Long marriage: thin and super powerful

Chapter 164 Why did she bleed profusely?

Chapter 164 Why did she bleed profusely?
It just so happened that Lin Ya had an acquaintance here, so she immediately called the attending gynecologist she knew.

The doctor rushed over quickly, and immediately arranged for Luoxue to examine her.

Bo Shaolan was rushed outside the door to wait. He paced back and forth outside, pulling his hair irritably, blaming himself for his carelessness, but he didn't notice anything strange about her.

What would he do if something happened to her?
Lin Ya looked at him from the side, but didn't dare to go forward to comfort him.

At this moment, it was the first time she saw Bo Shaolan who was so panicked that he lost his sense of proportion.

The expression looked so painful and upset, pacing up and down outside, like ants on a hot pot.

The inspection was finally over, and as soon as the door opened, Bo Shaolan rushed over and asked, "What's wrong with my wife?"

"We gave your wife a painkiller injection to stop the bleeding. She has fallen asleep and is now on a drip. The detailed inspection report will come out in an hour. Your wife is weak and has so much menstrual blood just now. We We are also investigating the cause," the doctor said.

Upon hearing this, Bo Shaolan asked nervously, "Is it serious?"

"Don't worry, we'll wait until the examination report comes out." The doctor didn't dare to make a conclusion, and analyzed with him, "Some patients catch cold during their menstrual period, which can also cause dysmenorrhea, and your wife is bleeding heavily this time. Preliminary speculation, it may be related to what she ate."

"Before my wife suffered from a cold and was hospitalized, but after that we paid great attention to diet and maintenance. I don't understand why she suddenly bleeds so much this time?" Bo Shaolan said.

The doctor said: "Your wife is weak and the palace is cold. Apart from eating raw and cold food, you should also avoid taking contraceptive pills."

Bo Shaolan thought for a while. "She hasn't taken contraceptive pills recently. The doctor said before that her uterus is cold and her uterus is damaged, so she can't touch that thing, and she hasn't taken it again."

"Has she taken contraceptive pills? We'll have to wait for the inspection report to find out. In this case, your wife needs to be hospitalized for observation for a few days before further examination," the doctor said.

Bo Shaolan frowned.

Could it be that she is taking birth control pills?

When she was hospitalized last time, the doctor specially ordered that if she takes the contraceptive pill again, maybe...

His fist squeezed violently.

His face was terribly cold.

Lin Ya walked over and asked cautiously, "Mr. Bo, do you want me to go back and get the young lady's change of clothes?"

But Bo Shaolan said: "I'll go back and get it! You stay here and take care of her."

Although Lin Ya was puzzled, she didn't ask any more questions, for fear of crossing the minefield, she nodded and said, "Understood, Boss."

Bo Shaolan left with a sullen face, walked quickly, and then drove back to the apartment, speeding all the way.

He went back, just want to confirm one thing.

I want to prove that the woman lied to him!
He couldn't wait to know, had she taken any medicine during this time?
He wished she hadn't!

Last time, the doctor told her again and again that she must never take that medicine again. If she took it again, the consequences would be disastrous...

She knows her own situation, so she won't make fun of her body, right?
However, he was completely disappointed.

In a locked drawer, he found a bottle of long-term birth control pills.

His brain exploded with a bang.

It turned out that she didn't want to give birth to him.

Therefore, secretly eating contraceptives, or long-term.

He held the bottle of medicine tightly, like holding a bomb, and the next second, he was going to blow himself up to pieces.

With trembling hands, he opened the bottle of medicine and saw that half of it was gone.

My heart instantly became cold.

No wonder he didn't take any safety measures during this time, but she wasn't pregnant.

It turned out that she had been secretly contraceptive.

His mother and grandma kept urging them to have children, and sent them all kinds of supplements and soups, but she trampled on their good intentions.

Bo Shaolan slammed the medicine bottle on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Luoxue! You're so cruel! Playing with me and my family like this!"

His fists were clenched.

Pills scattered all over the floor rolled around.

His heart felt as if he had been stabbed violently, and blood spattered everywhere.

Luoxue, are you taking revenge on me?
Luoxue woke up leisurely, and a smell of disinfectant came over her. She looked around and knew that she was hospitalized again.

Lin Ya sat aside and typed on the computer.

Seeing that she woke up, he immediately put down the computer and asked with concern: "Eldest young mistress, are you awake? Are you feeling better?"

"It's better." Luo Xue nodded.

She subconsciously searched for that familiar figure, but she couldn't find him, so she asked, "Where's him?"

Lin Ya replied: "Mr. Bo has returned to the company, young mistress, take a good rest."

"Okay." Luoxue wanted to sit up.

Lin Ya went to help her immediately.

"Eldest young mistress, come, take your medicine." Lin Ya poured a glass of warm water and handed over the medicine at the same time.

"Thank you."

Just after taking the medicine, the doctor opened the door and came in, and reported her medical records, "Mrs. Bo, your hemorrhage this time has something to do with the contraceptive pills you usually take."

Luo Xue was startled, and couldn't help frowning: "I haven't eaten for a while, it's been almost two months, I can swear, could it be that you misdiagnosed it?"

"is it?"


"If you doubt our diagnosis, we can give you another detailed examination tomorrow morning."

Luo Xue responded, "Okay."

Luoxue was very puzzled.

She hadn't taken the medicine for almost two months, but the doctor said that the hemorrhage had something to do with the contraceptive pill.

They must have misdiagnosed.

Bo Shaolan had instructed Lin Ya to report to him as soon as Luoxue's physical examination report came out.

Lin Ya found an excuse and went out to call Bo Shaolan.

Bo Shaolan didn't go back to the company, but drank in Jinbihuanghuang, Yin Chengfeng and the others were there.

Lin Yahui reported: "Mr. Bo, the report came out. The doctor said that the young lady took the contraceptive pill, but the young lady said no."


Bo Shaolan was drinking and listening to the phone with an irritable expression, and he unbuttoned two buttons of his shirt.

After listening to Lin Ya's report, he drank the wine in his hand, his expression became a bit stern, and he asked in a cold voice, "Did she really say that?"

"Yes, Mr. Bo. The doctor also suggested that the young lady should have a reexamination tomorrow."

"En." Bo Shaolan responded and hung up the phone.

Lin Ya put away her phone and expressed her doubts.

When he carried the youngest mistress to the hospital, he was as nervous as if the youngest mistress was terminally ill.

But now, he suddenly made a 180-degree turn and ignored the young mistress.

A man's heart, a sea needle.

What the hell is going on?
Lin Ya sighed.

She went to the pharmacy to get the medicine, and just as she reported Luoxue's name, a woman next to her suddenly sneered and asked, "Luoxue's medicine?"

Lin Ya looked sideways at the woman.

This is a sexy and stylish woman.

The woman stared at the name on the medicine bag she just took out, Lin Ya immediately put it away vigilantly, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Hmph." The woman snorted coldly and left.

Lin Ya looked at the woman inexplicably for a while, then walked back to the ward with the medicine.

That woman is Zhou Xiaoxi.

She came here for a reexamination. She accidentally had her boyfriend's child. Knowing that the other party was just playing with her, she quietly aborted the child.

Unexpectedly, "good things" happened to her.

Ever since she found out that Bo Shaolan had married a wife, she was so unconvinced that she sent someone with a lot of money to investigate Luoxue.

It took a lot of effort before she dug out the past of the three of them, Bo Shaolan, Luoxue, and Qiaoge.

At the same time, I also know that there was a child before Luoxue.

She even found out that Bo Fangqing liked Bo Shaolan.

After learning about those crazy things, Zhou Xiaoxi had a trick in his heart.

Baiman once said that it doesn't matter whether a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

So, she used Zhou Xiaochun to frame Luoxue.

She didn't even know that Zhou Xiaoyu, an idiot, was being used by her.

The contraceptive pill that Luoxue took was the one who gave it.

Zhou Xiaoxi easily found out the ward where Luoxue was, and sneaked there.

In the ward.

Luo Xue and Lin Ya were chatting.

Luo Xue said: "Secretary Lin, I heard that the doctor is your friend, can you ask me again if she made a mistake? I haven't taken that medicine for almost two months, why is there that medicine in my blood? The ingredients of the medicine?"

"Young Mistress, my friend is an authoritative doctor in the medical field, so he should be right."

"How could this happen?" Luo Xue was puzzled.

Knowing that it would be useless to ask more questions, Luo Xue didn't ask any more.

Lin Ya helped her to go to the bathroom to change sanitary napkins, this time the amount was very large, and she used sanitary napkins for maternity and infant use.

Zhou Xiaoxi stood outside the door for a while.

Hearing their conversation, the corners of his lips twitched slightly.

He asked sullenly in his heart: Luoxue, you bumpkin, it's best if you never give birth to a child in your life!

Then, she suppressed the viciousness in her eyes, stepped on her high heels, and walked away with her butt twisting.

She was very proud.

Everything is under her control.

Luoxue sat on the bed sullenly, looking down at the cell phone that had been silent for a while, in a daze.

She was sick, not only did he not accompany her, but he didn't even make a phone call.

The sixth sense told her.

He is angry!

Did he find the birth control pills she kept in the drawer?

She couldn't figure it out, where did the contraceptives in her body come from?

After Zhou Xiaoxi got into his car, he made a phone call with a sneer.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"It's me, Xiaoxi."

"Oh? Tell me! What do you want from me?"

In the resplendent VIP box.

Bo Shaolan was still drinking, and no one could persuade him. He wanted to anesthetize himself with alcohol, so that he could temporarily forget about those messy troubles.

She said she was not taking birth control pills.

A ray of hope suddenly lit up in his heart. He hoped that it was a misdiagnosis more than she did.

He comforted himself: Bo Shaolan, don't you know her temper?Why insist that she lied to you!Trust what I said before.

But he did find evidence that she lied to him.

He also wanted to believe her, but he just couldn't convince himself.

Seeing that he had been drinking heavily, Yao Yang was afraid that he would drink something wrong again, so he persuaded him: "Second brother, don't drink any more. If you drink strong alcohol like this, you will treat the wine as water."

Yin Chengfeng was playing boxing games with Lan Han, and said: "He, he is so inseparable that he is hurt by love. It seems that this love saint is not good. I would rather indulge my life from now on than be a love saint. It is too painful. For the sake of the second sister-in-law, this second elder brother would drink away his worries at every turn, if this continues, sooner or later he will lose his life."

(End of this chapter)

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