Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 140 The night light left for him at night

Chapter 140 The night light left for him at night
Luoxue looked helplessly at the woman who had no eyes, and could do nothing.

Without a parking space, she had to go to another place to park. After going back and forth, it was almost noon.

After finally handing in the get off work before the staff got off work, she felt very happy, as if seeing her bright future.

She is still very confident. After all, the subject matter she chose is quite different, and she feels good about herself.

She walked towards the door and was about to go home. Suddenly, there was a commotion in front of her, and a beautiful woman walked over like stars.

She fixed her eyes.

Isn't that beauty the one who snatched her parking space?
That mighty formation is like a queen.

At this time, Luoxue heard the beautiful woman passing by her say, "That's very impressive, I heard that she is Director Pan sent by the Pan Group to investigate the situation."

The beauty's tone was full of envy.

Another beauty sneered, "Director Pan? Haha, just looking at her appearance, you can tell that she's not here for work, she said she's here for inspection, but she's just here to show off..."

"He will be reincarnated, so he can fight for his father."

"The daughters of rich families all have one temper, that is, they are arrogant."

"You have to be arrogant."

It turned out to be the daughter of the Pan Group. She had read the competition rules. The sponsors of this event were Pan Group and Qin Group.

Qin's Group is Qin Jingfeng's family's company, and Pan's Group is engaged in real estate, so they also came to join in the fun.

Miss Pan's expression looked extremely reluctant, as if she was forced to come here.

Luo Xue shook her head, as long as the competition was fair, she wouldn't bother to care about who the sponsor was.

Luo Xue had just left for a while when Bo Fangqing hurried over.

She also came to submit her work.

Bo Shaolan was slowly depriving her of her power. If she didn't know how to play, she would only embarrass herself even more.

She happened to know that there was such a competition, so she was ready to make a move. She also loves to shoot.

The reason why she likes to shoot is also because of Bo Shaolan.

But she didn't know that the reason why Bo Shaolan liked to shoot was because of Luoxue.

If she knew the reason, she would definitely vomit blood.

When she was handing in her work, she accidentally glanced at the entry form and saw a name that she hated to the bone.

falling snow!

Bo Fangqing's heart immediately filled with strong anger.

Cursing secretly in her heart, she and this dead woman must be mutually exclusive.

It's really a narrow road for enemies!

Bo Fangqing gritted her teeth and signed her name for the competition, and at the same time secretly said in her heart, Luoxue, she wants to steal everything from me!I want you to regret it later!
"Miss, can you be gentle? The paper is torn by you, okay? We are going to get off work." The staff urged.

Bo Fangqing smiled apologetically at the staff, signed quickly, and immediately went to Pan Yanyan after finishing.

She came here on purpose because she found out that Pan Yanyan was here today.

She and Pan Yanyan were college classmates, and they had some kind of friendship. Pan Yanyan happened to like to listen to good words, and because she was good at flattering, Pan Yanyan would occasionally take her to participate in some celebrity events.

Pan Yanyan waited for her for a while, then impatiently called to urge her.

Bo Fangqing almost ran over here, afraid that Pan Yanyan would get angry.

When Bo Fangqing saw Pan Yanyan's Porsche, he was very upset.

Know that this is the difference between a real rich daughter and an adopted daughter.

People drive luxury cars at every turn, but what about me?
This Pan Yanyan is deeply loved by her family, she can get whatever she wants!And she has a big temper, somewhat similar to Bao Silan, she loves to be vain, as long as she is flattered, she will become frivolous.

Pan Yanyan didn't know the identity of Bo Fangqing's adopted daughter, if she knew, she would definitely not play with her.

As soon as Bo Fangqing sat in the passenger seat, Pan Yanyan gave up, "Sometimes, I think you really don't look like a rich man, why don't you even have a decent car? You still want to go back in my car! Now I'm participating again This kind of competition that doesn't fit your identity, I really don't understand you, women, you must know how to make good use of the resources at hand, rely on your father before you get married, and rely on your husband after you get married."

"Miss Pan, not everyone is as lucky as you." Bo Fangqing was not angry, "I can't use my talents to help the family. I like to shoot and want to prove to them that I am capable. The fun in this is not something you, a rich lady, can understand."

"Your father is only your daughter, so he should pamper you, but you live like you were picked up." Pan Yanyan sneered, "If I just find a rich man to marry, what career will I have? , How tiring! Come on, let’s stop talking to you, I’m going on a blind date.”

"You want to go on a blind date too? Miss Pan, you really went all out in order to marry a rich man." Bo Fangqing jokingly said, "And there are so many blind dates, I'm sure you'll be laughed to death if you tell me about it."

"I also know the soil, but my mother insists that I go, there is no way, I can't make any money, I have to rely on them." Pan Yanyan looked very unhappy, "Do you think I really go on a blind date? It's just Going through the formalities, the person I want to marry must be someone like your brother."

Pan Yanyan glanced at Bo Fangqing, as if hinting at something.

Bo Fangqing couldn't help laughing in his heart.

snort!You also want to marry my brother, in your next life!

In this life, only she is worthy to be his wife!

She naturally wouldn't show it, she got off the car tactfully, and was about to leave, when Pan Yanyan suddenly said to her, "Wait, my family has a banquet, promise, you must come then."

Pan Yanyan didn't give her a chance to refuse, she threw an invitation letter to her and left.

Bo Fangqing was not sure, the invitation letter fell on the ground, and Pan Yanyan's car left her face ashamed.

Bo Fangqing smiled and watched her car disappear in front of her eyes. Slowly, she suppressed the smile on her face until it was extremely cold.

Pan Yanyan, do you think I'm a dog?

It is so realistic between people.

Some people are born with a halo, and some people, in order to survive, rack their brains.

Before the age of 11, she had been living in an orphanage. In order to feed and clothe her, she learned to watch her face and look at her face and survive in the cracks.

Until she was adopted as a daughter by the Bo family, she thought that her life would undergo earth-shaking changes, but the reality is not like this... It is better to say that she is not so much the third miss of the Bo family.

In the eyes of outsiders, this third miss of the Bo family is so beautiful!

But the inferiority complex and uneasiness hidden deep in her bones made her suffer a lot, and she was always worrying about gains and losses, for fear that one day she would be beaten back to her original shape.

Grandma told her that one should not forget one's roots.

Her original name was Fang Qing, but after being adopted by the Bo family, she was called Bo Fangqing.

The eldest brother's name is Bo Shaolan, and the second brother's name is Bo Shaoyang, which is the Chinese character for "Shao". She should have been called "Bo Shaoqing", but grandma wouldn't give it to her.

When she thought of this question, she felt very depressed.

Once she overheard a conversation between grandma and Bai Rong, and her name was also mentioned.

She really heard grandma say that she was adopted after all.


Therefore, she has never been able to find a sense of belonging in Bo's family.

And why is she so determined to marry Bo Shaolan?
When she was first adopted, no one took her seriously, but Bo Shaolan held her hand and called her younger sister in public.

Because of her status, she also suffered from blind eyes and bullying at school. Bo Shaolan announced in public that she was his sister, and whoever bullied her would have trouble with him.

From then on, she regarded Bo Shaolan as her spiritual pillar, and followed his footsteps closely, wherever he went, she would go there.

Bo Fangqing swore in secret countless times.

She must be his wife.

Bo Fangqing slowly bent down to pick up the invitation letter, and secretly held it in his hand.

When Bo Shaolan returned home, it was already late at night.

In fact, he wanted to get off work early in the morning, and an important client asked him out in the evening, so he had to call Luo Xue to tell her not to wait for him, and he would come back very late.

However, when he came back...

Just as Bo Shaolan thought, she was waiting for him.

A faint yellow night light was turned on in the living room, and the warm light fell on the little woman lying on the sofa. She looked lazy and gentle, curled up like a cat. He couldn't help but slow down and walk towards him, afraid He would wake her up, then squat down in front of her, looking at her peaceful sleeping face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Luoxue is naturally beautiful, even without makeup, she is a rare beauty.

Bo Shaolan really wanted to touch her long black eyelashes, but he paused in mid-air, unable to do so.

Her black eyelashes trembled slightly, and the corners of her mouth raised slowly.

He really wants to know, does she have him in her dream?

What did she dream about?
He withdrew his hand and looked at his wife with a peaceful face, his eyes softened.

She is always like this, no matter how late he comes back, she always lights a way home for him.

A warm feeling slowly flowed through his heart.

Bo Shaolan walked into the room, took a blanket and gently covered her, and then went to take a bath.

In the past few years, without her, he forced himself to get used to that loneliness and loneliness until he became numb.

Now, she is back with him.

It felt wonderful.

Bo Shaolan finished her work, Luoxue was still sleeping.

What a lovely woman!As cute as a little pig.

Bo Shaolan couldn't help laughing, and went to pick her up, probably smelling a familiar smell, she rubbed against his embrace, and at the same time softly called out, "Shaolan..."

Bo Shaolan looked down, the woman slept soundly in his arms...

He smiled again.

What made him even more funny was that the little woman didn't want him to put her on the bed, her hands were tightly clutching his neck.

Bo Shaolan had no choice but to sleep on the bed with her, hugging her gently to fall asleep, and she immediately calmed down.

He looked down at the beauty in his arms, with a smile on his lips all the time, then he closed his eyes, wanting to walk into her dream and date her in the dream.

(End of this chapter)

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