Chapter 185
She hid in his arms like an ostrich. Fortunately, Mama Li was sensible and went back to her room as soon as she finished her work.

Otherwise, she really wanted to dig a hole in the ground to hide.

Bo Shaolan hugged Luoxue, who knew that he just hugged her and there was no movement.

Luo Xue didn't know what kind of trick he wanted to play?
When he returned to the room, he didn't have anything to say.

She raised her head and found that he was resting with his eyes closed, his body was tense, as if he was suppressing some prehistoric power.

Luo Xue was discharged from the hospital just now, her body was in a weak state, he was worried that she would not be able to bear it.

Luoxue moved his chest with her fingertips and asked, "Are you alright?"

Bo Shaolan told her not to move, and said hoarsely, "Shh, don't move, don't talk, let me be quiet..."

Luo Xue was inexplicable, but she lay obediently in his arms.

Listening to Bo Shaolan's heartbeat, she found that it was beating abnormally fast, and she was even more puzzled.

I thought he was uncomfortable, so I didn't dare to ask more.

After lying down for a long time, no one spoke, and it was too early to go to bed at this point, so I couldn't help but move my body.

Luoxue raised her head again, fluttered her big bright eyes, and asked him, "Are you okay?"

"What do you think?"

Bo Shaolan snorted.

Get up and go straight to the bathroom.

Luoxue laughed uncontrollably.

Bo Shaolan glared at her, "You still dare to laugh?"

He was getting angry from embarrassment.

Bo Shaolan rushed towards her suddenly, "Luoxue, it seems that you deserve a beating. I'm thinking of you. I just got out of the hospital. I'm afraid you won't be able to take it anymore. You still dare to make fun of me. When you fully recover, I want you to beg me for mercy." Otherwise, I will forget your last name."

"Hehe, husband, I know I was wrong, let me go..." Luoxue still couldn't stop laughing, she was still giggling non-stop.

"Hmph! I will remember this account first, and you will know your mistake later!" Bo Shaolan threatened her.

Luoxue raised her hands in surrender. "Now I know I was wrong."

The next day.

When Luoxue woke up, it was already chilly around her. She picked up her phone to check WeChat, and saw the WeChat message he had sent.

"Honey, I'm going to inspect the construction site. You stay in the villa obediently, eat well, and try not to go out."

Luoxue smiled knowingly.

He treated her like a child.

She put down her phone and lay down in bed for a while.

His look of embarrassment turned into anger appeared in her mind again, and she laughed again.

Huh?Originally, she was looking for him to settle the score, but he threw a question over.

Going around, she forgot her own question.

No!No!She wants justice!

Luoxue and Bo Shaolan lived a fairy-like life in Hangzhou.

Some people gritted their teeth with hatred.

I can't wait to tear Luoxue's body into thousands of pieces.

After Bo Fangqing was transferred to the business department, she was very busy. She came back from a business trip this day.

Seeing Mrs. Bo and Fang Haihua discussing things, it seemed that the word wedding was mentioned.

Her heart skipped a beat and she immediately walked towards them. "Grandma, Mom."

The old lady Bo nodded, and said to her: "If you are tired, go upstairs and rest for a while, and I will ask the servant to call you when it is time to eat."

Although Bo Fangqing was exposed by the old lady Bo, the old lady Bo did not make things difficult for her and treated her the same.

But Bo Fangqing's heart is always hanging, always feeling that this old lady Bo will not let her have a good time.

She was even more cautious.

"I'm not tired." Bo Fangqing sat down beside them.

Fang Haihua said: "Fang Qing, you came at a good time. I am helping you choose a wedding dress for your sister-in-law. Your grandma and I have chosen it. I always feel that it does not match your sister-in-law's temperament. It may be because of different visions. You and your sister-in-law are about the same age. , come and help her pick and choose."

Bo Fangqing suddenly understood.

Hands are shaking.

What she was most worried about still happened.

She looked at the dazzling wedding dress styles on the wedding dress booklet.

"Mom, are elder brother and elder sister-in-law getting married?"

Fang Haihua nodded. "Yes. It's been a year since they got the certificate. They haven't held a wedding yet, so they should. No, your elder brother called back and asked us to take care of it. He also said to keep it secret and give your sister-in-law a surprise."

Bo Fangqing's face suddenly lost all color, his lips were trembling, and he said incoherently: "Oh, that's great, congratulations, big brother and sister-in-law..."

The old lady Bo calmly drank her health-preserving tea, completely ignoring Bo Fangqing's strangeness, but told her: "Fang Qing, you help your elder brother too, he attaches great importance to this wedding, and he wants to give your sister-in-law a special gift." Surprise, you are his younger sister, and your eldest brother is married, so you should of course also do your part to make your mother more relaxed."

The old lady Bo's eyes were stern, and she didn't allow her to refuse in the slightest.

Full warning.

It seems to be telling her to do your sister's duty!
Bo Fangqing naturally understood, how dare she make a fuss in front of Mrs. Bo, suppressed her strangeness, and said respectfully, "Grandma, I understand."

"Come on, Fang Qing, tell me quickly, which style do you think is suitable for your sister-in-law?" Fang Haihua urged her.

Bo Fangqing seems to be looking at the wedding dress seriously, but in fact she is restraining herself, and the smile on her face is also fake.

She gave a lot of pertinent advice.

Because there is a pair of sharp eyes staring at her.

She has nowhere to go.

Who knew that she was going crazy with jealousy, and her hatred was beating against her heart like a huge wave.

She was suffocating in pain.

But she still had to hold back.

How much she longed to choose a wedding dress for herself at this moment, not for that person.

Why does the eldest brother like that troublemaker?
How could she be inferior to Luoxue?
Bo Fangqing is really not reconciled.

After she and Fang Haihua carefully selected a few sets, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Said that she was a little unwell and wanted to go back to her room to rest for a while.

As soon as she entered the room, the smile on her face suddenly collapsed.

Then, big tears flowed down continuously.

Bo Fangqing is a very strong person.

Before the age of 11, she was an orphan with no father or mother. In order to survive, she suffered a lot. In order to get ahead, she worked hard, and other children could not compete with her.

Hungry, cold, sleeping on the street, being insulted, she never shed a single tear.

She knows that this world does not belong to the weak.

If you want to survive, you have to squeeze out those who are not good for you.

For the first time since she was adopted by the Bo family, she was cared for and cared for.

That person is Bo Shaolan.

She fell in love with him at first sight.

She loves him so much, it starts from the moment he protects her.

She was full of him.

Her diary is full of him.

She imagined that one day she could be his bride and live with him for the rest of her life.

However, he was snatched away by a woman named Luoxue.

Bo Fangqing slid slowly on the ground, crying with his head in his arms.

Do you want to watch your eldest brother marry that woman?
No, she will not give up!
As long as they don't have a wedding day, she doesn't want to give up any glimmer of hope.

Even if he doesn't love her, she is willing to stay by his side.

As long as she got his person, she was already satisfied.

Even if it's moths jumping at others for him, he will not hesitate.

After Luo Xue was beaten that day, although the swelling subsided, but bruises remained, and she had to apply medicine every day.

Her skin was originally fair and tender, but the bruises left on her face made her dare not go out.

Every night, Bo Shaolan would cook two eggs and loosen the silt for her.

In the evening, Bo Shaolan would cancel all the entertainment and spend time with Luoxue wholeheartedly.

He watched soap operas with her, and he was so bored to death, but he still watched with her very patiently, hugged her in his arms, handed her tissues from time to time, and let her cry enough.

After she finished crying, he would say: "I don't know what's so good, the male lead in it isn't as handsome as me?"

Time passed quietly.


It is their favorite way of life.

Brother Long held a banquet and invited the couple to attend together.

Hangzhou is the hometown of Jiangnan, with pleasant weather and lots of rain.

That night, when attending the banquet, Luoxue didn't deliberately dress up, she was dressed as usual, simple.

When she and Bo Shaolan appeared in front of everyone, others couldn't associate her with the wealthy wife at all. She didn't wear gold or silver, and looked very low-key.

Not to mention no makeup, with a clean little face and an elegant smile on his face, gentle and charming, like a fresh and refined white lily flower, more like a white lotus flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained.

As soon as she appeared, not only did she arouse everyone's attention, but at the same time, Yan Ye, the eldest son of the Yan family in Hangzhou, was stunned.

The well-known son-in-law in Yanye Hangcheng, has countless scandals, eats, drinks, and has fun, has everything, and looks suave and suave.

In Hangcheng, people like Mr. Yan are unknown to everyone.

I don't know how much I have messed with Mr. Yan, and being the only son of the Yan family, he always wanted to train him to be the successor of the Yan family, but he ran away again and again.

Yan Ye's gaze has been following Luo Xue, and he has no intention of dealing with other beauties anymore.

He stared at Luoxue without blinking.

(End of this chapter)

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