Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 161 Qiao Ge Appears

Chapter 161 Qiao Ge Appears

During the time they reconciled, she lived so happily that she almost forgot the existence of that three-year engagement.

Will he...will he forget?

Those unbearable past events, and those problems between them...

Don't you really need to think about it?
Luoxue sighed lightly.

I thought to myself: Forget it, let’s live one day at a time.

As long as he doesn't mention the three-year agreement, she won't even mention it.

Zhou Xiaochen had a great time during this period, he said he was going to visit the romantic city of Paris, and it would take him half a month.

When I returned home, I brought her a lot of presents...everything.

Looking at the pile of presents, Luoxue blushed, and asked Zhou Xiaoyu to put them away quickly, and shouted: "Zhou Xiaoyu, why did you come back with so many messy things? If Brother Zhou Chen finds out, he will definitely beat you to death..."

If her family saw this thing, it would be as simple as two eyes glowing...

And she might be in trouble.

In fact, Zhou Xiaochun went abroad to play for half a month suddenly, also to escape marriage.

Because her father kept forcing her to go on blind dates.

And Zhou Xiaochun didn't want to treat his life's event as a transaction, so he decided to fight to the end.

After spending half a month abroad, her bank card was suddenly frozen by Zhou's father, and she had to run back in despair.

In the middle of the chat, Zhou Xiaoyu suddenly stopped the smile and said solemnly: "Xiaoxue, there is one thing I don't know whether I should say it or not?"

"What?" Luo Xue was startled.

What made it so mysterious?Scared her.

"I met her."

Luoxue's heart suddenly rose.

"Joe song."

Sure enough it was her!

The skin care products on Luoxue's hand fell to the ground with a clang.

Zhou Xiaoyu immediately apologized to her: "I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, I also thought about it for a long time before I decided to tell you."

Luoxue bent down to pick up the skin care products, smiled and shook her head, "It's okay... is she doing well?"

"She seems to be doing well. She has become a singer. She is well-known in Luo country. She even held a solo concert. She has become more beautiful and has a better figure...I didn't expect that she would become a singer, but There is nothing she can't do with someone with her personality, huh? You have also stayed in Luo Country for a few years, why haven't you heard of her?"

"No." Luoxue thought of her four years in Luo Country. Apart from studying, she only worked part-time to earn living expenses. She didn't even have time to sleep. How could she have time to pay attention to other things?
"I bought a ticket for her solo concert by accident. She sang beautifully. There was an English song that she composed when she was in college. I remember telling us when we composed that song that she I want to be a singer! I want to make that song popular... I never thought she would do it." Zhou Xiaochun said with emotion.

After listening to it quietly, Luoxue said, "The English song is called "To Girlfriends". At that time, she told us that the three of us should 'never leave or leave' as it says in the lyrics..."

"I was quite surprised when I heard her sing that song. This woman was the first to abandon us and destroy your relationship with my cousin. She doesn't deserve to sing that song. If it wasn't for the fact that the ticket is a bit small For the sake of being expensive, I wouldn't watch her concert from beginning to end. Unexpectedly, as soon as the concert was over, she came off the stage to look for me. She probably recognized me on stage. I didn't want to talk to her, but she called my name loudly in public, asked the security guard to stop me, invited me to the backstage to talk about the old days, and asked me about your situation." Zhou Xiaoyu croaked.

"You asked me about my situation?" Luo Xue was a little surprised.

"Yes. At that time, I really wanted to slap her a few times. This woman is really shameless. How dare she ask about your situation? I scolded her, but she was not angry. She even told me with a smile that Xiaoxue was her best friend. People who can't let go..."

When Zhou Xiaoyu said the last sentence, his voice was so low that he could hardly hear it, as if he was afraid that Luoxue would not be able to bear it.

She knew how much Qiao Ge had hurt Luo Xue.

Over the years, Qiao Ge was born in Luoxue's heart like a malignant tumor, which could break out at any time, and it might even be fatal.

Every time Luoxue mentioned what Qiao Ge did to her, she would be sad for several days, as if she had lost her soul, as if she was stupid.

But Zhou Xiaochen couldn't help but tell her.

It can be regarded as a reminder to her, in case Qiao Ge comes back to destroy the relationship between her and Bo Shaolan, maybe she can make perfect preparations in advance?
But Zhou Xiaochun knew Luoxue too well.

Even if Luoxue made perfect preparations, she would never be Qiao Ge's opponent.

Qiao Ge is a thousand-year-old vixen who is sophisticated, while Luo Xue is a little white sheep who is ready to be slaughtered.

"Did she say she was going back to China?" Luo Xue took a deep breath and asked a question that she least wanted to ask.

She is like a female martyr who regards death as home, if the enemy comes, she will defend her territory from being invaded to the death.

"She didn't say that." Zhou Xiaochen replied truthfully.

"Don't be scared by her. It's been five years since that happened. If my cousin had her in his heart, they would have been together long ago, and it wouldn't be your turn to be his wife. Don't scare yourself! If My cousin really loves her, and he wouldn't let her go back then, I heard that Mrs. Bo gave her a sum of money, so she sent her away like this."

"In short, you must not be as cowardly as you were back then."

Luoxue nodded. "Yep."

Qiao Ge, just as Zhou Xiaochen said, Qiao Ge is indeed like a malignant tumor growing in her heart, and it may be fatal once it attacks.

Qiao Ge, who used to be her best girlfriend, even though she hurt herself, she still can't forget their good time.

"She's doing well, so I'm relieved."

Before that unbearable incident happened, even Zhou Xiaoyu couldn't help being jealous of her friendship with Qiao Ge.

Afterwards, even if Qiao Ge slandered her and said everything was false.

She still can't forget.

Zhou Xiaoyu said: "She must be happier than you. She is a woman who wants to get her goal by any means. There is nothing she dare not do. However, she is also considered to be very good. She can make a name for herself abroad. There is no one else but her. .”

After that, Luoxue was silent for a while.

They chatted about other topics, and then Zhou Xiaozhen said that she was going back to teach the mother and daughter a lesson, saying that when she was not at home, they always smeared her in front of her father.

Luo Xue advised her not to be impulsive.

Zhou Xiaoyu said angrily that she couldn't swallow that breath, and had to beat the mother and daughter to the point of death.

Luoxue shook her head, and found that since Baiman married into Zhou's family, Zhou Xiaoyu became more and more impatient, and no longer cared about her image as a rich daughter.

After Zhou Xiaochun left, Luoxue felt depressed and wanted to go out to relax.

At this moment, her heart is very chaotic.

The evening breeze blows, people come and go on the road, and the weather is too hot during the day, so people choose to come out to play at night.

The night was so beautiful, Luoxue walked aimlessly.

The driver followed her secretly. This was Bo Shaolan's order, saying that she should not be allowed to go out alone to avoid accidents.

Bo Shaolan became more and more worried about her, this little girl was too weak, no matter where she went, she would always be the target of others' bullying.

Luoxue only thought about one thing: Qiao Ge, what will happen to Shaolan when she appears?
After listening to Zhou Xiaoyu's description, she could picture Qiao Ge's current appearance in her mind.

She is sexy and enchanting, with a variety of styles, and turns all beings upside down. Thousands of fans are crazy for her in the audience.

She is indeed a very attractive woman.

After five years of absence, she finally appeared.

If she returns to China, how will Bo Shaolan choose?
Choose her?Or choose Qiao Ge?
She remembered that time, Bo Shaolan called in her dream, Qiao Ge, don't go!

Because she loved him so much, she was so worried about it.

Sometimes, she even suspected that Bo Shaolan didn't really love her, but married her to revenge Qiao Ge.

Before, he said that she was his favorite person.

But he was with Qiao Ge...

Saying that he doesn't love herself, it doesn't seem like it. During this period of time, their deep affection is definitely not acting.

Bo Shaolan is not the kind of man who is glib and loves to play with his emotions.

If he really loves Qiao Ge, why did he let Qiao Ge go abroad?Even if grandma forced Qiao Ge to go abroad, without his acquiescence, would Qiao Ge be able to go abroad?

He and Qiao Ge were about to get married, but because of the loss of their child, they parted ways.

There are too many things... She can't figure it out even if she thinks about it.

She couldn't help thinking of Bo Shaoyang again.

I said silently in my heart: Brother Shaoyang, Qiao Ge may be coming back, how about you?When will you come back?
The night scenery of Haishi is breathtakingly beautiful, but she has no intention of appreciating it.

She called the driver and asked him to take her home.

In order not to let Luoxue know that he was following her, the driver drove over to pick her up after 15 minutes.

After sending Luoxue back to the apartment, the driver immediately reported Luoxue's situation to Bo Shaolan.

The driver said: "Eldest Young Master, Eldest Young Mistress has been worrying and frowning since she went out tonight. Oh, and also, Miss Zhou came to see her this afternoon."

Bo Shaolan was going to a party tonight, so he called Luoxue to let her eat by herself instead of waiting for him to eat.

He watched the night passing by outside the window, his expression gradually became serious.

He asked, "Zhou Xiaochun?"

The driver said, "Yes, Zhou Xiaochun."

"Are they upset?"

"Probably not. When Zhou Xiaochen left the apartment, the young lady sent her to the parking lot, reluctant to part."

"Understood." Bo Shaolan ended the call without asking any further questions.

Afterwards, Bo Shaolan fell into deep thought.

Luoxue doesn't have many friends, she only keeps in touch with Zhou Xiaochen, they are best friends who talk about everything.

Could it be that Zhou Xiaochun told her something?
Or is Luo Wenxun playing tricks again?
Bo Shaolan suddenly remembered something, and asked Dong Ming, "How's the progress of the thing I asked you to do last time?"

Dong Ming replied while driving: "It went very smoothly, Boss, don't worry, the Luo family didn't notice it at all."

"Well, take care of this matter." Dong Ming has always been at ease when he handles affairs.

Bo Shaolan swipe the screen with his fingertips and turn to the memo.

They confessed that the anniversary was approaching.

In the past, she would celebrate their confession anniversary every year.

It is very interesting to talk about the anniversary of their confession.

The car drove slowly through a street, and Bo Shaolan suddenly asked Dong Ming to stop.

(End of this chapter)

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