Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 157 Why did you insist on me?

Chapter 157 Why insist on me?
Since Bo Shaolan came in a hurry and didn't have dinner, the chef in the temple made dinner for him specially.

Bo Fangqing said that he had been sleeping all the time and missed the dinner time, so he asked the chef to make an extra portion.

Old lady Bo and Fang Haihua went to the kitchen to have dinner with Bo Shaolan.

Old Madam Bo told Bai Rong to invite Bo Silan over.

After a while, Bai Rong came over to report: "Madam, Miss Si Lan said she was a little dizzy, but she won't come."

"Forget it, let her go." Mrs. Bo said.

Bao Silan was deliberately trying to hold back his anger, and the angry old lady suspected her, saying that she was the one who caused Luo Xue.

When Mrs. Bo went to ask Bo Silan about this matter in person.

Bao Silan was stunned at first, and then immediately flew into a rage: "Mom, do I, Bao Silan, seem to be the kind of person who can't see the light? I really want to hurt her, and I will never sneak around! It will definitely be a big scene! Mom , you are too eccentric, do you still have my daughter in your eyes now!"

After finishing speaking, she yelled that she couldn't stay here any longer and wanted to drive back immediately, saying that she had had enough of this kind of uselessness.

After listening to Mrs. Bo, she understood.

Having a daughter in her later years, Bo Silan was brought up spoiled and spoiled, so she developed such a spoiled personality.

The old lady Bo was also very upset.

But she is well aware of her daughter's temperament, although she is sometimes unreasonable and willful, but she acts openly and aboveboard, dares to do something, and will never sneak around.

If it wasn't for Bo Silan.

Then it is...

The old lady Bo already had the answer in her heart.

Bo Fangqing has been very quiet these days, so quiet that he almost ignores her.

After dinner, Bo Fangqing was about to go back to the room, but was stopped by the old lady Bo: "Fang Qing, walk with grandma for a while."

Bo Fangqing nodded obediently, and went to help the old lady Bo out, without any abnormality on her face.

She helped the old lady Bo to walk slowly down the corridor without saying a word.

Suddenly, a cat rushed out quickly, followed by the sound of hurried footsteps.

A monk came after them with a broom. When he saw them, he stopped immediately, gave a salute, and apologized: "The two female benefactors were shocked. I'm really sorry. The wild cat that ran out just now was really a headache. I rescued it back in the back mountain, thinking that after a period of time, it would become more and more intimate. As a result, it always ran into the kitchen and trampled on the ingredients. No matter how you raised it, it couldn’t be raised. ..."

"No defense." Mrs. Bo said.

The monk immediately went after the stray cat again.

The old lady Bo quietly watched the monk and the wild cat disappear before her eyes...

Then, she turned her head, looked at Bo Fangqing, and asked meaningfully: "Fang Qing, do you know why that wild cat can't be raised?"

Bo Fangqing thought for a while, and then replied: "Grandma, it's because... that wild cat has such a natural nature. It's used to being wild. Naturally, it's not as obedient as a house cat."

The old lady Bo smiled slightly when she heard this. "Well, that makes sense."

Bo Fangqing was taken aback for a moment, and looked at the old lady Bo.

When she met Mrs. Bo's sharp eyes like a knife, she suddenly understood.

"After all, it's a wild cat picked up halfway. It's understandable that it can't change its stubbornness for a while. I don't expect it to repay the favor in the future, but at least it can't bite the benefactor back. It was saved by the benefactor and raised with good intentions. Provide it with food, drink and shelter, keep it from fear, and keep it safe for three meals, but it still can't change the bad nature buried deep in its body, why? Because it is a wild cat after all, this is a fact that can never be changed."

Sure enough.

"Like the wild cat just now, it's fine if it's wild, as long as it doesn't cause trouble, but it just doesn't know what's good or bad." At the end of the old lady Bo's words, her tone became a little more serious, and she looked at Bo Fangqing suddenly.

Bo Fangqing was shocked by her sharp eyes.

Bo Fangqing pursed her lips tightly, her heart pierced like a knife. Usually she can bear it the most, but tonight she suddenly couldn't help it, and asked: "Grandma, are you trying to say that I am like that wild cat? That I don't know To repay your kindness, do you want to bite your benefactor back? The Bo family adopted me back halfway, providing me with food, drink and a place to live, but I don't know what to do?"

The old lady Bo looked calm, and her expression was as normal as usual, "You are really smart and have a high level of understanding. Since you understand what grandma said, you should also remember what grandma said. Sometimes you are clever but you are misunderstood by cleverness."

"Grandma, after so many years, you still don't think I'm your granddaughter." Bo Fangqing couldn't help but complain, "Why did you insist that it was me?"

The old lady Bo looked at her and said calmly, "Although grandma is old, her heart is not old."

Bo Fangqing sneered, "Then why didn't you expose me in public? Instead, you pointed at Sang and scolded Huai. In the final analysis, you look down on me from the bottom of your heart and think that I am not worthy to be your granddaughter, because I am a bastard, a bastard who cannot be raised. It’s like when I took your beloved jade bracelet when I was young, you knew I took it, but you didn’t punish me. If the older brother did something wrong, you would punish him to kneel down for a day and a night, but you treat me differently, Because I was adopted."

"Why don't you tell the eldest brother? I killed his wife tonight and tried to drown his wife. Anyway, everything I did is dirty and shameful in your eyes. You shouldn't know? Auction On the night of the party, my aunt beat my sister-in-law in the bathroom and sent her to the hospital. Why didn't you investigate and blame her? And what about my elder brother? At the Pan family banquet, he not only beat her in public, but also You didn't blame him for ruining other people's companies? You came to blame me because I'm a bastard."

The old lady Bo was a little surprised that she would think so.

As soon as the child was adopted, her first impression was that he was definitely a child with impure thoughts.

Mrs. Bo has seen countless people in her life, plus she believes in Buddhism, is dedicated to goodness, and values ​​affection, so her children and grandchildren are all empathetic and kind-hearted people.

Although Bao Silan is tricky and savage, he has a degree and will never harm others for no reason.

I thought that Bo Fangqing would gradually become kind under his own nurturing.

But she was still disappointed.

Just now when Bo Fangqing mentioned the jade bracelet, Bo Fangqing was only 13 years old at that time.

She was still young at that time, and it was normal to be playful. That afternoon, Bo Fangqing ran into old lady Bo's room to play, and secretly took away old lady Bo's jade bracelet. If she made a bad impression, she refused to admit it to the death, and instead relied on a servant's daughter.

If Bai Rong hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she might have passed the test.

At first, Bo Fangqing ran into the old lady Bo's room, just looking around, not daring to move.

But after a while she started rummaging through things. Mrs. Bo has many treasures, especially the jade bracelet, which was left to her by Mrs. Bo's mother. It is very old and valuable.

The old lady Bo has always regarded it as a treasure.

Bo Fangqing played with it in her hand for a while, looked around and found no one, so she secretly put it in her pocket, and then went out as if nothing had happened.

Later, Bai Rong told the old lady Bo and asked her, but she refused to admit it and was still relying on a servant's daughter.

The old lady Bo kept giving her the opportunity to admit her mistakes, but Bo Fangqing refused to admit it even if she died.

The old lady Bo fired the servant just to protect her, because she was the third miss of the Bo family.

The servant was fired for no reason, and her daughter was wrongly accused of being a thief. Naturally, she refused to accept it. She deliberately stopped Bo Fangqing and asked: "Miss San, it is obvious that you took the old lady's jade bracelet, why did you slander her?" What about my daughter? My daughter doesn't even know that the old lady's room is in, she has been playing in the garden, how can she steal the old lady's jade bracelet?"

At that time, Bo Fangqing looked at the servant with a superior posture, and said, "Steal, steal, why are you so cunning? If you know your mistakes, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it."

That night, Bai Rong called her to Mrs. Bo.

The old lady Bo didn't look at her, but lifted the lid of the tea, slowly blew the hot tea in the cup, asked her to take out the jade bracelet, and said that knowing the mistakes can be corrected, and there is nothing good about it.

At that time, when Bo Fangqing heard it, how did this sound familiar?
She was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground and said that she would not dare anymore.

Only then did she know that in the Bo family, nothing could escape the old lady Bo's eyes.

She had no choice but to take out the jade bracelet obediently, saying that she knew she was wrong, and she would never dare again.

The old lady Bo didn't say anything anymore, and waved her out.

She was not punished, but felt uncomfortable, feeling that Mrs. Bo didn't treat herself as one of her own.

In fact, Grandma Bo was well aware of her inner inferiority complex, so she didn't punish her severely because she cared about her fragile self-esteem.

Knowing that she had lived in a crowd of good and bad people since she was a child, her hands and feet must not be very clean. I wanted to teach her slowly, but in the end, it made her bear a grudge.

The environment can change a person, but when Fangqing was adopted, she was already ten years old, and some bad habits had already been deeply rooted in her heart. In addition to her extreme personality, she was easy to think wrong.

The difference between her and Bo Silan is: Bo Silan dares to act boldly, while Bo Fangqing will only try his best to cover up his mistakes.

"Grandma, did I hit the mark? You have nothing to say." Bo Fangqing couldn't help but sneered again.

In fact, she regretted exposing her true feelings just now.

But now that the words have been spoken, she has nothing to fear.

Because these years, she has endured so much pain and tiredness, living like walking on eggshells every day, she has had enough.

The old lady Bo said unhurriedly: "It is true that there is nothing to say. Our Bo family has treated you with the utmost benevolence. After more than ten years, you still haven't changed. That's your own problem, but I I have to give you a reminder, if you have crooked thoughts in the future, don't blame me for being disregarded. Your little aunt is a stickler, you can fool her, but you can't fool me. Your mother doesn't think she is gentle and virtuous, but she is very clear in her heart. She is clear about everything you have done. And Shaolan, who is the person he loves, I don’t need to say more, so put away your evil thoughts and be an honest person, otherwise, you will really regret it in the future The person is you."

Bo Fangqing stared at the old lady Bo, gnashing her teeth with hatred.

It turned out that everything she thought and did could not be hidden from the old woman, but the old woman never said anything, but watched her make a fool of herself.

She cursed in her heart: Damn old woman!One day I will take all of your life.

It turned out that it was no longer a secret that she liked eldest brother.

(End of this chapter)

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