up to go to the bathroom, and her phone rang.

When she took out her mobile phone and saw the caller ID on it clearly, she froze suddenly, and hesitated for a moment before answering the call.

Her voice was soft: "Brother."

On the other side, Bai Yunan was sitting in the car, heard something wrong with her voice, and asked calmly, "Where is it?"

"Dinning outside, you're back? Did the mission go well? Did you get hurt?" After she habitually asked these questions, she felt a little uneasy again.

She kissed him impulsively last time, and he was angry. Now that she asks him so much again, will he be unhappy?
Fortunately, Bai Yunan's tone was not different, he answered all of Lu Qingyou's questions one by one.

"It went well, and it didn't hurt much." After finishing speaking, he asked again: "Where are you?"

"Dinning with friends outside, I'll be back later, if you're at home, I'll come find you again."

In the past, when Bai Yunan came back from his mission, he would call her, and she would be impatient to see him. Thinking about it now, he must have been impatient with her back then.

Lu Qingyou felt that there was nothing wrong with what she said, but Bai Yunan on the other end suddenly hung up the phone, as if he was angry.

She was a little at a loss, she stopped pestering him, shouldn't it be just what he wanted?

At this moment, Xi Luo came back, she put away her mobile phone, and decided not to think about it anymore.

Seeing that she had been distracted, Xi Luo thought she was not feeling well, and said, "I still have something to do, let's all go back early."

"it is good."

Lu Qingyou knew that this was Xi Luo's consideration.

The two walked out of the restaurant, and when she raised her eyes, she saw a familiar jeep parked not far away.

She shuddered and froze in place.

"What's wrong?" Xi Luo asked her.

"I seem to have left something in the restaurant, I'll go and have a look, you go first." She lied to Shilo without changing her expression, then turned and entered the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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