Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 152 They Will Pay The Price For This

Chapter 152 They Will Pay The Price For This

Seeing his daughter's miserable condition, although he felt distressed, he didn't dare to come forward to care about her. Instead, he begged Bo Shaolan pitifully: "We are the ones who have no way to teach our daughters, and we will definitely educate them when we go back. For the sake of cooperation, let them go."

Dong Ming walked over immediately and whispered something in Bo Shaolan's ear.

After hearing this, Bo Shaolan sneered, "I'm going to hear the news of the bankruptcy of these two companies tomorrow morning."

"Understood, Mr. Bo." Dong Ming replied.

The two middle-aged men were frightened and begged, "Mr. Bo, you have a lot of adults, and they are young and ignorant. Let them go, please."

"Teach them when I go back? Are they still young and ignorant? Hehe!" Bo Shaolan looked at them with a sneer, "It's a pity that it's too late. Since they dared to beat my wife, they have to pay for it. Give them a long memory, what will they know in the future?" People should be provoked, and who should not be provoked."

Everyone could not help but take a breath of cold air.

Unexpectedly, Bo Shaolan is a madman who spoils his wife.

"President Bo, please..."

"Mr. Bo, let us go..."

Bo Shaolan looked at them indifferently, and at the same time ordered Dong Ming: "Don't let me see these two people again!"

"Okay." Dong Ming replied.

The onlookers were even more arrogant and did not dare to take a breath. They knew Bo Shaolan's character well, and if they provoked him, it would mean that they would never recover.

Mr. Pan wanted to intercede for the two small bosses as the organizer, "Mr. Bo, this is a trivial matter. Let's make the trivial matter go away. Take a step back and let the sea and the sky go."

"A trivial matter?" Bo Shaolan snorted coldly, "Mr. Pan, they slandered and insulted Ou and beat my wife in public. If it were you, would you be able to swallow it?"

"Mr. Bo, you're right, you're right!" Mr. Pan said immediately, then laughed and evacuated the crowd, "Everyone continue to play, I didn't greet well, and I hope everyone will forgive me."

"Mr. Pan, how can such a high-end banquet be so mixed up? You want to increase your popularity, but you can't just let people in like this, make a good banquet a mess, and lower your status." Bo Shaolan snorted coldly.

"It's my fault, my fault." Being ridiculed by Bo Shaolan like this, Boss Pan couldn't hold back his face, so he could only respond with a chuckle.

Knowing that the two girls were called by his own daughter, he immediately called Pan Yanyan to apologize to Bo Shaolan.

For her own benefit, Pan Yanyan apologized to Luoxue: "Miss Bo, I'm sorry, my friend was too reckless and misunderstood you, please forgive me."

Luoxue almost habitually said it was okay, but Bo Shaolan managed to get justice for her. If she didn't know what to do and forgave them so quickly, wouldn't that be an embarrassment to her husband?
She just looked at her and said nothing.

"Miss Bo, don't you hold grudges? If I suspect it's you, when you were chatting with Mr. Qin in the rest area, you rushed over early in the morning with my personality, so why do I need others to stand up for me?" Pan Yanyan Said meaningfully.

Luoxue's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately took a look at Bo Shaolan, only to find that his expression was the same.

She didn't know, would he be angry after hearing Pan Yanyan's words?She did chat with Qin Jingfeng again.

This Pan Yanyan really has bad intentions.

Seeing Bo Shaolan's indifference, Pan Yanyan couldn't help but be surprised. Doesn't it matter to him that his wife flirts with other men?Didn't it mean that Bo Shaolan had a weird temper?She was really surprised that he doted on his wife so much.

"Miss Pan..." Luoxue just wanted to explain.

But Bo Shaolan interrupted her. He stared at Pan Yanyan coldly: "Miss Pan, I hope you can remember this time. Don't provoke my wife easily, or don't blame me for protecting my weaknesses!"

"Bo Shaolan, I..." Pan Yanyan was warned in public, how could she bear it? If Boss Pan hadn't stopped her in time, she would have lost her temper in public.

"Boss Pan, I'm leaving." Bo Shaolan said flatly.

"Mr. Bo, I've caused you trouble this time, please Haihan." Mr. Pan said with a smile on his face.

Bo Shaolan ignored her, looked at Luoxue's sprained foot, stretched out his big hand, and hugged her horizontally, everyone sighed.

Qin Jingfeng went out just now and didn't see Luoxue being bullied, but when he walked in, he happened to see Bo Shaolan carrying Luoxue out.

However, he knew the general idea of ​​this matter from the whispered conversations of others.

When Bo Shaolan passed by him, he didn't look at him at all, with an arrogant expression, just like back then.

As soon as they left, the crowd dispersed almost as well.

The two middle-aged men went to Mr. Pan for help, hoping that he could help them out.

Boss Pan shook his head and said, "I'm helpless too. You all know Bo Shaolan's temper. I still have to behave according to his face. You can do it yourself."

Mr. Pan remembered that at the auction, the host wanted to talk to him in public, but the next day, the host was directly kicked out by the brokerage company.

Bo Shaolan's ruthless methods are indeed daunting.

Those two girls who "voluntarily volunteered" now begged Pan Yanyan pitifully: "Yanyan, please help us, we are also trying to help you out."

Pan Yanyan sneered coldly, "I mean she stole it, but I didn't tell you to go and find her to settle the score. It's because you didn't have a good brain, but now you come here to blame me? Because of you two, my family's reputation has been greatly damaged, and the gains outweigh the losses. If you still dare to cry in front of me, get out of here immediately! Get out as far as you can!"

The two girls were stunned.

Bo Fangqing watched coldly.

Bo Shaolan didn't look at her the whole time, she was so angry that she clenched her fists so hard that her nails were almost embedded in her flesh.

Although Luoxue was humiliated, she still couldn't be happier.

She faintly felt that everything she did was to humiliate herself, and it was just to prove that Bo Shaolan loved that woman more.

She touched the contents of the bag and pulled out a wry smile.

Pan Yanyan snorted coldly and left.

When she came to the corner, someone suddenly reached out and stopped her.

When she saw that it was Qin Jingfeng, she couldn't help raising the corner of her mouth, "Boss Qin, what are you doing? Don't you want to confess your love to me?"

"Miss Pan, you really know how to joke." Qin Jingfeng smiled lightly.

"Could it be that Mr. Qin also wants to be a hero to save the beauty?" Pan Yanyan laughed.

Qin Jingfeng smiled lightly: "Miss Pan is really smart, I do have a few words to tell you."


"Miss Pan, don't provoke Xiaoxue in the future, she has a pure heart, which is different from yours." Qin Jingfeng said.

When Pan Yanyan heard this, she was furious. "You mean to say I'm vicious?"

"Whatever you think, in short, stay away from her!" Qin Jingfeng looked at her lightly, "Otherwise, you understand."

"Don't think I don't know, you like that married woman."

"It's my business."

"She's Bo Shaolan's wife, aren't you afraid of getting into trouble? I don't understand, what's so good about her? You're so concerned about a white lotus flower, it's one thing on the surface, but another thing behind the scenes. I feel disgusted when I see it. "Pan Yanyan sneered.

"In my heart, she is always the most perfect."

"Qin Jingfeng, you are incredible."

"Miss Pan, I hope you can remember my warning!"

"Qin Jingfeng!"

Pan Yanyan was so angry that she wanted to hit him with her bag, but Qin Jingfeng had already walked away.

She couldn't figure it out, how could Luoxue compare to her?It actually made two superb men fascinated.

The most hateful thing is that she is already Bo Shaolan's wife, and she can still win Qin Jingfeng's heart.

The man she fell in love with at first sight.

Even if you get married, you have to grab a man from her.

Pan Yanyan hated Luoxue very much.

The more she hated Luoxue, the happier Bo Fangqing was.

Bo Fangqing stood not far away and looked at them, like a ghost hiding in the darkness, with a sinister smile.

The reason why she was able to successfully provoke Pan Yanyan's jealousy and anger.

This is due to the fact that she knows clichés, and usually she likes to chat with Pan Yanyan on WeChat when she has nothing to do.

One day, Pan Yanyan excitedly said to her: "I finally met the person I fell in love with at first sight, and I will marry him in the future."

After inquiring curiously, she found out that the person Pan Yanyan fell in love with at first sight was...

Qin Jingfeng.

At that time, she looked at the three words on the screen of the mobile phone and laughed for a full minute.

Later, Pan Yanyan told her a lot about how handsome Qin Jingfeng is, how gentle and considerate, how she likes him...

He also said: "I have waited for so many years, and finally I have the man I want to marry. No matter what, I will pursue him."

Pan Yanyan has already experienced a lot of battles in terms of relationships, but when Qin Jingfeng is mentioned, she is still as shy as a girl, full of longing for the future...

Her former boyfriends couldn't stand her fiery temper, so she had long wanted to change her taste and find a gentle and considerate man to spoil her for the rest of her life.

Originally, she thought that a gentle and considerate man like Qin Jingfeng had long been a celebrity, so she sent someone to investigate, but to her surprise, he had never been in a relationship.

She was literally ecstatic.

But she didn't know that the reason why Qin Jingfeng was so gentle and delicate was all due to Luoxue. He had cared for Luoxue's growth tenderly and delicately since he was a child, so he slowly developed that kind of gentle and careful character.

It wasn't until after Luo Xue and Bo Shaolan fell in love that he quietly moved behind the scenes.

Tonight, Pan Yanyan knew that Qin Jingfeng would also be coming, and she was still thinking about how to confess her feelings to him, and then become his girlfriend in an open and honest manner.

Although the Qin family is not as good as the Bo family, it is not bad, but after inquiring about Qin Jingfeng's various backgrounds, he feels that his overall qualifications are very good, and the more he inquires, the more he likes him.

I thought she was good-looking, and she was an only child. It would be a gold mine for any man to marry her. I thought that Qin Jingfeng would also like her.

It's rare for her to be in love once, so she couldn't wait to find someone to talk to.

It just so happened that the person she was looking for to confide in was Bo Fangqing.

After Bo Fangqing knew her secret, she was happier than her.

"Haha, Pan Yanyan, you are my bosom friend."

So, a plan came to my mind.

Tonight, her plan was carried out very successfully, she didn't care if Luo Xue was embarrassed or not.

What she wanted was for Luoxue to have another powerful enemy like Pan Yanyan.

(End of this chapter)

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