Chapter 187 Jealousy Storm
She walked out of the door of the living room and came to the garden. The garden was decorated with lights and festoons, so beautiful.

Moreover, the fragrance of flowers is overwhelming, and the evening breeze is blowing, so pleasant.

Luo Xue saw that there were all kinds of flowers and plants in the garden, and the evening primrose was in full bloom.

She couldn't help but walked over to have a look.

The garden was quiet, with insects chirping.

Before she came to Ye Laixiang, suddenly, a furry thing jumped out, frightened her, her face paled, and she backed away again and again.

Hitting a man at the same time.

He also reached out to support her.

Luoxue reflexively wanted to push the man away, but the man held on tightly.

Her heart skipped a beat.

And that man made her feel dangerous.

She turned to look.

It's Yan Ye.

"Let go!" Luoxue frowned, and said displeasedly, this man has been grabbing her waist, obviously he just wanted to eat her tofu.

But Yan Ye just didn't let her go, and looked at her disdainfully.

Seeing her struggling in his arms, the smile grew stronger.

He has always held hands with women, as long as he gives a slight hint, women will take the initiative to throw themselves into his arms.

Only Luoxue dared to show him face.

"Don't move around." Yan Ye said in a low voice, "Otherwise I will kiss you."

He was teasing her on purpose.

Luoxue didn't dare to move for an instant.

Yan Ye thought she was very funny.

"Well, be good." Yan Ye teased, let go of her, Luoxue immediately moved away from him, looked at him vigilantly, seeing him like a beast.

She had just run two steps, and when her foot turned, the pain caused tears to keep rolling in her eyes.

Yan Ye wanted to go over to help her.

Luo Xue wrinkled her face and shouted: "If you come here again, I will call for help."

This man is too dangerous.

She had to guard against it.

Yan Ye really stood still. After all, Mr. Yan pursued a woman, and he had never tried to be rejected. If word spread...

He ruffled: "Give me your WeChat ID, and I'll leave."

Luo Xue said coldly: "Young Master Yan, I'm already married."

"WeChat ID?" Yan Ye fought her to the end.

"Sorry, I can't give it to you." Luo Xue spoke righteously.

Yan Ye was very patient. "If you don't give it to me, I will find a way to get it."

There was a flash of inevitability in his eyes.

Luo Xue was so angry, she had never seen such a rascal before?He had met her husband before, and he even pestered her facelessly.

If he had been more polite, she would not have shown him such a face.

But he was so rude.

At first glance, he looked like a rich man who was spoiled by his family.

She didn't want to get entangled with him any longer, if someone saw her, she would fall into the Yellow River and she wouldn't be able to clean it up.

Moreover, Bo Shaolan is jealous, seeing her with other men, he will definitely be unhappy.

Yan Ye kept staring at her face, the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

It was as if she had never seen a beautiful woman before.

"Young Master Yan, I will be very anxious if my husband can't find me."

"You don't need to give me your WeChat account, but you can also tell me your name."

"Luoxue." Luoxue's patience was exhausted.

She doesn't like the young man in front of her, he is not a good person at first glance, and it is really abominable to pester her.

Yan Ye was muttering words. "Luoxue, a person lives up to his name."

Although he is a prodigal son, he has read so many books and is still a little educated, so he casually speaks an idiom.

Otherwise, how could he keep the size of Mr. Yan?
Luo Xue said: "Young Master Yan, can I go?"

She sneaked out of the garden, didn't God create an opportunity for him?
How can you miss this golden opportunity?
"It's okay not to give the WeChat ID, but at least give me a mobile phone number."

Luoxue looked at him angrily, this man was too much, endless.

Yan Ye had a thick skin and planned to die, but seeing how angry she was, he couldn't bear it, so he turned sideways and had no choice but to let her go.

"Miss Luo, goodbye."

Luoxue ran away, and whoever wanted to see him again had better never see him again.

Seeing that she was about to disappear around the corner, Yan Ye suddenly stopped her again. "Luoxue—"

Luoxue paused, looked around, and was very dissatisfied with what this playboy was howling.

Yan Ye stepped forward quickly, stared into her eyes, and confessed: "I fell in love with you at first sight."

If this scene were changed to Zhou Xiaoyu, he would definitely laugh out loud and ask him, what the hell is love at first sight? Do you think she is an ignorant girl?
Ke Luoxue was startled.

She believed in love at first sight, because Bo Shaolan had told her that it was love at first sight too.

After looking at him quietly for a few seconds, she slowly said: "I'm already married, and my husband and I are so affectionate, you should give up your heart."

Yan Ye was rejected so bluntly.

He was still devastated.

After all, it was the first time he confessed his love to a girl.

was rejected so thoroughly.

After Luo Xue finished speaking, she quickly ran away.

"I will definitely find out your mobile phone number." Yan Ye called out to her back.

Yan Ye, narrowing his eyes
She, he is going to decide.

So what if the famous flower has a master?He picked it right.

Luoxue fled from the garden back to the living room, ignoring the pain in her feet, just in time to see Bo Shaolan coming down from upstairs after talking about business, surrounded by several partners.

Her heart inexplicably settled down.

Only by staying by Bo Shaolan's side can she feel more secure.

When Bo Shaolan saw her, he walked towards her quickly, he had already seen her panic.

Ignoring others, he held her shoulders and asked nervously, "Where did you go just now? What happened to your feet?"

"Maybe it's because the high heels are too high, they're too high." Luoxue made an excuse.

He didn't want Bo Shaolan to worry about her.

The less trouble, the better.

She understood Bo Shaolan's temperament, if he knew that Yan Ye had seen her in the garden just now, he would definitely find Yan Ye to settle the score.

"Does it still hurt?" Bo Shaolan immediately squatted down to check her feet.

He didn't care about the surprised eyes of others.

"It's okay." Luo Xue was shy.

She didn't want her man to be said to be a strict wife.

Bo Shaolan repeatedly confirmed that her face was normal before she stood up, but in fact, she just touched her slightly, which was fine.

"Mr. Bo, you are so kind to your wife. She is really a benchmark for us to learn from." Brother Long flattered again at the right time.

Bo Shaolan smiled lightly. "If a man treats his own wife badly, how can he treat others well?"

He never said much, but he got to the point.

Brother Long immediately nodded in agreement.

Now Bo Shaolan's biggest benefactor, everything he says is right.

Luo Xue couldn't help but smile slightly.

I thought to myself, it's no wonder that his husband is able to control a large group at such a young age, and manage it well, as expected, character is very important.

Brother Long patted a few more words of flattery, and walked away tactfully.

Bo Shaolan supported Luoxue and walked towards the rest area, when he looked up, he saw Yan Ye walking in from the outside.

He immediately thought of Luo Xue's panic just now, and his face turned cold.

At the same time, Yan Ye threw him a provocative smile.

Luoxue's heart skipped a beat.

That Yan Ye deliberately provoked Bo Shaolan.

She hesitated to speak, not knowing where to start to explain.

But if you explain it, doesn't it get darker and darker?Are you going to fall into Yan Ye's way?

Bo Shaolan looked down at her, his eyes filled with displeasure.

He bent over her ear, seemingly whispering intimately, but he questioned her. "Did you do something bad again just now?"

bad thing?

In Luoxue's heart, that was called injustice, but she didn't.

Bo Shaolan put away all the unhappiness very quickly, this is the nature of a man, how could he easily admit defeat in front of his rival in love?

He glanced at Yan Ye lightly.

It seems to ignore it at all.

The greatest revenge for a rival in love is contempt.

He knew that no matter where his wife went, there would always be rotten peach blossoms following her.

It's always overwhelming.

However, after so many years, he always believed that this little woman was his.

Her heart is also his.

But he is still upset, his woman is being stared at openly, isn't this ignoring his existence?
She can't be blamed for this, it would be unfair to her if you spread all your temper on her.

He just couldn't see other men sending out signs of affection for her.

At this time, Yan Ye raised a smile that was bound to win.

Bo Shaolan couldn't help but find it funny.

He had never seen such a thick-skinned person.

court death!

The two men were silently competing, and silence was better than sound.

The same fight was quite fierce.

Luoxue didn't dare to run around anymore, and followed Bo Shaolan all the time, never leaving her, as if she had done something wrong.

But she could still feel that Yan Ye's eyes followed her all the time.

She turned a blind eye.

Just ignore it.

She doesn't want to make any more troubles.

Normally, Yan Ye likes to get into the crowd of beauties the most, displaying his infinite charm.

He also showed impatience when a beautiful woman approached him.

He was forced to come here by Mr. Yan, he hates socializing the most.

His biggest gain here was the discovery of Luoxue.

This woman he fell in love with at first sight.

He sat in the corner, drinking one cup after another, watching Luoxue's every frown and smile.

Like admiring a treasure.

Seeing this scene, Mo Zichen felt that he probably hadn't been beaten before.

But he felt that after tonight, Yan Ye would soon forget about Luo Xue and start looking for a new target.

But what I didn't expect was.

Yan Ye is serious.

After the banquet was over, Yan Ye borrowed his cell phone from Mo Ziran to make a call, and Mo Ziran looked at him like a monster.

Yan Ye shrugged, "My phone is with her."

Mo Ziran didn't react for a long time. "You're so fast."

"I put it in her bag secretly." Yan Ye laughed.

Ran Zimo suddenly felt that the three views were ruined.

I feel that Yan Ye is hopeless.

It seems that he doesn't know how to look back until he hits the south wall.

After finally waiting for the banquet to end, Luoxue felt that her feet were about to break off. She endured her wavy feet and accompanied Bao Shaolan to the end without daring to say a word.

Brother Long enthusiastically arranged a driver for them, Bao Shaolan kept his face tense, while Luo Xue sat quietly.

She knew that Bo Shaolan was angry.

Feeling annoyed in my heart, I leaned against him like a poor kitten.

Every time Bo Shaolan gets jealous, she must be the one who suffers.

(End of this chapter)

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