Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 134 Where Did She Go?

Chapter 134 Where Did She Go?

"I'm looking for one, but you're looking for two!" Bo Shaolan grabbed her waist, made her stand up straight, and faced him, he looked down at her, sniffed her body, and found that there was no peculiar smell, he couldn't help laughing , "What? Suddenly I couldn't stand it and ran out!"


"Did you meet me the first day?"

"You are a complete bastard!"

"Okay, now I want you to see the bastard among the big bastards!" Bo Shaolan pushed her against the wall, put his hands on the wall to trap her, and whispered in her ear, "I underestimated you before, I didn't expect that You have such a big appetite. Luoxue, you really opened my eyes."

"Shameless!" Luoxue blushed with shame, and was about to cry, "Only state officials are allowed to set fires, and ordinary people are not allowed to light lamps? If you are unkind, I will definitely be unrighteous!"

"Hehe, the smell of vinegar is quite strong."

"Who's jealous?"

"Do you still dare to admit it? En? I have to clean you up! Let your memory be long!" Bo Shaolan mentioned her like an eagle catching a chicken.

"What are you doing, let me go, let me go." Luoxue yelled, her limbs fluttering.

Bo Shaolan was about to throw her into his exclusive room when Luoxue suddenly bit the back of his hand.

The pain was so great that Bo Shaolan had to let go, and Luoxue fell to the ground.

She got up from the ground and wanted to escape, but Bo Shaolan picked her up again, and she pressed against the wall.

She was about to call out, but he clasped her head with one hand, kissed her lips, and put his arm around her waist with the other.

Luoxue's eyes widened and she groaned, she tried to push him hard, but she couldn't move, but the man stood still.


Luoxue was so angry, she kissed her without looking where it was, and humiliated her in public again.

She detests him!

She feels disgusting, dirty!
Luo Xue was so disgusted that she wanted to vomit, she just wanted to get rid of him.

She suddenly remembered that Zhou Xiaochen told her that the most ruthless way to deal with a man is to kick him in the vitals.

Her knees lifted.


It really works!

Bo Shaolan let go of her immediately in pain, Jun's face flushed.

It hurts so badly!

At that time, Luo Xue only wanted to get rid of his restraint.

Seeing his painful expression, she knew that she had used too much force. She was at a loss for a moment and lost her position.

All she wanted to do was run.

As a result, when he looked up, he saw a group of people standing in front of him.

Chu Kenan, Zhou Yiran, Lan Han, Yao Yangpeng, Yin Chengfeng, and a few other girls all looked at them with their mouths half open.

Luo Xue was even more ashamed.

They must have seen her shocking moment just now.

Unable to face this extremely embarrassing scene, she pushed aside the crowd and ran for her life.

Bo Shaolan yelled, "Luoxue, get out of here right now! I want to take care of you, a nasty woman! Ah! Call an ambulance!"


Then, there was a burst of laughter.

His group of damned bad friends laughed so hard that they didn't show any face.

Bo Shaolan's eyes turned red, wishing he could swallow them up.

Enduring the pain, he stood up straight.

"Hey, second brother, I said earlier that you will suffer for your face, do you understand now? I knew you would chase him out." Yin Chengfeng smiled while wiping away his tears.

Chu Kenan also shook his head and sighed, "I knew this before, so why bother?"

"Second brother, you have to bow your head occasionally in front of women."

"This kick must have woken you up!"


They laughed again.

Too much!These people are clearly gloating.

Bo Shaolan's face was so ugly that he was about to kill someone, so they immediately dispersed.

Yin Chengfeng, Lan Han, Yao Yang and the others went back to the box to play, still talking about Bo Shaolan.

"Xiaoxue kicked this kick very well, it's really satisfying!"

"Second brother sometimes needs a beating!"

"I think only the second sister-in-law can submit to him! We only have to obey him, don't look at Xiaoxue being weak and weak, she is the only one who will follow her! Tsk tsk, I appreciate Xiaoxue more and more."

"You better stop admiring her, be careful you will declare bankruptcy tomorrow!"

"Yeah, fifth brother, you sound like a second brother. See if I don't beat you to death."

Chu Kenan and Zhou Yiran did not enter the box, but went to the balcony to chat.

"You brothers are very interesting, especially the pair of Bo Shaolan and Luo Xue, which is even more interesting!" Zhou Yiran said.

"In fact, they love each other very deeply, but the misunderstanding is too deep, and they are both stubborn, so they always have conflicts." Chu Kenan said, "You were the most powerful move just now."

Zhou Yiran flicked her long hair lightly, let the wind mess her hair, and said with sideways head, "Because I can see that they have each other in their eyes."

"You know love very well."

"I don't understand." Zhou Yiran gave him a meaningful smile, "I'm leaving."

"I send you."

Chu Kenan watched Zhou Yiran walk into the elevator, then turned around and said, "You can come out now."

Lin Mengmeng shivered and came out from the corner. It was Chu Kenan who asked her to come here.

She was afraid of this boss, anyway, he was not someone she could afford.

She walked up to Chu Kenan slowly, and asked softly, "Brother Chu."

Chu Kenan just looking at her like that is enough to make Lin Mengmeng tremble with fear.

Lin Mengmeng didn't dare to look up at him, for fear of being stunned by his eyes.

It turned out that nothing could escape Chu Kenan's eyes, so he thought he had covered it up well.

The result is not.

"Brother Chu, I won't dare next time..." Lin Mengmeng cleverly admitted his mistake.

Chu Kenan said lightly, "Sometimes, cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness."


Then Chu Kenan left blankly.

It took a long time before Lin Mengmeng dared to raise her head, staring at Chu Kenan's receding back, pursing her lips unwillingly.

Ever since I heard Yin Chengfeng tell the front desk lady that Luoxue is here, let her help bring the box.

Lin Mengmeng immediately became more careful.

She seems to remember that Yin Chengfeng accidentally leaked that his second sister-in-law's surname is Luo.

She was excited and wanted to take a gamble.

Let's see if this woman named Luoxue is Bo Shaolan's wife?

She deliberately waited until Luoxue came.

Then he deliberately told Luo Xue that Bo Shaolan wanted her to drink with him.

At that time, a hurt light flashed in Luo Xue's eyes.

Sure enough it was her!

She hit the gamble.

This Luoxue was the woman who called Bo Shaolan that time.

After entering the elevator, she intentionally revealed herself to Luo Xue.

She knew her own advantages... Luoxue couldn't hope for a charming face and a hot figure.

She wanted to defeat Luoxue invisibly in terms of momentum.

Lin Mengmeng was very unwilling.

It's even more unexpected that Bo Shaolan's wife is such a woman!

Even more boldly speculated why Bo Shaolan didn't hold a wedding after getting married, and secondly didn't acknowledge her in public.

It's because he doesn't like this woman.

She did a full set of plays, and as soon as she entered the box, she immediately rushed towards Bo Shaolan, pretending to have a good relationship with him.

The purpose is to make Luoxue retreat in spite of difficulties.

To her surprise, Bo Shaolan actually accompanied her in acting.

In an instant, she knew that she had lost to Luoxue.

Before, when she drank with Bo Shaolan, it was just to serve tea and wine.

But this time it was different, Bo Shaolan became enthusiastic about her.

How ironic!
He was trying to use her to stimulate that woman.

Out of a woman's natural jealousy, she couldn't understand why a rich, powerful and handsome man like Bo Shaolan would marry this woman who wanted to have a figure but a figure and a face.

So Lin Mengmeng tried her best to cooperate with Bo Shao in the performance.

She thought, if he ran away with his wife in anger, and later they divorced, she would still have a chance to be in charge, maybe she could become Mrs. Bo.

But Chu Kenan saw through her little thoughts.

At that time, as soon as she and Bo Shaolan left the box, she tried her best to curry favor with Bo Shaolan, trying to make him fascinate her.

But as soon as he climbed onto his neck, Bo Shaolan pushed her and told her to roll aside in a very disgusted tone.

She threw herself on the ground, extremely embarrassed, and just happened to be seen by others, she wished she could dig a hole to hide.

Then, she watched him helplessly, and hurriedly chased after her wife.

After he finished using her, he kicked her away and left.

Lin Mengmeng was once again humiliated by him so much that she didn't want to be a human being.

In Jinbihuanghuang, she is known as "the heartthrob". Men are rushing to have her, but Bo Shaolan scoffs at her.

Is she not as beautiful as Luo Xue?
Absolutely not.

When Luoxue ran out of Jinbihui, she was blown by the wind and shrank her body. She drank alcohol and dared not drive, so she had to call a taxi, jumped into the car and fled here.

As soon as she got in the car, she was crying and looking so sad.

The driver thought that something happened to her, so he kindly asked, "Girl, did something happen to you? Do you want to drive you to the police station?"

The driver saw Luoxue running out of Jinbihuanghui crying, and seeing that she was a type of woman from a good family, he thought she was being bullied, so he kindly asked her.

"No." Luoxue choked up.

The driver boldly guessed again, could it be the second situation?

Is this girl here to be raped?

"Girl, this society is like this. For a man, as long as he knows how to go home, which cat doesn't steal? You are so beautiful, even if he doesn't want you, he can find you again." The driver persuaded road.

Luo Xue was even more sad when she heard that, she didn't want to look for it anymore.

She only wants Bo Shaolan.

Luoxue cried for a while, but didn't want to cry any more, put away her tears, and stared out the window blankly.

After a while, Bo Shaolan also ran out. He immediately searched around, but found no sign of Luoxue.

When he came to the parking lot, he saw his family's car at a glance. It must have been driven by Luoxue.

He is equipped with this car key.

He opened the car door and found that the woman's bag had been left on the car.

He called her mobile phone, and the voice rang immediately, which made him very angry. The woman's mobile phone was actually left in the car.

She didn't want anything, where did she go?
(End of this chapter)

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