Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 145 Encounter Miss Pan

Chapter 145 Encounter Miss Pan
"Zhou Xiaoyu, are you free? Let's go shopping."

Luoxue called and asked Zhou Xiaochun to go shopping.

Her foot injury had fully recovered, so Bo Shaolan dared to go to the company.

Once Bo Shaolan went to the company, there was no one to accompany her, and it was boring to stay in the apartment all day.

So Luoxue wanted to go out to get some fresh air.

"Okay." Zhou Xiaoyu agreed without hesitation.

She hadn't seen Luoxue for a while, and she wanted to rush over as soon as she knew Luoxue was injured.

But Bo Shaolan didn't allow her to come over.

What do you say, don't come and disturb the world of the two of them.

Zhou Xiaochun shouted that Bo Shaolan is too domineering!Tell him to simply tie Luoxue to the belt.

Luo Xue listened and smiled sweetly.

If Bo Shaolan really tied her to a belt, she would be happy too.

These few days, Bo Shaolan didn't let her do anything, and felt like she was going to be useless.

To put it bluntly, he spoiled her to heaven.

Bo Shaolan probably knew that she couldn't be trapped, so before going to the company, he told her not to drive.

At the same time, call the previous driver over and listen to her errands at any time, so that he can also know her whereabouts to avoid further injuries.

Luoxue and Zhou Xiaoyu made an appointment to meet at the old place, and Zhou Xiaoyu's topic of discussion could never escape the shameless mother and daughter.

"It's so embarrassing. Those mother and daughter are so shameless. They go out everywhere to show off and show off, as if no one will know about them. They even let out rumors that that nasty stepmother said that she must let her daughter marry Haishi. A wealthy family is Bo's young mistress! I heard that, and I almost laughed my big teeth off! I don't take care of myself? I want to marry my cousin and be my cousin! Xiaoxue, you, there is another one You have a rival in love, you have to be careful, your husband is so popular!" Zhou Xiaoyu said.

The wishful thinking person in Zhou Xiaoyu's mouth is Zhou Xiaoxi, who used to be called Chen Mei.

"By the way, the Pan family held a banquet, and that Chen Mei was arguing to go too. It's really embarrassing." Zhou Xiaoyu snorted again.

"Pan family banquet?" Luoxue asked, "Are you going then?"

"Nonsense! That Chen Mei wants to steal my limelight, how could I let her succeed?" Zhou Xiaozhen looked so excited.

"Okay, no one can change the fact that you are the eldest lady of the Zhou family, don't be angry! If you argue with them, you will only fall into their tricks." Luoxue comforted.

She had seen the shameless mother and daughter, and could see that they were ambitious people.

"And no matter how much they show off, they won't get any benefits. Your father won't be so stupid. Don't worry if you hand over the company to them! I think the more trouble you make with your father, the happier they will be."

"Of course I know, but I don't like them showing off their power in front of me. When I see them pretending all day, I want to curse..." Zhou Xiaochen said angrily.

She took Luoxue's hand and said, "The Pan family will definitely invite Bo Shaolan, and you must come then, otherwise your husband will be seduced by a vixen."

Luo Xue smiled.

In this regard, she still believed in Bo Shaolan.

Last night, Bo Shaolan mentioned this banquet to her and asked her to accompany him.

Bo Shaolan probably knew that she didn't want to go.

Knowing that she was also participating in the photography competition, he told her that the Pan family held a banquet this time just to gain popularity for that photography competition.

Because Pan Group is the biggest sponsor.

When Luo Xue heard this, she immediately agreed.

However, she also asked him hesitantly at that time, "Aren't you afraid that they will know my identity if you let me go with you?"

Bo Shaolan took her into his arms with pity, and said with shame: "Fool! How could you be afraid?"

"En." Luoxue didn't dare to ask any more questions.

I thought to myself, just let those unhappy things go with the wind!

But she didn't mention it, it doesn't mean that Bo Shaolan doesn't remember.

He patted her back and said, "I said before that you are not allowed to say that you are my wife outside, because I think you have changed and are no longer the you you used to be, so..."

"I have no other choice." Luo Xue said softly.

Because of her "forcedness", she sacrificed a "child".

"I will absolutely trust you in the future." Bo Shaolan said, his eyes flashed.

Going to forgive her.

Because he knew she was forced to...

"The one who doesn't believe me is the puppy." Luoxue blinked and said mischievously.

"I saved you once, how can you thank me?"

"I've promised you everything, what more do you want?"

"your heart."

"My heart has never changed, should I show it to you?" Luoxue said seriously, "Just now you said you believed me, but it turned out to be a lie."

Luoxue was not happy anymore.

"I was wrong, my wife, how about letting you punish me tonight?" Saying that, he kissed her.

"Xiaoxue, what's wrong with you? You look so lewd, oh? I understand..." Zhou Xiaoyu winked at her ambiguously.

This woman showed that tortured expression in front of her single dog.

It's so mind-blowing...

Luo Xue said angrily, "Have you finished drinking? We'll go shopping after drinking, and then we'll go to the Pan family's banquet together."

"This is the demeanor of Mrs. Bo!"

Then, Luoxue called the waiter over to pay the bill.

This Pan's family banquet was also the first time she and Bo Shaolan appeared together in front of the public, so she attached great importance to it, and she couldn't lose face to him, let alone the Bo family.

When Bo Shaolan wanted to customize a new dress for her, she immediately refused.

The dress he gave her last time has not been worn yet.

"I already have a new dress," she said.


"Anyway, there is." Luoxue deliberately played tricks.

She wanted to surprise Bo Shaolan, so she said this on purpose. When she spoke, there was a sly light in her eyes.

In fact, in Bo Shaolan's heart, she looks good no matter what.

Beauty is in a woman's eyes.

When they were shopping, Luoxue ran into that arrogant Miss Pan Yanyan again.

She took a fancy to a pair of earrings and was about to reach for them, but someone took it away before her.

Looking up, he was taken aback.

Unexpectedly, it was the same person.

Pan Yanyan played with the pair of earrings, looked Luoxue up and down, her eyes showed disdain, "Hmph! Don't you look at who you are? Are these earrings affordable for someone like you?"

Then he handed the earrings to the waiter and said that he wanted to try them on to see the effect.

Generally, the waiters in brand stores are low-minded, but Pan Yanyan is a show-off, everyone knows her, and she is a regular customer here.

The waiter saw that Luo Xue was dressed so plainly.

She had the same face as Pan Yanyan, but she almost didn't drive her away.

The waiter said to Luoxue, "I'm sorry, miss, this is an international brand chain store. Ms. Pan is our VIP customer here, and she is a person with status. We must serve her first. You can go to other stores to see, The things we have here are more expensive and may not be suitable for you."

Although Luoxue was angry, she just smiled lightly, not wanting to see them in the same way.

Pan Yanyan was even more proud, she let out a cold snort, and asked the waiter to try the effect on her, not forgetting to mock, "How dare a poor ghost come in here? I'm so overwhelmed!"

Luo Xue liked the pair of earrings very much, and thought of using them to match the dress.

But for a pair of earrings, it is worthless to get angry with them.

Just because she doesn't care, doesn't mean that Zhou Xiaochen doesn't care.

Zhou Xiaochun not only knew Pan Yanyan, but also had dealings with her.

"Oh? I thought it was an uneducated lady? It turned out to be Miss Pan, hi! It's been a long time." Zhou Xiaochen said with a smile.

This Pan Yanyan chased after her elder brother Zhou Chen before.

Pan Yanyan has an arrogant personality and a bad temper, but she is beautiful. Zhou Chen also liked her very much at first, and got along with her for a while.

But the good times didn't last long, because Pan Yanyan's temper was too big, Zhou Chen couldn't bear it, so he immediately dumped her and found a new love.

How could Pan Yanyan bear Zhou Chen treating her like this?She cried, made trouble and hanged herself three times, but Zhou Chen just refused to turn around, so she stalked her so hard that everyone knew about it.

There was a lot of noise.

When Pan Yanyan saw that it was Zhou Xiaoyu, she was even more disdainful. She raised her head high and said, "Who are you? Do I know you?"

"Why don't you know each other? Don't forget, you used to be arguing to be my sister-in-law." Zhou Xiaozhen deliberately exposed her sore spots.

"Who is going to be your sister-in-law? Bah!"

"I don't know who was trying to pester my brother with a shameless face at that time?"

Zhou Xiaoxuan and Pan Yanyan directly confronted each other, they refused to give in and demolished each other.

In the end, Pan Yanyan cast her anger directly on Luoxue.

Luo Xue was looking at another pair of earrings.

Pan Yanyan glanced sideways at Luoxue, and mocked, "I wonder if your family is going to close down? Why are you hanging out with a poor man?"

Zhou Xiaochen refuted her angrily, "Who is poor and doesn't know? Tell her identity, and you will be shocked."

"Cut." The disdain in Pan Yanyan's eyes grew stronger, thinking that Zhou Xiaoyu was just joking, she looked left and right in the mirror, and always felt that the pair of earrings were not as good as expected, and the color was too plain, which did not match her sexy and enchanting style. temperament.

(End of this chapter)

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